958 resultados para Self-culture.
A consideration of identity formation in contemporary Australian multicultural theatre is offered through a re-assessment of the unsettled (and unsettling) constructions of Australia as 'home' in the work of three playwrights. William Yang's Sadness disrupts a localized perception of home, space, and cultural communities to amalgamate two disparate communities (the queer/homosexual community in Sydney and the Asian-Australian, or 'Austasian' community) into a reconfigured Australian identity. Janis Balodis's The Ghosts Trilogy uses many actors who play across the unsettled lines of history, amid numerous voices, homes, and homelands that indicate the enormity of what 'Australia' comes to signify. Noelle Janaczewska's The History of Water constructs a way of locating the self by means of a metaphoric home as each character establishes herself on a psychic plane rather than choosing the strictly physical locations to which she has access. In their interrogations of home and homeland, these plays challenge assumptions regarding identity, disrupt notions of the ultimate ownership of land/culture by anyone, and problematize the idea of settlement as it is currently articulated in Australia.
Smooth muscle cells (SMC) exhibit a functional plasticity, modulating from the mature phenotype in which the primary function is contraction, to a less differentiated state with increased capacities for motility, protein synthesis, and proliferation. The present study determined, using Western analysis, double-label immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy, whether changes in phenotypic expression of rabbit aortic SMC in culture could be correlated with alterations in expression and distribution of structural proteins. Contractile state SMC (days 1 and 3 of primary culture) showed distinct sorting of proteins into subcellular domains, consistent with the theory that the SMC structural machinery is compartmentalised within the cell. Proteins specialised for contraction (alpha -SM actin, SM-MHC, and calponin) were highly expressed in these cells and concentrated in the upper central region of the cell. Vimentin was confined to the body of the cell, providing support for the contractile apparatus but not co-localising with it. In line with its role in cell attachment and motility, beta -NM actin was localised to the cell periphery and basal cortex. The dense body protein alpha -actinin was concentrated at the cell periphery, possibly stabilising both contractile and motile apparatus. Vinculin-containing focal adhesions were well developed, indicating the cells' strong adhesion to substrate. In synthetic state SMC (passages 2-3 of culture), there was decreased expression of contractile and adhesion (vinculin) proteins with a concomitant increase in cytoskeletal proteins (beta -non-muscle [NM] actin and vimentin). These quantitative changes in structural proteins were associated with dramatic chan-es in their distribution. The distinct compartmentalisation of structural proteins observed in contractile state SMC was no longer obvious, with proteins more evenly distributed throughout die cytoplasm to accommodate altered cell function. Thus, SMC phenotypic modulation involves not only quantitative changes in contractile and cytoskeletal proteins, but also reorganisation of these proteins. Since the cytoskeleton acts as a spatial regulator of intracellular signalling, reorganisation of the cytoskeleton may lead to realignment of signalling molecules, which, in turn, may mediate the changes in function associated with SMC phenotypic modulation. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Primary objective: To examine a theoretical model which suggests that a contribution of both psychological and neuropsychological factors underlie deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation. Research design: Multivariate design including correlations and analysis of variance (ANOVA). Methods: Sixty-one subjects with acquired brain injury (ABI) were administered standardized measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Psychological factors included measures of coping-related denial, personality-related denial and personality change. Neuropsychological factors included an estimate of IQ and two measures of executive functioning that assess capacity for volition and purposive behaviour. Main outcomes and results: The findings indicated that the relative contribution of neuropsychological factors to an outcome of deficits in self-awareness and self-regulation had a more direct effect than psychological factors. In general, measures of executive functioning had a direct relationship, while measures of coping-related and personality-related denial had an indirect relationship with measures of self-awareness and self-regulation. Conclusion: The findings highlighted the importance of measuring both neuropsychological and psychological factors and demonstrated that the relative contribution of these variables varies according to different levels of self-awareness and self-regulation.
