935 resultados para Secondary Data
Black and Hispanic youth experience the largest burden of sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancy, and childbirth (Hamilton, Martin, & Ventura, 2011). Minority youth are disporportionately more likely to sexually debut at every age and debut before the age of 13 compared to whites (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011). However, there is little known about pre-coital sexual activity or protective parental factors in early adolscent minority youth. Parental factors such as parent-child communication and parental monitoring influence adolescent sexual behaviors and pre-coital sexual behaviors in early adolescence. Three distinct methods were used in this dissertation. Study one used qualitative methods, semi-structured, in-depth, individual interviews, to explore parent-child communication in African American mother-early adolescent son dyads. Study two used quantitative methods, secondary data analysis of a cross sectional study, to conduct a moderation analysis. For study three, I conducted a systematic review of parent-based adolescent sexual health interventions. Study one found that mothers feel comfortable talking about sex with adolescents, provide a two-prong sexual health message, and want their sons to tell their when they are thinking of having sex. Study found that parental monitoring moderates the relation between parent-child communication and pre-coital sexual behaviors. Study three found that interventions use a variety of theory, methods, and strategies and that no parent-based programs target faith-based organizations, mother-son or father-daughter dyads, or parents of LGBTQ youth. Adolescent sexual health interventions should consider addressing youth-to-parent disclosure of sexual activity or intentions to debut, addressing both parent-child sexual health communication and parental monitoring, and using a theoretical framework.^
La apertura económica y la integración regional de mercados implicaron para la agroindustria mendocina una serie de reestructuraciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer las diversas estrategias que los empresarios implementan para adaptarse a las nuevas reglas de juego. Se busca comprender la situación de la industria conservera desde la perspectiva de los actores. Para lo cual, en primer lugar, se realiza una breve reseña de las etapas que atravesó esta industria y se describe el contexto mediante de datos secundarios. La caracterización del escenario permite reconstruir las lógicas empresariales relevadas mediante entrevistas de profundidad.
The growth of Palpalá City (Province of Jujuy, argentina) since the 1940s, is linked to altos Hornos Zapla (ahz) the state-owned steel and iron company whose privatization in the early 1990s as part of the external three-sided opening, privatizations and deregulation which characterized convertibility, meant large changes in the local economic structure. In the 1950s, this city was identified by the town hall as 'mother of Industries' ('madre de Industrias'), whereas today, the municipal slogan is 'City of Tourism' ('Ciudad Turística'). Recovering the recent occupational history of this city meets the need to know the labor and socioeconomic reality of this urban area in the Province of Jujuy, about which information is rare. Although it is included in the Home Survey?s sample, it is shown in blocks, making the information very limited. It is paradigmaticin this city to study the means chosen to try to overcome the traumatic shock that ahz's privatization meant, to analyze the policies developed and evaluate their results, some years after their application. In Palpalá, a local development strategy was applied, with a strong impulse to micro-businesses, following, somehow, the model postulated at national level, what will allow us to know the local reality better, as well as the regional and national realities for its characteristics. The methodology used in this work ('From iron and steel industry to tourist city. Brief occupational history of Palpala city) was the bibliographic research of the rare existing studies, interviews to qualified informers as well as the use of secondary data sources, such as data from different national Censuses. To conclude, it can be said that due to the crisis of the 1990s and its state reducing plan, those who suffered its consequences less are, paradoxically, those who are still related to state jobs. In Palpalá, when ahz was privatized and the buyer company failed to fulfill its contract duly, leaving a great number of the local people unemployed, it was the municipal government who had to assume the responsibility of an answer ( in this case, through training, credit and/or counseling to micro-businessmen) In the last years, however, the possibility to work in informal activities has become important in Palpalá, with a high percentage of people working in city fairs selling different kinds of goods. although the change in the model in the recent years has allowed the reactivation in different areas, a preliminary evaluation is that the improvement does not seem to have reached the core of excluded and marginalized of the previous decade
El trabajo aborda la problemática de las firmas empacadoras/exportadoras de cítricos dulces del denominado corredor citrícola del río Uruguay -departamentos de Federación y Concordia en la provincia de Entre Ríos y departamento de Monte Caseros en Corrientes-. Específicamente nos preguntamos si la convergencia geográfica de firmas en un mismo espacio regional/local propicia mecanismos de articulación que favorezcan la obtención de sinergias y su participación en el segmento exportador, considerándolas en relación al capital trasnacional que opera en la misma región. En nuestro análisis exploramos algunas de las estrategias que adoptan las firmas para la inserción en los mercados, enfocándonos en los mecanismos de coordinación interempresarial a nivel horizontal y a escala local-regional, prestando particular atención a la sustentabilidad de los mismos. Empleamos un enfoque metodológico que pone énfasis en técnicas de análisis cualitativas, aplicadas a entrevistas semi-estructuradas y en profundidad a los integrantes de la trama, seleccionados en función del rol que cumplen dentro de ella. La información relevada se complementa con datos secundarios y la revisión de bibliografía pertinente para el área de estudio.
