998 resultados para SPIN-GLASS MODELS


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Using a new version of the density-matrix renormalization group we determine the phase diagram of a model of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain where the spins interact with quantum phonons. A quantum phase transition from a gapless spin-fluid state to a gapped dimerized phase occurs at a nonzero value of the spin-phonon coupling. The transition is in the same universality class as that of a frustrated spin chain, to which the model maps in the diabatic limit. We argue that realistic modeling of known spin-Peierls materials should include the effects of quantum phonons.


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We present some exact results for the effect of disorder on the critical properties of an anisotropic XY spin chain in a transverse held. The continuum limit of the corresponding fermion model is taken and in various cases results in a Dirac equation with a random mass. Exact analytic techniques can then be used to evaluate the density of states and the localization length. In the presence of disorder the ferromagnetic-paramagnetic or Ising transition of the model is in the same universality class as the random transverse field Ising model solved by Fisher using a real-space renormalization-group decimation technique (RSRGDT). If there is only randomness in the anisotropy of the magnetic exchange then the anisotropy transition (from a ferromagnet in the x direction to a ferromagnet in the y direction) is also in this universality class. However, if there is randomness in the isotropic part of the exchange or in the transverse held then in a nonzero transverse field the anisotropy transition is destroyed by the disorder. We show that in the Griffiths' phase near the Ising transition that the ground-state energy has an essential singularity. The results obtained for the dynamical critical exponent, typical correlation length, and for the temperature dependence of the specific heat near the Ising transition agree with the results of the RSRODT and numerical work. [S0163-1829(99)07125-8].


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Methods of promoting the radiation-induced cross linking of poly(tetrafluoro-ethylene-co-perfluoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) have been investigated. Greater control of the crosslinking and chain-scission reactions was achieved by varying the radiolysis temperature. This was attributed to temperature affecting the mobilities of reactive species such as polymeric free radicals. These reactive species are precursors to radiation-induced cross links and chain-ends. Analysis of the sol/gel behaviour, tensile properties and FTIR indicated that the optimum temperature for the radiation crosslinking of TFE/PMVE, at a dose of 150 kGy, was 263 K. This temperature was 10 K below the glass transition temperature. Incorporation of 1 wt% triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) greatly amplified the radiation crosslinking of TFE/PMVE, The dose for gelation was decreased by 70%, and the additive imparted superior mechanical properties compared to the neat irradiated TFE/PMVE. Electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements showed higher radical yields at 77 K with the 1 wt% TAIC, indicating that the crosslinking promoter was acting as a radical trap. (C) 1999 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The interlayer magnetoresistance of layered metals in a tilted magnetic field is calculated for two distinct models for the interlayer transport. The first model involves coherent interlayer transport, and makes use of results of semiclassical or Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory. The second model involves weakly incoherent interlayer transport where the electron is scattered many times within a layer before tunneling into the next layer. The results are relevant to the interpretation of experiments on angular-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations (AMRO) in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. We find that the dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of the magnetic field is identical for both models except when the field is almost parallel to the layers. An important implication of this result is that a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary for the observation of the Yamaji and Danner oscillations seen in quasi-two- and quasi-one-dimensional metals, respectively. A universal expression is given for the dependence of the resistance at AMRO maxima and minima on the magnetic field and scattering time (and thus the temperature). We point out three distinctive features of coherent interlayer transport: (i) a beat frequency in the magnetic oscillations of quasi-two-dimensional systems, (ii) a peak in the angular-dependent magnetoresistance when the field is sufficiently large and parallel to the layers, and (iii) a crossover from a linear to a quadratic field dependence for the magnetoresistance when the field is parallel to the layers. Properties (i) and (ii) are compared with published experimental data for a range of quasi-two-dimensional organic metals. [S0163-1829(99)02236-5].


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Two studies examined relations between groups (humanities and math-science students) that implicitly or explicitly share a common superordinate category (university student). In Experiment 1, 178 participants performed a noninteractive decision-making task during which category salience was manipulated in a 2 (superordinate category salience) x 2 (subordinate category salience) between-groups design. Consistent with the mutual intergroup differentiation model, participants for whom both categories were salient exhibited the lowest levels of bias, whereas bias was strongest when the superordinate category alone was made salient. This pattern of results was replicated in Experiment 2 (N = 135). In addition, Experiment 2 demonstrated that members of subgroups that are nested within a superordinate category are more sensitive to how the superordinate category is represented than are members of subgroups that extend beyond the boundaries of the superordinate category.