Human V alpha 24 natural killer T (V alpha 24NKT) cells are activated by -glycosylceramide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) in a CDld-dependent and T-cell receptor-mediated manner. There are two major subpopulations of V alpha 24NKT cells, CD4(-) CD8(-) V alpha 24NKT and CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells. We have recently shown that activated CD4(-) CD8 V alpha 24NKT cells have cytotoxic activity against DCs, but knowledge of the molecules responsible for cytotoxicity of V alpha 24NKT cells is currently limited. We aimed to investigate whether CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells also have cytotoxic activity against DCs and to determine the mechanisms underlying any observed cytotoxic activity. We demonstrated that activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells [CD40 ligand (CD40L) -positive] have cytotoxic activity against DCs (strongly CD40-positive), but not against monocytes (weakly CD40-positive) or phytohaemagglutinin blast T cells (CD40-negative), and that apoptosis of DCs significantly contributes to the observed cytotoxicity. The apoptosis of DCs following culture with activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells, but not with resting CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells (CD40L-negative), was partially inhibited by anti-CD40L mAb, Direct ligation of CD40 on the DCs by the anti-CD40 antibody also induced apoptosis of DCs. Our results suggest that CD40-CD40L interaction plays an important role in the induction of apoptosis of DCs following culture with activated CD4+ Va24NKT cells. The apoptosis of DCs from normal donors. triggered by the CD40-CD40L interaction, may contribute to the homeostatic regulation of the normal human immune system, preventing the interminable activation of activated CD4(+) V alpha 24NKT cells by virtue of apoptosis of DCs.
Excessive consumption of alcohol is a serious public health problem. While intensive treatments are suitable for those who are physically dependent on alcohol, they are not cost-effective options for the vast majority of problem drinkers who are not dependent. There is good evidence that brief interventions are effective in reducing overall alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, and health-care utilisation among nondependent problem drinkers. Psychologists are in an ideal position to opportunistically detect people who drink excessively and to offer them brief advice to reduce their drinking. In this paper we outline the process involved in providing brief opportunistic screening and intervention for problem drinkers. We also discuss methods that psychologists can employ if a client is not ready to reduce drinking, or is ambivalent about change. Depending on the client's level of motivation to change, psychologists can engage in either an education-clarification approach, a commitment-enhancement approach, or a skills-training approach. Routine engagement in opportunistic intervention is an important public-health approach to reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.
In order to investigate the genetic and environmental antecedents of osteoarthritis (CA), self-report measures of joint pain, stiffness and swelling were obtained from a population-based sample of 1242 twin pairs over 50 years of age. In order to provide validation for these self-report measures, a subsample of 118 twin pairs were examined according to the American College of Rheumatology clinical and radiographic criteria for the classification of osteoarthritis. A variety of statistical methods were employed to identify the model derived from self-report variables which would provide optimal prediction of these standardised assessments, and structural equation modelling was used to determine the relative influences of genetic and environmental influences on the development of osteoarthritis. Significant genetic effects were found to contribute to osteoarthritis of the hands, hips and knees in women, with heritability estimates ranging from 30-46% depending on the site. In addition, the additive genetic effects contributing to osteoarthritis in various parts of the body were confirmed to be the same. Statistically significant familial aggregation of osteoarthritis in men was also observed, but it was not possible to determine whether this was due to genetic or shared environmental effects.
Immune deviation of cytolytic T cell function, induced by type 2 cytokines like IL-4, is an attractive concept to explain failure of the immune system in some diseases. However, this concept is challenged by previous conflicting results on whether type 2 cytokine-producing CD8(+) T cells are cytolytic. Therefore, we have analyzed the relationship between cytolytic activity and cytokine production among large numbers of primary CD8(+) T cell clones. Single murine CD8(+) T cells of naive phenotype were activated at high efficiency with immobilized Abs to CD3, CD8, and CD11a in the presence of IL-2 (neutral conditions) or IL-2, IL-4, and anti-IFN-gamma Ab (type 2-polarizing conditions) for 8-9 days. Under neutral conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma without IL-4 and were cytolytic. Under type 2-polarizing conditions, most clones produced IFN-gamma and IL-4 but displayed variable cytolytic activity and CD8 expression. Separation on the basis of surface CD8 levels revealed that, compared with CD8(high) cells from the same cultures, CD8(low) cells were poorly cytolytic and expressed low levels of perforin mRNA and protein and granzyme A, B, and C mRNA. A similar, smaller population of noncytolytic CD8(low) cells was identified among CD8(low) T cells activated in mixed lymphocyte reaction with IL-4. Variable efficiency of generation of the noncytolytic cells may account for the differing results of earlier studies. We conclude that IL-4 promotes the development of a noncytolytic CD8(low) T cell phenotype that might be important in tumor- or pathogen-induced immune deviation.
