871 resultados para Sodium ions


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Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the most commonly used solution in root canal treatments, as it is a low-cost method that displays a very effective antimicrobial activity against microbiota of infected root canals. However, this solution can cause complications especially due to its cytotoxic features. When this solution is injected into the adjacent tissues, the patient usually experiences intense pain, and an urgent treatment should be implemented in order to prevent a long-term sequelae. This paper describes the clinical features of two patients that experienced an accidental extrusion of NaOCl after endodontic treatment of varying severity and with different treatments. Furthermore, it shows the long-term neurologic injuries that this type of accidents may cause and a treatment protocol for these situations will be suggested.


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A spectrophotometric flow injection analysis (FIA) procedure employing natural urease enzyme source for the determination of urea in animal blood plasma was developed. Among leguminous plants used in the Brazilian agriculture, the Cajanus cajan specie was selected as urease source considering its efficiency and availability. A minicolumn was filled with leguminous fragments and coupled to the FIA manifold, where urea was on-line converted to ammonium ions and subsequently it was quantified by spectrophotometry. The system was employed to determine urea in animal plasma samples without any prior treatment. Accuracy was assessed by comparison results with those obtained employing the official procedure and no significant difference at 90 % confidence level was observed. Other profitable features such as an analytical throughput of 30 determinations per hour, a reagent consumption of 19.2 mg sodium salicylate, 0.5 mg sodium hipochloride and a relative standard deviation of 1.4 % (n= 12) were also obtained.


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Mekaanisen massan peroksidivalkaisussa on perinteisesti käytetty kahta kompleksinmuodostajaa, jotka ovat dietyleenitriamiinipentaetikkahappo (DTPA) ja etyleenidiamiinipentaetikkahappo (EDTA). Kompleksinmuodostajat saavat aikaan hyvän kelatointituloksen muodostamalla valkaisulle haitallisten metalli-ionien kanssa kompleksin ja estäen näin metalli-ionien valkaisutulosta huonontavan vaikutuksen. Perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat DTPA ja EDTA eivät kuitenkaan ole biohajoavia ja niiden epäillään irrottavan metalleja vesistöjen sedimenteistä. Työssä selvitettiin kolmen eri biohajoavan kompleksinmuodostajan valkaisuteho verrattuna perinteisiin kompleksinmuodostajiin. Laboratoriossa suoritetut pesukokeet osoittivat, että mikään biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ei saavuttanut samaa pesutehoa kuin perinteiset kompleksinmuodostajat. Valkaisukokeet kuitenkin osoittivat, että biohajoava kompleksinmuodostaja ISA pääsi hyvin lähelle perinteisten kompleksinmuodostajien valkaisutuloksia suoritettaessa valkaisu siten, että massa esipestään kompleksinmuodostajalla ja sen jälkeen valkaistaan vakiokemikaaliannoksella alkalina ollessa natriumhydroksidi. Kaksi muuta biohajoavaa kompleksinmuodostajaa, ISA+EDDS ja HAS, eivät saavuttaneet samaa tasoa. HAS toimi kyllä stabilaattorina, muttei pystynyt nostamaan massan vaaleutta.


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Rainwater samples were analyzed during a one-year period (June 1999 - June 2000) and presented concentration of pH = 4.9 (volume weight mean). The ions concentrations results showed a high sulfate concentration (35 µmol L-1), followed by the cations concentration of sodium, calcium and ammonium (35, 16 and 30 µmol L-1, respectively). Due to the great contribution of these cations in the sulfate neutralization action, the rainwater of this region had only a light acid characteristic. The soil characteristic was acid and the bioavailable concentration of the alkaline cations (Ca, Mg and K) presented high calcium concentrations (1001 ± 357 mg kg-1) compared with the other cations. The determination of soil sensitivity to acid rain was calculated by the ratio BC/Al3+ (BC = Ca2+ + Mg2+ + K+) and presented the average value of 5.1 ± 3.3. This preliminary evaluation of soil susceptibility by the ratio BC/Al3+ showed that the local soil and vegetation type (tropical Savannah) were sensitive to acid deposition. The long term of this impacting condition (acid rain, high sulfate deposition) could be harmful to the soil and vegetation quality.


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The identification and characterization of the hydrochemistry of the groundwaters has been done for seven wells. The sampling occurred during three bimonthly campaigns. The results classified the waters as of the calcium bicarbonated type for the majority of the samples, except for one well, whose composition is of the sodium bicarbonated type. The major ions found and how they determine the quality parameters are consistent with the reactions of mineral dissolution of the majority of volcanic rocks and the reactions with intrusion of alkaline rock in only one well. Anomalous values of nitrate in some wells alert to the impact of especially polluting sources at the time the reservoirs of the hydroeletric plant were formed.


