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Polymeric materials that conduct electricity are highly interesting for fundamental studies and beneficial for modern applications in e.g. solar cells, organic field effect transistors (OFETs) as well as in chemical and bio‐sensing. Therefore, it is important to characterize this class of materials with a wide variety of methods. This work summarizes the use of electrochemistry also in combination with spectroscopic methods in synthesis and characterization of electrically conducting polymers and other π‐conjugated systems. The materials studied in this work are intended for organic electronic devices and chemical sensors. Additionally, an important part of the presented work, concerns rational approaches to the development of water‐based inks containing conducting particles. Electrochemical synthesis and electroactivity of conducting polymers can be greatly enhanced in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) in comparison to conventional electrolytes. Therefore, poly(para‐phyenylene) (PPP) was electrochemically synthesized in the two representative RTILs: bmimPF6 and bmiTf2N (imidazolium and pyrrolidinium‐based salts, respectively). It was found that the electrochemical synthesis of PPP was significantly enhanced in bmimPF6. Additionally, the results from doping studies of PPP films indicate improved electroactivity in bmimPF6 during oxidation (p‐doping) and in bmiTf2N in the case of reduction (n‐doping). These findings were supported by in situ infrared spectroscopy studies. Conducting poly(benzimidazobenzophenanthroline) (BBL) is a material which can provide relatively high field‐effect mobility of charge carriers in OFET devices. The main disadvantage of this n‐type semiconductor is its limited processability. Therefore in this work BBL was functionalized with poly(ethylene oxide) PEO, varying the length of side chains enabling water dispersions of the studied polymer. It was found that functionalization did not distract the electrochemical activity of the BBL backbone while the processability was improved significantly in comparison to conventional BBL. Another objective was to study highly processable poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) water‐based inks for controlled patterning scaled‐down to nearly a nanodomain with the intention to fabricate various chemical sensors. Developed PEDOT:PSS inks greatly improved printing of nanoarrays and with further modification with quaternary ammonium cations enabled fabrication of PEDOT:PSS‐based chemical sensors for lead (II) ions with enhanced adhesion and stability in aqueous environments. This opens new possibilities for development of PEDOT:PSS films that can be used in bio‐related applications. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a broad group of π‐conjugated materials consisting of aromatic rings in the range from naphthalene to even hundred rings in one molecule. The research on this type of materials is intriguing, due to their interesting optical properties and resemblance of graphene. The objective was to use electrochemical synthesis to yield relatively large PAHs and fabricate electroactive films that could be used as template material in chemical sensors. Spectroscopic, electrochemical and electrical investigations evidence formation of highly stable films with fast redox response, consisting of molecules with 40 to 60 carbon atoms. Additionally, this approach in synthesis, starting from relatively small PAH molecules was successfully used in chemical sensor for lead (II).


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High magnetic fields and extremely low temperatures are essential in the study of new semiconductor materials for example in the field of spintronics. Typical phenomenons that arise in such conditions are: Hall Effect, Anomalous Hall effect and Shubnikov de-Haas effect. In this thesis a device capable for such conditions was described. A strong magnetic field pulse generator situated in the laboratory of physics and the Lappeenranta University of Technology was studied. The device is introduced in three parts. First one is the pulsed field magnetic generator, which is responsible for generating the high magnetic field. Next one is the measurement systems, which are responsible for monitoring the sample and the system itself. The last part describes the cryostat system, which allows the extremely cold temperatures in the system.


