989 resultados para Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction
The neutron capture (n,gamma) cross-section for 27-Co-58 theoretically presents a single resonance for 9 eV. However, after plotting the processed library, a discontinuity is made clear as the cross section plummets down to cero in a small range of energy where the peak of the resonance would be expected.
This work is aimed to present the main differences of nuclear data uncertainties among three different nuclear data libraries: EAF-2007, EAF-2010 and SCALE-6.0, under different neutron spectra: LWR, ADS and DEMO (fusion). To take into account the neutron spectrum, the uncertainty data are collapsed to onegroup. That is a simple way to see the differences among libraries for one application. Also, the neutron spectrum effect on different applications can be observed. These comparisons are presented only for (n,fission), (n,gamma) and (n,p) reactions, for the main transuranic isotopes (234,235,236,238U, 237Np, 238,239,240,241Pu, 241,242m,243Am, 242,243,244,245,246,247,248Cm, 249Bk, 249,250,251,252Cf). But also general comparisons among libraries are presented taking into account all included isotopes. In other works, target accuracies are presented for nuclear data uncertainties; here, these targets are compared with uncertainties on the above libraries. The main results of these comparisons are that EAF-2010 has reduced their uncertainties for many isotopes from EAF-2007 for (n,gamma) and (n,fission) but not for (n,p); SCALE-6.0 gives lower uncertainties for (n,fission) reactions for ADS and PWR applications, but gives higher uncertainties for (n,p) reactions in all applications. For the (n,gamma) reaction, the amount of isotopes which have higher uncertainties is quite similar to the amount of isotopes which have lower uncertainties when SCALE-6.0 and EAF-2010 are compared. When the effect of neutron spectra is analysed, the ADS neutron spectrum obtained the highest uncertainties for (n,gamma) and (n,fission) reactions of all libraries.
Un escenario habitualmente considerado para el uso sostenible y prolongado de la energía nuclear contempla un parque de reactores rápidos refrigerados por metales líquidos (LMFR) dedicados al reciclado de Pu y la transmutación de actínidos minoritarios (MA). Otra opción es combinar dichos reactores con algunos sistemas subcríticos asistidos por acelerador (ADS), exclusivamente destinados a la eliminación de MA. El diseño y licenciamiento de estos reactores innovadores requiere herramientas computacionales prácticas y precisas, que incorporen el conocimiento obtenido en la investigación experimental de nuevas configuraciones de reactores, materiales y sistemas. A pesar de que se han construido y operado un cierto número de reactores rápidos a nivel mundial, la experiencia operacional es todavía reducida y no todos los transitorios se han podido entender completamente. Por tanto, los análisis de seguridad de nuevos LMFR están basados fundamentalmente en métodos deterministas, al contrario que las aproximaciones modernas para reactores de agua ligera (LWR), que se benefician también de los métodos probabilistas. La aproximación más usada en los estudios de seguridad de LMFR es utilizar una variedad de códigos, desarrollados a base de distintas teorías, en busca de soluciones integrales para los transitorios e incluyendo incertidumbres. En este marco, los nuevos códigos para cálculos de mejor estimación ("best estimate") que no incluyen aproximaciones conservadoras, son de una importancia primordial para analizar estacionarios y transitorios en reactores rápidos. Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de un código acoplado para realizar análisis realistas en reactores rápidos críticos aplicando el método de Monte Carlo. Hoy en día, dado el mayor potencial de recursos computacionales, los códigos de transporte neutrónico por Monte Carlo se pueden usar de manera práctica para realizar cálculos detallados de núcleos completos, incluso de elevada heterogeneidad material. Además, los códigos de Monte Carlo se toman normalmente como referencia para los códigos deterministas de difusión en multigrupos en aplicaciones con reactores rápidos, porque usan secciones eficaces punto a punto, un modelo geométrico exacto y tienen en cuenta intrínsecamente la dependencia angular de flujo. En esta tesis se presenta una metodología de acoplamiento entre el conocido código MCNP, que calcula la generación de potencia en el reactor, y el código de termohidráulica de subcanal COBRA-IV, que obtiene las distribuciones de temperatura