973 resultados para Structural dynamics.


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Proline plays an important role in the secondary structure of proteins. In the pursuit of understanding its structural role, Proline containing helices with constraints have been studied by employing molecular dynamics (MD) technique. In the present study, the constraint introduced is a threonine residue, whose sidechain has intramolecular hydrogen bond interaction with the backbone oxygen atom. The three systems that have been chosen for characterization are: (1) Ace-(Ala)12−Thr-Pro-(Ala)10−NHMe, (2) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-Ala-Thr- (Ala)8-NHMe and (3) Ace-(Ala)13-Pro-(Ala)3-Thr-(Ala)6-NHMe. The equilibrium structures and structural transitions have been identified by monitoring the backbone dihedral angles, bend related parameters and the hydrogen bond interactions. The MD averages and root mean square (r.m.s.) fluctuations are compared and discussed. Energy minimization has been carried out on selected MD simulated points in order to analyze the characteristics of different conformations.


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A recently developed microscopic theory of solvation dynamics in real dipolar liquids is used to calculate, for the first time, the solvation time correlation function in liquid acetonitrile, water and methanol. The calculated results are in excellent agreement with known experimental and computer simulation studies.


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Several recent theoretical and computer simulation studies have considered solvation dynamics in a Brownian dipolar lattice which provides a simple model solvent for which detailed calculations can be carried out. In this article a fully microscopic calculation of the solvation dynamics of an ion in a Brownian dipolar lattice is presented. The calculation is based on the non‐Markovian molecular hydrodynamic theory developed recently. The main assumption of the present calculation is that the two‐particle orientational correlation functions of the solid can be replaced by those of the liquid state. It is shown that such a calculation provides an excellent agreement with the computer simulation results. More importantly, the present calculations clearly demonstrate that the frequency‐dependent dielectric friction plays an important role in the long time decay of the solvation time correlation function. We also find that the present calculation provides somewhat better agreement than either the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA) or the Fried–Mukamel theory which use the simulated frequency‐dependent dielectric function. It is found that the dissipative kernels used in the molecular hydrodynamic approach and in the Fried–Mukamel theory are vastly different, especially at short times. However, in spite of this disagreement, the two theories still lead to comparable results in good agreement with computer simulation, which suggests that even a semiquantitatively accurate dissipative kernel may be sufficient to obtain a reliable solvation time correlation function. A new wave vector and frequency‐dependent dissipative kernel (or memory function) is proposed which correctly goes over to the appropriate expressions in both the single particle and the collective limits. This form is expected to lead to better results than all the existing descriptions.


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A microscopic calculation of the solvation dynamics of an ion in liquid water is presented. The calculated solvation time correlation function shows an ultrafast Gaussian decay which carries about 70%–90% of the strength followed by a biexponential decay with time constants equal to 250 fs and 1 ps. These results are in excellent agreement with the computer simulations of Maroncelli and Fleming and also with the experimental findings of Barbara and Jarzeba. In addition, we find that both the rotational librations and the intermolecular translational vibrational modes of water contribute significantly to the initial Gaussian decay.


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Detailed molecular dynamics simulations of argon in zeolite NaCaA are reported. Thermodynamic, structural, and dynamical properties of the sorbate as a function of temperature have been obtained. The properties calculated include various site-site radial distribution functions, different energy distribution functions, selfdiffusion coefficients, the power spectra, and properties relating to cage-to-cage diffusion. The results suggest that sorbate is delocalized above 300 K. Both modes of cage-to-cage diffusion-the surface-mediated and centralized diffusion-are associated with negative barrier heights. Surprisingly, rate of cage-to-cage diffusion is associated with negative and positive activation energies below and above 500 K. The observed differences in the behavior of the rate of cage-to-cage diffusion between Xe-NaY and Ar-NaCaA systems and the nature of the potential energy surface are discussed. Presence of sorbatezeolite interactions results in significant enhancement in the rate of cage-to-cage diffusion and rate of cage visits. It is shown that properties dependent on the long-time behavior such as the diffusion coefficient and the rate of cages visited exhibit the expected Arrhenius dependence on temperature.


