935 resultados para Skin cancers
Effet d'un bolus intraveineux de phénylephrine ou d'éphedríne sur le flux sanguin cutané lors d'une anesthésie rachidienne Introduction : La phénylephrine et l'éphedrine sont des substances vaso-actives utilisées de routine pour corriger des épisodes d'hypotension artérielle induits par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne. L'influence de ces deux vasopresseurs sur le flux sanguin cutané (FSC) dans ce contexte n'a jusqu'à maintenant pas été décrite. Cette étude évalue l'effet d'une injection intraveineuse de 75 µg de phénylephrine ou de 7.5 mg d'éphedrine sur le FSC mesuré par Laser Doppler, dans les zones concernées parle bloc sympathiqué induit par l'anesthésie intrarachidienne (membres inférieurs) et dans les zones non concernées (membres supérieurs). Méthode :Après acceptation par le Comité d'Éthique, et obtention de leur accord écrit, 20 patients devant subir une intervention chirurgicale élective en décubitus dorsal sous anesthésie. intrarachidienne ont été inclus dans cette étude randomisée en double insu. Le FSC a été mesuré en continu par deux sondes fixées l'une à la cuisse (zone avec bloc sympathique) et l'autre sur l'avantbras (zone sans bloc sympathique). Les valeurs de FSC ont été enregistrées après l'anesthésie rachidienne (valeur contrôle), puis après l'injection i.v. dè phénylephrine (10 patients) ou d'éphedrine (10 patients) pour corriger une hypotension définie comme une chute de 20 mmHg de la pression artérielle systolique. Les variations de FSC exprimées en pourcentage de la valeur contrôle moyenne (+/- écart type) ont été analysées par le test t de Student. Résultats :Les données démographiques des patients et le niveau sensitif induit par l'anesthésie rachidienne sont similaires dans les deux groupes. Aux doses utilisées, seule l'éphedrine restaure la pression artérielle aux valeurs précédant l'anesthésie rachidienne. La phénylephrine augmente le FSC de l'avant-bras de 44% (+/- 79%) et de la cuisse de 34% (+/-24%), alors que l'éphedrine diminue le débit sanguin cutané de l'avant-bras de 16% (+/- 15%) et de la cuisse de 22% (+/-11%). Conclusion : L'injection intraveineuse de phénylephrine et d'éphedrine ont des effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané, et cette réponse n'est pas modifiée par le bloc sympathique.. Cette différence peut s'expliquer par la distribution des sous-types de récepteurs adrénergiques alpha et leur prédominance relative dans les veines et les artères de différents diamètres perfusant le tissu sous-cutané et la peau. L'éphedrine, èn raison de sa meilleure efficacité pour traiter les épisodes d'hypotension artérielle après anesthésie intrarachidienne devrait être préféré à la phénylephrine, leurs effets opposés sur le flux sanguin cutané n'étant pas pertinents en pratique clinique. SUMMARY Background: Phenylephrine or ephedrine is routinely used to correct hypotensive episodes fallowing spinal anaesthesia (SA). The influence of these two vasopressors on skin blood flow (SBF) has not yet been described. We have therefore evaluated the effects of an i.v. bolus of 75 µg phenylephrine or 7.5 mg of ephedrine on SBF measured by laser Doppler flowmetry during sympathetic blockade induced by SA. Methods: With Ethical Committee approval and written consent, 20 patients scheduled for elective procedures in supine position under SA were enrolled in this double-blind randomized study. SBF was measured continuously by two probes fixed at the thigh (area with sympathic blockade) and forearm level (area without sympathic blockade) respectively. SBF values were recorded after SA (control values) and then after a bolus administration of phenylephriné (n=10) or ephedrine (n=10) when systolic blood pressure decreased by 20 mmHg. Changes were expressed as percentage of control SBF values and analysed by Student's paired t-test. Results: Patient characteristics and dermatomal sensory levels were similar in both groups. Phenylephrine increases mean SBF at the forearm level by 44% (79%) [mean (SD)j and at the thigh by 34% (24%). Ephedrine decreases SBF at the forearm level by 16% (15%) and at the thigh by 22% (il%). Ephedrine bolus restores arterial blood pressure to pre-anaesthesia values, whereas phenylephrine does not. Conclusion: Administratión of phenylephrine and ephedrine has opposite effects on skin blood flow and sympathetic blockade does not modify this response. These findings could be explained by the distribution of the alpha-adrenoréceptor subtypes and their relative predominance among veins and arteries of different size perfusing the subcutaneous tissue and the skin. Ephedrine, due to its better efficacy to correct hypotensive episodes following SA, should be preferred, to phenylephrine, their opposite effects on SBF being not relevant for clinical practice.
