989 resultados para Sementes - Viabilidade


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to assess the effect of harvesting times and of post-harvest resting period on physical characteristics of fruits and seeds of castor bean (AL Guarany 2002 genotype) and to verify if theses characteristics could be used to identify the ideal harvest time. Nine times of raceme harvest were assessed from 30 to the 142 days after anthesis (DAA) at fourteen days intervals, and four conditions of resting; (without and with seven days of resting period of seeds extracted (bare), from fruits and fixed to the racemes). It was evaluated water content, seed thickness, and length, width, and weight of fresh fruits and seeds, and seedling emergence in sand. The statistical design was completely randomized with four replications. The harvest times and the post-harvest rest period affected the physical characteristics of fruits and seeds of castor bean but none of these have proved to be effective in the identification of the ideal harvest time.


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The aim was to study the efficiency of electrical conductivity test in evaluating the quality of castor seeds. Emergence of seedlings was evaluated in the field, with five seed lots of cv. AL Guarany 2002. The seeds were submitted to the following tests: germination; first count of germination; accelerated aging (45 degrees C by 24 to 100% UR), emergence of seedlings in the field, rate of speed of development of seedlings and electrical conductivity, testing the periods (2, 4, 6, 8 and 24 hours) and the number of seeds (25,50 and 75) in 75ml of distilled water conditioning to 25 degrees C. A completely randomized design was used. The averages were compared by the Tukey test at 5%. The mean laboratory and field test data were correlated. Electrical conductivity test for 4 hours with 25 seeds and 6 hours with 50 seeds, and the rate of speed emergency proved efficient in the selection of lots vigor by providing information equivalent to the emergence of seedlings in the field.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da seleção precoce em Eucalyptus spp. foram usados dados de dois testes clonais avaliados quanto ao crescimento em altura (ALT), diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) e volume individual de madeira (VOL) aos 25, 50 e 72 meses de idade. O delineamento experimental nos dois testes clonais foi o de blocos casualizados, com trinta tratamentos (clones), seis repetições, sendo um deles com seis e o outro com dez plantas em linha por parcela, no espaçamento de 3,0 m x 3,0 m. Foi feita a análise de variância para cada caracter e idade. Foram obtidas as estimativas de coeficiente de determinação genotípico e de correlações genotípicas entre os caracteres nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação. Para verificar a viabilidade da aplicação da seleção precoce, foi simulada a seleção de 30% dos clones nas idades juvenis e na idade de rotação para cada um dos caracteres e idades avaliadas, obtendo-se as estimativas de ganhos genéticos com a seleção direta e indireta. Houve diferenças significativas entre os clones avaliados nos dois experimentos para todos os caracteres e idades. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é possível efetuar a seleção precoce aos 2 anos de idade sobre o caracter DAP em testes clonais de eucalipto.


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O trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a eficiência dos testes de vigor para identificação do potencial fisiológico em sementes de Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Análise de Sementes – UNESP/Jaboticabal/SP, utilizando-se quatro lotes de sementes: sendo lotes I e II, coletados no município de Jaboticabal em 2000 e 2001, respectivamente lote III em Santa Rita do Passo Quatro e lote IV, em Luiz Antonio, ambos em 2001. Para superação da dormência, realizou-se a escarificação das sementes com ácido sulfúrico durante 50 minutos e lavagem em água corrente durante 20 minutos. Foram avaliados: teor de água, percentual de germinação, primeira contagem, índice de velocidade de germinação e condutividade elétrica, realizada com diferentes quantidades de sementes (50, 75, 100), postas para embeber em copos de plástico contendo 50 e 75mL de água deionizada, durante 72 horas à 250 C. As sementes do lote III apresentaram potencial fisiológico superior às sementes dos demais lotes estudados. Para o teste de condutividade elétrica são necessários outros estudos, visando à possibilidade de uso como teste padrão de vigor para a espécie, enquanto que os testes de primeira contagem e índice de velocidade de germinação mostraram-se adequados para avaliação do vigor dos lotes.