El fenómeno de agriculturización que ha tenido lugar en nuestro país durante los últimos años no ha impactado solamente en la región de la República Argentina tradicionalmente agrícola. También lo ha hecho, aunque de una manera diferente, en la Provincia de San Luis. En esta provincia, dicho fenómeno convive con otras particularidades, como es la radicación industrial promocionada, que marcó profundamente el aparato productivo provincial o, más recientemente, una política pública de amplio espectro como el Plan de Inclusión Social, que modificó drásticamente los indicadores del mercado laboral sanluiseño. Este trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar la situación laboral de dos localidades de la Provincia de San Luis emplazadas en zonas de importante producción agrícola, considerando la influencia de las políticas públicas locales y del sector industrial que aún mantiene una importante cuota del Producto Bruto Geográfico. Para esto se realiza un análisis comparativo entre ellas y con la situación provincial, caracterizada por el Aglomerado San Luis y El Chorrillo, que releva la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del indec. La información utilizada proviene de datos secundarios procedentes de organismos nacionales y de relevamientos propios realizados en las localidades estudiadas
The growth of Palpalá City (Province of Jujuy, argentina) since the 1940s, is linked to altos Hornos Zapla (ahz) the state-owned steel and iron company whose privatization in the early 1990s as part of the external three-sided opening, privatizations and deregulation which characterized convertibility, meant large changes in the local economic structure. In the 1950s, this city was identified by the town hall as 'mother of Industries' ('madre de Industrias'), whereas today, the municipal slogan is 'City of Tourism' ('Ciudad Turística'). Recovering the recent occupational history of this city meets the need to know the labor and socioeconomic reality of this urban area in the Province of Jujuy, about which information is rare. Although it is included in the Home Survey?s sample, it is shown in blocks, making the information very limited. It is paradigmaticin this city to study the means chosen to try to overcome the traumatic shock that ahz's privatization meant, to analyze the policies developed and evaluate their results, some years after their application. In Palpalá, a local development strategy was applied, with a strong impulse to micro-businesses, following, somehow, the model postulated at national level, what will allow us to know the local reality better, as well as the regional and national realities for its characteristics. The methodology used in this work ('From iron and steel industry to tourist city. Brief occupational history of Palpala city) was the bibliographic research of the rare existing studies, interviews to qualified informers as well as the use of secondary data sources, such as data from different national Censuses. To conclude, it can be said that due to the crisis of the 1990s and its state reducing plan, those who suffered its consequences less are, paradoxically, those who are still related to state jobs. In Palpalá, when ahz was privatized and the buyer company failed to fulfill its contract duly, leaving a great number of the local people unemployed, it was the municipal government who had to assume the responsibility of an answer ( in this case, through training, credit and/or counseling to micro-businessmen) In the last years, however, the possibility to work in informal activities has become important in Palpalá, with a high percentage of people working in city fairs selling different kinds of goods. although the change in the model in the recent years has allowed the reactivation in different areas, a preliminary evaluation is that the improvement does not seem to have reached the core of excluded and marginalized of the previous decade