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A simple flow injection procedure was developed for determining dipyrone (1-phenyl-2,3-dimethyl-4-methylaminomethano-5-pyrazolone sodium, metamizol, analgin) in pharmaceutical formulations. The determination is based on the reduction of Ag+ ions to Ag0 by dipyrone. A colloidal suspension of Ag0 produced was transported by carrier solution (0.01 mol L-1 NaOH) and turbidimetrically detected at 425 nm. The analytical curve for dipyrone was linear in the range from 5.0 x 10-4 to 2.5 x 10-3 mol L-1 with a correlation coefficient of 0.9990. The detection limit was 1.3 x 10-4 mol L-1 (3sigmaB/slope). The relative standard deviation for ten successive measurements was 1.8% and an analytical frequency of 45 h-1 was obtained. The recovery values from three samples ranged from 96.0 to 102%.


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We present studies involving metallic ions and the herbicide glyphosate. The metallic complexes of Cu(II), Zn(II), Mn(II), Ni(II), Cd(II), Pb(II), Cr(III), Fe(III), Co(III), ammonium, sodium, Ag(I), alkaline earth metals and of some lanthanides ions are described. The complexes are discussed in terms of their synthesis, identification, stability and structural properties, based on data from the current literature.


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The amphiphilic nature of metal extractants causes the formation of micelles and other microscopic aggregates when in contact with water and an organic diluent. These phenomena and their effects on metal extraction were studied using carboxylic acid (Versatic 10) and organophosphorus acid (Cyanex 272) based extractants. Special emphasis was laid on the study of phase behaviour in a pre neutralisation stage when the extractant is transformed to a sodium or ammonium salt form. The pre neutralised extractants were used to extract nickel and to separate cobalt and nickel. Phase diagrams corresponding to the pre neutralisation stage in a metal extraction process were determined. The maximal solubilisation of the components in the system water(NH3)/extractant/isooctane takes place when the molar ratio between the ammonia salt form and the free form of the extractant is 0.5 for the carboxylic acid and 1 for the organophosphorus acid extractant. These values correspond to the complex stoichiometry of NH4A•HA and NIi4A, respectively. When such a solution is contacted with water a microemulsion is formed. If the aqueous phase contains also metal ions (e.g. Ni²+), complexation will take place on the microscopic interface of the micellar aggregates. Experimental evidence showing that the initial stage of nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 is a fast pseudohomogeneous reaction was obtained. About 90% of the metal were extracted in the first 15 s after the initial contact. For nickel extraction with pre neutralised Versatic 10 it was found that the highest metal loading and the lowest residual ammonia and water contents in the organic phase are achieved when the feeds are balanced so that the stoichiometry is 2NH4+(org) = Nit2+(aq). In the case of Co/Ni separation using pre neutralised Cyanex 272 the highest separation is achieved when the Co/extractant molar ratio in the feeds is 1 : 4 and at the same time the optimal degree of neutralisation of the Cyanex 272 is about 50%. The adsorption of the extractants on solid surfaces may cause accumulation of solid fine particles at the interface between the aqueous and organic phases in metal extraction processes. Copper extraction processes are known to suffer of this problem. Experiments were carried out using model silica and mica particles. It was found that high copper loading, aromacity of the diluent, modification agents and the presence of aqueous phase decrease the adsorption of the hydroxyoxime on silica surfaces.


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Hydrogen peroxide bleaching of sodium alginate from seaweeds oh the Sargassum genus was studied. The influence of H2O2 concentration (percentage of H2O2 on a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) and NaOH/H2O2 ratio (% NaOH/% H2O2, both referred to a dry weight alginate basis, w/w) on the molecular weight, color removal and content of Fe3+ ions of bleached alginate samples was investigated by UV and IR spectroscopies, colorimetric determination of Fe3+ ions and vapor pressure osmometry. Higher yield, purity and molecular weight of alginate were obtained using 3% (or less) of hydrogen peroxide and a NaOH/H2O2 ratio of 1.2 for bleaching.


