986 resultados para Shelf-life
Questo lavoro di tesi è stato finalizzato allo studio dell’applicabilità e dell’efficacia di una modalità di confezionamento dell’olio extra vergine di oliva (EVO) in grado di raggiungere due obiettivi: - il prolungamento della shelf-life dell’olio d’oliva grazie ad un’azione protettiva del packaging dalla radiazione luminosa; - l’ottenimento di un’estetica accattivante che consenta al consumatore di apprezzare colore e livello del prodotto contenuto. È stata, quindi, testata l’efficacia di un film protettivo trasparente, termoretraibile, stampabile e con effetto barriera contro le radiazioni UV applicato su bottiglie in vetro trasparente, confrontando i risultati ottenuti con quelli raccolti per campioni conservati in bottiglie in vetro scuro e trasparente. Per la realizzazione di questo studio sono stati utilizzati due EVO monovarietali e per ognuno di questi sono state confrontate tre tipologie di confezionamento: vetro scuro, vetro trasparente rivestito con pellicola, vetro trasparente. Per simulare un processo di “invecchiamento accelerato” le bottiglie sono state poste in un termostato (20 °C) all’interno del quale sono state istallate delle lampade in grado di illuminare le bottiglie in continuo e i campioni erano monitorati ad intervalli regolari (5, 10 e 15 settimane). Le determinazioni analitiche svolte (titrimetriche, spettrofotometriche, cromatografiche e sensoriali) hanno riguardato i principali parametri quali-quantitativi correlati allo stato idrolitico (acidità libera, digliceridi) ed ossidativo (numero di perossidi) degli oli d’oliva, nonché relativi alle molecole antiossidanti (contenuto in fenoli totali e tocoferoli) ed agli attributi sensoriali. I risultati ottenuti da queste prove esplorative hanno evidenziato come l’applicazione di sleeve additivate con anti-UV su bottiglie in vetro trasparente possa costituire una valida modalità di confezionamento dell’olio EVO, anche se saranno necessarie ulteriori conferme ed approfondimenti.
All-in-one admixtures (AIO-admixtures) provide safe, effective and low-risk PN (parenteral nutrition) for practically all indications and applications. Water, energy (carbohydrates and lipids), amino acids, vitamins and trace elements are infused together with PN either as industrially-manufactured AIO admixtures provided as two- or three-chamber bags (shelf life usually more than 12 months) completed with electrolytes and micronutrients where appropriate or as individually compounded ready-to-use AIO admixtures (compounding, usually prepared by a pharmacy on either a daily or weekly basis and stored at 2-8 degrees C). Physico-chemical and microbial stability of an AIO admixture is essential for the safety and effectiveness of patient-specific PN, and its assurance requires specialist pharmaceutical knowledge. The stability should be documented for an application period of 24 (-48) hours. It is advisable to offer a limited selection of different PN regimes in each hospital. For reasons of drug and medication safety, PN admixtures prepared for individual patients must be correctly labelled and specifications for storage conditions must also be followed during transport. Monitoring is required where applicable. Micronutrients are usually administered separately to AIO admixtures. In case compatibility and stability have been well documented trace elements and/or combination preparations including water-soluble or water-soluble/fat soluble vitamin supplements can be added to PN admixtures under strict aseptic conditions. AIO admixtures are usually not used as vehicles for drugs (incompatibilities).
Thirty crossbred steers were randomly assigned to three treatment groups and fed corn-based finishing diets (88% concentrate) containing 0, 1.0 or 2.5% conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for an average of 130 days. Steers fed 2.5% CLA consumed less feed and had lower daily gains than control steers. Carcass weights tended to be reduced, and marbling scores were decreased by feeding 2.5% CLA. There were no significant effects of feeding CLA on dressing percentages, yield grades and backfat measurements. The rounds from each animal were physically separated into tissue components. Rounds from steers fed CLA contained a higher percentage of lean tissue and a lower percentage of fat. Feeding CLA increased concentrations of CLA in lipids from fat and lean in rib steaks and rounds. Increasing CLA in beef had no effects on shelf life, tenderness, juiciness, flavor or flavor intensity of rib steaks. Although results indicated that feeding calcium salts of CLA to beef steers decreased performance, concentrations of CLA in tissues could be increased offering the availability of a leaner, more healthful meat product.