El trabajo aborda la problemática de las firmas empacadoras/exportadoras de cítricos dulces del denominado corredor citrícola del río Uruguay -departamentos de Federación y Concordia en la provincia de Entre Ríos y departamento de Monte Caseros en Corrientes-. Específicamente nos preguntamos si la convergencia geográfica de firmas en un mismo espacio regional/local propicia mecanismos de articulación que favorezcan la obtención de sinergias y su participación en el segmento exportador, considerándolas en relación al capital trasnacional que opera en la misma región. En nuestro análisis exploramos algunas de las estrategias que adoptan las firmas para la inserción en los mercados, enfocándonos en los mecanismos de coordinación interempresarial a nivel horizontal y a escala local-regional, prestando particular atención a la sustentabilidad de los mismos. Empleamos un enfoque metodológico que pone énfasis en técnicas de análisis cualitativas, aplicadas a entrevistas semi-estructuradas y en profundidad a los integrantes de la trama, seleccionados en función del rol que cumplen dentro de ella. La información relevada se complementa con datos secundarios y la revisión de bibliografía pertinente para el área de estudio.
El fenómeno de agriculturización que ha tenido lugar en nuestro país durante los últimos años no ha impactado solamente en la región de la República Argentina tradicionalmente agrícola. También lo ha hecho, aunque de una manera diferente, en la Provincia de San Luis. En esta provincia, dicho fenómeno convive con otras particularidades, como es la radicación industrial promocionada, que marcó profundamente el aparato productivo provincial o, más recientemente, una política pública de amplio espectro como el Plan de Inclusión Social, que modificó drásticamente los indicadores del mercado laboral sanluiseño. Este trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar la situación laboral de dos localidades de la Provincia de San Luis emplazadas en zonas de importante producción agrícola, considerando la influencia de las políticas públicas locales y del sector industrial que aún mantiene una importante cuota del Producto Bruto Geográfico. Para esto se realiza un análisis comparativo entre ellas y con la situación provincial, caracterizada por el Aglomerado San Luis y El Chorrillo, que releva la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del indec. La información utilizada proviene de datos secundarios procedentes de organismos nacionales y de relevamientos propios realizados en las localidades estudiadas
El trabajo aborda la problemática de las firmas empacadoras/exportadoras de cítricos dulces del denominado corredor citrícola del río Uruguay -departamentos de Federación y Concordia en la provincia de Entre Ríos y departamento de Monte Caseros en Corrientes-. Específicamente nos preguntamos si la convergencia geográfica de firmas en un mismo espacio regional/local propicia mecanismos de articulación que favorezcan la obtención de sinergias y su participación en el segmento exportador, considerándolas en relación al capital trasnacional que opera en la misma región. En nuestro análisis exploramos algunas de las estrategias que adoptan las firmas para la inserción en los mercados, enfocándonos en los mecanismos de coordinación interempresarial a nivel horizontal y a escala local-regional, prestando particular atención a la sustentabilidad de los mismos. Empleamos un enfoque metodológico que pone énfasis en técnicas de análisis cualitativas, aplicadas a entrevistas semi-estructuradas y en profundidad a los integrantes de la trama, seleccionados en función del rol que cumplen dentro de ella. La información relevada se complementa con datos secundarios y la revisión de bibliografía pertinente para el área de estudio.
