956 resultados para Substance-Related Disorders
Cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies have long indicated the presence of a tumor suppressor gene (TSG) on 90 involved in the development of melanoma, Although LOH at 90 has been reported in approximately 60% of melanoma tumors, only 5-10% of these tumors have been shown to carry CDKN2A mutations, raising the possibility that another TSG involved in melanoma maps to chromosome 90. To investigate this possibility, a panel of 37 melanomas derived from 35 individuals was analyzed for CDKN2A mutations hy single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and sequencing. The melanoma samples were then typed for 15 markers that map to 9p13-24 to investigate LOH trends in this region. In those tumors demonstrating retention of heterozygosity at markers flanking CDKN2A and LOH on one or both sides of the gene, multiplex microsatellite PCR was performed to rule out homozygous deletion of the region encompassing CDKN2A. CDKN2A mutations were found in tumors from 5 patients [5 (14%) of 35], 4 of which demonstrated LOH across the entire region examined. The remaining tumor with no observed LOH carried two point mutations, one on each allele, Although LOH was identified at one or more markers in 22 (59%) of 37 melanoma tumors corresponding to 20 (57%) of 35 individuals, only 11 tumors from 9 individuals [9 (26%) of 35] demonstrated LOH at D9S942 and D9S1748, the markers closest to CDKN2A. Of the remaining 11 tumors with LOH, 9 demonstrated LOH at two or more contiguous markers either centromeric and/or telomeric to CDKN2A while retaining heterozygosity at several markers adjacent to CDKN2A. Multiplex PCR revealed one tumor carried a homozygous deletion extending from D9S1748 to the IFN-alpha locus. In the remaining eight tumors, multiplex PCR demonstrated that the observed heterozygosity was not attributable to homozygous deletion and stromal contamination at D9S1748, D9S942, or D9S974, as measured by comparative amplification strengths, which indicates that retention of heterozygosity with flanking LOH does not always indicate a homozygous deletion, This report supports the conclusions of previous studies that at least two TSGs involved in melanoma development in addition to CDKN2A may reside on chromosome 9p.
Inactivation of p16(INK4a) and/or activation of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 (CDK4) are strongly associated with both susceptibility and progression in melanoma. Activating CDK4 mutations prevent the binding and inhibition of CDK4 by p16(INK4a). A second, more indirect role for CDK4 is in late G(1), where It may sequester the inhibitors p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1) away from CDK2, and in doing so upregulate the CDK2 activity necessary for cells to proceed completely through G(1) into S phase. As the pivotal residues around the most predominant R24C activating CDK4 mutation are invariant between CDK2 and CDK4, we speculated that the pivotal arginine (position 22 in CDK2), or a nearby residue, may be mutated in some melanomas, resulting in the diminution of its binding and inhibition by p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1). However, except for a silent polymorphism, we detected no variants within this region of the CDK2 gene in 60 melanoma cell lines. Thus, if CDK2 activity is dysregulated in melanoma it is likely to occur by a means other than mutations causing loss of direct inhibition. We also examined the expression of the CDK2 gene in melanoma cell lines, to assess its possible co-regulation with the gene for the melanocyte-lineage antigen pmel17, which maps less than 1 kb away in head to head orientation with CDK2 and may be transcribed off the same bidirectional promoter. However, expression of the genes is not co-regulated. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The near completion of the Human Genome Project stands as a remarkable achievement, with enormous implications for both science and society. For scientists, it is the first step in a complex process that will lead to important advances in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Society, meanwhile, must prevent genetic discrimination, and protect genetic privacy through appropriate legislation.
Treatment of human cancers with an inherent antigen-processing defect due to a loss of peptide transporters (TAP-1 and TAP-2) and/or MHC class I antigen expression remains a considerable challenge. There is now an increasing realization that tumor cells with down-regulated expression of TAP and/or MHC class I antigens display strong resistance to cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)mediated immune control, and often fail to respond to the conventional immunotherapeutic protocols based on active immunization with tumor-associated epitopes (TAE) or adoptive transfer of tumor-specific T cells, In the present study, we describe a novel approach based on immunization with either genetically modified tumor cells or naked DNA vectors encoding TAE fused to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) signal sequence (ER-TAE) which affords protection against challenge by melanoma cells with down-regulated expression of TAP-1/2 and MHC class I antigens. In contrast, animals immunized with a vaccine based on TAE alone showed no protection against tumor challenge. Although MHC-peptide tetramer analysis showed a similar frequency of antigen-specific CTL in both ER-TAE- and TAE-immunized mice, functional analysis revealed that CTL activated following immunization with ER-TAE displayed significantly higher avidity for TAE when compared to animals immunized with the TAE alone, These observations provide a new strategy in anti-cancer vaccine design that allows activation of a highly effective and well-defined CTL response against tumors with down-regulated expression of TAP and MHC class I antigens.