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Switching power supplies are usually implemented with a control circuitry that uses constant clock frequency turning the power semiconductor switches on and off. A drawback of this customary operating principle is that the switching frequency and harmonic frequencies are present in both the conducted and radiated EMI spectrum of the power converter. Various variable-frequency techniques have been introduced during the last decade to overcome the EMC problem. The main objective of this study was to compare the EMI and steady-state performance of a switch mode power supply with different spread-spectrum/variable-frequency methods. Another goal was to find out suitable tools for the variable-frequency EMI analysis. This thesis can be divided into three main parts: Firstly, some aspects of spectral estimation and measurement are presented. Secondly, selected spread spectrum generation techniques are presented with simulations and background information. Finally, simulations and prototype measurements from the EMC and the steady-state performance are carried out in the last part of this work. Combination of the autocorrelation function, the Welch spectrum estimate and the spectrogram were used as a substitute for ordinary Fourier methods in the EMC analysis. It was also shown that the switching function can be used in preliminary EMC analysis of a SMPS and the spectrum and autocorrelation sequence of a switching function correlates with the final EMI spectrum. This work is based on numerous simulations and measurements made with the prototype. All these simulations and measurements are made with the boost DC/DC converter. Four different variable-frequency modulation techniques in six different configurations were analyzed and the EMI performance was compared to the constant frequency operation. Output voltage and input current waveforms were also analyzed in time domain to see the effect of the spread spectrum operation on these quantities. According to the results presented in this work, spread spectrum modulation can be utilized in power converter for EMI mitigation. The results from steady-state voltage measurements show, that the variable-frequency operation of the SMPS has effect on the voltage ripple, but the ripple measured from the prototype is still acceptable in some applications. Both current and voltage ripple can be controlled with proper main circuit and controller design.


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Increasing demand and shortage of energy resources and clean water due to the rapid development of industry, population growth and long term droughts have become an issue worldwide. As a result, global warming, long term droughts and pollution-related diseases are becoming more and more serious. The traditional technologies, such as precipitation, neutralization, sedimentation, filtration and waste immobilization, cannot prevent the pollution but restrict the waste chemicals only after the pollution emission. Meanwhile, most of these treatments cannot thoroughly degrade the contaminants and may generate toxic secondary pollutants into ecosystem. Heterogeneous photocatalysis as the innovative wastewater technology attracts many attention, because it is able to generate highly reactive transitory species for total degradation of organic compounds, water pathogens and disinfection by-products. Semiconductor as photocatalysts have demonstrated their efficiency in degrading a wide range of organics into readily biodegradable compounds, and eventually mineralized them to innocuous carbon dioxide and water. But, the efficiency of photocatalysis is limited, and hence, it is crucial issue to modify photocatalyst to enhance photocatalytic activity. In this thesis, first of all, two literature views are conducted. A survey of materials for photocatalysis has been carried out in order to summarize the properties and the applications of photocatalysts that have been developed in this field. Meanwhile, the strategy for the improvement of photocatalytic activity have been explicit discussed. Furthermore, all the raw material and chemicals used in this work have been listed as well as a specific experimental process and characterization method has been described. The synthesize methods of different photocatalysts have been depicted step by step. Among these cases, different modification strategies have been used to enhance the efficiency of photocatalyst on degradation of organic compounds (Methylene Blue or Phenol). For each case, photocatalytic experiments have been done to exhibit their photocatalytic activity.The photocatalytic experiments have been designed and its process have been explained and illustrated in detailed. Moreover, the experimental results have been shown and discussion. All the findings have been demonstrated in detail and discussed case by case. Eventually, the mechanisms on the improvement of photocatalytic activities have been clarified by characterization of samples and analysis of results. As a conclusion, the photocatalytic activities of selected semiconductors have been successfully enhanced via choosing appropriate strategy for the modification of photocatalysts.


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Semiconductor laser devices are readily available and practical radiation sources providing wavelength tenability and high monochromaticity. Low-intensity red and near-infrared lasers are considered safe for use in clinical applications. However, adverse effects can occur via free radical generation, and the biological effects of these lasers from unusually high fluences or high doses have not yet been evaluated. Here, we evaluated the survival, filamentation induction and morphology of Escherichia coli cells deficient in repair of oxidative DNA lesions when exposed to low-intensity red and infrared lasers at unusually high fluences. Cultures of wild-type (AB1157), endonuclease III-deficient (JW1625-1), and endonuclease IV-deficient (JW2146-1) E. coli, in exponential and stationary growth phases, were exposed to red and infrared lasers (0, 250, 500, and 1000 J/cm2) to evaluate their survival rates, filamentation phenotype induction and cell morphologies. The results showed that low-intensity red and infrared lasers at high fluences are lethal, induce a filamentation phenotype, and alter the morphology of the E. coli cells. Low-intensity red and infrared lasers have potential to induce adverse effects on cells, whether used at unusually high fluences, or at high doses. Hence, there is a need to reinforce the importance of accurate dosimetry in therapeutic protocols.