y densidad en el sistema. COBRA-IV es un código apropiado para aplicaciones en reactores rápidos ya que ha sido validado con resultados experimentales en haces de barras con sodio, incluyendo las correlaciones más apropiadas para metales líquidos. En una primera fase de la tesis, ambos códigos se han acoplado en estado estacionario utilizando un método iterativo con intercambio de archivos externos. El principal problema en el acoplamiento neutrónico y termohidráulico en estacionario con códigos de Monte Carlo es la manipulación de las secciones eficaces para tener en cuenta el ensanchamiento Doppler cuando la temperatura del combustible aumenta. Entre todas las opciones disponibles, en esta tesis se ha escogido la aproximación de pseudo materiales, y se ha comprobado que proporciona resultados aceptables en su aplicación con reactores rápidos. Por otro lado, los cambios geométricos originados por grandes gradientes de temperatura en el núcleo de reactores rápidos resultan importantes para la neutrónica como consecuencia del elevado recorrido libre medio del neutrón en estos sistemas. Por tanto, se ha desarrollado un módulo adicional que simula la geometría del reactor en caliente y permite estimar la reactividad debido a la expansión del núcleo en un transitorio. éste módulo calcula automáticamente la longitud del combustible, el radio de la vaina, la separación de los elementos de combustible y el radio de la placa soporte en función de la temperatura. éste efecto es muy relevante en transitorios sin inserción de bancos de parada. También relacionado con los cambios geométricos, se ha implementado una herramienta que, automatiza el movimiento de las barras de control en busca d la criticidad del reactor, o bien calcula el valor de inserción axial las barras de control. Una segunda fase en la plataforma de cálculo que se ha desarrollado es la simulació dinámica. Puesto que MCNP sólo realiza cálculos estacionarios para sistemas críticos o supercríticos, la solución más directa que se propone sin modificar el código fuente de MCNP es usar la aproximación de factorización de flujo, que resuelve por separado la forma del flujo y la amplitud. En este caso se han estudiado en profundidad dos aproximaciones: adiabática y quasiestática. El método adiabático usa un esquema de acoplamiento que alterna en el tiempo los cálculos neutrónicos y termohidráulicos. MCNP calcula el modo fundamental de la distribución de neutrones y la reactividad al final de cada paso de tiempo, y COBRA-IV calcula las propiedades térmicas en el punto intermedio de los pasos de tiempo. La evolución de la amplitud de flujo se calcula resolviendo las ecuaciones de cinética puntual. Este método calcula la reactividad estática en cada paso de tiempo que, en general, difiere de la reactividad dinámica que se obtendría con la distribución de flujo exacta y dependiente de tiempo. No obstante, para entornos no excesivamente alejados de la criticidad ambas reactividades son similares y el método conduce a resultados prácticos aceptables. Siguiendo esta línea, se ha desarrollado después un método mejorado para intentar tener en cuenta el efecto de la fuente de neutrones retardados en la evolución de la forma del flujo durante el transitorio. El esquema consiste en realizar un cálculo cuasiestacionario por cada paso de tiempo con MCNP. La simulación cuasiestacionaria se basa EN la aproximación de fuente constante de neutrones retardados, y consiste en dar un determinado peso o importancia a cada ciclo computacial del cálculo de criticidad con MCNP para la estimación del flujo final. Ambos métodos se han verificado tomando como referencia los resultados del código de difusión COBAYA3 frente a un ejercicio común y suficientemente significativo. Finalmente, con objeto de demostrar la posibilidad de uso práctico del código, se ha simulado un transitorio en el concepto de reactor crítico en fase de diseño MYRRHA/FASTEF, de 100 MW de potencia térmica y refrigerado por plomo-bismuto. ABSTRACT Long term sustainable nuclear energy scenarios envisage a fleet of Liquid Metal Fast Reactors (LMFR) for the Pu recycling and minor actinides (MAs) transmutation or combined with some accelerator driven systems (ADS) just for MAs elimination. Design and licensing of these innovative reactor concepts require accurate computational tools, implementing the knowledge obtained in experimental research for new reactor configurations, materials and associated systems. Although a number of fast reactor systems have already been built, the operational experience is still reduced, especially for