Engineering of fetal tissue has a high potential for the treatment of acute and chronic wounds of the skin in humans as these cells have high expansion capacity under simple culture conditions and one organ donation can produce Master Cell Banks which can fabricate over 900 million biological bandages (9 x 12cm). In a Phase 1 clinical safety study, cases are presented for the treatment of therapy resistant leg ulcers. All eight patients, representing 13 ulcers, tolerated multiple treatments with fetal biological bandages showing no negative secondary effects and repair processes similar to that seen in 3rd degree burns. Differential gene profiling using Affymetrix gene chips (analyzing 12,500 genes) were accomplished on these banked fetal dermal skin cells compared to banked dermal skin cells of an aged donor in order to point to potential indicators of wound healing. Families of genes involved in cell adhesion and extracellular matrix, cell cycle, cellular signaling, development and immune response show significant differences in regulation between banked fetal and those from banked old skin cells: with approximately 47.0% of genes over-expressed in fetal fibroblasts. It is perhaps these differences which contribute to efficient tissue repair seen in the clinic with fetal cell therapy.
An impaired glutathione (GSH) synthesis was observed in several multifactorial diseases, including schizophrenia and myocardial infarction. Genetic studies revealed an association between schizophrenia and a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the catalytic subunit (GCLC) of the glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL). Disease-associated genotypes of this polymorphism correlated with a decrease in GCLC protein expression, GCL activity and GSH content. To clarify consequences of a decreased GCL activity at the proteome level, three schizophrenia patients and three controls have been selected based on the GCLC GAG TNR polymorphism. Fibroblast cultures were obtained by skin biopsy and were challenged with tert-butylhydroquinone (t-BHQ), a substance known to induce oxidative stress. Proteome changes were analyzed by two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and results revealed 10 spots that were upregulated in patients following t-BHQ treatment, but not in controls. Nine corresponding proteins could be identified by MALDI mass spectrometry and these proteins are involved in various cellular functions, including energy metabolism, oxidative stress response, and cytoskeletal reorganization. In conclusion, skin fibroblasts of subjects with an impaired GSH synthesis showed an altered proteome reaction in response to oxidative stress. Furthermore, the study corroborates the use of fibroblasts as an additional mean to study vulnerability factors of psychiatric diseases.
Genetic experiments established that p63 is crucial for the development and maintenance of pluristratified epithelia. In the RNA interference (RNAi) screening for targets of p63 in keratinocytes, we identified the transcription factor, High Mobility Group (HMG) box protein 1 (HBP1). HBP1 is an HMG-containing repressor transiently induced during differentiation of several cell lineages. We investigated the relationship between the two factors: using RNAi, overexpression, chromatin immunoprecipitations and transient transfections with reporter constructs, we established that HBP1 is directly repressed by p63. This was further confirmed in vivo by evaluating expression in p63 knockout mice and in transgenics expressing p63 in basal keratinocytes. Consistent with these findings, expression of HBP1 increases upon differentiation of primary keratinocytes and HaCaT cells in culture, and it is higher in the upper layers of human skin. Inactivation of HBP1 by RNAi prevents differentiation of keratinocytes and stratification of organotypic skin cultures. Finally, we analyzed the keratinocyte transcriptomes after HBP1 RNAi; in addition to repression of growth-promoting genes, unexpected activation of differentiation genes was uncovered, coexisting with repression of other genes involved in epithelial cornification. Our data indicate that suppression of HBP1 is part of the growth-promoting strategy of p63 in the lower layers of epidermis and that HBP1 temporally coordinates expression of genes involved in stratification, leading to the formation of the skin barrier.
Le prélèvement des ganglions sentinelles apparaît comme une technique séduisante pour l'évaluation ganglionnaire des cancers du col utérin de faible stade. La sélection d'une population à bas risque de métastase ganglionnaire, un entraînement minimal et le respect de quelques règles simples permettent de limiter le risque de faux négatif au minimum. La technique apporte des informations supplémentaires sur le plan anatomique en identifiant des ganglions situés en dehors des zones habituelles de curage, et sur le plan histologique avec la mise en évidence de cellules tumorales isolées et surtout de micrométastases dont la valeur pronostique est suspectée Sentinel node biopsy appears as a promising technique for the assessment of nodal disease in early cervical cancers. Selection of a population with a low risk of nodal metastasis, a minimal training, and simple rules allow a low false negative rate. Sentinel node biopsy provides supplementary information, such as anatomical information (nodes outside of routine lymphadenectomy areas) and histological information (isolated tumors cells and micrometastases).