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Glassy B&, the parent compound of the superionic conductor LiI-Li&B& has been studied by the molecular dynamics technique using a new potential model. The results suggest that the glass is made up of local units of four-membered B2S2 rings bridged by sulfur atoms, leading to a chainlike structure. Various pair correlation functions have been analyzed, and the B2Sz rings have been found to be planar. The calculated neutron structure factor shows a peak at 1.4 A-' which has been attributed to B-B correlations at 5.6 A. The glass transition temperature of the simulated system has been calculated to be around 800 K.


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Influence of succinonitrile (SN) dynamics on ion transport in SN-lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) electrolytes is discussed here via dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (similar to 2 x 10(-3) Hz to 3 MHz) of SN and SN-LiClO4 was studied as a function of salt content (up to 7 mol % or 1 M) and temperature (-20 to +60 degrees C). Analyses of real and imaginary parts of permittivity convincingly reveal the influence Of trans gauche isomerism and solvent-salt association (solvation) effects on ion transport. The relaxation processes are highly dependent on the salt concentration and temperature. While pristine SN display only intrinsic dynamics (i.e., trans-gauche isomerism) which enhances with an increase in temperature, SN-LiClO4 electrolytes especially at high salt concentrations (similar to 0.04-1 M) show salt-induced relaxation processes. In the concentrated electrolytes, the intrinsic dynamics was observed to be a function of salt content, becoming faster with an increase in salt concentration. Deconvolution of the imaginary part of the permittivity spectra using Havriliak-Negami (HN) function show a relaxation process corresponding to the above phenomena. The permittivity data analyzed using HN and Kohlrausch-Williams-Watta (KWW) functions show non-Debye relaxation processes and enhancement in the trans phase (enhanced solvent dynamics) as a function of salt concentration and temperature.


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Recent computer simulations on zeolites Y and A have found that the diffusion coefficient and the rate of intercage diffusion exhibit, apart from a linear dependence on the reciprocal of the square of the sorbate diameter, an anomalous peak as sorbate diameter approaches the window diameter. Here we report molecular dynamics simulations of zeolite NaA incorporating framework flexibility as a function of sorbate diameter in order to verify the existence of anomalous diffusion. Results suggest persistence of anomalous diffusion or ring effect. This suggests that the anomalous behavior is a general effect characteristic of zeolites Y and A. The barrier for diffusion across the eight-ring window is seen to be negative and is found to decrease with sorbate size. The effect of sorbate on the cage motion has also been investigated. Results suggest that the window expands during intercage migration only if the sorbate size is comparable to the window diameter. Flexible cage simulations yield a higher value for the diffusion coefficient and also the rate of intercage diffusion. This increase has been shown to be due to an increase in the intercage diffusions via the centralized diffusion mode rather than the surface-mediated mode. It is shown that this increase arises from an increase in the single particle density distribution in the region near the cage center.


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Proline residues in helices play an important role in the structure of proteins. The proline residue introduces a kink in the helix which varies from about 5-degrees to 50-degrees. The presence of other residues such as threonine or valine near the proline region can influence the flexibility exhibited by the kinked helix, which can have an important biological role. In the present paper, the constraint introduced by threonine and valine on a proline helix is investigated by molecular dynamics studies. The systems considered am (1) a poly-alanine helix with threonine-proline residues (TP) and (2) a poly-alanine helix with valine-threonine-proline residues (VTP), in the middle. Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on these two systems for 500 ps. The results are analyzed in terms of structural transitions, bend-related parameters and sidechain orientations.