El fenómeno de agriculturización que ha tenido lugar en nuestro país durante los últimos años no ha impactado solamente en la región de la República Argentina tradicionalmente agrícola. También lo ha hecho, aunque de una manera diferente, en la Provincia de San Luis. En esta provincia, dicho fenómeno convive con otras particularidades, como es la radicación industrial promocionada, que marcó profundamente el aparato productivo provincial o, más recientemente, una política pública de amplio espectro como el Plan de Inclusión Social, que modificó drásticamente los indicadores del mercado laboral sanluiseño. Este trabajo tiene por objeto estudiar la situación laboral de dos localidades de la Provincia de San Luis emplazadas en zonas de importante producción agrícola, considerando la influencia de las políticas públicas locales y del sector industrial que aún mantiene una importante cuota del Producto Bruto Geográfico. Para esto se realiza un análisis comparativo entre ellas y con la situación provincial, caracterizada por el Aglomerado San Luis y El Chorrillo, que releva la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares del indec. La información utilizada proviene de datos secundarios procedentes de organismos nacionales y de relevamientos propios realizados en las localidades estudiadas
The growth of Palpalá City (Province of Jujuy, argentina) since the 1940s, is linked to altos Hornos Zapla (ahz) the state-owned steel and iron company whose privatization in the early 1990s as part of the external three-sided opening, privatizations and deregulation which characterized convertibility, meant large changes in the local economic structure. In the 1950s, this city was identified by the town hall as 'mother of Industries' ('madre de Industrias'), whereas today, the municipal slogan is 'City of Tourism' ('Ciudad Turística'). Recovering the recent occupational history of this city meets the need to know the labor and socioeconomic reality of this urban area in the Province of Jujuy, about which information is rare. Although it is included in the Home Survey?s sample, it is shown in blocks, making the information very limited. It is paradigmaticin this city to study the means chosen to try to overcome the traumatic shock that ahz's privatization meant, to analyze the policies developed and evaluate their results, some years after their application. In Palpalá, a local development strategy was applied, with a strong impulse to micro-businesses, following, somehow, the model postulated at national level, what will allow us to know the local reality better, as well as the regional and national realities for its characteristics. The methodology used in this work ('From iron and steel industry to tourist city. Brief occupational history of Palpala city) was the bibliographic research of the rare existing studies, interviews to qualified informers as well as the use of secondary data sources, such as data from different national Censuses. To conclude, it can be said that due to the crisis of the 1990s and its state reducing plan, those who suffered its consequences less are, paradoxically, those who are still related to state jobs. In Palpalá, when ahz was privatized and the buyer company failed to fulfill its contract duly, leaving a great number of the local people unemployed, it was the municipal government who had to assume the responsibility of an answer ( in this case, through training, credit and/or counseling to micro-businessmen) In the last years, however, the possibility to work in informal activities has become important in Palpalá, with a high percentage of people working in city fairs selling different kinds of goods. although the change in the model in the recent years has allowed the reactivation in different areas, a preliminary evaluation is that the improvement does not seem to have reached the core of excluded and marginalized of the previous decade
Sedimentary sequences in ancient or long-lived lakes can reach several thousands of meters in thickness and often provide an unrivalled perspective of the lake's regional climatic, environmental, and biological history. Over the last few years, deep-drilling projects in ancient lakes became increasingly multi- and interdisciplinary, as, among others, seismological, sedimentological, biogeochemical, climatic, environmental, paleontological, and evolutionary information can be obtained from sediment cores. However, these multi- and interdisciplinary projects pose several challenges. The scientists involved typically approach problems from different scientific perspectives and backgrounds, and setting up the program requires clear communication and the alignment of interests. One of the most challenging tasks, besides the actual drilling operation, is to link diverse datasets with varying resolution, data quality, and age uncertainties to answer interdisciplinary questions synthetically and coherently. These problems are especially relevant when secondary data, i.e., datasets obtained independently of the drilling operation, are incorporated in analyses. Nonetheless, the inclusion of secondary information, such as isotopic data from fossils found in outcrops or genetic data from extant species, may help to achieve synthetic answers. Recent technological and methodological advances in paleolimnology are likely to increase the possibilities of integrating secondary information. Some of the new approaches have started to revolutionize scientific drilling in ancient lakes, but at the same time, they also add a new layer of complexity to the generation and analysis of sediment-core data. The enhanced opportunities presented by new scientific approaches to study the paleolimnological history of these lakes, therefore, come at the expense of higher logistic, communication, and analytical efforts. Here we review types of data that can be obtained in ancient lake drilling projects and the analytical approaches that can be applied to empirically and statistically link diverse datasets to create an integrative perspective on geological and biological data. In doing so, we highlight strengths and potential weaknesses of new methods and analyses, and provide recommendations for future interdisciplinary deep-drilling projects.
