909 resultados para Solving Problems for Evidence
The concept of unreliable failure detector was introduced by Chandra and Toueg as a mechanism that provides information about process failures. This mechanism has been used to solve several agreement problems, such as the consensus problem. In this paper, algorithms that implement failure detectors in partially synchronous systems are presented. First two simple algorithms of the weakest class to solve the consensus problem, namely the Eventually Strong class (⋄S), are presented. While the first algorithm is wait-free, the second algorithm is f-resilient, where f is a known upper bound on the number of faulty processes. Both algorithms guarantee that, eventually, all the correct processes agree permanently on a common correct process, i.e. they also implement a failure detector of the class Omega (Ω). They are also shown to be optimal in terms of the number of communication links used forever. Additionally, a wait-free algorithm that implements a failure detector of the Eventually Perfect class (⋄P) is presented. This algorithm is shown to be optimal in terms of the number of bidirectional links used forever.
A membrane system is a massive parallel system, which is inspired by the living cells when processing information. As a part of unconventional computing, membrane systems are proven to be effective in solving complex problems. A new factor is introduced. This factor can decide whether a technique is worthwhile being used or not. The use of this factor provides the best chances for selecting the strategy for the rules application phase. Referring to the “best” is in reference to the one that reduces execution time within the membrane system. A pre-analysis of the membrane system determines the P-factor, which in return advises the optimal strategy to use. In particular, this paper compares the use of two strategies based on the P-factor and provides results upon the application of them. The paper concludes that the P-factor is an effective indicator for choosing the right strategy to implement the rules application phase in membrane systems.
La empresa social es un modelo organizativo que presenta un interesante potencial para resolver problemáticas sociales. La empresa social ha despertado interés tanto en países industrializados como en economías en vías de desarrollo porque representa un modelo dentro del capitalismo que persigue objetivos sociales mediante la realización de actividades de mercado (compra y venta de productos y/o servicios principalmente). A pesar de sus raíces lejanas en el tiempo se trata de un campo de conocimiento relativamente joven, donde la literatura académica presenta escasez de estudios empíricos. El desarrollo teórico para buscar claridad conceptual ha sido el principal caballo de batalla de los últimos años, y por tanto, se ha prestado poca atención a generar evidencias sobre cómo funcionan las empresas sociales y sobre sus claves de su éxito. Se considera que la mejora en la comprensión de este modelo organizativo pasa por la construcción de herramientas para que académicos y practicantes mejoren su conocimiento sobre los mecanismos internos de las empresas sociales. En este contexto nace la presente tesis doctoral sobre empresa social, que tiene por objetivo la creación de un marco de análisis que permita el estudio de las empresas sociales desde una dimensión organizativa, es decir, que aborde los elementos clave que describen el funcionamiento de este tipo de organizaciones. Para ello, en este trabajo se aborda la construcción del modelo para el análisis organizativo de las empresas sociales a partir del análisis semántico de las 45 principales definiciones de empresa social. A partir de este análisis se identifican dos dimensiones de análisis de la empresa social: -Cuatro principios, comunes a todas las manifestaciones del fenómeno, que recogen la esencia del concepto. -Ocho elementos organizativos específicos de la empresa social que describen la forma en la que cada iniciativa se implementa en un contexto determinado. Es decir, elementos de diseño presentes en diferente medida que dan lugar a tipologías de empresa social diferentes. Estos elementos son: la proposición de valor social, la búsqueda de impacto a largo plazo, la cultura organizativa, la conexión con los beneficiarios, el liderazgo emprendedor y los mecanismos de gobernanza, el ecosistema colaborativo, la estrategia empresarial y la orientación a la autosuficiencia económica. A partir de este marco de análisis, se construyen dos herramientas de diagnóstico que permiten su aplicación al estudio de empresas sociales: una tabla de indicadores para el análisis externo (por parte de un investigador ajeno a la organización) y un cuestionario de diagnóstico para el análisis interno (a través del personal de la empresa social objeto de estudio). Las herramientas intentan dar respuesta a la necesidad de desarrollar constructos para el estudio empírico de las empresas sociales. Para analizar la utilidad del modelo y de las herramientas se llevaron a cabo tres estudios de caso: -La empresa social ACCIONA Microenergía Perú que proporciona energía eléctrica a comunidades rurales aisladas en la región peruana de Cajamarca. -La empresa social Integra-e que propone un mecanismo de inserción socio-laboral en Madrid para jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión a través de la formación en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). -Un conjunto de redes de telecentros pertenecientes a la red LAC de la fundación Telecentres.org que proporcionan acceso a servicios de información (Internet entre otros) en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. La aplicación de las herramientas mostró ser útil en los tres estudios de caso para obtener una relación de evidencias con las que analizar la proximidad de una organización al ideal de empresa