lead reactors, and not all the transients are fully understood. The safety analysis approach for LMFR is therefore based only on deterministic methods, different from modern approach for Light Water Reactors (LWR) which also benefit from probabilistic methods. Usually, the approach adopted in LMFR safety assessments is to employ a variety of codes, somewhat different for the each other, to analyze transients looking for a comprehensive solution and including uncertainties. In this frame, new best estimate simulation codes are of prime importance in order to analyze fast reactors steady state and transients. This thesis is focused on the development of a coupled code system for best estimate analysis in fast critical reactor. Currently due to the increase in the computational resources, Monte Carlo methods for neutrons transport can be used for detailed full core calculations. Furthermore, Monte Carlo codes are usually taken as reference for deterministic diffusion multigroups codes in fast reactors applications because they employ point-wise cross sections in an exact geometry model and intrinsically account for directional dependence of the ux. The coupling methodology presented here uses MCNP to calculate the power deposition within the reactor. The subchannel code COBRA-IV calculates the temperature and density distribution within the reactor. COBRA-IV is suitable for fast reactors applications because it has been validated against experimental results in sodium rod bundles. The proper correlations for liquid metal applications have been added to the thermal-hydraulics program. Both codes are coupled at steady state using an iterative method and external files exchange. The main issue in the Monte Carlo/thermal-hydraulics steady state coupling is the cross section handling to take into account Doppler broadening when temperature rises. Among every available options, the pseudo materials approach has been chosen in this thesis. This approach obtains reasonable results in fast reactor applications. Furthermore, geometrical changes caused by large temperature gradients in the core, are of major importance in fast reactor due to the large neutron mean free path. An additional module has therefore been included in order to simulate the reactor geometry in hot state or to estimate the reactivity due to core expansion in a transient. The module automatically calculates the fuel length, cladding radius, fuel assembly pitch and diagrid radius with the temperature. This effect will be crucial in some unprotected transients. Also related to geometrical changes, an automatic control rod movement feature has been implemented in order to achieve a just critical reactor or to calculate control rod worth. A step forward in the coupling platform is the dynamic simulation. Since MCNP performs only steady state calculations for critical systems, the more straight forward option without modifying MCNP source code, is to use the flux factorization approach solving separately the flux shape and amplitude. In this thesis two options have been studied to tackle time dependent neutronic simulations using a Monte Carlo code: adiabatic and quasistatic methods. The adiabatic methods uses a staggered time coupling scheme for the time advance of neutronics and the thermal-hydraulics calculations. MCNP computes the fundamental mode of the neutron flux distribution and the reactivity at the end of each time step and COBRA-IV the thermal properties at half of the the time steps. To calculate the flux amplitude evolution a solver of the point kinetics equations is used. This method calculates the static reactivity in each time step that in general is different from the dynamic reactivity calculated with the exact flux distribution. Nevertheless, for close to critical situations, both reactivities are similar and the method leads to acceptable practical results. In this line, an improved method as an attempt to take into account the effect of delayed neutron source in the transient flux shape evolutions is developed. The scheme performs a quasistationary calculation per time step with MCNP. This quasistationary simulations is based con the constant delayed source approach, taking into account the importance of each criticality cycle in the final flux estimation. Both adiabatic and quasistatic methods have been verified against the diffusion code COBAYA3, using a theoretical kinetic exercise. Finally, a transient in a critical 100 MWth lead-bismuth-eutectic reactor concept is analyzed using the adiabatic method as an application example in a real system.