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Industrial, electrical power generation, and transportation systems, to name but a few, rely heavily on power electronics to control and convert electrical power. Each of these systems, when encountering an unexpected failure, can cause significant financial losses, or even an emergency. A condition monitoring system would help to alleviate these concerns, but for the time being, there is no generally accepted and widely adopted method for power electronics. Acoustic emission is used as a failure precursor in many applications, but it has not been studied in power electronics so far. In this doctoral dissertation, observations of acoustic emission in power semiconductor components are presented. The acoustic emissions are caused by the switching operation and failure of power transistors. Three types of acoustic emission are observed. Furthermore, aspects related to the measurement and detection of acoustic phenomena are discussed. These include sensor performance and mechanical construction of experimental setups. The results presented in this dissertation are the outset of a research program where it will be determined whether an acoustic-emission-based condition monitoring method can be developed.


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Puolijohteiden yleistyttyä vuodesta 1948 alkaen, ovat elektroniset laitteet pienentyneet jatkuvasti tehojen kuitenkin kasvaessa. Kasvaneet tehotiheydet kuitenkin vaikeuttavat laitesuunnittelua, sillä puoljohdekomponenttien suorituskyvylle ja eliniälle on oleellista lämpötilojen ja lämpötilavaihteluiden minimointi. Perinteisen ilmajäähdytyksen lähestyessä rajojaan niin kokonaistehon kuin järkevän energiatehokkuudenkin suhteen, on parhaaksi seuraavaksi teknologiaksi ennustettu kaksifaasijäähdytystä, jonka suorituskyky ja energiatehokkuus ovat vaaditulla tasolla. Kaksifaasijäähdytyksen optimaaliselle toiminnalle tärkeää on hyvin suunniteltu ja tarkasti valmistettu lämmönsiirtopinta, jota kutsutaan mikrokanavistoksi. Pulssitettu laserkaiverrus on edistynyt valmistustekniikka, jonka tarkkuus ja luotettavuus sopisivat mikrokanavistojen valmistamiseen. Laserkaiverruksella saavutettavat lopputulokset vaihtelevat kuitenkin materiaalista riippuen ja kupari – jota käytetään yleisesti lämmönjohteena – on eräs huonoimmin lasertyöstöön reagoivista materiaaleista ja siksi on oleellista selvittää laser-kaiverruksen toimivuutta kuparisten mikrokanavistojen valmistuksessa. Pulssitetun laser-kaiverruksen eri variaatioista nanosekunti-luokan pulssinpituuksilla toimivat laitteet ovat jatkuvan tuotannon kannalta paras vaihtoehto niiden hyvän tuottavuuden, saatavuuden sekä kohtuullisen alkuinvestoinnin vuoksi. Käytännön kaiverruskokeiden perusteella selvisi, että menetelmä on laatunsa ja tarkkuutensa puolesta sopiva varsinaiseen tuotantoon. Kaiverruksen tehokkuus kuparia työstettäessä on kuitenkin ennakoituakin heikompi ja niin valmistus- kuin suunnitelu-prosessikin vaativat vielä jatkotutkimusta ja -kehitystä.


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A series of LaVi^xOs compounds (x=0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08) were prepeired using the standard solid reaction. The samples were chareicterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourprobe resistivity, smd magnetic susceptibility studies. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicated the formation of a single-phase sample with a orthorhombic structure which was first found in GdFeOs (space group Pnma) . The Unit Cell program was used for calculating lattice peirameters from XFID data. The XRD spectnim could be indexed on a cubic lattice with Og = 2ap ~ (7.8578 to 7.9414 A). The lattice parameter was observed to increase as the Vanadium vacancy increased. Four-probe resistivity measurements exhibited semiconductor behavior for all sajnples from room temperature down to 19K. The resistivity of samples increased with increasing Vanadium vacancy. The resistivity of samples demonstrated activated conduction with an activation energy of approximately 0.2 eV. The activation energy increased with increasing lattice parameter. Field cool magnetic susceptibility measurements were performed with field of 500 G from 300 K to 5 K. These measurements indicated the presence of an antiferromagnetic transition at about 140 K. The data was fitted above Neel temperature to Ciurie-Weiss law yielding a negative parameignetic Curie temperature. This implies that antiferromagnetic ordering is present.