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In germination tests, substrate and ideal temperature are important for providing favorable conditions for the germination of seeds and the eventual development of seedlings. This research aimed at evaluating the effects of temperature and substrate on the germination of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds. Two trials were done. In the first, seeds were submitted to germination under constant temperatures of 5 to 40 degrees C (increases of 5 degrees C) and alternated temperatures of 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 20-30, 25-35 and 20-35 degrees C on paper. In the second trial, temperatures of 25, 20-30 e 20-35 degrees C were used in the substrates on (OP) and between paper (BP), on (OS) and between sand (BS), on (0V) and between vermiculite (BV) and paper roll (PR). The following traits were evaluated: percentage of seeds with protrusion of primary root and normal seedlings; speed germination index; length of primary root and of the hypocotyls and the dry mass of seedlings. A completely randomized design was used with 14 treatments. In the first experiment and a factorial scheme of 7 x 3 (7 substrates and 3 temperatures) was used in the second with four replicates of 25 seeds each. In the first experiment the constant temperatures of 25 e 30 degrees C and the alternated of 20-30 e 20-35 degrees C provided best results for the germination of seeds. In the second, the temperature of 25 C associated with the substrates BP, BS and BV surpassed the other treatments proving adequate for carrying out the germination tests of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds.


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The harvesting method of fruits of tree species should be adequate to obtain seeds of maximum physiological quality. When present, the dormancy of Cassia ferruginea seeds is due to seed coat impermeability to water. This research work viewed to find the best methods both for the harvesting and for the breaking of dormancy of seeds of that species. The experiment was conducted during two years. In the first, fruits shed from the mother plant and laying on the ground were picked and their seeds submitted to the following treatments: 1. control, 2. mechanical scarification of the seeds with sandpaper no. 220, 3. hot water for 5 minutes (initial and final temperatures of 82 and 69 degrees C, respectively), 4. hot water for 15 minutes (initial and final temperatures of 82 and 51 degrees C, respectively), 5. chemical scarification with H2SO4 (95%) for 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, and 80 minutes. In the second year, seeds were submitted to treatments 2, 3, and 4 whereas acid scarification was applied for 30, 45, and 60 minutes. The results showed that seeds picked from the ground and those taken directly from the mother plant differ in their response to the dormancy breaking procedure. The results also showed that the seeds picked from the ground are better than those harvested directly from the plant and that, when dormant, the best results are attained when seeds are either submitted to mechanical scarification or chemical scarification with sulfuric acid for periods between 30 and 60 minutes.


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Vermiculite is a substrate used in seedling production of forest species and can be an option for the germination test of ipe seeds. The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of vermiculite in the germination test of Tabebuia chrysotricha seeds and to stablish appropriate particle size and moisture for this substrate. Four replications of 20 seeds were sown in soil, sand, paper rolls, and vermiculite with different particle sizes: micron (0.15-0.20 mm), superthin (0.21-0.30 mm), thin (0.30-0.50 mm) and medium (0.50-1.19 mm) moistened with water equivalent to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the weight of the dry subtrate. Germination test was carried out at 30 degrees C. The percentage of normal seedlings was obtained seven days after sowing (first count) and then weekly until 28 days, when abnormal seedlings and dead seeds were also counted. It was concluded that the germination test of ipe seeds can be carried out with thin or medium vermiculite moistened with water equivalent to 1.5 times the dry weight of the substrate. These treatments resulted in higher and faster germination (21 days).


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Cubiu is a native Amazon plant that has attracted attention for its nutritional and pharmaceutical industries. The goal this paper was to evaluate the effect of priming on germination and seedling emergence from of three varieties of cubiu seeds: Santa Luzia, Thais and Musquet, using five priming conditions: water for 12 and 24 h, solutions of PEG 6000 and 0.35 Mol KNO3 for 24 and 48 h at 25 degrees C. Unprimed seeds were considered as control. After priming, seeds conditioned or not, were evaluated by means of tests: germination, speed of germination, seedling emergence and speed of emergence. The variety Thais had the best physiological quality, and priming in KNO3 which provided greater effects on germination and seed vigor cubiu.


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With the objective of studying the relationship between limestone doses and guava production, a field experiment was conducted on Oxisol soil in the town of Bebedouro-SP, from 1999 to 2006. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. The limestone was used only once in 1999, at doses from zero, 1.85; 3.71; 5.56 and 7.41 t ha(-1). The guava production increased in response to the application of the acidity corrective. The accumulated production of fruits in successive years 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 were associated with economical doses of limestone of 1.6; 4.4; 7.2 and 7.2 t ha(-1) respectively.


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The efficient fertilizer use contend micronutrient depends, also, of the interactions that occur with some nutrients. The objective was to study the interaction of zinc with the excessively nutrient ones in function of the application of different doses and sources of Zn saw seed in the culture of the rice. The experiment was carried through in conditions of vegetation house, in the FCAV/Unesp. The used experimental delineation was entirely cazualized, with three repetitions. The treatments had been five doses: 0; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0 and 8,0 g of Zn for kg of seed; e two zinc sources; sulphate of zinc (22% of Zn) and zinc oxide (50% of Zn). The experimental unit was a translucent polyethylene tray, filled with 5 washed thick sand, where 50 seeds of rice had been sown (to var. Caiapo). To the 30 days after the sowing, effected the cut of the plants, separating them in aerial part and roots. From the results of the dry substance and text of nutrients of the aerial part and root of the rice, the accumulation of the nutrients in the respective agencies of the plants was calculated. Becoming fullfilled it variance analysis and the when necessary unfoldings. It had effect of the interactions in distinguishing way between root and aerial part of rice, with regard to the doses and sources.


