962 resultados para Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)


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A series of meso-phenyloctamethylporphyrins covalently bonded at the 4'phenyl position to quinones via rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octane spacers were synthesized for the study of the dependence of electron transfer reaction rate on solvent, distance, temperature, and energy gap. A general and convergent synthesis was developed based on the condensation of ac-biladienes with masked quinonespacer-benzaldehydes. From picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy emission lifetimes were measured in seven solvents of varying polarity. Rate constants were determined to vary from 5.0x109sec-1 in N,N-dimethylformamide to 1.15x1010 Sec-1 in benzene, and were observed to rise at most by about a factor of three with decreasing solvent polarity. Experiments at low temperature in 2-MTHF glass (77K) revealed fast, nearly temperature-independent electron transfer characterized by non-exponential fluorescence decays, in contrast to monophasic behavior in fluid solution at 298K. This example evidently represents the first photosynthetic model system not based on proteins to display nearly temperature-independent electron transfer at high temperatures (nuclear tunneling). Low temperatures appear to freeze out the rotational motion of the chromophores, and the observed nonexponential fluorescence decays may be explained as a result of electron transfer from an ensemble of rotational conformations. The nonexponentiality demonstrates the sensitivity of the electron transfer rate to the precise magnitude of the electronic matrix element, which supports the expectation that electron transfer is nonadiabatic in this system. The addition of a second bicyclooctane moiety (15 Å vs. 18 Å edge-to-edge between porphyrin and quinone) reduces the transfer rate by at least a factor of 500-1500. Porphyrinquinones with variously substituted quinones allowed an examination of the dependence of the electron transfer rate constant κET on reaction driving force. The classical trend of increasing rate versus increasing exothermicity occurs from 0.7 eV≤ |ΔG0'(R)| ≤ 1.0 eV until a maximum is reached (κET = 3 x 108 sec-1 rising to 1.15 x 1010 sec-1 in acetonitrile). The rate remains insensitive to ΔG0 for ~ 300 mV from 1.0 eV≤ |ΔG0’(R)| ≤ 1.3 eV, and then slightly decreases in the most exothermic case studied (cyanoquinone, κET = 5 x 109 sec-1).


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When noises considerations are made, nonredundant arrays (NRAs) are endowed with many advantages which other arrays e.g., uniformly redundant arrays (URAs) do not possess in applications of coded aperture imaging. However, lower aperture opening ratio limits the applications of NRA in practice. In this paper, we present a computer searching method based on a global optimization algorithm named DIRECT to design NRAs. Compared with the existing NRAs e.g., Golay's NRAs, which are well known and widely used in various applications, NRAs found by our method have higher aperture opening ratio and auto correlation compression ratio. These advantages make our aperture arrays be very useful for practical applications especially for which of aperture size are limited. Here, we also present some aperture arrays we found. These aperture arrays have an interesting property that they belong to both NRA and URA. (C) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Several new ligand platforms designed to support iron dinitrogen chemistry have been developed. First, we report Fe complexes of a tris(phosphino)alkyl (CPiPr3) ligand featuring an axial carbon donor intended to conceptually model the interstitial carbide atom of the nitrogenase iron-molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco). It is established that in this scaffold, the iron center binds dinitrogen trans to the Calkyl anchor in three structurally characterized oxidation states. Fe-Calkyl lengthening is observed upon reduction, reflective of significant ionic character in the Fe-Calkyl interaction. The anionic (CPiPr3)FeN2- species can be functionalized by a silyl electrophile to generate (CPiPr3)Fe-N2SiR3. This species also functions as a modest catalyst for the reduction of N2 to NH3. Next, we introduce a new binucleating ligand scaffold that supports an Fe(μ-SAr)Fe diiron subunit that coordinates dinitrogen (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) across at least three oxidation states (FeIIFeII, FeIIFeI, and FeIFeI). Despite the sulfur-rich coordination environment of iron in FeMoco, synthetic examples of transition metal model complexes that bind N2 and also feature sulfur donor ligands remain scarce; these complexes thus represent an unusual series of low-valent diiron complexes featuring thiolate and dinitrogen ligands. The (N2-Fe(μ-SAr)Fe-N2) system undergoes reduction of the bound N2 to produce NH3 (~50% yield) and can efficiently catalyze the disproportionation of N2H4 to NH3 and N2. The present scaffold also supports dinitrogen binding concomitant with hydride as a co-ligand. Next, inspired by the importance of secondary-sphere interactions in many metalloenzymes, we present complexes of iron in two new ligand scaffolds ([SiPNMe3] and [SiPiPr2PNMe]) that incorporate hydrogen-bond acceptors (tertiary amines) which engage in interactions with nitrogenous substrates bound to the iron center (NH3 and N2H4). Cation binding is also facilitated in anionic Fe(0)-N2 complexes. While Fe-N2 complexes of a related ligand ([SiPiPr3]) lacking hydrogen-bond acceptors produce a substantial amount of ammonia when treated with acid and reductant, the presence of the pendant amines instead facilitates the formation of metal hydride species.

