655 resultados para Severo Sarduy


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One hundred non-patient dentistry students aged 17 to 25, were interviewed through questionnaire and were clinically examined in order to asses the prevalence and degree of severtty of Craniomandibular Dysfunction, through indeces which are subdivided into three classes: anaminestic index, clinical dysfunction index, and occlusal index. The following variables were introduced to the original indeces: sex, age, and whether the subjects had or had not received orthodontic treatment. The results showed that 42% of the subjects presented mild subjective symptoms whereas, no one showed severe subjective symptoms. Women, as well as the older subjects, showed a higher trend to presenting more subjective complaints. Subjects, whether treated orthodontically or not, showed a similar trend to having dysfunction symptoms. Fifty-six per cent of the subjects presented some score of clinical dysfunction, 25% of them showed moderate or severe clinical dysfunction. Women showed a statistically significant higher index. The older subjects trented to have indeces with more severe degrees. Orthodontic treatment suggested to have no influence on the clinical dysfunction index. Sixty-six per cent of the subjects showed a mild occlusal index and 11% a severe occlusal index. Sex, age, and orthodontic treatment did not show any significant difference as to the presence or absence of malocclusion


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Our intention was to describe the case of a six-year-old boy, carrier of a language disturbance associated to neurological disorders, in language therapy. Our goal was to build instruments for the diagnosis of similar cases. Relating the patient's psychopathological characteristics with a neurological disease, we understood that both results in manifestations of verbal and physical aggressiveness as well as in the severe disturbance of the language. We hope we have contributed to the understanding of the disturbances of communication associated to psychogenic symptoms and of neurological disorders.


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This present work talk about the tourism and the historic evolution of this conception, also it brings some thoughts about the increase of the tourism activity in the all around the world. The territorial slash study is in Rancharia, the research the shows aspect of localization, description, natural and socials. During this work was introduced a study about the most important programs and projects that were initiate in the country by the public authorities with the focus in the tourism development, and also was noted the current tendency in the formation of intermunicipal consortium that has the aim to develop the activity of the regional tourism. It was presented the mains tourism attractions in the municipal district, such as, municipal watering- place. To develop this current work it was made some researches by the application of a formulary to the tourist, and the interview was made by representatives of the private and public sector, which was exposed their vision about the activity tourism development and the importance of the municipal district participation in the public politics that is turned to the tourism. The work concludes that the tourism activity could come to turn one alternative of job and lacework to the city, but is necessary that develop it in the base of the local tourism, that brings benefits to all the community involved in this process


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Apis mellifera honeybees are social insects of economic importance, by providing honeybee products, and by the pollination of natural areas of vegetation or agricultural areas. The constant use of pesticides, including the thiamethoxam, which is an insecticide belonging to the class of neonicotinoids with neurotoxic action, is subjecting pollinators to situations of severe stress, which has been evidenced by the decrease in the density of honeybees in many parts of the world. By these considerations, the present study aimed to assess the acute toxicity of thiamethoxam for newly emerged workers of A. mellifera, and to investigate the effect of sublethal doses of this insecticide on the survival time and its cytotoxicity to the brain and midgut to the honeybees. It was established the value of the lethal concentration 50 (LC50) equal to 4.28 ng thiamethoxam/μL of food and from it, the sublethal concentrations of 0.428 ng thiamethoxam/μL (CL50/10) and 0.0428 ng thiamethoxam/μL (CL50/100), which were used in bioassays of intoxication of the honeybees. After the bioassays the bees were dissected and the brain and midguts were collected to analyze possible morphological (staining with Hematoxylin-Eosin) and histochemical alterations (Xylidine Ponceau technique, and Feulgen and PAS reactions) caused by exposure to thiamethoxam, and to calculate the lethal time (LT50) for the workers. The duration of the bioassays was 8 days after beginning of feeding. The results obtained showed that the thiamethoxam is toxic to newly-emerged workers of A. mellifera, causing changes in survival time of individuals. This study also shown that the thiamethoxam causes morphological and histochemical alterations on the midgut and brain of workers. These alterations may be reflected in physiological and behavioral changes that can modify the operation of the colony


