921 resultados para Scaling and root planning


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The main focus of this paper is on mathematical theory and methods which have a direct bearing on problems involving multiscale phenomena. Modern technology is refining measurement and data collection to spatio-temporal scales on which observed geophysical phenomena are displayed as intrinsically highly variable and intermittant heirarchical structures,e.g. rainfall, turbulence, etc. The heirarchical structure is reflected in the occurence of a natural separation of scales which collectively manifest at some basic unit scale. Thus proper data analysis and inference require a mathematical framework which couples the variability over multiple decades of scale in which basic theoretical benchmarks can be identified and calculated. This continues the main theme of the research in this area of applied probability over the past twenty years.


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A dolgozat a visszutas logisztikát, az újrahasznosítást igyekszik beilleszteni a vállalati termeléstervezés keretei közé. A szükséglettervezési rendszerek (material requirements planning, MRP) célja a készletek és beszerzendő anyagok, alkatrészek időben ütemezett gyártásának és beszerzésének megtervezése. A klasszikus MRP rendszereket az utóbbi időben próbálja a tudomány az újrahasznosítással kibővíteni. Mivel ebben az esetben az új, és újrafelhasználható anyagokat külön kell nyilvántartani, ezért az MRP-táblák és készletek növekednek. A rendelési tételnagyságok meghatározása is nehezebb, összetettebb tételnagysághoz vezet. A dolgozatban egy visszutas logisztikai készletmodellt ismertetünk, valamint annak dinamikus kiterjesztését, amely alapja lehet az SAP-ba beépíthető rendelés állomány meghatározó heurisztikának. ____ The aim of the paper is to extend production planning with reverse logistics and reuse. Material requirements planning (MRP) systems plan and control invetory levels and purchasing activities of the firm. In the last decade scientists on this field try to involve reverse logistics activities in MRP systems. Size of MRP-tables is growing in this case because of the alternative use of newly purchased products and reusable old items. Determination of order quantities will be more complex with these two modes of material supplies. An EOQ-type reverse logistics model is presented in the paper with a dynamic lot size generalization. The generalized model can be seen as a basic model to build in production planning and control system like SAP.


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The paper will describe the Healthy Start program as a comprehensive sex education program and implications for preventing subsequent adolescent pregnancies.


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The increasing emphasis on mass customization, shortened product lifecycles, synchronized supply chains, when coupled with advances in information system, is driving most firms towards make-to-order (MTO) operations. Increasing global competition, lower profit margins, and higher customer expectations force the MTO firms to plan its capacity by managing the effective demand. The goal of this research was to maximize the operational profits of a make-to-order operation by selectively accepting incoming customer orders and simultaneously allocating capacity for them at the sales stage. ^ For integrating the two decisions, a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) was formulated which can aid an operations manager in an MTO environment to select a set of potential customer orders such that all the selected orders are fulfilled by their deadline. The proposed model combines order acceptance/rejection decision with detailed scheduling. Experiments with the formulation indicate that for larger problem sizes, the computational time required to determine an optimal solution is prohibitive. This formulation inherits a block diagonal structure, and can be decomposed into one or more sub-problems (i.e. one sub-problem for each customer order) and a master problem by applying Dantzig-Wolfe’s decomposition principles. To efficiently solve the original MILP, an exact Branch-and-Price algorithm was successfully developed. Various approximation algorithms were developed to further improve the runtime. Experiments conducted unequivocally show the efficiency of these algorithms compared to a commercial optimization solver.^ The existing literature addresses the static order acceptance problem for a single machine environment having regular capacity with an objective to maximize profits and a penalty for tardiness. This dissertation has solved the order acceptance and capacity planning problem for a job shop environment with multiple resources. Both regular and overtime resources is considered. ^ The Branch-and-Price algorithms developed in this dissertation are faster and can be incorporated in a decision support system which can be used on a daily basis to help make intelligent decisions in a MTO operation.^


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The increasing emphasis on mass customization, shortened product lifecycles, synchronized supply chains, when coupled with advances in information system, is driving most firms towards make-to-order (MTO) operations. Increasing global competition, lower profit margins, and higher customer expectations force the MTO firms to plan its capacity by managing the effective demand. The goal of this research was to maximize the operational profits of a make-to-order operation by selectively accepting incoming customer orders and simultaneously allocating capacity for them at the sales stage. For integrating the two decisions, a Mixed-Integer Linear Program (MILP) was formulated which can aid an operations manager in an MTO environment to select a set of potential customer orders such that all the selected orders are fulfilled by their deadline. The proposed model combines order acceptance/rejection decision with detailed scheduling. Experiments with the formulation indicate that for larger problem sizes, the computational time required to determine an optimal solution is prohibitive. This formulation inherits a block diagonal structure, and can be decomposed into one or more sub-problems (i.e. one sub-problem for each customer order) and a master problem by applying Dantzig-Wolfe’s decomposition principles. To efficiently solve the original MILP, an exact Branch-and-Price algorithm was successfully developed. Various approximation algorithms were developed to further improve the runtime. Experiments conducted unequivocally show the efficiency of these algorithms compared to a commercial optimization solver. The existing literature addresses the static order acceptance problem for a single machine environment having regular capacity with an objective to maximize profits and a penalty for tardiness. This dissertation has solved the order acceptance and capacity planning problem for a job shop environment with multiple resources. Both regular and overtime resources is considered. The Branch-and-Price algorithms developed in this dissertation are faster and can be incorporated in a decision support system which can be used on a daily basis to help make intelligent decisions in a MTO operation.