Acoplamiento del sistema informático de control de piso de producción (SFS) con el conjunto de equipos de fabricación (SPE) es una tarea compleja. Tal acoplamiento involucra estándares abiertos y propietarios, tecnologías de información y comunicación, entre otras herramientas y técnicas. Debido a la turbulencia de mercados, ya sea soluciones personalizadas o soluciones basadas en estándares eventualmente requieren un esfuerzo considerable de adaptación. El concepto de acoplamiento débil ha sido identificado en la comunidad de diseño organizacional como soporte para la sobrevivencia de la organización. Su presencia reduce la resistencia de la organización a cambios en el ambiente. En este artículo los resultados obtenidos por la comunidad de diseño organizacional son identificados, traducidos y organizados para apoyar en la solución del problema de integración SFS-SPE. Un modelo clásico de acoplamiento débil, desarrollado por la comunidad de estudios de diseño organizacional, es resumido y trasladado al área de interés. Los aspectos claves son identificados para utilizarse como promotores del acoplamiento débil entre SFS-SPE, y presentados en forma de esquema de referencia. Así mismo, este esquema de referencia es presentado como base para el diseño e implementación de una solución genérica de acoplamiento o marco de trabajo (framework) de acoplamiento, a incluir como etapa de acoplamiento débil entre SFS y SPE. Un ejemplo de validación con varios conjuntos de equipos de fabricación, usando diferentes medios físicos de comunicación, comandos de controlador, lenguajes de programación de equipos y protocolos de comunicación es presentado, mostrando un nivel aceptable de autonomía del SFS. = Coupling shop floor software system (SFS) with the set of production equipment (SPE) becomes a complex task. It involves open and proprietary standards, information and communication technologies among other tools and techniques. Due to market turbulence, either custom solutions or standards based solutions eventually require a considerable effort of adaptation. Loose coupling concept has been identified in the organizational design community as a compensator for organization survival. Its presence reduces organization reaction to environment changes. In this paper the results obtained by the organizational de sign community are identified, translated and organized to support the SFS-SPE integration problem solution. A classical loose coupling model developed by organizational studies community is abstracted and translated to the area of interest. Key aspects are identified to be used as promoters of SFS-SPE loose coupling and presented in a form of a reference scheme. Furthermore, this reference scheme is proposed here as a basis for the design and implementation of a generic coupling solution or coupling framework, that is included as a loose coupling stage between SFS and SPE. A validation example with various sets of manufacturing equipment, using different physical communication media, controller commands, programming languages and wire protocols is presented, showing an acceptable level of autonomy gained by the SFS.
The mechanism of proton transfer from the bulk into the membrane protein interior was studied. The light-induced reduction of a bound ubiquinone molecule QB by the photosynthetic reaction center is accompanied by proton trapping. We used kinetic spectroscopy to measure (i) the electron transfer to QB (at 450 nm), (ii) the electrogenic proton delivery from the surface to the QB site (by electrochromic carotenoid response at 524 nm), and (iii) the disappearance of protons from the bulk solution (by pH indicators). The electron transfer to QB− and the proton-related electrogenesis proceeded with the same time constant of ≈100 μs (at pH 6.2), whereas the alkalinization in the bulk was distinctly delayed (τ ≈ 400 μs). We investigated the latter reaction as a function of the pH indicator concentration, the added pH buffers, and the temperature. The results led us to the following conclusions: (i) proton transfer from the surface-located acidic groups into the QB site followed the reduction of QB without measurable delay; (ii) the reprotonation of these surface groups by pH indicators and hydronium ions was impeded, supposedly, because of their slow diffusion in the surface water layer; and (iii) as a result, the protons were slowly donated by neutral water to refill the proton vacancies at the surface. It is conceivable that the same mechanism accounts for the delayed relaxation of the surface pH changes into the bulk observed previously with bacteriorhodopsin membranes and thylakoids. Concerning the coupling between proton pumps in bioenergetic membranes, our results imply a tendency for the transient confinement of protons at the membrane surface.