social. El ejercicio de análisis también resultó interesante como ejercicio reflexivo para las entidades participantes. Los resultados del cuestionario fueron especialmente interesantes en los telecentros de la Fundación Telecentre.org ya que al ser un estudio multicaso se pudo realizar un rico análisis estadístico sobre el funcionamiento de los telecentros y su desempeño. El estudio permitió identificar relaciones interesantes entre los ocho elementos de diseño del modelo propuesto y el desempeño de la organización. En particular, se detectó que para todos los casos estudiados: -La dimensión económica es la componente del desempeño que mayor desafíos plantea. -La existencia de una alta correlación entre el desempeño y siete de los ocho elementos organizativos del modelo. -La importancia de la cultura organizativa como elemento que explica el desempeño global de la organización y la satisfacción de los empleados. El campo de la empresa social presenta importantes retos de futuro, como la claridad conceptual, el desarrollo de estudios empíricos y la medida de su impacto social. El conocimiento de las claves organizativas puede ayudar a diseñar empresas sociales más robustas o a que organizaciones con fines sociales que no se basan en mecanismos de mercado consideren la posibilidad de incorporar éstos en su estrategia. ABSTRACT Social enterprise is an organizational model with a strong potential to help solving social problems. Recently, interest for the model has risen in both industrialized and developing countries because it is organized to achieve altruistic or social goals through market activities (mainly sales of products and services). Despite its historic roots, it is a relatively young field of research, where academic literature has little empirical data to accompany the theoretical development of social enterprise. Conceptual clarification has been the main challenge during the recent years, and there has been little attention given to generate evidence on how social enterprises operate and their keys to success. Progress in empirical study involves the construction of tools for researchers, in order to increase understanding of the internal mechanisms of social enterprises. This thesis aims to create a conceptual framework to study social enterprises from an organizational point of view, by analyzing the key elements that explain the operation and organization of this organizational model. The framework for the organizational analysis of social enterprises was built supported by the semantic analysis of 45 main definitions of social enterprise. The framework is divided into two dimensions: -There are four principles which capture the essence of the social enterprise concept, and are present in the manifestations of cases. -There are eight design elements which help analyze the characteristics of each particular social enterprise initiative: the social value proposition, social impact orientation, organizational culture, links to beneficiaries, entrepreneurial leadership, collaborative ecosystem, entrepreneurial strategy and orientation to economic self-sufficiency. Two diagnostic tools were developed to apply the framework to case studies: a scoreboard of indicators (to be used by the researcher during external analysis of the organization) and a questionnaire (to be answered by the social enterprise staff). The dissertation undertakes the study of three case studies: -ACCIONA Microenergia Peru, a social enterprise that provides electricity to isolated rural communities in the Peruvian region of Cajamarca. -Integra-e, a social enterprise located in Madrid that promotes socioprofessional integration of young people through training in ICT. -A sample of telecenters of the LAC network that provide access to information services (such as Internet) in Latin America. Applying the tools proved to be useful in all three cases, because it helped to obtain evidence to compare the proximity of an organization to an ideal type of social enterprise. In all the cases studied, the economic sustainability proved to be the biggest challenge for the organizations. The application of the questionnaire to the telecenters was especially informative because it was a multicase study which provided a rich statistical analysis on the performance of call centers. The study identified unique relationships between the model elements and the organziation performance. A statistical analysis shows a high correlation between performance and seven organizational elements described in the model. The organizational culture seems to be an important factor in explaining the overall organizational performance and employee satisfaction. The field of social enterprise has significant future challenges -such as conceptual clarity, the development of empirical studies and social impact assessment. A deep understanding of key organizational aspects of social enterprises can help in the design of more robust organizations and to bring success to social-purpose organizations.
In this paper we address the new reduction method called Proper Generalized Decomposition (PGD) which is a discretization technique based on the use of separated representation of the unknown fields, specially well suited for solving multidimensional parametric equations. In this case, it is applied to the solution of dynamics problems. We will focus on the dynamic analysis of an one-dimensional rod with a unit harmonic load of frequency (ω) applied at a point of interest. In what follows, we will present the application of the methodology PGD to the problem in order to approximate the displacement field as the sum of the separated functions. We will consider as new variables of the problem, parameters models associated with the characteristic of the materials, in addition to the frequency. Finally, the quality of the results will be assessed based on an example.