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Bacteria living on and in leaves and roots influence many aspects of plant health, so the extent of a plant's genetic control over its microbiota is of great interest to crop breeders and evolutionary biologists. Laboratory-based studies, because they poorly simulate true environmental heterogeneity, may misestimate or totally miss the influence of certain host genes on the microbiome. Here we report a large-scale field experiment to disentangle the effects of genotype, environment, age and year of harvest on bacterial communities associated with leaves and roots of Boechera stricta (Brassicaceae), a perennial wild mustard. Host genetic control of the microbiome is evident in leaves but not roots, and varies substantially among sites. Microbiome composition also shifts as plants age. Furthermore, a large proportion of leaf bacterial groups are shared with roots, suggesting inoculation from soil. Our results demonstrate how genotype-by-environment interactions contribute to the complexity of microbiome assembly in natural environments.


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Ethical issues are at the heart of planning. Thus, planning theory has long displayed an interest in debating both the ethical justification for planning and how the activity of planning can be rendered more ethically sensitive. However, comparatively little attention has been shown to how the very constitution of the planner as a ‘moral subject’ may be ethically problematic for planning practice. This article addresses this lacuna through an engagement with the philosophy of Michel Foucault. In contrast to how his work is normally applied, this article accords with Foucault’s own direction that his later examination of ethics be used as a lens through which to read his earlier analysis of power and knowledge. Accordingly, the article first outlines Foucault’s innovative reinterpretation of how power and knowledge operate in society before setting this within his novel reconception of ethics. This theoretical exposition is then employed to interpret the material drawn from in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 planning officers working in a range of different contexts. The article subsequently employs Foucault’s ethically informed reading of power and knowledge to identify ethical issues arising from the approaches used by practitioners to justify their planning activities. The article concludes by suggesting how such issues can be resolved.


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In this article we are willing to demonstrate why and how monitoring is so important to make improvements and so as examples we will use education and health in Portugal and its recent achievements. Without knowing where we are we will never get to know where to go to. That is the reason why monitoring is mandatory to delineate planning and so PDCA cycle is of so much importance.


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As unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) are being widely utilized in military and civil applications, concerns are growing about mission safety and how to integrate dierent phases of mission design. One important barrier to a coste ective and timely safety certication process for UAVs is the lack of a systematic approach for bridging the gap between understanding high-level commander/pilot intent and implementation of intent through low-level UAV behaviors. In this thesis we demonstrate an entire systems design process for a representative UAV mission, beginning from an operational concept and requirements and ending with a simulation framework for segments of the mission design, such as path planning and decision making in collision avoidance. In this thesis, we divided this complex system into sub-systems; path planning, collision detection and collision avoidance. We then developed software modules for each sub-system


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We study networks of nonlocally coupled electronic oscillators that can be described approximately by a Kuramoto-like model. The experimental networks show long complex transients from random initial conditions on the route to network synchronization. The transients display complex behaviors, including resurgence of chimera states, which are network dynamics where order and disorder coexists. The spatial domain of the chimera state moves around the network and alternates with desynchronized dynamics. The fast time scale of our oscillators (on the order of 100ns) allows us to study the scaling of the transient time of large networks of more than a hundred nodes, which has not yet been confirmed previously in an experiment and could potentially be important in many natural networks. We find that the average transient time increases exponentially with the network size and can be modeled as a Poisson process in experiment and simulation. This exponential scaling is a result of a synchronization rate that follows a power law of the phase-space volume.


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Os mecanismos biológicos desenvolvidos para aumentar a qualidade da regeneração óssea e da reparação tecidual de sítios periodontais específicos continuam a ser um desafio e têm sido complementado pela capacidade de adesão celular do colágeno do tipo I, promovida por um peptídeo sintético de adesão celular (P-15), associado a uma matriz inorgânica de osso (MIO) para formar MIO/P-15. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a perda do nível clínico de inserção e a resposta da bolsa periodontal em dentes após 3 e 6 meses da aplicação de enxerto com MIO/P-15. Vinte e um cães do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo foram anestesiados para realização de tratamento periodontal e 132 faces dentais com perda de nível clínico de inserção foram tratadas, sendo que 36,4% (48 faces) receberam o peptídeo de adesão celular e 63,6% (84 faces) compuseram o grupo controle que recebeu tratamento convencional (retalho muco-gengival e aplainamento radicular). O procedimento foi documentado através de radiografia intra-oral e todas as sondagens de bolsas periodontais foram fotografadas. Depois de 3 e de 6 meses, os animais foram re-anestesiados a fim de se obter novas avaliações, radiografias, fotografias e sondagens periodontais. As 48 faces com perda de nível clínico de inserção que receberam material de enxertia apresentaram taxa de 40% de recuperação do nível clínico de inserção após 6 meses. O grupo controle de faces dentais não apresentou alteração do nível clínico de inserção. A face palatina foi a que apresentou melhor taxa de regeneração (40%) e os dentes caninos e molares mostraram as melhores respostas (57,14% e 65%, respectivamente). Não houve sinais de infecção pós-cirúrgica relacionadas à falta de higienização oral dos animais. Pode-se concluir que o MIO/P-15 auxilia na regeneração e re-aderência das estruturas periodontais, incluindo osso alveolar. Sua aplicação mostrou-se fácil e prática e a incidência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas foi baixa. Ainda assim, mais estudos e pesquisas são necessários para que se avalie a quantidade e a qualidade do osso e do ligamento periodontal formados.