Tumor cells from NPC patients are regularly and latently infected with EBV. To examine whether the virus serves as target for immune intervention of the cancer, we determined levels of EBV-specific CTLp in peripheral blood from NPC patients, long-term survivors of the cancer and healthy subjects. CTLp levels of test subjects varied between 3-3,000/10(6) PBMCs. The plasma EBV burden increased when the CTLp level fell below 150, whereas the EBV burden of PBMCs was not correlated with CTLp level. Compared with healthy carriers, CTLp levels of patients were lower and varied over a wider range, between 3-1,500/10(6) PBMCs. The quantitative immune deficit was probably attributed to the tumor because, first, CTLp in survivors was restored to levels similar to those in healthy carriers after the tumor had been successfully treated. Second, the CTLp level changed as disease progressed, being lower in local disease, increased in locoregional disease and decreased again when the tumor metastasized. Based on these findings, 4 patients with advanced disease were infused with 5 x 10(7)-3 x 10(8) autologous EBV CTLs. The treatment was safe and unaccompanied by inflammatory or other complications, but whether it improved tumor control could not be discerned from the large tumor bulk. Nevertheless, the treatment regularly increased CTLp levels of patients, maintained it at higher levels for protracted periods and, in 3 patients, restored host surveillance of EBV replication, reducing the plasma EBV burden. Taken together, these results provided a rationale to further explore EBV as a target of immune intervention of NPC. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
ATM, the gene mutated in the human immunodeficiency disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), plays a central role in recognizing ionizing radiation damage in DNA and in controlling several cell cycle checkpoints. We describe here a murine model in which a nine-nucleotide in-frame deletion has been introduced into the Atm gene by homologous recombination followed by removal of the selectable marker cassette by Cre-loxP site-specific, recombination-mediated excision. This mouse, Abm-Delta SRI, was designed as a model of one of the most common deletion mutations (7636de19) found in A-T patients. The murine Atm deletion results in the loss of three amino acid residues (SRI; 2556-2558) but produces near full-length detectable Atm protein that lacks protein kinase activity. Radiosensitivity was observed in Atm-Delta SRI mice, whereas the immunological profile of these mice showed greater heterogeneity of T-cell subsets than observed in Atm(-/-) mice. The life span of Atm-Delta SRI mice was significantly longer than that of Atm(-/-) mice when maintained under nonspecific pathogen-free conditions. This can be accounted for by a lower incidence of thymic lymphomas in Atm-Delta SRI mice up to 40 weeks, after which time the animals died of other causes. The thymic lymphomas in Atm-Delta SRI mice were characterized by extensive apoptosis, which appears to be attributable to an increased number of cells expressing Fas ligand. A variety of other tumors including B-cell lymphomas, sarcomas, and carcinomas not seen in Atm(-/-) mice were observed in older Atm-Delta SRI animals. Thus, expression of mutant protein in Atm-Delta SRI knock-in mice gives rise to a discernibly different phenotype to Atm(-/-) mice, which may account for the heterogeneity seen in A-T patients with different mutations.
Functional significance has been demonstrated in vitro for the exon 3 T-->C Tyr113His amino acid substitution polymorphism of the microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX) gene. The higher activity or fast TT genotype was previously reported to be associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and this association may reflect enhanced activation of endogenous or exogenous substrates to more reactive and mutagenic derivatives. Components of cigarette smoke are examples of exogenous substrates subject to such bioactivation, and smoking exposure may thus modify the risk associated with the EPHX polymorphism. We examined 545 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 287 unaffected controls for this EPHXT-C genetic variant to investigate whether, in the Australian population, the TT genotype was associated with (i) specific ovarian tumor characteristics; (ii) risk of ovarian cancer, overall or for specific subgroups; and (iii) risk of ovarian cancer in smokers specifically. Genotyping was carried out using the Perkin-Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System for fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction allelic discrimination. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumor behavior (low malignant potential or invasive), grade, stage, and p53 immunohistochemical status failed to show any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the EPHX polymorphism. There was a suggestion of heterogeneity with respect to histologic subtype (P= 0.03), largely due to a decreased frequency of the TT genotype in endometrioid tumors. EPHX genotype distribution did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall, low malignant potential, or invasive) either overall or after stratification by smoking status. However, the TT genotype was associated with a decreased risk of invasive ovarian cancer of the endometrioid subtype specifically (age-adjusted odds ratio = 0.38, 95% confidence interval=0.17-0.87). The results suggest that the proposed EPHX-mediated bioactivation of components of cigarette smoke to mutagenic forms is unlikely to be involved in the etiology of ovarian cancer in general but that a greater rate of EPHX-mediated detoxification may decrease the risk of endometrioid ovarian cancer. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