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PreVi011.3 ':i or~ : indicat e('. tk~t ho t~)rE's sed ~-Al B 12 1i~2, ~' a semiconductor. r:Toreove r , the s i mpl.(~ electronic t heory also indi cates that ~ -AIB1 2 should be a semico nductor, since thf're is one nonbonding e 'Le ctrofl per AlB12- uni t. JPor these reasons, we decided to measure t he electrical n ropert i ~ s of ~ -AlB1 2 single crystal s . Singl e crystal s of¥- AIB 12 ab ou t 1 x 1 r1n1 . size were grown from a copper mel t at 12500 C. The melt technique coupled. 1,vi th slow cooling vilas used because of i ts advantages such as : siTYInle set- up of the expe rimon t ; only e ;l.sil y available c hemi cals are required and it i s a c omparatively strair::bt forvvard y,le t hod still yielding crystal s big enouGh for OtU' purpose . Copper rms used as a solvent , i nst8ad of previOl.wly used aluminum , because it allows c.l.'ystal growth at hig he r t emneratures. HovlGver, the cry s tals of ] -AlB12 shm'red very hi gh res i s t ance a t r oom temperature . From our neasureJ'lents we conclude that the r esistivity of j3- Al B12 is, at least, given as ~ = 4. x 107 oblD .em •• Those results are inc ons i s t ent wi 'uh the ones .. reported by IIiss Khin fo r bot- pressed j3-AlB12 g i ven a s = 7600 ohm . em . or I e s s . ' Since tbe hot pressing was done at about 800 - ' 9000C i n ~ rap hi te moul ds 1,7i th 97% AlB12- p oVJder, vie thi nk there is pas s ib i 1 i ty th a.t lower borides or borot] carbide are , being formed, ':.Jhich are k11 own to be good semiconductors . v7e tried to ro-pe r-AlB12 by addi'J,'?: agents s uch as l:Ig , IG.-InO 4. ' HgS04 , KI12PO 4·' etc. to t he melt .. However , all these re age 11 t eel either reduced the yield and size of t lJe crystals or r;ave crystals of high r esis'can ce again. We think tba t molten copper keeps t he i mpurities off . There is also a pos s i bil i ty t hc:!,t these doping agents get oxidi~::;ed at '1 250°C • Hence, we co ~ clud e that J -AIB12 has v~ ry high r es i stance at r oom temperature . This was a l s o C011 - fi rmed by checki ng the siYlgle and. polycrystals of .~-AIB12 from Norton Co., Ontario and Cooper Nletallurgical Association. Boron carbide has been reported to be a semiconductor with ~ - 0.3 to 0.8 ohm . cm. for hotpres sed s araples. Boron carbide b e inq: struct urally related to ¥-AIB12 , we de cided to study the electrical prone rties of it~ Single crystals. These crystals were cut from a Single melt grovvn crystal a t Norton Co., Ontario. The resistivity of th," se crystal s was measured by the Van der Pam-v' s ~ nethod, which \vas very c onvenient fo r our crystal sha-pp.s. Some of the crystals showed resistivity ~ == 0.50 ob,Tn.cr] . i n agreement with the previously reported results . However , a few crystals showed lower resistivity e.g . 0 .13 and 0.20 ohm.cra • • The Hall mobility could .not be measured and th8reiore i s lower than 0 .16 em 2 v - 1 sec -1 • This is in agreement \vith t he re1)orted Hall mobility for pyrolytic boron . _ 2 -1 -1 carbide as 0.13 cm v sec • We also studied the orientation of the boron carbide crystals by the Jjaue-method. The inclination of c-axis with res pect to x-ray be81Il was det ermined . This was found to be 100 t o 20° f or normal resistivity sarnples (0.5 ohm . cm.) and 27 - 30° for t he lower r esistivity samples (0.1 ~5 to 0.20 ohm.cm .). This indica tes the possibility that th.e r es if.1tivity of B13C3 i s orientation dependent.