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A theoretical analysis of the three currently popular microscopic theories of solvation dynamics, namely, the dynamic mean spherical approximation (DMSA), the molecular hydrodynamic theory (MHT), and the memory function theory (MFT) is carried out. It is shown that in the underdamped limit of momentum relaxation, all three theories lead to nearly identical results when the translational motions of both the solute ion and the solvent molecules are neglected. In this limit, the theoretical prediction is in almost perfect agreement with the computer simulation results of solvation dynamics in the model Stockmayer liquid. However, the situation changes significantly in the presence of the translational motion of the solvent molecules. In this case, DMSA breaks down but the other two theories correctly predict the acceleration of solvation in agreement with the simulation results. We find that the translational motion of a light solute ion can play an important role in its own solvation. None of the existing theories describe this aspect. A generalization of the extended hydrodynamic theory is presented which, for the first time, includes the contribution of solute motion towards its own solvation dynamics. The extended theory gives excellent agreement with the simulations where solute motion is allowed. It is further shown that in the absence of translation, the memory function theory of Fried and Mukamel can be recovered from the hydrodynamic equations if the wave vector dependent dissipative kernel in the hydrodynamic description is replaced by its long wavelength value. We suggest a convenient memory kernel which is superior to the limiting forms used in earlier descriptions. We also present an alternate, quite general, statistical mechanical expression for the time dependent solvation energy of an ion. This expression has remarkable similarity with that for the translational dielectric friction on a moving ion.


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Potassium disilicate glass and melt have been investigated by using a new partial charge based potential model in which nonbridging oxygens are differentiated from bridging oxygens by their charges. The model reproduces the structural data pertaining to the coordination polyhedra around potassium and the various bond angle distributions excellently. The dynamics of the glass has been studied by using space and time correlation functions. It is found that K ions migrate by a diffusive mechanism in the melt and by hops below the glass transition temperature. They are also found to migrate largely through nonbridging oxygenrich sites in the silicate matrix, thus providing support to the predictions of the modified random network model.


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Extensive molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to calculate the orientational correlation functions Cl(t), G(t) = [4n/(21 + l)]Ci=-l (Y*lm(sZ(0)) Ylm(Q(t))) (where Y,,(Q) are the spherical harmonics) of point dipoles in a cubic lattice. The decay of Cl(t) is found to be strikingly different from higher l-correlation functions-the latter do not exhibit diffusive dynamics even in the long time. Both the cumulant expansion expression of Lynden-Bell and the conventional memory function equation provide very good description of the Cl(t) in the short time but fail to reproduce the observed slow, long time decay of c1 (t) .


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The solvation time correlation function for solvation in liquid water was measured recently. The solvation was found to be very fast, with a time constant equal to 55 fs. In this article we present theoretical studies on solvation dynamics of ionic and dipolar solutes in liquid water, based on the molecular hydrodynamic approach developed earlier. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can successfully predict the ultrafast dynamics of solvation in liquid water as observed from recent experiments. The present study also reveals some interesting aspects of dipolar solvation dynamics, which differs significantly from that of ionic solvation.


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Potassium disilicate glass and melt have been investigated by using anew partial charge based potential model in which nonbridging oxygens are differentiated from bridging oxygens by their charges. The model reproduces the structural data pertaining to the coordination polyhedra around potassium and the various bond angle distributions excellently. The dynamics of the glass has been studied by using space and time correlation functions. It is found that K ions migrate by a diffusive mechanism in the melt and by hops below the glass transition temperature. They are also found to migrate largely through nonbridging oxygen-rich sites in the silicate matrix, thus providing support to the predictions of the modified random network model.


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We have developed an alternate description of dynamics of nucleation in terms of an extended set of order parameters. The order parameters consist of an ordered set of kth largest clusters, ordered such that k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster, and so on. We have derived an analytic expression for the free energy for the kth largest cluster, which is in excellent agreement with the simulated results. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the growth of the kth largest cluster disappears and the nucleation becomes barrierless. The major success of this extended theoretical formalism is that it can clearly explain the observed change in mechanism at large metastability P. Bhimalapuram et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206104 (2007)] and the associated dynamical crossover. The classical nucleation theory cannot explain this crossover. The crossover from activated to barrierless nucleation is found to occur at a supersaturation where multiple clusters cross the critical size. We attribute the crossover as the onset of the kinetic spinodal. We have derived an expression for the rate of nucleation in the barrierless regime by modeling growth as diffusion on the free energy surface of the largest cluster. The model reproduces the slower increase in the rate of growth as a function of supersaturation, as observed in experiments.