984 resultados para Slides
PowerPoint Slides relating to theory and use of SPSS. Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science
PowerPoint Slides relating to theory and use of SPSS. Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science
PowerPoint Slides for Hypothesis testing Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science
These were slides developed as part of our work with the JISC Community Engagement Team and CETIS to introduce people to different forms of system modelling, including scenarios and personas, soft systems methods, UML (Use cases, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams), BMPN and EA modelling with Archimate.
slides and activities outlining the extent of the module,outline of proposed courseworks. Includes a couple of activities
Slides and exercises for class on methods and methodology to web science masters. Explores inter-disciplinarity and disciplinary differences
These slides support students in understanding how to respond to the challenge of: "I’ve been told not to use Google or Wikipedia to research my essay. What else is there?" The powerpoint guides students in how to identify high quality, up to date and relevant resources on the web that they can reliably draw upon for their academic assignments. The slides were created by the subject liaison librarian who supports the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the UNiversity of Southampton, Fiona Nichols.
Slides, handouts and links covering relevant topics including how to create an annotated bibliography, exemplar bibliography, reference managers etc. The coursework specification with assessment criteria is available as a single item from http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/6044/
Slides based on Brookshear, augmented with a lot of simple material to encourage the students to understand binary numbers!
Slides related to data protection act, plus guidance on identifying other resources covering the area of privacy
slides and accompanying handouts for hectic classroom activity bases session. See also notes on ECS module page: https://secure.ecs.soton.ac.uk/module/1617/COMP1205/33423/
Quick in class exercise to familiarise students with key points in presentation. timing is tight, but possible to run four groups with four minute presentation, one minute feedback on each slot, and five minute wash up. Associated coursework specification and mark scheme included, but also located at This item will be online at: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/4201/ slides specify two scenarios
slides plus mark scheme and link to group work videos
Slides, scenario and links which discusses the broad scope of workplace legislation. Relevant to the case study exam
These slides support students in understanding how to respond to the challenge of: "I’ve been told not to use Google or Wikipedia to research my essay. What else is there?" The powerpoint guides students in how to identify high quality, up to date and relevant resources on the web that they can reliably draw upon for their academic assignments. The slides were created by the subject liaison librarian who supports the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, Fiona Nichols.