Isolated subcomplexes of photosystem II from spinach (CP47RC), composed of D1, D2, cytochrome b559, CP47, and a number of hydrophobic small subunits but devoid of CP43 and the extrinsic proteins of the oxygen-evolving complex, were shown to reconstitute the Mn4Ca1Clx cluster of the water-splitting system and to evolve oxygen. The photoactivation process in CP47RC dimers proceeds by the same two-step mechanism as observed in PSII membranes and exhibits the same stoichiometry for Mn2+, but with a 10-fold lower affinity for Ca2+ and an increased susceptibility to photodamage. After the lower Ca2+ affinity and the 10-fold smaller absorption cross-section for photons in CP47 dimers is taken into account, the intrinsic rate constant for the rate-limiting calcium-dependent dark step is indistinguishable for the two systems. The monomeric form of CP47RC also showed capacity to photoactivate and catalyze water oxidation, but with lower activity than the dimeric form and increased susceptibility to photodamage. After optimization of the various parameters affecting the photoactivation process in dimeric CP47RC subcores, 18% of the complexes were functionally reconstituted and the quantum efficiency for oxygen production by reactivated centers approached 96% of that observed for reconstituted photosystem II-enriched membranes.
Many proteins contain reiterated glutamine residues, but polyglutamine of excessive length may result in human disease by conferring new properties on the protein containing it. One established property of a glutamine residue, depending on the nature of the flanking residues, is its ability to act as an amine acceptor in a transglutaminase-catalyzed reaction and to make a glutamyl–lysine cross-link with a neighboring polypeptide. To learn whether glutamine repeats can act as amine acceptors, we have made peptides with variable lengths of polyglutamine flanked by the adjacent amino acid residues in the proteins associated with spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1), Machado–Joseph disease (SCA3), or dentato-rubral pallido-luysian atrophy (DRPLA) or those residues adjacent to the preferred cross-linking site of involucrin, or solely by arginine residues. The polyglutamine was found to confer excellent substrate properties on any soluble peptide; under optimal conditions, virtually all the glutamine residues acted as amine acceptors in the reaction with glycine ethyl-ester, and lengthening the sequence of polyglutamine increased the reactivity of each glutamine residue. In the presence of transglutaminase, peptides containing polyglutamine formed insoluble aggregates with the proteins of brain extracts and these aggregates contained glutamyl–lysine cross-links. Repeated glutamine residues exposed on the surface of a neuronal protein should form cross-linked aggregates in the presence of any transglutaminase activated by the presence of Ca2+.
We studied the electronically excited state of the isolated reaction center of photosystem II with high-resolution fluorescence spectroscopy at 5 K and compared the obtained spectral features with those obtained earlier for the primary electron donor. The results show that there is a striking resemblance between the emitting and charge-separating states in the photosystem II reaction center, such as a very similar shape of the phonon wing with characteristic features at 19 and 80 cm−1, almost identical frequencies of a number of vibrational modes, a very similar double-Gaussian shape of the inhomogeneous distribution function, and relatively strong electron-phonon coupling for both states. We suggest that the emission at 5 K originates either from an exciton state delocalized over the inactive branch of the photosystem or from a fraction of the primary electron donor that is long-lived at 5 K. The latter possibility can be explained by a distribution of the free energy difference of the primary charge separation reaction around zero. Both possibilities are in line with the idea that the state that drives primary charge separation in the reaction center of photosystem II is a collective state, with contributions from all chlorophyll molecules in the central part of the complex.