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We present a method for measuring single spins embedded in a solid by probing two-electron systems with a single-electron transistor (SET). Restrictions imposed by the Pauli principle on allowed two-electron states mean that the spin state of such systems has a profound impact on the orbital states (positions) of the electrons, a parameter which SET's are extremely well suited to measure. We focus on a particular system capable of being fabricated with current technology: a Te double donor in Si adjacent to a Si/SiO2, interface and lying directly beneath the SET island electrode, and we outline a measurement strategy capable of resolving single-electron and nuclear spins in this system. We discuss the limitations of the measurement imposed by spin scattering arising from fluctuations emanating from the SET and from lattice phonons. We conclude that measurement of single spins, a necessary requirement for several proposed quantum computer architectures, is feasible in Si using this strategy.


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The general-care glass ceiling hypothesis states that not only is it more difficult for women than for men to be promoted up levels of authority hierarchies within workplaces but also that the obstacles women face relative to men become greater as they move rtp the hierarchy. Gender-based discrimination in promotions is not simply present across levels of hierarchy but is more intense at higher levels. Empirically, this implies that the relative rates of women being promoted to higher levels compared to men should decline with the level of the hierarchy. This article explores this hypothesis with data from three countries: the United States, Australia, and Sweden. The basic conclusion is that while there is strong evidence for a general gender gap in authority-the odds of women having authority are less than those of men-there is no evidence for systematic glass ceiling effects in the United States and only weak evidence for such effects in the other two countries.


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A method is presented for including path propagation effects into models of radiofrequency resonators for use in magnetic resonance imaging. The method is based on the use of Helmholtz retarded potentials and extends our previous work on current density models of resonators based on novel inverse finite Hilbert transform solutions to the requisite integral equations. Radiofrequency phase retardation effects are most pronounced at high field strengths (frequencies) as are static field perturbations due to the magnetic materials in the resonators themselves. Both of these effects are investigated and a novel resonator structure presented for use in magnetic resonance microscopy.


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The concept of rainfall erosivity is extended to the estimation of catchment sediment yield and its variation over time. Five different formulations of rainfall erosivity indices, using annual, monthly and daily rainfall data, are proposed and tested on two catchments in the humid tropics of Australia. Rainfall erosivity indices, using simple power functions of annual and daily rainfall amounts, were found to be adequate in describing the interannual and seasonal variation of catchment sediment yield. The parameter values of these rainfall erosivity indices for catchment sediment yield are broadly similar to those for rainfall erosivity models in relation to the R-factor in the Universal Soil Loss Equation.


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A model for a spin-1/2 ladder system with two legs is introduced. It is demonstrated that this model is solvable via the Bethe ansatz method for arbitrary values of the rung coupling J. This is achieved by a suitable mapping from the Hubbard model with appropriate twisted boundary conditions. We determine that a phase transition between gapped and gapless spin excitations occurs at the critical value J(c) = 1/2 of the rung coupling.


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Three kinds of integrable Kondo problems in one-dimensional extended Hubbard models are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K matrices depending on the local moments of the impurities are presented as a nontrivial realization of the graded reflection equation algebras acting in a (2s alpha + 1)-dimensional impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, these models are solved using the algebraic Bethe ansatz method, and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.


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Testing ecological models for management is an increasingly important part of the maturation of ecology as an applied science. Consequently, we need to work at applying fair tests of models with adequate data. We demonstrate that a recent test of a discrete time, stochastic model was biased towards falsifying the predictions. If the model was a perfect description of reality, the test falsified the predictions 84% of the time. We introduce an alternative testing procedure for stochastic models, and show that it falsifies the predictions only 5% of the time when the model is a perfect description of reality. The example is used as a point of departure to discuss some of the philosophical aspects of model testing.


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We investigate the internal dynamics of two cellular automaton models with heterogeneous strength fields and differing nearest neighbour laws. One model is a crack-like automaton, transferring ail stress from a rupture zone to the surroundings. The other automaton is a partial stress drop automaton, transferring only a fraction of the stress within a rupture zone to the surroundings. To study evolution of stress, the mean spectral density. f(k(r)) of a stress deficit held is: examined prior to, and immediately following ruptures in both models. Both models display a power-law relationship between f(k(r)) and spatial wavenumber (k(r)) of the form f(k(r)) similar tok(r)(-beta). In the crack model, the evolution of stress deficit is consistent with cyclic approach to, and retreat from a critical state in which large events occur. The approach to criticality is driven by tectonic loading. Short-range stress transfer in the model does not affect the approach to criticality of broad regions in the model. The evolution of stress deficit in the partial stress drop model is consistent with small fluctuations about a mean state of high stress, behaviour indicative of a self-organised critical system. Despite statistics similar to natural earthquakes these simplified models lack a physical basis. physically motivated models of earthquakes also display dynamical complexity similar to that of a critical point system. Studies of dynamical complexity in physical models of earthquakes may lead to advancement towards a physical theory for earthquakes.