A 47 year old man undergoing immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma with autologous dendritic cells pulsed with autologous tumour peptide and hepatitis a surface antigen developed acute left ankle arthritis. Gout and acute infection were excluded, and an autoimmune aetiology or occult metastasis were considered. The arthritis initially subsided with indomethacin, but the symptoms recurred 2 months later, and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated metastatic melanoma of the left talus. Immunohistochemical staining of a cerebral metastatic deposit biopsied 1 week after the onset of arthritis demonstrated T-cell and macrophage infiltration of the tumour. In addition, the patient developed melanoma-specific delayed type hypersensitivity and cytotoxic T-cell responses after vaccination. Thus, the monoarthritis represented an 'appropriate' inflammatory response directed against metastatic melanoma. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The phase II glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 catalyse glutathione-mediated reduction of exogenous and endogenous electrophiles. These GSTs have broad and overlapping substrate specificities and it has been hypothesized that allelic variants associated with less effective detoxification of potential carcinogens may confer an increased susceptibility to cancer. To assess the role of GST gene variants in ovarian cancer development, we screened 285 epithelial ovarian cancer cases and 299 unaffected controls for the GSTT1 deletion (null) variant, the GSTM1 deletion (null) variant and the GSTP1 codon 104 A-->G Ile-->Val amino acid substitution variant, The frequencies of the GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 polymorphic variants did not vary with tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive) or p53 immunohistochemical status. There was a suggestion that ovarian cancers of the endometrioid or clear cell histological subtype had a higher frequency of the GSTT1 and GSTM1 deletion genotype than other histological subgroups. The GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 genotype distributions did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall or invasive cancers only). However, the GSTM1 null genotype was associated with increased risk of endometrioid/clear cell invasive cancer [age-adjusted OR (95% CI) = 2.04 (1.01-4.09), P = 0.05], suggesting that deletion of GSTM1 may increase the risk of ovarian cancer of these histological subtypes specifically. This marginally significant finding will require verification by independent studies.
The initial step in viral infection is the attachment of the virus to the host cell via an interaction with its receptor. We have previously shown that a receptor for human papillomavirus is the alpha6 integrin. The alpha6 integrin is involved in the attachment of epithelial cells with the basement membrane, but recent evidence suggests that ligation of many integrins results in intracellular signaling events that influence cell proliferation. sere we present evidence that exposure of A431 human epithelial cells to human papillomavirus type 6b L1 virus-like particles (VLPs) results in a dose-dependent increase in cell proliferation, as measured by bromodeoxyuridine incorporation. This proliferation is Lost if VLPs are first denatured or incubated with a monoclonal antibody against L1 protein. The MEK1 inhibitor PB98059 inhibits the VLP-mediated increase in fell proliferation, suggesting involvement of the Ras-MAP kinase pathway, Indeed, VLP binding results in rapid phosphorylation of the beta4 integrin upon tyrosine residues and subsequent recruitment of the adapter protein She to beta4, Within 30 min, the activation of Ras, Raf, and Erk2 was observed. Finally, the upregulation of c-myc mRNA was observed at 60 min, These data indicate that human papillomavirus type 6b is able to signal cells via the Ras-MAP kinase pathway to induce cell proliferation. We hypothesize that such a mechanism would allow papillomaviruses to infect hosts more successfully by increasing the potential pool of cells they are able to infect via the initiation of proliferation in resting keratinocyte stem and suprabasal cells.
Use of specific histone deacetylase inhibitors has revealed critical roles for the histone deacetylases (HDAC) in controlling proliferation. Although many studies have correlated the function of HDAC inhibitors with the hyperacetylation of histones, few studies have specifically addressed whether the accumulation of acetylated histones, caused by HDAC inhibitor treatment, is responsible for growth inhibition. In the present study we show that HDAC inhibitors cause growth inhibition in normal and transformed keratinocytes but not in normal dermal fibroblasts, This was despite the observation that the HDAC inhibitor, suberic bishydroxamate (SBHA), caused a kinetically similar accumulation of hyperacetylated histones, This cell type-specific response to SBHA was not due to the inactivation of SBHA by fibroblasts, nor was it due to differences in the expression of specific HDAC family members. Remarkably, overexpression of HDACs 1, 4, and 6 in normal human fibroblasts resulted in cells that could be growth-inhibited by SBHA. These data suggest that, although histone acetylation is a major target for HDAC inhibitors, the accumulation of hyperacetylated histones is not sufficient to cause growth inhibition in all cell types, This suggests that growth inhibition, caused by HDAC inhibitors, may be the culmination of histone hyperacetylation acting in concert with other growth regulatory pathways.