Objective: We aimed to investigate the effect of amifostine on acute and late side effects, and its tolerability in head and neck cancer patients treated with radiotherapy (RT). Material and Methods: The study included 87 patients with primary head and neck cancers and cervical lymph node metastases from unknown primary cancers treated with RT alone or combined with chemotherapy (CT). Forty-one patients (47%) received amifostine combined with RT (ART group) and 46 patients (52%) received RT without amifostine (RT group). The patients were evaluated every week during the treatment and at month 1 and 2 after the completion of RT for acute side effects and month 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 after the treatment for late side effects according to SOMA/LENT scale. Amifostine was administered prior to RT, along with anti-emetic prophylaxis. The two groups were compared with the Student's t and Mann-Whitney U and Chi-square tests. Results: The ART group had significantly less toxicity (grade! 1 mucositis, grade 2 fibrosis) than patients in the RT group (p=0.001, p=0.03, respectively). At week 3 of RT grade 2 mucositis developed in two patients (5%) in the ART group and 10 patients (22%) in the RT group (p=0.02). The protective effect of amifostine on skin reactions developed at week 4 of RT (p=0.05). Grade 3 xerostomia at 9, 12, and 15 months of follow-up (p=0.02, p=0.02, and p=0.02, respectively), grade 2 xerostomia at 18 and 24 months (p=0.02 and p=0.01, respectively) and fibrosis at 15, 18 and 24 months (p=0.05, p=0.02 and p=0.02, respectively) decreased markedly in the ART group compared with the RT group. Emesis was the most common adverse effect of amifostine. Conclusion: Daily administration of amifostine during RT was effective in avoiding late grade 2-3 xerostomia, as well as grade 2 fibrosis.
INTRODUCTION: Reconstructions of the fronto-orbital area remain a challenge to the reconstructive surgeon, due to the functional and esthetic impact. OBSERVATION: The authors present a case of a complex fronto-orbital reconstruction with a PEEK (PolyEtherEtherKetone) implant, associated with a skin expansion. DISCUSSION: With a follow-up of over three years, the cosmetic result is excellent. The authors believe that this technique is reliable, fast with long-term good results.
Although chemokines and their receptors were initially identified as regulators of cell trafficking during inflammation and immune response, they have emerged as crucial players in all stages of tumor development, primary growth, migration, angiogenesis, and establishment as metastases in distant target organs. Neuroectodermal tumors regroup neoplasms originating from the embryonic neural crest cells, which display clinical and biological similarities. These tumors are highly malignant and rapidly progressing diseases that disseminate to similar target organs such as bone marrow, bone, liver and lungs. There is increasing evidence that interaction of several chemokine receptors with corresponding chemokine ligands are implicated in the growth and invasive characteristics of these tumors. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the role of CXCL12 chemokine and its CXCR4 and CXCR7 receptors in the progression and survival of neuroectodermal tumors, with particular emphasis on neuroblastoma, the most typical and enigmatic neuroectodermal childhood tumor.
The present study is a comparative analysis of the adenomatous polyps and colorectal cancers, registered during a determined period within the population of the cantons of Geneva and Vaud. The analysis is particularly based on the polyp/cancer ratio by sub-site. Histological type as well as age and sex of the patient are taken into consideration.
OBJECTIVES: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) have been listed as AIDS-defining cancers (ADCs) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since 1993. Despite this, HIV screening is not universally mentioned in ADC treatment guidelines. We examined screening practices at a tertiary centre serving a population where HIV seroprevalence is 0.4%. METHODS: Patients with KS, ICC, NHL and Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), treated at Lausanne University Hospital between January 2002 and July 2012, were studied retrospectively. HIV testing was considered part of the oncology work-up if performed between 90 days before and 90 days after the cancer diagnosis date. RESULTS: A total of 880 patients were examined: 10 with KS, 58 with ICC, 672 with NHL and 140 with HL. HIV testing rates were 100, 11, 60 and 59%, and HIV seroprevalence was 60, 1.7, 3.4 and 5%, respectively. Thirty-seven patients (4.2%) were HIV-positive, of whom eight (22%) were diagnosed at oncology work-up. All newly diagnosed patients had CD4 counts < 200 cells/μL and six (75%) had presented to a physician 12-236 weeks previously with conditions warranting HIV testing. CONCLUSIONS: In our institution, only patients with KS were universally screened. Screening rates for other cancers ranged from 11 to 60%. HIV seroprevalence was at least fourfold higher than the population average. As HIV-positive status impacts on cancer patient medical management, HIV screening should be included in oncology guidelines. Further, we recommend that opt-out screening should be adopted in all patients with ADCs and HL.