BACKGROUND Gamma irradiation is currently the standard care to avoid transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Guidelines on gamma irradiation of blood components state that platelets (PLTs) can be irradiated at any stage in their 5-day storage and can thereafter be stored up to their normal shelf life of 5 days after collection. In this study, we explored whether the timing of irradiation has an effect on transfusion efficacy of apheresis PLT concentrates (APCs). METHODS Based on the 1-hour percent PLT recovery (PPR1h), transfusion efficacy of 1,000 eligible APCs transfused to 144 children were evaluated retrospectively. PPR1h was compared in transfused APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion and APCs irradiated in advance. RESULTS In univariate analysis, transfusion efficacy of APCs irradiated in advance was significantly lower than that of APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion (mean PPR1h 27.7 vs. 35.0%; p = 0.007). This was confirmed in multivariate analysis (p = 0.030). Compared to non-irradiated APCs, transfusion efficacy of APCs irradiated at the day of transfusion was not significantly inferior (mean difference -2.8%; 95% CI -6.1 to 0.5%; p = 0.092), but APCs irradiated in advance were clearly less efficient (mean difference -8.1%; 95% CI -12.2 to -4.0%; p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Our data strongly support that APCs should not be irradiated in advance, 1.e., ≥24 h before transfusion.
In a period of increasing concern about food safety, food poisoning outbreaks where unpasterurized apple cider or apple juice was found contaminated with Escherichia coli 0157:H7 reinforces the need for using the best technologies in apple cider production. Most apple cider is sold as an unpasteurized raw product. Because of their acidity, it was believed that juice products do not usually contain microorganisms such as E. coli 0157:H7, Salmonella, and Crytosporidium. Yet all of these foodborne pathogens are capable of being transmitted in unpasteurized juices. It is known that these pathogens can survive for several weeks in a variety of acidic juices. Although heat pasteurization is probably the best method to eliminate these pathogens, it is not the most desirable method as it changes sensory properties and also is very costly for small to mid-sized apple cider processors. Pasteurization of apple cider with Ultraviolet Irradiation (UV) is a potential alternative to heat pasteurization. Germicidal W irradiation is effective in inactivating microorganisms without producing undesirable by-products and changing sensory properties. Unpasteurized raw apple cider from a small local processor was purchased for this study. The effects of physical parameters, exposure time and dosage on the W treatment efficacy were examined as well as the effects of the UV light on apple cider quality. W light with principal energy at a wavelength of 254.7 nm, was effective in reducing bacteria (E .coli, ATCC 25922) inoculated apple cider. The W dosage absorbed by the apple cider was mathematically calculated. A radiation dose of 8,777 μW-s/cm2 reduced bacteria an average of 2.20 logs and in multiple passes, the FDA mandated 5-log reduction was achieved. Sensory analysis showed there was no significant difference between the W treated and non-treated cider. Experiments with W treated apple cider indicated a significant (p < 0.01) extension of product shelf life through inhibition of yeast and mold growth. The extension of the researched performed is applicable to other fruit juice processing operations.
Se evaluaron dos cultivares de arándano alto por su comportamiento en almacenamiento refrigerado convencional. Frutos completamente azules se seleccionaron, envasaron en "clamshells" y sometieron a almacenamiento refrigerado a 0 °C y 85-90 % HR durante 10, 17, 24 y 31 días. Para cada período de almacenamiento se realizaron muestreos: (1) a salida de frío y (2) después de dos días a temperatura ambiente. Se evaluó la homogeneidad en el empaque, pérdida de peso, firmeza, contenido de sólidos solubles, acidez titulable, pH y relación sólidos solubles:acidez titulable. El peso promedio de los frutos fue de 1.9 g, correspondiéndoles el grado "extralarge". La fruta se mantuvo en buenas condiciones durante 11 días de almacenamiento refrigerado, después perdió calidad como consecuencia de la pérdida de peso. Se encontró que Bluejay superó a Brigitta en firmeza. El contenido de sólidos solubles aumentó proporcionalmente a la duración del período de almacenamiento. En los períodos de 10 y 31 días Brigitta presentó mayor acidez titulable y menor relación sólidos solubles:acidez titulable que Bluejay. En ambos cultivares se observó un aumento significativo del pH al mes de almacenamiento. A partir de la correlación entre las variables evaluadas se infiere que el contenido de sólidos solubles y la firmeza constituyeron buenos índices de la calidad de la fruta en ambas variedades.