El objetivo de la tesis es la investigación de algoritmos numéricos para el desarrollo de herramientas numéricas para la simulación de problemas tanto de comportamiento en la mar como de resistencia al avance de buques y estructuras flotantes. La primera herramienta desarrollada resuelve el problema de difracción y radiación de olas. Se basan en el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) para la resolución de la ecuación de Laplace, así como en esquemas basados en MEF, integración a lo largo de líneas de corriente, y en diferencias finitas desarrollados para la condición de superficie libre. Se han desarrollado herramientas numéricas para la resolución de la dinámica de sólido rígido en sistemas multicuerpos con ligaduras. Estas herramientas han sido integradas junto con la herramienta de resolución de olas difractadas y radiadas para la resolución de problemas de interacción de cuerpos con olas. También se han diseñado algoritmos de acoplamientos con otras herramientas numéricas para la resolución de problemas multifísica. En particular, se han realizado acoplamientos con una herramienta numérica basada de cálculo de estructuras con MEF para problemas de interacción fluido-estructura, otra de cálculo de líneas de fondeo, y con una herramienta numérica de cálculo de flujos en tanques internos para problemas acoplados de comportamiento en la mar con “sloshing”. Se han realizado simulaciones numéricas para la validación y verificación de los algoritmos desarrollados, así como para el análisis de diferentes casos de estudio con aplicaciones diversas en los campos de la ingeniería naval, oceánica, y energías renovables marinas. ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis is the research on numerical algorithms to develop numerical tools to simulate seakeeping problems as well as wave resistance problems of ships and floating structures. The first tool developed is a wave diffraction-radiation solver. It is based on the finite element method (FEM) in order to solve the Laplace equation, as well as numerical schemes based on FEM, streamline integration, and finite difference method tailored for solving the free surface boundary condition. It has been developed numerical tools to solve solid body dynamics of multibody systems with body links across them. This tool has been integrated with the wave diffraction-radiation solver to solve wave-body interaction problems. Also it has been tailored coupling algorithms with other numerical tools in order to solve multi-physics problems. In particular, it has been performed coupling with a MEF structural solver to solve fluid-structure interaction problems, with a mooring solver, and with a solver capable of simulating internal flows in tanks to solve couple seakeeping-sloshing problems. Numerical simulations have been carried out to validate and verify the developed algorithms, as well as to analyze case studies in the areas of marine engineering, offshore engineering, and offshore renewable energy.
We propose a general procedure for solving incomplete data estimation problems. The procedure can be used to find the maximum likelihood estimate or to solve estimating equations in difficult cases such as estimation with the censored or truncated regression model, the nonlinear structural measurement error model, and the random effects model. The procedure is based on the general principle of stochastic approximation and the Markov chain Monte-Carlo method. Applying the theory on adaptive algorithms, we derive conditions under which the proposed procedure converges. Simulation studies also indicate that the proposed procedure consistently converges to the maximum likelihood estimate for the structural measurement error logistic regression model.
Background: in both Spain and Italy the number of immigrants has strongly increased in the last 20 years, currently representing more than the 10% of workforce in each country. The segregation of immigrants into unskilled or risky jobs brings negative consequences for their health. The objective of this study is to compare prevalence of work-related health problems between immigrants and native workers in Italy and Spain. Methods: data come from the Italian Labour Force Survey (n=65 779) and Spanish Working Conditions Survey (n=11 019), both conducted in 2007. We analyzed merged datasets to evaluate whether interviewees, both natives and migrants, judge their health being affected by their work conditions and, if so, which specific diseases. For migrants, we considered those coming from countries with a value of the Human Development Index lower than 0.85. Logistic regression models were used, including gender, age, and education as adjusting factors. Results: migrants reported skin diseases (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.49; 95%CI: 0.59-3.74) and musculoskeletal problems among those employed in agricultural sector (Mantel-Haenszel pooled OR=1.16; 95%CI: 0.69-1.96) more frequently than natives; country-specific analysis showed higher risks of musculoskeletal problems among migrants compared to the non-migrant population in Italy (OR=1.17; 95% CI: 0.48-1.59) and of respiratory problems in Spain (OR=2.02; 95%CI: 1.02-4.0). In both countries the risk of psychological stress was predominant among national workers. Conclusions: this collaborative study allows to strength the evidence concerning the health of migrant workers in Southern European countries.
Background Many breast cancer survivors continue to have a broad range of physical and psychosocial problems after breast cancer treatment. As cancer centres move forward with earlier discharge of stable breast cancer survivors to primary care follow-up it is important that comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care is implemented to effectively address these needs. Research suggests primary care providers are willing to provide breast cancer survivorship care but many lack the knowledge and confidence to provide evidence-based care. Purpose The overall purpose of this thesis was to determine the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to implementing comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship guidelines by primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in southeastern Ontario. Methods This mixed-methods research was conducted in three phases: (1) synthesis and appraisal of clinical practice guidelines relevant to provision of breast cancer survivorship care within the primary care practice setting; (2) a brief quantitative survey of primary care providers to determine actual practices related to provision of evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care; and (3) individual interviews with primary care providers about the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to provision of comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care. Results and Conclusions In the first phase, a comprehensive clinical practice framework was created to guide provision of breast cancer survivorship care and consisted of a one-page checklist outlining breast cancer survivorship issues relevant to primary care, a three-page summary of key recommendations, and a one-page list of guideline sources. The second phase identified several knowledge and practice gaps, and it was determined that guideline implementation rates were higher for recommendations related to prevention and surveillance aspects of survivorship care and lowest related to screening for and management of long-term effects. The third phase identified three major challenges to providing breast cancer survivorship care: inconsistent educational preparation, provider anxieties, and primary care burden; and three major strengths or opportunities to facilitate implementation of survivorship care guidelines: tools and technology, empowering survivors, and optimizing nursing roles. A better understanding of these challenges, strengths and opportunities will inform development of targeted knowledge translation interventions to provide support and education to primary care providers.