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features.
BACKGROUND: Differences exist between the proximal and distal colon in terms of developmental origin, exposure to patterning genes, environmental mutagens, and gut flora. Little is known on how these differences may affect mechanisms of tumorigenesis, side-specific therapy response or prognosis. We explored systematic differences in pathway activation and their clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detailed clinicopathological data for 3045 colon carcinoma patients enrolled in the PETACC3 adjuvant chemotherapy trial were available for analysis. A subset of 1404 samples had molecular data, including gene expression and DNA copy number profiles for 589 and 199 samples, respectively. In addition, 413 colon adenocarcinoma from TCGA collection were also analyzed. Tumor side-effect on anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy was assessed in a cohort of 325 metastatic patients. Outcome variables considered were relapse-free survival and survival after relapse (SAR). RESULTS: Proximal carcinomas were more often mucinous, microsatellite instable (MSI)-high, mutated in key tumorigenic pathways, expressed a B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF)-like and a serrated pathway signature, regardless of histological type. Distal carcinomas were more often chromosome instable and EGFR or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplified, and more frequently overexpressed epiregulin. While risk of relapse was not different per side, SAR was much poorer for proximal than for distal stage III carcinomas in a multivariable model including BRAF mutation status [N = 285; HR 1.95, 95% CI (1.6-2.4), P < 0.001]. Only patients with metastases from a distal carcinoma responded to anti-EGFR therapy, in line with the predictions of our pathway enrichment analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal carcinoma side is associated with differences in key molecular features, some immediately druggable, with important prognostic effects which are maintained in metastatic lesions. Although within side significant molecular heterogeneity remains, our findings justify stratification of patients by side for retrospective and prospective analyses of drug efficacy and prognosis.
To determine whether skin blood flow is local or takes part in general regulatory mechanisms, we recorded laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF; left and right index fingers), blood pressure, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), R-R interval, and respiration in 10 healthy volunteers and 3 subjects after sympathectomy. We evaluated 1) the synchronism of LDF fluctuations in two index fingers, 2) the relationship with autonomically mediated fluctuations in other signals, and 3) the LDF ability to respond to arterial baroreflex stimulation (by neck suction at frequencies from 0.02 to 0.20 Hz), using spectral analysis (autoregressive uni- and bivariate, time-variant algorithms). Synchronous LDF fluctuations were observed in the index fingers of healthy subjects but not in sympathectomized patients. LDF fluctuations were coherent with those obtained for blood pressure, MSNA, and R-R interval. LDF fluctuations were leading blood pressure in the low-frequency (LF; 0.1 Hz) band and lagging in the respiratory, high-frequency (HF; approximately 0.25 Hz) band, suggesting passive "downstream" transmission only for HF and "upstream" transmission for LF from the microvessels. LDF fluctuations were responsive to sinusoidal neck suction up to 0.1 Hz, indicating response to sympathetic modulation. Skin blood flow thus reflects modifications determined by autonomic activity, detectable by frequency analysis of spontaneous fluctuations.
The thymus develops from the third pharyngeal pouch of the anterior gut and provides the necessary environment for thymopoiesis (the process by which thymocytes differentiate into mature T lymphocytes) and the establishment and maintenance of self-tolerance. It contains thymic epithelial cells (TECs) that form a complex three-dimensional network organized in cortical and medullary compartments, the organization of which is notably different from simple or stratified epithelia. TECs have an essential role in the generation of self-tolerant thymocytes through expression of the autoimmune regulator Aire, but the mechanisms involved in the specification and maintenance of TECs remain unclear. Despite the different embryological origins of thymus and skin (endodermal and ectodermal, respectively), some cells of the thymic medulla express stratified-epithelium markers, interpreted as promiscuous gene expression. Here we show that the thymus of the rat contains a population of clonogenic TECs that can be extensively cultured while conserving the capacity to integrate in a thymic epithelial network and to express major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II) molecules and Aire. These cells can irreversibly adopt the fate of hair follicle multipotent stem cells when exposed to an inductive skin microenvironment; this change in fate is correlated with robust changes in gene expression. Hence, microenvironmental cues are sufficient here to re-direct epithelial cell fate, allowing crossing of primitive germ layer boundaries and an increase in potency.