Objetivos: reducir pérdidas durante la conservación frigorífica, emplear atmósfera modificada como método suplementario a la refrigeración, alargar el período de aptitud comercial. Metodología: se trabajó con fruta acondicionada a 0±1 °C y 90±5 % HR, según las siguientes variantes: 1. testigo: 20 kg fruta a granel sin seleccionar en caja plástica; 2. granel + film PVC: 10 kg de fruta a granel en bandejas de madera más cartón corrugado recubierta con film de PVC; 3. celpack: bandejas de madera recubiertas de cartón corrugado con dos celpack de 23 frutos cada uno; 4. celpack + atmósfera modificada: ídem anterior pero cada celpack en bolsa de polietileno de baja densidad de 20 μ. A partir de los 30 días de conservación se extrajo semanalmente, durante 9 semanas, una muestra de 46 frutos, de los cuales 23 fueron analizados al momento de ser extraídos y los 23 restantes luego de 48 horas de comercialización simulada (sc). Para la evaluación estadística se aplicó análisis de la varianza con el programa SAS (Statistical Analysis System) y se determinaron las diferencias entre tratamientos con el test de Duncan. Para sabor, en cambio, se aplicó una prueba de homogeneidad de P2. La evaluación de sabor se realizó mediante degustación con panel de 5 catadores entrenados. Resultados: Los frutos tenían las siguientes características al inicio de conservación: calibre 61.4 mm, peso 117.8 g, firmeza de pulpa 3.1 kgf, sabor agridulce, contenido de sólidos solubles 17.5 °Bx, acidez 0.78 g ác. málico%g, % cubrimiento 83.69 %. Luego de la conservación frigorífica (97días): % de color de cobertura 95 %. La firmeza de la pulpa en el tratamiento celpack + bolsa se diferencia con valores más altos, media de 2.8 kgf , el resto con media 2.6 kgf. En sc la firmeza es inferior y esta disminución es menor en celpack + bolsa. Sólidos solubles, media 17.21 °Bx, en sc valores con media de un 0.3 % más. Acidez titulable: disminución progresiva, de 0.68 a 0.47 g%g al fin de conservación. Sabor: a partir de los 59 días aumentan los frutos insípidos y desagradables excepto en celpack + bolsa. Síntomas de deshidratación: a partir de los 79 días la única variante que no presenta síntomas es celpack + bolsa. Conclusiones: El acondicionamiento en celpack redujo la incidencia de ataque por mohos (fue el único tratamiento sin ataque durante 94 días); tampoco presentó sabores desagradables y su limitación en conservación se debió a la deshidratación evidente a partir de 74 días. La fruta embalada en celpack + bolsa tuvo mayores valores de resistencia a la presión y 100 % de frutos sin deshidratación a los 94 días de conservación; a partir de 80 días es evidente el ataque de mohos y frutos con sabores desagradables. Las variantes granel y granel + film presentan deterioro por deshidratación a partir de 74 días. La conservación no debería superar 80 días. Celpack + bolsa muestra mejores resultados, con mayores valores de resistencia a la presión que los otros tratamientos; con respecto al sabor, mantiene una mayor proporción de sabor dulce.
El polvo de ajo (Allium sativum L.) es una alternativa para conservar en el tiempo sus propiedades sensoriales y prolongar su vida útil como alimento procesado. En la actualidad, no existe una definición clara de las propiedades sensoriales que caracterizan el ajo ni de las técnicas más adecuadas para su análisis. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron estudiar diferentes vehículos y determinar el más apropiado para el análisis sensorial del polvo de ajo, y generar y definir los descriptores para las propiedades sensoriales de olor y flavor de diferentes cultivares deshidratados a través de dos métodos: en estufa a 50°C y por liofilización a -50°C, bajo vacío. Se pretende contribuir a la caracterización de este producto aportando un vocabulario específico y sus definiciones, como así también una metodología sensorial propia. Ocho evaluadores, seleccionados y entrenados de acuerdo con las normas internacionales y con experiencia en análisis sensorial, probaron diferentes vehículos y una vez determinado el más adecuado, desarrollaron el lenguaje descriptivo para los ajos desecados y liofilizados seleccionando por consenso los descriptores que mejor caracterizaban las cultivares, y se definió cada término. Se generaron 31 descriptores simples. Si bien, algunos de los descriptores coincidieron con los publicados en la guía ASTM DS 66 (1996) para ajos frescos, con esta investigación se aportó un amplio número de términos nuevos para la descripción del olor y el flavor de los ajos desecados y liofilizados, los cuales contribuyen a una mejor caracterización sensorial de este producto.
