945 resultados para Serum carotenoids
Abstract Introduction: Sepsis, an extremely prevalent condition in the intensive care unit, is usually associated with organ dysfunction, which can affect heart and kidney. Objective: To determine whether the cardiac dysfunction and the Troponin I forecast the occurrence of acute renal failure in sepsis. Methods: Cardiac dysfunction was assessed by echocardiography and by the serum troponin I levels, and renal impairment by AKIN criteria and the need of dialysis. Twenty-nine patients with incident sepsis without previous cardiac or renal dysfunction were enrolled. Results and Discussion: Patients averaged 75.3 ± 17.3 years old and 55% were male. Median APACHE II severity score at ICU admission was 16 (9.7 - 24.2) and mortality rate in 30 days was 45%. On the fifth day, 59% had ventricular dysfunction. Troponin serum levels on day 1 in the affected patients were 1.02 ± 0.6 ng/mL compared with 0.23 ± 0.18 ng/mL in patients without heart dysfunction (p = 0.01). Eighteen out of 29 patients (62%) underwent renal replacement therapy (RRT) and the percent of patients with ventricular dysfunction who required dialysis was higher (94% vs. 16%, p = 0.0001). Values of troponin at day 1 were used to develop a ROC curve to determine their ability to predict the need of dialysis. The area under the curve was 0.89 and the cutoff value was 0.4 ng/mL. Conclusion: We found that an elevation in serum troponin levels, while guarding a relationship with ventricular dysfunction, can be a precious tool to predict the need for dialysis in sepsis patients.
Objectif: Évaluer l'efficacité du dépistage de l’hypertension gestationnelle par les caractéristiques démographiques maternelles, les biomarqueurs sériques et le Doppler de l'artère utérine au premier et au deuxième trimestre de grossesse. Élaborer des modèles prédictifs de l’hypertension gestationnelle fondées sur ces paramètres. Methods: Il s'agit d'une étude prospective de cohorte incluant 598 femmes nullipares. Le Doppler utérin a été étudié par échographie transabdominale entre 11 +0 à 13 +6 semaines (1er trimestre) et entre 17 +0 à 21 +6 semaines (2e trimestre). Tous les échantillons de sérum pour la mesure de plusieurs biomarqueurs placentaires ont été recueillis au 1er trimestre. Les caractéristiques démographiques maternelles ont été enregistrées en même temps. Des courbes ROC et les valeurs prédictives ont été utilisés pour analyser la puissance prédictive des paramètres ci-dessus. Différentes combinaisons et leurs modèles de régression logistique ont été également analysés. Résultats: Parmi 598 femmes, on a observé 20 pré-éclampsies (3,3%), 7 pré-éclampsies précoces (1,2%), 52 cas d’hypertension gestationnelle (8,7%) , 10 cas d’hypertension gestationnelle avant 37 semaines (1,7%). L’index de pulsatilité des artères utérines au 2e trimestre est le meilleur prédicteur. En analyse de régression logistique multivariée, la meilleure valeur prédictive au 1er et au 2e trimestre a été obtenue pour la prévision de la pré-éclampsie précoce. Le dépistage combiné a montré des résultats nettement meilleurs comparés avec les paramètres maternels ou Doppler seuls. Conclusion: Comme seul marqueur, le Doppler utérin du deuxième trimestre a la meilleure prédictive pour l'hypertension, la naissance prématurée et la restriction de croissance. La combinaison des caractéristiques démographiques maternelles, des biomarqueurs sériques maternels et du Doppler utérin améliore l'efficacité du dépistage, en particulier pour la pré-éclampsie nécessitant un accouchement prématuré.