The contemporary Vampire Subculture can be defined as a multi-faceted, socio-religious movement with its own distinct collective community and network of participants who share a similar belief system and customary lifestyle that reflect their concept of the vampire. The Vampire Subculture consists of individuals who profess to be 'real vampires', vampire communities of like-minded persons, 'blood-donors' who willingly allow vampires to partake of them, occult-based and mystical-orientated groups that appeal to their spirituality, the blood fetishists, and the live-action vampire role-players. In response, a Christian counter-movement of self-proclaimed 'vampire-slayers' has emerged that actively opposes the vampire subculture and its beliefs and practices. The socio-religious nature of the Vampire Subculture can be best described as a Segmented, Polycentric and Integrated Network of participants.
Eight species of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in the genera Amanita. Gymnoboletus, Lactarius, and Russula were isolated from subtropical plant communities in eastem Australia. Two species were isolated from each of rainforest, Nothofagus forest, Eucalyptus forest, and Eucalyptus dominated wallum (heath) forest. These communities differ strongly in their soluble soil nitrogen (N) composition. The ability of the fungi to use inorganic (nitrate, ammonium) and organic (amide, peptide, protein) nitrogen sources was determined. As the fungi did not grow in liquid culture, a 'floating culture' technique was devised that allows hyphal growth on a screen floating on liquid medium. With some exceptions, fungal biomass production in floating culture closely reflected fungal growth on solid media assessed by total colony glucosamine content. Most isolates grown in floating culture had similar glucosamine concentrations on all N sources, with isolate specific concentrations ranging from 6 to 12 mug glucosamine g(-1) DW. However, Russula spp. had up to 1.7-fold higher glucosamine concentrations when growing with glutamine or ammonium compared to nitrate, glutathione or protein. Floating cultures supplied with 0.5, 1.5. 4.5, or 10 mm N mostly produced greatest biomass with 4.5 mM N. In vitro nitrate reductase activity (NRA) ranged from very low (0.03 mumol NO2- g(-1) fw h(-1)) in Russula sp. (wallum) to high (2.16 mumol NO2- g(-1) fw h(-1)) in Gymnoboletus sp. (rainforest) and mirrored the fungi's ability to use nitrate as a N source. All Russula spp. (wallum, Nothofagus and Eucalyptus forests), Lactarills sp, (rainforest) and.4manita sp. (wallum) utilized ammonium and glutamine but had little ability to use other N sources. In contrast,Amanita species (Nothofagus and Eucalyptus forests) grew on all N sources but produced most biomass with ammonium and glutamine. Only Gymnoboletus sp. (rainforest) showed similar growth with nitrate and ammonium as N sources. Fungal N source use was not associated with taxonomic groups, but is discussed in the context of soil N sources in the different habitats.
The frequency of prospective memory failure in individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) was investigated by comparison with a non-brain-injured control group. Self-awareness of prospective memory function was also assessed by comparing self-ratings with ratings by significant others. Study participants included 33 individuals with severe TBI and 29 non-brain-injured persons. Each participant nominated a close friend or relative who completed the informant's version of the questionnaire. Participants and their significant others both rated the participants' frequency of prospective memory lapses using the Comprehensive Assessment of Prospective Memory (CAPM). An independent groups design was adopted to compare the TBI and control groups. No significant difference was found between the TBI and control participants' self-ratings of frequency of prospective memory failure, but ratings by significant others were significantly different. The TBI group demonstrated less self-awareness (i.e. underestimated the frequency of prospective memory failure compared to significant others) than the control group.