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The effect of zinc applied in seeds oil the nutrition of sorghum is affected by the sources and applied rate. The present work aimed to evaluate zinc application, front two sources, on the nutrition and initial growth of a culture of sorghum cv. BRS 304, cultivated in sand. The treatments consisted of five rites (0, 14.3, 28.6, 57.2 and 114.4 g kg(-1) of seed) and two zinc sources - sulphate (22% Zn) and oxide (50% Zn). At 25 days after sowing, the plants were cut. The aerial and root dry mass was evaluated, and the levels and accumulation of Zn in the plants were determined. The of seeds, in oxide form, provided adequate initial growth of application or 14 g Zn kg(-1) sorglitim cv. BRS 304. The sulphate source promoted greater absorption of Zn for the plants, reaching in its highest dosis, high levels of the nutrient in the aerial part (> 4170 mg kg(-1)) and developing characteristic symptoms of phytoxicity.


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The feedlot performance of 30 post-weaning 3/4 Canchim 1/4 Nellore calves, with seven months of age and 208,8 kg of liveweight, was evaluated. Three different protein sources in isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets with 60:40 forage: concentrate ratio were used. The diets, fed ad libitum, constituted of corn silage, corn grain, mineral mix and a different protein source for each treatment: cottonseed meal, soybean meal and whole soybean. The weight gain, feed: gain ratio, dry matter and crude protein intake were evaluated for the growing (84 days) and fattening phases (84 days) and for the overall period. An economic study of young bulls production model was realized at the end of experimental period. Soybean meal based diet presented the best animal performance and provided R$ 51.30/head of net profit - the best economic result.


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Em ensaios conduzidos nos anos de 2000 e 2001, avaliaram-se a produção de sementes, o peso de mil sementes e a germinação das sementes de cultivares de aveia. Os ensaios foram conduzidos em parcelas dispostas em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. No primeiro ano, as cultivares avaliadas foram: IAC-7, UFRGS-17, UFRGS-14, UPF-16 e OR-2, e no segundo ano: IAC-7, UFRGS-17, UPF-16, UFRGS-15 e UPF-19. As semeaduras ocorreram em 21/06/00 e 30/05/01. A colheita das sementes ocorreu no estádio de grãos duros, e, em seguida, realizou-se o beneficiamento. A cultivar IAC-7 foi a mais precoce em ambos os anos, e no segundo ano, observou-se aumento no ciclo de cultivo de todas as cultivares. Assim como o peso de mil sementes, a produção de sementes e o percentual de germinação das mesmas aumentaram no segundo ano. Embora não tenha havido diferenças entre as cultivares avaliadas no ano de 2001, no aspecto geral, a cultivar UFRGS-17 destacou-se das demais, apresentando alta produção e excelente germinação de sementes nos dois anos de avaliação. Foram encontrados altos valores para a porcentagem de germinação das sementes em ambos os anos, observado-se diferenças entre as cultivares apenas no primeiro ano.


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The use of sewage sludge as a raw material falls within the waste recycling key in the current process model environmental sustainability .Waste recycling has been consolidated as a sustainable environmentally sound technical solution, and. Despite showing very variable composition and characteristics, sewage sludge, can be considered as a residue with a high recycling potential in the building sector. In this paper the feasibility of using sewage sludge ash was studied in addition to Portland cement mortar in 1:3 mass considered the standard dash. This gray additions were studied in proportions of 5%, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25% and 30% by mass of cement. The methodology was focused on the characterization of materials by physical, chemical , mechanical , environmental and morphological followed by the production of mortar tests ,and finalized by the characterization tests of mortar in the fresh state, through the consistency index, content of entrained air, bulk density and water retention, and in the hardened state by bulk density, water absorption by capillarity capillarity coefficient, compressive strength, tensile strength in bending ,tensile bond strength and microstructural analysis for percentages of 0 to 20%. After comparing with the standard mortar mortars with addition of ash, it is concluded that the ash of sewage sludge did not impair the integrity and properties of mortars with addition, including increasing resistance to compression and tension, being 20% more indicated percentage. Thus, it becomes feasible the addition of sewage sludge ash in Portland cement mortar for the trait studied