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The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of previous exercise on the determination of critical power (CP). Seven apparently healthy nontrained males, of 18 to 25 years, participated of this study. The subjects were submitted, in different days to the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) one progressive test until voluntary exhaustion for the determination of lactate threshold (LL), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and its corresponding intensity (IVO2max); 2) six constant workload tests at 95,100 and 110% IVO2max until exhaustion with and without a previous exercise at 70% , in random order. The exhaustion times (tlim) at 95, 100 and 110% IVO2max were adjusted forme thress models of two parameters to estimate CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) [P=CTAn/tlim)+CP; tlim = CTAn/(P-PC); P=PC.tlim+ CTAn]. The model with the lowest standard error was considered for the estimation of CP. The tlim at 95% IVO2max was similar without (501 ± 140 s) and with previous exercise (473 ± 99 s). However, the tlim at 100% (381 ± 103 s and 334 ± 101 s) and 110% IVO2max (267 ± 163 s and 227 ± 68 s) was significantly longer with previous exercise. There was no significant difference in CP and AWCat conditions without (200 ± 27 W and 23 ± 11 kJ, respectively) and with previous exercise (212 ± 30 W and 18 ± 8 kJ, respectively). It can be concluded that the parameters of the relationship between power and time were not modified by the previous severe exercise


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The genetic selection and the nutritional management to improve milk production make the dairy cattle more susceptible to the development of diseases, such as the abomasal displacement. It is the most frequently detected abomasal problem and it is the main cause of abdominal surgeries in dairy cattle. It is a multifactorial disease that occurs mainly in dairy cattle of high production during the puerperium. The abomasal displacement can occur to the right (DAD) or to the left (DAE), being the former more frequent than the latter. It is related to feeding management and occurs in animals that also have other diseases such as hypocalcaemia, ketosis and retained placenta. The disease causes economical losses in dairy cattle because of the costs with treatment, reduction of production, increase of the interval between the parturition, loss of body weight, early discard of the matrix and mortality. The most usual clinical signs are apathy, dehydration, low to serious ruminal timpanismo (gas accumulation in the abomasum) with reduction or lack of motility, liquid splash sound during the ballottement of the right flank, metallic sound to percussion, presence of a structure similar to distended viscera in the thorax or in the paralombar cavity on the side corresponding to the displacement, and liquefied, dark, scarce and fetid feces. The treatment is surgical, and the most used technique is the omentopexy on the left flank. The hidroelectrolytic correction must be performed and the concomitant diseases must be treated. The prophylaxis consists of adequate nutrition and pre-parturition management, besides reduction of stress and other diseases of the puerperium


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O fator de início de tradução 5A (eukaryotic translation iniciation factor 5A, eIF5A) é altamente conservado entre arqueas a eucariotos, sendo que as proteínas eIF5A de Saccharomyces cerevisiae e de mamíferos são 63% idênticas. eIF5A sofre uma modificação pós-traducional única na célula, a hipusinação de um resíduo de lisina. Essa proteína já foi relacionada ao início da tradução, transporte nucleocitoplasmático, decaimento de mRNA e proliferação celular, mas a função crítica de eIF5A ainda não foi esclarecida. A depleção deste fator em S. cerevisiae leva a uma diminuição (30%) da taxa de síntese protéica, sugerindo que eIF5A seja um fator envolvido na tradução de um grupo específico de mensageiros. Dados do laboratório demonstram interação física entre eIF5A e proteínas ribossomais bem como com o fator de elongação 2 da tradução (eEF2). A interação com eEF2, sugere que eIF5A atua na etapa de elongação da tradução, ao invés do início da tradução, como proposto inicialmente. Com o objetivo de avaliar a relação de eIF5A com a etapa de elongação, foram realizadas análises de interações genéticas entre o gene codificador de eIF5A (TIF51A) e diversos genes codificadores de proteínas envolvidas na tradução. Através de análises de interações genéticas, foi observado que o mutante estável de eIF5A, tif51AK56A, apresenta um defeito de crescimento quando o mutante de eEF2, eft2H699K, está expresso em alto número de cópias, enquanto que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F não apresenta defeitos nesta condição. Foi observado também que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F apresenta um defeito de crescimento mais severo quando ocorre superexpressão de EFT2, gene codificador de eEF2. Foi observado ainda que não há complementação alélica entre os mutantes estáveis de eIF5A e que a reversibilidade do fenótipo de sensibilidade a temperatura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The paper talks about the education of persons with disabilities severe mental retardation based on the idea of Reuven Feuerstein mediation. The collected data were analysed mainly under the focus quantitative, allowing extraction of details of everyday life investigated. Aims to describe and analyze the implementation process their educational, focusing on teaching strategies used by Special Education teachers in the Araraquara’s city. In addition, seeks to address the educational process of a population slightly investigated by uniting two strands of thread in an innovative way: the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and Reuven Feuerstein education of students with severe cognitive impairment. The methodology initiated by the establishment of the teacher’s profile, their mapping and location. Data collection was achieved through three instruments: interviews with teachers, observation protocol and field diary for registration. Our results describe the work of a teacher, showing their practice, and enlist the pedagogical strategies used, mainly those related to the criteria medication. According to the Theory of Structural Cognitive Modifiability (SCM) and the idea of Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), the teacher acts as mediator, interposing themselves between stimuli the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that the environment and the student. The work of the teacher observed indicates that she exerts her functions in teaching using pedagogical strategies which are found in her heart, precepts essential to mediation. This shows it is possible to associate the ideas of Feuerstein practices aimed at teaching students with severe mental disabilities.


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The early malocclusion treatment has increased interest of orthodontic community. Among these is the serial extraction that harmonizes the differences between the amount of dental material and permanent deficiency of supporting bone. The technique is applied in mixed dentition through a predetermined sequence of extractions between deciduous and permanent teeth, in order to reach spontaneous immediately alignment of remaining permanent teeth with a minimum orthodontic mechanics. It will be reported a case where the serial extraction was performed in a growing patient with biprotrusion, Class I malocclusion and severe crowding. All functional and aesthetics goals were reached.


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Os 13 artigos reunidos neste livro foram primeiramente apresentados em encontro internacional sobre participação, democracia e políticas públicas na América Latina, realizado em 2013 na Faculdade de Ciências e Letras da Unesp. Para os organizadores da obra discutir o tema, principalmente no que concerne à transparência dos sistemas de gestão, é extrema importância para apontar direções para uma renovação política, articulações sociais e desenvolvimento socioterritorial. Eles explicam que a análise de marcos legais, fragilidades institucionais e prática autoritárias permitem enxergar o seu contrário e, com isso, aprimorar a prática de políticas públicas voltadas ao desenvolvimento de um país sustentado na democracia e na cidadania ativa. O livro é divido em quatro eixos temáticos. O inicial apresenta artigos que analisam a cidadania relacionada à saúde, gênero, prevenção ao abuso sexual e juventude. Abarca temas como o Sistema Único de Saúde, os movimentos e grupos feministas e abuso sexual. O seguinte destaca temas ligados à educação, também relacionados à cidadania, como o financiamento da educação e a educação em presídios paulistas. Desenvolvimento e combate às desigualdades sociais norteiam os estudos da terceira parte. São três artigos que tratam da complexidade da produção de políticas baseadas no diálogo entre pares institucionais, como representantes de governos e sociedade civil. O capítulo final é dedicado ao tema controle social e aperfeiçoamento da democracia. Os artigos abordam a questão do monitoramento das políticas e investimentos públicos por parte da sociedade civil.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The article refers to the collective construction performed from the Multicentric Research on Humanization Training of SUS. It is about production and building consensus on different interpretations of the superfamily "expansion of the analysis capability." The methodological approach is related to the creation of analytical reports coming from four sources: Intervention Plans built at the time of training courses offered in three states (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and São Paulo) by the institutional supporters in training.Also, there were questionnaires answered via Form-SUS by graduated supporters after four years of the course closing; data and analysis produced by supporters in focus groups and interviews, conducted as the research final stage in the three states.Thus, considering the inclusive methodological framework not only from the courses, but also the research that evaluated them, the participants (graduates from the training courses) produced data and started to play the active role of researchers/panelists because they got “surprised" by partial analyzes.Therefore, the article discusses the analysis capability of demand required by supporters before their working areas and the relationship of that capability with concepts and elements of Institutional Analysis.It was possible to highlight the inseparability between demands of emergency and the exercise of being next to another person and his/her interests. The conclusion is that the methodology proposed by the course allowed the supporters in training to stimulate and develop a critical capacity on their work.However, it is noticed that the expansion of such analytical capability often remained linked to the supporter, without the contagion of other workers in the territories.It was also possible to see that the course and political framework of PNH could equip the supporters, promoting empowerment from their analysis, which is essential to the interventions performance.