The present investigation is to find the hypoxic adaptations and role of carotenoids in the anaerobic catabolism of two intertidal bivalves-Sunetta scripta and Perna viridis. Physiological and cytological responses during hypoxic stress have been studied and compared to that of sublethal heavy metal (copper) exposure using two indices : total carotenoid concentration and accumulation of lipofuscin granules. A close similarity has been observed between hypoxic exposed and copper (sublethal) exposed animals regarding the total carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation. In the case of S.scripta, the total caroteniod increase at 48h of both hypoxic and heavy metal exposure was found to be nearly 40% greater than that of the control (0h). Whereas in P.viridis, the increment in the total carotenoid concentration at 48h of hypoxic exposure and 48h of heavy metal exposure were found to be nearly 87% and 95% higher than that of the control (0h) respectively.Regarding the lipofuscin accumulation, in both S.scripta and P.viridis , the characteristic features of the granule at 48h of hypoxia is very much similar to that observed at 48h of heavy metal exposure. Thus, the present study suggests that the increase in carotenoid concentration and lipofuscin accumulation expressed by bivalves under heavy metal stress can be due to the indirect effect of hypoxia.
Cancer is the result of the accumulation of changes in molecules with important functions in processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell death and gene repair. Molecules, substances or altered pathways constitute tumor markers or biomarkers useful in clinical monitoring of cancer patients, because they have demonstrated to be suitable for the valuation of the patient’s treatment and it efficiency. Determination of tumor markers has not been very successful due to the low sensitivity and specificity of the techniques used and the requirement of large volumes of biological samples or the use of invasive methods for collecting them. The serum tumor markers arise, as a useful tool to obtain information about the disease progress and constitute as a scientific challenge to improve its applicability in early diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring of the disease and evaluation of therapeutic efficacy.
This is the beginning of a prospective study on patients who have obstructive jaundice to see how the serum bilirubin falls after operative relief of the obstruction. Seven of such patients have been studied; four had carcinoma of the head of the pancreas while the other three had choledocholithiasis. The patients with carcinoma had relief of the jaundice through a biliary-enteric anastomosis and those with common bile duct stones had choledochotomy with stone extraction which was completed with insertion of a T-tube. Serial bilirubin estimations were then performed post-operatively to chart the pattern and rate of descent of this in each patient. Our observations suggest that the pattern of fall of serum bilirubin after successful decompression of the extra-hepatic biliary tree exhibit a distinct pattern regardless of the surgical procedure performed for the relief of the obstruction.
Chlorosomes are the main light harvesting complexes of green photosynthetic bacteria. Recently, a lamellar model was proposed for the arrangement of pigment aggregates in Chlorobium tepidum chlorosomes, which contain bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c as the main pigment. Here we demonstrate that the lamellar organization is also found in chlorosomes from two brown-colored species (Chl. phaeovibrioides and Chl. phaeobacteroides) containing BChl e as the main pigment. This suggests that the lamellar model is universal among green sulfur bacteria. In contrast to green-colored Chl. tepidum, chlorosomes from the brown-colored species often contain domains of lamellar aggregates that may help them to survive in extremely low light conditions. We suggest that carotenoids are localized between the lamellar planes and drive lamellar assembly by augmenting hydrophobic interactions. A model for chlorosome assembly, which accounts for the role of carotenoids and secondary BChl homologs, is presented
Els pacients amb càncer presenten una taxa de supervivència superior si es diagnostiquen a estadis inicials, per la qual cosa és indispensable disposar de marcadors tumorals adequats. Glicoformes de proteïnes específiques es podrian utilizar com marcadors tumorals. S’han investigat les subformes i glicosilació de l’Antígen Prostàtic Específic (PSA) per millorar la seva capacitat de diagnosis de pacients amb càncer de pròstata vs aquells amb hiperplàsia benigna prostàtica. També s’han avaluat glicoproteïnes sèriques amb alteracions glucídiques en pacients de càncer de pàncrees, comparat amb pacients amb pancreatitis crònica i controls. S’ha observat una disminució de la fucosilació core i sialilació del PSA en càncer de pròstata i un augment de la fucosilació core i Sialyl-Lewis X en algunes Proteïnes de fase Aguda en càncer de pàncrees. Aquest canvis s’haurien d’avaluar en un cohort de pacients més gran per determinar el seu paper en el cribratge, diagnòstic o monitorització dels cancers estudiats.