The primary electron donor in bacterial reaction centers is a dimer of bacteriochlorophyll a molecules, labeled L or M based on their proximity to the symmetry-related protein subunits. The electronic structure of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer was probed by introducing small systematic variations in the bacteriochlorophyll–protein interactions by a series of site-directed mutations that replaced residue Leu M160 with histidine, tyrosine, glutamic acid, glutamine, aspartic acid, asparagine, lysine, and serine. The midpoint potentials for oxidation of the dimer in the mutants showed an almost continuous increase up to ≈60 mV compared with wild type. The spin density distribution of the unpaired electron in the cation radical state of the dimer was determined by electron–nuclear–nuclear triple resonance spectroscopy in solution. The ratio of the spin density on the L side of the dimer to the M side varied from ≈2:1 to ≈5:1 in the mutants compared with ≈2:1 for wild type. The correlation between the midpoint potential and spin density distribution was described using a simple molecular orbital model, in which the major effect of the mutations is assumed to be a change in the energy of the M half of the dimer, providing estimates for the coupling and energy levels of the orbitals in the dimer. These results demonstrate that the midpoint potential can be fine-tuned by electrostatic interactions with amino acids near the dimer and show that the properties of the electronic structure of a donor or acceptor in a protein complex can be directly related to functional properties such as the oxidation–reduction midpoint potential.
Bovine heart cytochrome c oxidase is an electron-current driven proton pump. To investigate the mechanism by which this pump operates it is important to study individual electron- and proton-transfer reactions in the enzyme, and key reactions in which they are kinetically and thermodynamically coupled. In this work, we have simultaneously measured absorbance changes associated with electron-transfer reactions and conductance changes associated with protonation reactions following pulsed illumination of the photolabile complex of partly reduced bovine cytochrome c oxidase and carbon monoxide. Following CO dissociation, several kinetic phases in the absorbance changes were observed with time constants ranging from approximately 3 microseconds to several milliseconds, reflecting internal electron-transfer reactions within the enzyme. The data show that the rate of one of these electron-transfer reactions, from cytochrome a3 to a on a millisecond time scale, is controlled by a proton-transfer reaction. These results are discussed in terms of a model in which cytochrome a3 interacts electrostatically with a protonatable group, L, in the vicinity of the binuclear center, in equilibrium with the bulk through a proton-conducting pathway, which determines the rate of proton transfer (and indirectly also of electron transfer). The interaction energy of cytochrome a3 with L was determined independently from the pH dependence of the extent of the millisecond-electron transfer and the number of protons released, as determined from the conductance measurements. The magnitude of the interaction energy, 70 meV (1 eV = 1.602 x 10(-19) J), is consistent with a distance of 5-10 A between cytochrome a3 and L. Based on the recently determined high-resolution x-ray structures of bovine and a bacterial cytochrome c oxidase, possible candidates for L and a physiological role for L are discussed.
Past studies have shown that epidermal growth factor (EGF) is able to mimic the uterotropic effects of estrogen in the rodent. These studies have suggested a "cross-talk" model in which EGF receptor (EGF-R) signaling results in activation of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER) and its target genes in an estrogen-independent manner. Furthermore, in vitro studies have indicated the requirement for ER in this mechanism. To verify the requirement for ER in an in vivo system, EGF effects were studied in the uteri of ER knockout (ERKO) mice, which lack functional ER. The EGF-R levels, autophosphorylation, and c-fos induction were observed at equivalent levels in both genotypes indicating that removal of ER did not disrupt the EGF responses. Induction of DNA synthesis and the progesterone receptor gene in the uterus were measured after EGF treatment of both ERKO and wild-type animals. Wild-type mice showed increases of 4.3-fold in DNA synthesis, as well as an increase in PR mRNA after EGF treatment. However, these responses were absent in ERKO mice, confirming that the estrogen-like effects of EGF in the mouse uterus do indeed require the ER. These data conclusively demonstrate the coupling of EGF and ER signaling pathways in the rodent reproductive tract.