Additionally, we present the development and mechanistic study of copper-mediated and copper-catalyzed photoinduced C-N bond forming reactions. Irradiation of a copper-amido complex, ((m-tol)3P)2Cu(carbazolide), in the presence of aryl halides furnishes N-phenylcarbazole under mild conditions. The mechanism likely proceeds via single-electron transfer from an excited state of the copper complex to the aryl halide, generating an aryl radical. An array of experimental data are consistent with a radical intermediate, including a cyclization/stereochemical investigation and a reactivity study, providing the first substantial experimental support for the viability of a radical pathway for Ullmann C-N bond formation. The copper complex can also be used as a precatalyst for Ullmann C-N couplings. We also disclose further study of catalytic Calkyl-N couplings using a CuI precatalyst, and discuss the likely role of [Cu(carbazolide)2]- and [Cu(carbazolide)3]- species as intermediates in these reactions.

Finally, we report a series of four-coordinate, pseudotetrahedral P3FeII-X complexes supported by tris(phosphine)borate ([PhBP3FeR]-) and phosphiniminato X-type ligands (-N=PR'3) that in combination tune the spin-crossover behavior of the system. Low-coordinate transition metal complexes such as these that undergo reversible spin-crossover remain rare, and the spin equilibria of these systems have been studied in detail by a suite of spectroscopic techniques.


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Accurate, analytical series expressions for the far-field diffraction of it Gaussian beam normally incident on a circular and central obscured aperture are derived with the help of the integration of parts method. With this expression, the far-field intensity distribution pattern can be obtained and the divergence angle is deduced too. Using the first five items of the series, the accuracy can satisfy most laser application fields. Compared with the conventional numerical integral method, the series representation is very convenient for understanding the physical meanings. (C) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Based on the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral and Fourier transform, propagation expression of a chirped Gaussian pulse passing through a hard-edged aperture is derived. Intensity distributions of the pulse with different frequency chirp in the near-field and far-field are analyzed in detail by numerical calculations. In the near-field, amplitudes of the intensity peaks generated by the modulation of the hard-edged aperture decrease with increasing the frequency chirp, which results in the improving of the beam uniformity. A physical explanation for the smoothing effect brought by increasing the frequency chirp is given. The smoothing effect is achieved not only in the pulse with Gaussian transverse profile but also in the pulse with Hermite-Gaussian transverse profile when the frequency chirp increases. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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By means of the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral, the field representation of a laser beam modulated by a hard-edged aperture is derived. The near-field and far-field transverse intensity distributions of the beams with different bandwidths are analyzed by using the representation. The numerical calculation results indicate that the amplitudes and numbers of the intensity spikes decrease with increasing bandwidth, and beam smoothing is achieved when the bandwidth takes a certain value in the near field. In the far field, the radius of the transverse intensity distribution decreases as the bandwidth increases, and the physical explanation of this fact is also given. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We introduce a four-pass laser pulse compressor design based on two grating apertures with two gratings per aperture that is tolerant to some alignment errors and, importantly, to grating-to-grating period variations. Each half-beam samples each grating in a diamond-shaped compressor that is symmetric about a central bisecting plane. For any given grating, the two half-beams impinge on opposite sides of its surface normal. It is shown that the two split beams have no pointing difference from paired gratings with different periods. Furthermore, no phase shift between half-beams is incurred as long as the planes containing a grating line and the surface normal for each grating of the pair are parallel. For grating pairs satisfying this condition, gratings surfaces need not be on the same plane, as changes in the gap between the two can compensate to bring the beams back in phase. © 2008 Optical Society of America.