As plantas sintetizam uma enorme variedade de metabolitos, que podem ser classificados em dois grupos, de acordo com as suas funções: metabolitos primários, que participam na nutrição e processos metabólicos essenciais no interior da própria planta, e metabolitos secundários (também referidos como produtos naturais), os quais influenciam as interacções ecológicas entre as plantas e o ambiente. Os carotenóides são metabolitos secundários derivados do isopreno. O isopentenil-pirofosfato (IPP) é a unidade básica para a biossíntese dos carotenóides. O esqueleto carbonado dos carotenóides é sintetizado por adição sucessiva das unidades em C5 que vão formar geranilgeranilpirofosfato, intermediário em C20 que por condensação origina a estrutura em C40. Recentemente assumia-se que todos os isoprenóides se sintetizavam a partir do acetil-CoA via ácido mevalónico. Estudos recentes mostraram que o percurso metabólico começa com a síntese do IPP via ácido mevalónico (MVA) e/ou via metileritritol 4-fosfato (MEP). Neste trabalho discutem-se os avanços no conhecimento destas diferentes vias m tabólicas assim como as enzimas e reacções envolvidas na biossíntese dos carotenóides a partir da unidade fundamental (IPP).
The ability of chlorogenic acid to inhibit oxidation of human low-density lipoprotein (LDL) was studied by in vitro copper-induced LDL oxidation. The effect of chlorogenic acid on the lag time before LDL oxidation increased in a dose dependent manner by up to 176% of the control value when added at concentrations of 0.25 -1.0 μM. Dose dependent increases in lag time of LDL oxidation were also observed, but at much higher concentrations, when chlorogenic acid was incubated with LDL (up to 29.7% increase in lag phase for 10 μM chlorogenic acid) or plasma (up to 16.6% increase in lag phase for 200 μM chlorogenic acid) prior to isolation of LDL, and this indicated that chlorogenic acid was able to bind, at least weakly, to LDL. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) increased the oxidative stability of LDL in the presence of chlorogenic acid. Fluorescence spectroscopy showed that chlorogenic acid binds to BSA with a binding constant of 3.88 x 104 M-1. BSA increased the antioxidant effect of chlorogenic acid, and this was attributed to copper ions binding to BSA, thereby reducing the amount of copper available for inducing lipid peroxidation.
The interaction between four flavonoids (catechin, epicatechin, rutin and quercetin) and bovine serum albumin (BSA) was investigated using tryptophan fluorescence quenching. Quenching constants were determined using the Stern-Volmer equation to provide a measure of the binding affinity between the flavonoids and BSA. The binding affinity was found to be strongest for quercetin, and ranked in the order quercetin>rutin>epicatechin=catechin. The pH in the range of 5 to 7.4 does not affect significantly (p<0.05) the association of rutin, epicatechin and catechin with BSA, but quercetin exhibited a stronger affinity at pH 7.4 than at lower pH (p<0.05). Quercetin has a total quenching effect on BSA tryptophan fluorescence at a molar ratio of 10:1 and rutin at approximately 25:1. However, epicatechin and catechin did not fully quench tryptophan fluorescence over the concentration range studied. Furthermore, the data suggested that the association between flavonoids and BSA did not change molecular conformation of BSA and that hydrogen bonding, ionic and hydrophobic interaction are equally important driving forces for protein-flavonoid association.
MALDI MS profiling, using easily available body fluids such as blood serum, has attracted considerable interest for its potential in clinical applications. Despite the numerous reports on MALDI MS profiling of human serum, there is only scarce information on the identity of the species making up these profiles, particularly in the mass range of larger peptides. Here, we provide a list of more than 90 entries of MALDI MS profile peak identities up to 10 kDa obtained from human blood serum. Various modifications such as phosphorylation were detected among the peptide identifications. The overlap with the few other MALDI MS peak lists published so far was found to be limited and hence our list significantly extends the number of identified peaks commonly found in MALDI MS profiling of human blood serum.