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FRANCAIS: L'observation d'une intense luminescence dans les super-réseaux de Si/SiO2 a ouvert de nouvelles avenues en recherche théorique des matériaux à base de silicium, pour des applications éventuelles en optoélectronique. Le silicium dans sa phase cristalline possède un gap indirect, le rendant ainsi moins intéressant vis-à-vis d'autres matériaux luminescents. Concevoir des matériaux luminescents à base de silicium ouvrira donc la voie sur de multiples applications. Ce travail fait état de trois contributions au domaine. Premièrement, différents modèles de super-réseaux de Si/SiO2 ont été conçus et étudiés à l'aide de calculs ab initio afin d'en évaluer les propriétés structurales, électroniques et optiques. Les deux premiers modèles dérivés des structures cristallines du silicium et du dioxyde de silicium ont permis de démontrer l'importance du rôle de l'interface Si/SiO2 sur les propriétés optiques. De nouveaux modèles structurellement relaxés ont alors été construits afin de mieux caractériser les interfaces et ainsi mieux évaluer la portée du confinement sur les propriétés optiques. Deuxièmement, un gap direct dans les modèles structurellement relaxés a été obtenu. Le calcul de l'absorption (par l'application de la règle d'or de Fermi) a permis de confirmer que les propriétés d'absorption (et d'émission) du silicium cristallin sont améliorées lorsque celui-ci est confiné par le SiO2. Un décalage vers le bleu avec accroissement du confinement a aussi été observé. Une étude détaillée du rôle des atomes sous-oxydés aux interfaces a de plus été menée. Ces atomes ont le double effet d'accroître légèrement le gap d'énergie et d'aplanir la structure électronique près du niveau de Fermi. Troisièmement, une application directe de la théorique des transitions de Slater, une approche issue de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité pour des ensembles, a été déterminée pour le silicium cristallin puis comparée aux mesures d'absorption par rayons X. Une très bonne correspondance entre cette théorie et l'expérience est observée. Ces calculs ont été appliqués aux super-réseaux afin d'estimer et caractériser leurs propriétés électroniques dans la zone de confinement, dans les bandes de conduction.


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Nous investiguons dans ce travail la dynamique des excitons dans une couche mince d’agrégats H autoassemblés hélicoïdaux de molécules de sexithiophène. Le couplage intermoléculaire (J=100 meV) place ce matériau dans la catégorie des semi-conducteurs à couplage de type intermédiaire. Le désordre énergétique et la forte interaction électronsphonons causent une forte localisation des excitons. Les espèces initiales se ramifient en deux états distincts : un état d’excitons autopiégés (rendement de 95 %) et un état à transfert de charge (rendement de 5%). À température de la pièce (293K), les processus de sauts intermoléculaires sont activés et l’anisotropie de la fluorescence décroît rapidement à zéro en 5 ns. À basse température (14K), les processus de sauts sont gelés. Pour caractériser la dynamique de diffusion des espèces, une expérience d’anisotropie de fluorescence a été effectuée. Celle-ci consiste à mesurer la différence entre la photoluminescence polarisée parallèlement au laser excitateur et celle polarisée perpendiculairement, en fonction du temps. Cette mesure nous donne de l’information sur la dépolarisation des excitons, qui est directement reliée à leur diffusion dans la structure supramoléculaire. On mesure une anisotropie de 0,1 après 20 ns qui perdure jusqu’à 50ns. Les états à transfert de charge causent une remontée de l’anisotropie vers une valeur de 0,15 sur une plage temporelle allant de 50 ns jusqu’à 210 ns (période entre les impulsions laser). Ces résultats démontrent que la localisation des porteurs est très grande à 14K, et qu’elle est supérieure pour les espèces à transfert de charge. Un modèle numérique simple d’équations différentielles à temps de vie radiatif et de dépolarisation constants permet de reproduire les données expérimentales. Ce modèle a toutefois ses limitations, notamment en ce qui a trait aux mécanismes de dépolarisation des excitons.