Based mainly on secondary data and partly on primary information obtained through field surveys in selected rural areas in Bihar in 2011, this paper firstly argues the critical importance of agricultural growth for overall economic development, and then reviews the sluggish growth of agriculture in Bihar in the past and examines the major reasons for this. The long-term negligence of agricultural research (especially development and diffusion endeavors for improved rice varieties suitable to the local conditions of Bihar) by the state government and some sort of ‘backwardness’ in tube-well irrigation technology can be pointed out as important constraints. There is, in particular, the ‘paradox’ in Bihar agriculture of why rice and wheat yields have remained so low in spite of the relatively well-developed irrigation by tube-wells. Finally, by showing the process of a rapid increase in autumn and winter rice yields during the 1990s in West Bengal, it is suggested that Bihar farmers and policy-makers should learn from the experience of West Bengal in order to get some hints for the development of the rice sector in Bihar.
Personal aviation represented 9% of the aircraft movement in Europe in 2006, and it is expected to grow over the coming years. According to the European Personal Air Transportation System (EPATS) study, Spain, along with France and Italy, are the European countries with greater growth prospects. The objective of this paper is to present research results focused on the potential growth of the personal aviation market in Spain and its regions. The research is mainly based on the secondary data of a survey (Movilia) from the Spanish Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
Este trabalho discute a importância de uma nova perspectiva em defesa dos interesses dos trabalhadores para os sindicatos no Brasil, o sindicato-cidadão. O sindicalismo no Brasil nasceu envolvido por um regime capitalista, sofrendo com isso um processo ideológico particular. Em um País em que o Estado por anos - atualmente também - manteve sob o seu controle indireto a maioria dos sindicatos, os embates mais significativos se fizeram de forma inexpressiva, causando em muitos casos a perda por parte dos trabalhadores na constante luta entre capital e trabalho. Essa perda não se reflete somente em questões financeiras, mas sim, e mais importante ainda, em perdas de desenvolvimento do trabalhador em seu nível técnico e mais preocupante em seu nível social. Procurando entender a participação das entidades sindicais na recuperação da força do trabalhador é que se propôs este trabalho, analisando os programas de qualificação do governo geridos por órgãos de caráter sindical. Foram examinados os dados do programa PLANFOR, PNQ e Caravana do Trabalho do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e também os dados disponibilizados pelo Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas do Setor Energético IEPE, como órgão gerador dos programas de qualificação desenvolvidos e financiados pelo Estado com recursos do FAT. Esta análise visa detalhar, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa descritiva, as necessidades levantadas pelos programas do Governo e também dos programas de qualificação profissional aplicados pelo IEPE, além de uma entrevista em profundidade com três presidentes de entidades sindicais. A coleta de dados deu-se através de dados secundários provenientes de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica em fontes públicas. Com este levantamento buscou-se analisar se os programas atendem as reais necessidades dos indivíduos e mais, se além de qualificar tecnicamente estas pessoas, se estes programas fomentam noções de cidadania. Foi possível entender que existe divergência quanto ao real objetivo do sindicato-cidadão perante os entrevistados, tornando possivelmente vulneráveis as ações de capacitação aplicadas tanto pelo governo, quanto pelo sindicato, o que torna dificultoso alcançar o objetivo maior a que se propõe o sindicato-cidadão, de fomentar a inserção social através da qualificação.(AU)