Purpose: Increasing evidence suggests the existence of heterogeneity in the development of depressive symptoms during adolescence, but little remains known regarding the implications of this heterogeneity for the development of commonly co-occurring problems. In this study, we derived trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescents and examined the codevelopment of multiple behavioral and academic problems in these trajectories. Methods: Participants were 6,910 students from secondary schools primarily located in disadvantaged areas of Quebec (Canada) who were assessed annually from the age 12 to 16 years. Trajectories were identified using growth mixture modeling. The course of behavioral (delinquency, substance use) and academic adjustment (school liking, academic achievement) in trajectories was examined by deriving latent growth curves for each covariate conditional on trajectory membership. Results: We identified five trajectories of stable-low (68.1%), increasing (12.1%), decreasing (8.7%), transient (8.7%), and stable-high (2.4%) depressive symptoms. Examination of conditional latent growth curves revealed that the course of behavioral and academic problems closely mirrored the course of depressive symptoms in each trajectory. Conclusions: This pattern of results suggests that the course of depressive symptoms and other adjustment problems over time is likely to involve an important contribution of shared underlying developmental process(es).
Purpose: Increasing evidence suggests the existence of heterogeneity in the development of depressive symptoms during adolescence, but little remains known regarding the implications of this heterogeneity for the development of commonly co-occurring problems. In this study, we derived trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescents and examined the codevelopment of multiple behavioral and academic problems in these trajectories. Methods: Participants were 6,910 students from secondary schools primarily located in disadvantaged areas of Quebec (Canada) who were assessed annually from the age 12 to 16 years. Trajectories were identified using growth mixture modeling. The course of behavioral (delinquency, substance use) and academic adjustment (school liking, academic achievement) in trajectories was examined by deriving latent growth curves for each covariate conditional on trajectory membership. Results: We identified five trajectories of stable-low (68.1%), increasing (12.1%), decreasing (8.7%), transient (8.7%), and stable-high (2.4%) depressive symptoms. Examination of conditional latent growth curves revealed that the course of behavioral and academic problems closely mirrored the course of depressive symptoms in each trajectory. Conclusions: This pattern of results suggests that the course of depressive symptoms and other adjustment problems over time is likely to involve an important contribution of shared underlying developmental process(es).
This paper analyzes the relationship between the techniques used to build expert systems and the behaviors they exhibit to show that there is not sufficient evidence to link the behavioral shortcomings of first-generation expert systems to the shallow methods of representation and inference they employ. There is only evidence that the shortcomings are a consequence of a general lack of knowledge. Moreover, the paper shows that the first-generation of expert systems employ both shallow methods and most of the so-called deep methods. Lastly, we show that deeper methods augment but do not replace shallow reasoning methods; most expert systems should possess both."
Research carried out under Naval Ship Systems Command, General Hydromechanics Research Program, subproject SR 009 01 01, administered by the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, contract no. N00014-67-A-0220-0003.
The International Campaign to Revitalise Academic Medicine recognises that an evidence based approach is important in discussing the problems of academic medicine. A preliminary exploration of the evidence on academic medicine has led to a research agenda for examining and proposing realistic solutions. Copyright © 2004, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.
Rumor discourse has been conceptualized as an attempt to reduce anxiety and uncertainty via a process of social sensemaking. Fourteen rumors transmitted on various Internet discussion groups were observed and content analyzed over the life of each rumor With this (previously unavailable) more ecologically robust methodology, the intertwined threads of sensemaking and the gaining of interpretive control are clearly evident in the tapestry of rumor discourse. We propose a categorization of statements (the Rumor Interaction Analysis System) and find differences between dread rumors and wish rumors in anxiety-related content categories. Cluster analysis of these statements reveals a typology of voices (communicative postures) exhibiting sensemaking activities of the rumor discussion group, such as hypothesizing, skeptical critique, directing of activities to gain information, and presentation of evidence. These findings enrich our understanding of the long-implicated sensemaking function of rumor by clarifying the elements of communication that operate in rumor's social context.