Los perfiles de polipéptidos proveen información sobre la constitución genética de un individuo y su expresión, y son útiles como marcadores moleculares. El objetivo del trabajo fue detectar ligamiento entre los perfiles de polipéptidos del pericarpio en dos estados de madurez y caracteres cuantitativos y de calidad de los frutos, analizando 21 genotipos de tomate. Se obtuvieron los perfiles polipéptidos en los estados verde y rojo maduro de frutos de 18 líneas endocriadas recombinantes (RILs, recombinant inbred lines), derivadas de un cruzamiento interespecífico entre el cultivar Caimanta de S. lycopersicum y la entrada LA722 de S. pimpinellifolium, que se incluyeron como testigos experimentales junto a su F1. En estos 21 genotipos se evaluaron también vida poscosecha, peso, firmeza, porcentaje de reflectancia, índice cromático, forma, pH, acidez titulable, contenido de sólidos solubles, espesor de pericarpio y número de lóculos de los frutos. Los perfiles mostraron polimorfismo entre los estados de madurez dentro de un mismo genotipo y entre genotipos para un mismo estado de madurez. Algunos polipéptidos segregaron de forma mendeliana (1:1) y, por análisis de un único punto, mostraron ligamiento con caracteres de calidad del fruto. Se detectaron loci de caracteres cuantitativos (QTLs, quantitative trait loci) asociados a número de lóculos, peso, pH, firmeza y vida poscosecha de los frutos.
The production of minimally processed vegetables and fruits is an emergent sector, however these processes reduce the useful life of the products. Main preservation techniques such cold storage and modified atmosphere are limited. New treatments are being applied (O3 , UV‐C radiation, biodegradable films…etc.). The sector precise of cheap and fast techniques to evaluate the general quality and the security of the processed products, that constitute a tool of aid to the decision in the implementation of new procedures of packaging and/or treatments. Objectives: To explore hyperspectral imaging for monitoring the evolution of minimally processed leafy vegetables during shelf‐life . To identify and classify deterioration rates of the leaves through Multivariate analysis techniques (PLS‐DA)
Fresh-cut or minimally processed fruit and vegetables have been physically modified from its original form (by peeling, trimming, washing and cutting) to obtain a 100% edible product that is subsequently packaged (usually under modified atmosphere packaging –MAP) and kept in refrigerated storage. In fresh-cut products, physiological activity and microbiological spoilage, determine their deterioration and shelf-life. The major preservation techniques applied to delay spoilage are chilling storage and MAP, combined with chemical treatments antimicrobial solutions antibrowning, acidulants, antioxidants, etc.). The industry looks for safer alternatives. Consequently, the sector is asking for innovative, fast, cheap and objective techniques to evaluate the overall quality and safety of fresh-cut products in order to obtain decision tools for implementing new packaging materials and procedures. In recent years, hyperspectral imaging technique has been regarded as a tool for analyses conducted for quality evaluation of food products in research, control and industries. The hyperspectral imaging system allows integrating spectroscopic and imaging techniques to enable direct identification of different components or quality characteristics and their spatial distribution in the tested sample. The objective of this work is to develop hyperspectral image processing methods for the supervision through plastic films of changes related to quality deterioration in packed readyto-use leafy vegetables during shelf life. The evolutions of ready-to-use spinach and watercress samples covered with three different common transparent plastic films were studied. Samples were stored at 4 ºC during the monitoring period (until 21 days). More than 60 hyperspectral images (from 400 to 1000 nm) per species were analyzed using ad hoc routines and commercial toolboxes of MatLab®. Besides common spectral treatments for removing additive and multiplicative effects, additional correction, previously to any other correction, was performed in the images of leaves in order to avoid the modification in their spectra due to the presence of the plastic transparent film. Findings from this study suggest that the developed images analysis system is able to deal with the effects caused in the images by the presence of plastic films in the supervision of shelf-life in leafy vegetables, in which different stages of quality has been identified.