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Brugada syndrome (BrS) is a life-threatening, inherited arrhythmogenic syndrome associated with autosomal dominant mutations in SCN5A, the gene encoding the cardiac Na₊ channel alpha subunit (Naᵥ1.5). The aim of this work was to characterize the functional alterations caused by a novel SCN5A mutation, I890T, and thus establish whether this mutation is associated with BrS. The mutation was identified by direct sequencing of SCN5A from the proband’s DNA. Wild-type (WT) or I890T Naᵥ1.5 channels were heterologously expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. Sodium currents were studied using standard whole cell patch-clamp protocols and immunodetection experiments were performed using an antibody against human Naᵥ1.5 channel. A marked decrease in current density was observed in cells expressing the I890T channel (from -52.0 ± 6.5 pA/pF, n=15 to 35.9 ± 3.4 pA/pF, n = 22, at -20 mV, WT and I890T, respectively). Moreover, a positive shift of the activation curve was identified (V½ =-32.0 ± 0.3 mV, n = 18, and -27.3 ± 0.3 mV, n = 22, WT and I890T, respectively). No changes between WT and I890T currents were observed in steady-state inactivation, time course of inactivation, slow inactivation or recovery from inactivation parameters. Cell surface protein biotinylation analyses confirmed that Nav1.5 channel membrane expression levels were similar in WT and I890T cells. In summary, our data reveal that the I890T mutation, located within the pore of Nav1.5, causes an evident loss-of-function of the channel. Thus, the BrS phenotype observed in the proband is most likely due to this mutation


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Solid-state MBz compounds, where M stands for bivalent Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn and Bz is benzoate, have been synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy and complexometry were used to characterize and to study the thermal behaviour of these compounds. The procedure used in the preparation of the compounds via reaction of basic carbonates with benzoic acid is not efficient in eliminating excess acid. However the TG-DTA curves permitted to verify that the binary compounds can be obtained by thermosynthesis, because the benzoic acid can be eliminated before the thermal decomposition of these compounds. The results led to information about the composition, dehydration, thermal stability, thermal decomposition and structure of the isolated compounds. On heating, these compounds decompose in two (Mn, Co, Ni, Zn) or three (Fe, Cu) steps with formation of the respective oxide (Mn3O4, Fe2O3, Co3O4, NiO, CuO and ZnO) as final residue. The theoretical and experimental spectroscopic studies suggest a covalent bidentate bond between ligand and metallic center.


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The effect of pork fat reduction (from 44% to 20% final fat content) and its partial substitution by sunflower oil (3% addition) on the physicochemical, instrumental and sensory properties throughout storage time of small caliber non-acid fermented sausages (fuet type) with reduced sodium content (with partial substitution of NaCl by KCl and K-lactate) and without direct addition of nitrate and nitrite (natural nitrate source used instead), was studied. Results showed that sausages with reduced fat (10% initial fat content) and with acceptable sensory characteristics can be obtained by adding to the shoulder lean (8% fat content) during the grinding, either 3.3% backfat (3% fat content) or 3% sunflower oil, both previously finely comminuted with lean. Furthermore, sunflower oil showed to be suitable for partial pork backfat substitution in very lean fermented sausages, conferring desirable sensory properties similar to those of sausages with standard fat content. The sensory quality of the sausages was maintained after three-month cold storage in modified atmosphere.


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In this work a method was developed for removing metallic ions from wastewaters by co-precipitation of Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, Cr3+ and Hg2+ with chitosan and sodium hydroxide solution. Solutions of these metallic ions in the range from 0.55 to 2160 mg L-1 were added to chitosan dissolved in 0.05 mol L-1 HCl. For the co-precipitation of metal-chitosan-hydroxide a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution was added until pH 8.5-9.5. A parallel study was carried out applying a 0.17 mol L-1 NaOH solution to precipitate those metallic ions. Also, a chitosan solid phase column was used for removing those metallic ions from wastewaters.


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This experiment, where very common materials and equipments are used, conducts to good and interesting results related to the ionic radii of sodium and chloride ions. It also offers an excellent opportunity to discuss the crystalline arrangement of solids and to apply simple mathematical tools for calculations. Other important concepts such as density, solubility and saturated solution are also used. The simplicity of the experiment creates an excellent opportunity for reasoning with the students about the technique.


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The present work analyzed the effect of the temperature and type of salt on the phase equilibrium of aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) formed by poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) 1500 + potassium phosphate, from (278.15 to 318.15) K, and PEG 1500 + sodium citrate, from (278.15 to 298.15) K. The rise of the temperature normally increased the slope of the tie line (STL). With respect to the influence of the type of salt, sodium citrate showed better capability to induce phase separation, when compared to potassium phosphate.