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Nous étudions la recombinaison radiative des porteurs de charges photogénérés dans les puits quantiques InGaN/GaN étroits (2 nm). Nous caractérisons le comportement de la photoluminescence face aux différentes conditions expérimentales telles la température, l'énergie et la puissance de l'excitation et la tension électrique appliquée. Ces mesures montrent que l'émission provient d'états localisés. De plus, les champs électriques, présents nativement dans ces matériaux, n'ont pas une influence dominante sur la recombinaison des porteurs. Nous avons montré que le spectre d'émission se modifie significativement et subitement lorsque la puissance de l'excitation passe sous un certain seuil. L'émission possède donc deux ``phases'' dont nous avons déterminé le diagramme. La phase adoptée dépend à la fois de la puissance, de la température et de la tension électrique appliquée. Nous proposons que la phase à basse puissance soit associée à un état électriquement chargé dans le matériau. Ensuite, nous avons caractérisé la dynamique temporelle de notre échantillon. Le taux de répétition de l'excitation a une influence importante sur la dynamique mesurée. Nous concluons qu'elle ne suit pas une exponentielle étirée comme on le pensait précédemment. Elle est exponentielle à court temps et suit une loi de puissance à grand temps. Ces deux régimes sont lié à un seul et même mécanisme de recombinaison. Nous avons développé un modèle de recombinaison à trois niveaux afin d'expliquer le comportement temporel de la luminescence. Ce modèle suppose l'existence de centres de localisation où les porteurs peuvent se piéger, indépendamment ou non. L'électron peut donc se trouver sur un même centre que le trou ou sur n'importe quel autre centre. En supposant le transfert des porteurs entre centres par saut tunnel on détermine, en fonction de la distribution spatiale des centres, la dynamique de recombinaison. Ce modèle indique que la recombinaison dans les puits InGaN/GaN minces est liée à des agglomérats de centre de localisation.


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Le sujet général de cette thèse est l’étude de la fonctionnalisation covalente des nanotubes de carbone (CNT) et son application en électronique. Premièrement, une introduction au sujet est présentée. Elle discute des propriétés des CNT, des différentes sortes de fonctionnalisation covalente ainsi que des principales techniques de caractérisation utilisées au cours de la thèse. Deuxièmement, les répercussions de la fonctionnalisation covalente sur les propriétés des nanotubes de carbone monoparoi (SWNT) sont étudiées. Deux types de fonctionnalisation sont regardés, soit le greffage de groupements phényles et le greffage de groupements dichlorométhylènes. Une diminution de l’absorption optique des SWNT dans le domaine du visible-proche infrarouge est observée ainsi qu’une modification de leur spectre Raman. De plus, pour les dérivés phényles, une importante diminution de la conductance des nanotubes est enregistrée. Troisièmement, la réversibilité de ces deux fonctionnalisations est examinée. Il est montré qu’un recuit permet de résorber les modifications structurales et retrouver, en majorité, les propriétés originales des SWNT. La température de défonctionnalisation varie selon le type de greffons, mais ne semble pas affectée par le diamètre des nanotubes (diamètre examinés : dérivés phényles, Ømoyen= 0,81 nm, 0,93 nm et 1,3 nm; dérivés dichlorométhylènes, Ømoyen = 0,81 nm et 0,93 nm). Quatrièmement, la polyvalence et la réversibilité de la fonctionnalisation covalente par des unités phényles sont exploitées afin de développer une méthode d’assemblage de réseaux de SWNT. Celle-ci, basée sur l’établissement de forces électrostatiques entre les greffons des SWNT et le substrat, est à la fois efficace et sélective quant à l’emplacement des SWNT sur le substrat. Son application à la fabrication de dispositifs électroniques est réalisée. Finalement, la fonctionnalisation covalente par des groupements phényles est appliquée aux nanotubes de carbone à double paroi (DWNT). Une étude spectroscopique montre que cette dernière s’effectue exclusivement sur la paroi externe. De plus, il est démontré que la signature électrique des DWNT avant et après la fonctionnalisation par des groupements phényles est caractéristique de l’agencement nanotube interne@ nanotube externe.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal