994 resultados para Shape context


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Experimental data from ultrasonic and inelastic neutron scattering measurements are analyzed for different families of Cu-based shape-memory alloys. It is shown that the transition occurs at a value, independent of composition and alloy family, of the ratio between the elastic constants associated with the two shears necessary to accomplish the lattice distortion from the bcc to the close-packed structure. The zone boundary frequency of the TA2[110] branch evaluated at the transition point (TM), weakly depends, for each family, on composition. A linear relationship between this frequency and the inverse of the elastic constant C', both quantities evaluated at TM, has been found, in agreement with the prediction of a Landau model proposed for martensitic transformations.


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Measurements of the entropy change at the martensitic transition of two composition-related sets of Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloys are reported. It is found that most of the entropy change has a vibrational origin, and depends only on the particular close-packed structure of the low-temperature phase. Using data from the literature for other Cu-based alloys, this result is shown to be general. In addition, it is shown that the martensitic structure changes from 18R to 2H when the ratio of conduction electrons per atom reaches the same value as the eutectoid point in the equilibrium phase diagram. This finding indicates that the structure of the metastable low-temperature phase is reminiscent of the equilibrium structure.


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We have measured the adiabatic second order elastic constants of two Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory crystals with different martensitic transition temperatures, using ultrasonic methods. The temperature dependence of the elastic constants has been followed across the ferromagnetic transition and down to the martensitic transition temperature. Within experimental errors no noticeable change in any of the elastic constants has been observed at the Curie point. The temperature dependence of the shear elastic constant C' has been found to be very different for the two alloys. Such a different behavior is in agreement with recent theoretical predictions for systems undergoing multi-stage structural transitions.


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We report on measurements of the adiabatic temperature change in the inverse magnetocaloric Ni50Mn34In16 alloy. It is shown that this alloy heats up with the application of a magnetic field around the Curie point due to the conventional magnetocaloric effect. In contrast, the inverse magnetocaloric effect associated with the martensitic transition results in the unusual decrease of temperature by adiabatic magnetization. We also provide magnetization and specific heat data which enable to compare the measured temperature changes to the values indirectly computed from thermodynamic relationships. Good agreement is obtained for the conventional effect at the second-order paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition. However, at the first-order structural transition the measured values at high fields are lower than the computed ones. Irreversible thermodynamics arguments are given to show that such a discrepancy is due to the irreversibility of the first-order martensitic transition.


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This article presents an experimental study about the classification ability of several classifiers for multi-classclassification of cannabis seedlings. As the cultivation of drug type cannabis is forbidden in Switzerland lawenforcement authorities regularly ask forensic laboratories to determinate the chemotype of a seized cannabisplant and then to conclude if the plantation is legal or not. This classification is mainly performed when theplant is mature as required by the EU official protocol and then the classification of cannabis seedlings is a timeconsuming and costly procedure. A previous study made by the authors has investigated this problematic [1]and showed that it is possible to differentiate between drug type (illegal) and fibre type (legal) cannabis at anearly stage of growth using gas chromatography interfaced with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) based on therelative proportions of eight major leaf compounds. The aims of the present work are on one hand to continueformer work and to optimize the methodology for the discrimination of drug- and fibre type cannabisdeveloped in the previous study and on the other hand to investigate the possibility to predict illegal cannabisvarieties. Seven classifiers for differentiating between cannabis seedlings are evaluated in this paper, namelyLinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA), Nearest NeighbourClassification (NNC), Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ), Radial Basis Function Support Vector Machines(RBF SVMs), Random Forest (RF) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The performance of each method wasassessed using the same analytical dataset that consists of 861 samples split into drug- and fibre type cannabiswith drug type cannabis being made up of 12 varieties (i.e. 12 classes). The results show that linear classifiersare not able to manage the distribution of classes in which some overlap areas exist for both classificationproblems. Unlike linear classifiers, NNC and RBF SVMs best differentiate cannabis samples both for 2-class and12-class classifications with average classification results up to 99% and 98%, respectively. Furthermore, RBFSVMs correctly classified into drug type cannabis the independent validation set, which consists of cannabisplants coming from police seizures. In forensic case work this study shows that the discrimination betweencannabis samples at an early stage of growth is possible with fairly high classification performance fordiscriminating between cannabis chemotypes or between drug type cannabis varieties.


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The cytoskeleton is essential for the structural organization of neurons and is influenced during development by excitatory stimuli such as activation of glutamate receptors. In particular, NMDA receptors are known to modulate the function of several cytoskeletal proteins and to influence cell morphology, but the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we characterized the neurofilament subunit NF-M in cultures of developing mouse cortical neurons chronically exposed to NMDA receptor antagonists. Western blots analysis showed that treatment of cortical neurons with MK801 or AP5 shifted the size of NF-M towards higher molecular weights. Dephosphorylation assay revealed that this increased size of NF-M observed after chronic exposure to NMDA receptor antagonists was due to phosphorylation. Neurons treated with cyclosporin, an inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatase calcineurin, also showed increased levels of phosphorylated NF-M. Moreover, analysis of neurofilament stability revealed that the phosphorylation of NF-M, resulting from NMDA receptor inhibition, enhanced the solubility of NF-M. Finally, cortical neurons cultured in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonists MK801 and AP5 grew longer neurites. Together, these data indicate that a blockade of NMDA receptors during development of cortical neurons increases the phosphorylation state and the solubility of NF-M, thereby favoring neurite outgrowth. This also underlines that dynamics of the neurofilament and microtubule cytoskeleton is fundamental for growth processes.


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A considerable proportion of mammalian gene expression undergoes circadian oscillations. Post-transcriptional mechanisms likely make important contributions to mRNA abundance rhythms. We have investigated how microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to core clock and clock-controlled gene expression using mice in which miRNA biogenesis can be inactivated in the liver. While the hepatic core clock was surprisingly resilient to miRNA loss, whole transcriptome sequencing uncovered widespread effects on clock output gene expression. Cyclic transcription paired with miRNA-mediated regulation was thus identified as a frequent phenomenon that affected up to 30% of the rhythmic transcriptome and served to post-transcriptionally adjust the phases and amplitudes of rhythmic mRNA accumulation. However, only few mRNA rhythms were actually generated by miRNAs. Overall, our study suggests that miRNAs function to adapt clock-driven gene expression to tissue-specific requirements. Finally, we pinpoint several miRNAs predicted to act as modulators of rhythmic transcripts, and identify rhythmic pathways particularly prone to miRNA regulation.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.02510.001.