Solar drying is one of the important processes used for extending the shelf life of agricultural products. Regarding consumer requirements, solar drying should be more suitable in terms of curtailing total drying time and preserving product quality. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop a fuzzy logic-based control system, which performs a ?human-operator-like? control approach through using the previously developed low-cost model-based sensors. Fuzzy logic toolbox of MatLab and Borland C++ Builder tool were utilized to develop a required control system. An experimental solar dryer, constructed by CONA SOLAR (Austria) was used during the development of the control system. Sensirion sensors were used to characterize the drying air at different positions in the dryer, and also the smart sensor SMART-1 was applied to be able to include the rate of wood water extraction into the control system (the difference of absolute humidity of the air between the outlet and the inlet of solar dryer is considered by SMART-1 to be the extracted water). A comprehensive test over a 3 week period for different fuzzy control models has been performed, and data, obtained from these experiments, were analyzed. Findings from this study would suggest that the developed fuzzy logic-based control system is able to tackle difficulties, related to the control of solar dryer process.
Contact Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy (SRS) measurements by means of a fiber-optics probe were employed for nondestructive assessment and monitoring of Braeburn apples during shelflife storage. SRS measurements and estimation of optical properties were calibrated and validated by means of liquid optical phantoms with known optical properties and a metamodeling method. The acquired optical properties (absorption and reduced scattering coefficients) for the apples during shelf-life storage were found to provide useful information for nondestructive evaluation of apple quality attributes (firmness and SSC) and for monitoring the changes in their microstructure and chemical composition. On-line SRS measurement was achieved by mounting the SRS probe over a conveyor system
The effect of the addition of a commercial enriched glutathione inactive dry yeast oenological preparation in the volatile and sensory properties of industrially manufactured rosé Grenache wines was evaluated during their shelf-life. In addition, triangle tests were performed at different times during wine aging (among 1 and 9 months) to determine the sensory differences between wines with and without glutathione inactive dry yeast preparations. Descriptive sensory analysis with a trained panel was carried out when sensory differences in the triangle test were noticed. In addition, consumer tests were performed in order to investigate consumers’ acceptability of wines. Results revealed significant sensory differences between control and glutathione inactive dry yeast wines after 9 months of aging. At that time, glutathione inactive dry yeast wines were more intense in fruity aromas (strawberry, banana) and less intense in yeast notes than control wine. The impact of the glutathione inactive dry yeast in the aroma might be the consequence of different effects that these preparations could induce in wine composition: modification of yeast byproducts during fermentation, release of volatile compounds from inactive dry yeast, interaction of wine volatile compounds with yeast macromolecules from inactive dry yeast and a possible antioxidant effect of the glutathione released by the inactive dry yeast preparation on some specific volatile compounds.
A nanotecnologia tornou possível estruturar nanopartículas (NPs), utilizando-se polímeros biodegradáveis e atóxicos, como a quitosana (QS) - capaz de carrear e disponibilizar antígenos para a mucosa, devido sua propriedade mucoadesiva. Uma vacina liofilizada, em comparação a uma formulação líquida, possui inúmeras vantagens, tais como melhora na estabilidade do produto e melhor resistência às variações de temperatura, aumentando sua vida de prateleira e possibilitando melhor logística do produto aos locais onde o acesso à rede refrigerada é difícil; ademais, um produto liofilizado tem sua mucoadesividade aumentada, possibilitando maior tempo de permanência na mucosa. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo observar a resposta imune, em camundongos, de uma vacina desenvolvida por um mecanismo de entrega intranasal do HBsAg (Antígeno de superfície da Hepatite B) encapsulado pelo método de incorporação em nanopartículas de quitosana (NPs) liofilizadas. A formação das NPs foi realizada pela interação eletroestática da quitosana e do TPP (tripolifosfato de sódio), utilizando método de geleificação iônica. Formulações de NPs com glicina 5% apresentaram boas características após reconstituição, umidade residual inferior a 1% e processo de liofilização de 13 horas. Foi avaliada a imunogenicidade da inoculação do HBsAg em formulações de NPs de quitosana líquida e liofilizada, verificando-se que a forma líquida produziu anticorpos IgG contra HBsAg.