BACKGROUND: The serum peptidome may be a valuable source of diagnostic cancer biomarkers. Previous mass spectrometry (MS) studies have suggested that groups of related peptides discriminatory for different cancer types are generated ex vivo from abundant serum proteins by tumor-specific exopeptidases. We tested 2 complementary serum profiling strategies to see if similar peptides could be found that discriminate ovarian cancer from benign cases and healthy controls. METHODS: We subjected identically collected and processed serum samples from healthy volunteers and patients to automated polypeptide extraction on octadecylsilane-coated magnetic beads and separately on ZipTips before MALDI-TOF MS profiling at 2 centers. The 2 platforms were compared and case control profiling data analyzed to find altered MS peak intensities. We tested models built from training datasets for both methods for their ability to classify a blinded test set. RESULTS: Both profiling platforms had CVs of approximately 15% and could be applied for high-throughput analysis of clinical samples. The 2 methods generated overlapping peptide profiles, with some differences in peak intensity in different mass regions. In cross-validation, models from training data gave diagnostic accuracies up to 87% for discriminating malignant ovarian cancer from healthy controls and up to 81% for discriminating malignant from benign samples. Diagnostic accuracies up to 71% (malignant vs healthy) and up to 65% (malignant vs benign) were obtained when the models were validated on the blinded test set. CONCLUSIONS: For ovarian cancer, altered MALDI-TOF MS peptide profiles alone cannot be used for accurate diagnoses.
Six nutrient formulations were studied for their efficacy in inducing mitosis in white lupin seedling cotyledon protoplasts of which the formulations of Schafer-Menuhr & Sturmer (AS) and Kao (K8p) were found to be superior over the other four when supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine and alpha-naphthaleneacetic acid (alpha-NAA). An unltrafiltration treatment of K8p increased mitotic frequency by 130% when compared with the untreated control. Medium enrichment with 0.2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) brought about a dramatic 1341% rise in protoplast division in comparison with BSA-free medium but only when the enrichment was carried out in Kao and Michayluk (KM8p) background containing 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, alpha-NAA and zeatin. A higher number of protocolonies (each proliferating from single protoplast following multiple divisions) were seen in 0.4% BSA. With this breakthrough in white lupin protoplast research, it is now possible to reproducibly obtain protocolonies that was hitherto not possible.
The extent, causes, and physiological significance of the variation in number of follicles growing during ovarian follicular waves in human beings and cattle are unknown. Therefore, the present study examined the variability and repeatability in numbers of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter during the follicular waves in bovine estrous cycles, and we determined if the variation in number of follicles during waves was associated with alterations in secretion of FSH, estradiol, inhibin, and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I). Dairy cattle were subjected to twice-daily ultrasound analysis to count total number of antral follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter throughout 138 different follicular waves. In another study, blood samples were taken at frequent intervals from cows that consistently had low or very high numbers of follicles during waves and were subjected to immunoassays. Results indicate the following: First, despite an approximately sevenfold variation in number of follicles during waves among animals and marked differences in age, stage of lactation, and season of the year, a very highly repeatable (0.95) number of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter is maintained during the ovulatory and nonovulatory follicular waves of individuals. Second, variation in number of follicles 3 mm or greater in diameter during waves and the inverse association of number of follicles during waves with FSH are not directly explained by alterations in the patterns of secretion of estradiol, inhibin, or IGF-I. Third, ovarian ultrasound analysis can be used reliably by investigators to identify cattle that consistently have low or high numbers of follicles during waves, thus providing a novel experimental model to determine the causes and physiological significance of the high variation in antral follicle number during follicular waves among single-ovulating species, such as cattle or humans.