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Power Point presentado en The Energy and Materials Research Conference - EMR2015 celebrado en Madrid (España) entre el 25-27 de febrero de 2015


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Locate full-text(opens in a new window)|View at Publisher| Export | Download | More... Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Volume 8, Issue 5, 27 May 2015, Pages 2183-2193 Estimating reflectivity values from wind turbines for analyzing the potential impact on weather radar services (Article) Angulo, I.a, Grande, O.a, Jenn, D.b, Guerra, D.a, De La Vega, D.a a University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain b Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, United States View references (28) Abstract The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has repeatedly expressed concern over the increasing number of impact cases of wind turbine farms on weather radars. Current signal processing techniques to mitigate wind turbine clutter (WTC) are scarce, so the most practical approach to this issue is the assessment of the potential interference from a wind farm before it is installed. To do so, and in order to obtain a WTC reflectivity model, it is crucial to estimate the radar cross section (RCS) of the wind turbines to be built, which represents the power percentage of the radar signal that is backscattered to the radar receiver.

For the proposed model, a representative scenario has been chosen in which both the weather radar and the wind farm are placed on clear areas; i.e., wind turbines are supposed to be illuminated only by the lowest elevation angles of the radar beam.

This paper first characterizes the RCS of wind turbines in the weather radar frequency bands by means of computer simulations based on the physical optics theory and then proposes a simplified model to estimate wind turbine RCS values. This model is of great help in the evaluation of the potential impact of a certain wind farm on the weather radar operation.


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Esta pesquisa investigou a formação de depósitos arenosos localizados na planície costeira da Baixada de Sepetiba, em Itaguaí, estado do Rio de Janeiro. A deposição sedimentar e a evolução desta área, na Baixada de Sepetiba tem sido estudada nas três últimas décadas, principalmente, porque é um ambiente de depósitos arenosos antigo de idade Holocênica a Pleistocênica que corresponde a uma linha de praia, originada com eventos transgressivos e/ou regressivos que tiveram seu ápice durante o Quaternário. A metodologia de Radar de Penetração no Solo (GPR) é usada, principalmente nos casos de trabalho em que se estuda um ambiente costeiro arenoso. Este campo da Geofísica tem sido usado para examinar características, tais como: a espessura de depósitos arenosos, a profundidade de um aqüífero, a detecção de uma rocha ou um aqüífero, e determina a direção de progradação. Esta pesquisa usa técnicas de radar de penetração no solo (GPR) para analisar as estruturas, em subsuperfície desde que o ambiente estudado seja definido como linha de costa, as margens de uma lagoa mixohalina, chamada Baía de Sepetiba. Neste trabalho realizamos um total de 11 perfis, que foram processados pelo software ReflexWin. Durante o processamento do dado aplicamos alguns filtros, tais como: subtract-mean (dewow), bandpassfrequency e ganhos. E as melhores imagens dos perfis foram realizadas usando-se uma antena de 200 MHz (canal 1) e outra antena de 80 MHz. Neste caso, obtivemos imagens de alta resolução a uma profundidade de até 25 metros.


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To investigate the possibility that oil and gas platforms may reduce recruitment of rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) to natural habitat, we simulated drift pathways termed “trajectories” in our model) from an existing oil platform to nearshore habitat using current measurements from high-frequency (HF) radars. The trajectories originated at Platform Irene, located west of Point Conception, California, during two recruiting seasons for bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis): May through August, 1999 and 2002. Given that pelagic juvenile bocaccio dwell near the surface, the trajectories estimate transport to habitat. We assumed that appropriate shallow water juvenile habitat exists inshore of the 50-m isobath. Results from 1999 indicated that 10% of the trajectories represent transport to habitat, whereas 76% represent transport across the offshore boundary. For 2002, 24% represent transport to habitat, and 69% represent transport across the offshore boundary. Remaining trajectories (14% and 7% for 1999 and 2002, respectively) exited the coverage area either northward or southward along isobaths. Deployments of actual drifters (with 1-m drogues) from a previous multiyear study provided measurements originating near Platform Irene from May through August. All but a few of the drifters moved offshore, as was also shown with the HF radar-derived trajectories. These results indicate that most juvenile bocaccio settling on the platform would otherwise have been transported offshore and perished in the absence of a platform. However, these results do not account for the swimming behavior of juvenile bocaccio, about which little is known.