Solid-state NMR spectra of natural abundance 13C in reaction centers from photosynthetic bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 was measured. When the quinone acceptors were removed and continuous visible illumination of the sample was provided, exceptionally strong nuclear spin polarization was observed in NMR lines with chemical shifts resembling those of the aromatic carbons in bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin. The observation of spin polarized 15N nuclei in bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriopheophytin was previously demonstrated with nonspecifically 15N-labeled reaction centers. Both the carbon and the nitrogen NMR studies indicate that the polarization is developed on species that carry unpaired electrons in the early electron transfer steps, including the bacteriochlorophyll dimer donor P860 and probably the bacteriopheophytin acceptor. I. Both enhanced-absorptive and emissive polarization were seen in the carbon spectrum; most lines were absorptive but the methine carbons of the porphyrin ring (alpha, beta, gamma, ) exhibited emissive polarization. The change in the sign of the hyperfine coupling at these sites indicates the existence of nodes in the spin density distribution on the tetrapyrrole cofactors flanking each methine carbon bridge.
The crystal structure of pyruvate phosphate dikinase, a histidyl multiphosphotransfer enzyme that synthesizes adenosine triphosphate, reveals a three-domain molecule in which the phosphohistidine domain is flanked by the nucleotide and the phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domains, with the two substrate binding sites approximately 45 angstroms apart. The modes of substrate binding have been deduced by analogy to D-Ala-D-Ala ligase and to pyruvate kinase. Coupling between the two remote active sites is facilitated by two conformational states of the phosphohistidine domain. While the crystal structure represents the state of interaction with the nucleotide, the second state is achieved by swiveling around two flexible peptide linkers. This dramatic conformational transition brings the phosphocarrier residue in close proximity to phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate. The swiveling-domain paradigm provides an effective mechanism for communication in complex multidomain/multiactive site proteins.
The role of basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange in transepithelial HCO3- absorption (JHCO3) was examined in the isolated, perfused medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) of the rat. In Na(+)-free solutions, addition of Na+ to the bath resulted in a rapid, amiloride-sensitive increase in intracellular pH. In MTALs perfused and bathed with solutions containing 146 mM Na+ and 25 mM HCO3-, bath addition of amiloride (1 mM) or 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA, 50 microM) reversibly inhibited JHCO3 by 50%. Evidence that the inhibition of JHCO3 by bath amiloride was the result of inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange included the following: (i) the IC50 for amiloride was 5-10 microM, (ii) EIPA was a 50-fold more potent inhibitor than amiloride, (iii) the inhibition by bath amiloride was Na+ dependent, and (iv) significant inhibition was observed with EIPA as low as 0.1 microM. Fifty micromolar amiloride or 1 microM EIPA inhibited JHCO3 by 35% when added to the bath but had no effect when added to the tubule lumen, indicating that addition of amiloride to the bath did not directly inhibit apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange. In experiments in which apical Na+/H+ exchange was assessed from the initial rate of cell acidification following luminal EIPA addition, bath EIPA secondarily inhibited apical Na+/H+ exchange activity by 46%. These results demonstrate basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange enhances transepithelial HCO3- absorption in the MTAL. This effect appears to be the result of cross-talk in which an increase in basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity secondarily increases apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity.
The bromonium-promoted cyclization of conjugated aminodienes is described. The reaction proceeds smoothly in the presence of N-bromosuccinimide as halonium promoter, and using N-tosyl-protected aminodienes as substrates, to give the corresponding halocyclization products in high yields and with high diastereoselectivities. It can be envisaged that the formation of these products is the result of an SN2′-type ring-opening of a terminal bromonium intermediate in a 5-exo-trig or 6-exo-trig cyclization mode. The presence of an allyl bromide moiety in the haloamination products makes these molecules highly attractive from a synthetic point of view, as it opens the way for further transformations. Thus, allylic substitution reactions with different nucleophiles (acetate, azide, cyanide, and malonate), palladium-catalysed Suzuki coupling, and silver-mediated bromine displacement reactions were carried out successfully.