999 resultados para Rubus spp.


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We analyzed ostriches from an equipped farm located in the Brazilian southeast region for the presence of Salmonella spp. This bacterium was investigated in 80 samples of ostrich droppings, 90 eggs, 30 samples of feed and 30 samples of droppings from rodents. Additionally, at slaughter-house this bacterium was investigated in droppings, caecal content, spleen, liver and carcasses from 90 slaughtered ostriches from the studied farm. Also, blood serum of those animals were harvested and submitted to serum plate agglutination using commercial Salmonella Pullorum antigen. No Salmonella spp. was detected in any eggs, caecal content, liver, spleen, carcass and droppings from ostriches and rodents. However, Salmonella Javiana and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica 4, 12: i:- were isolated from some samples of feed. The serologic test was negative for all samples. Good sanitary farming management and the application of HACCP principles and GMP during the slaughtering process could explain the absence of Salmonella spp. in the tested samples.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of anti-Toxocara antibodies in sheep from Presidente Prudente, southeastern Brazil. Serum samples were obtained from 365 sheep of diverse breeds and different ages. Samples were collected at a slaughterhouse and at farms located in Presidente Prudente. Three groups of animal of different ages were evaluated according to age: Group I: between 1 and 6 months old; Group II: between 7 and 10 months old; and Group III: between 11 and 15 months old. An ELISA test was carried out to detect anti-Toxocara antibodies (IgG) using the excretory-secretory antigens of Toxocara canis (TES) larvae. In total, 183 out of 365 animals (50.1%) were positive for anti-Toxocara antibodies. The frequency of antibody detection was directly proportional to the age of the animals (p<0.0001). indicating a relationship between infection and aging. In Group III, there was a higher prevalence in females (p = 0.0041). The relevance of these animals to the epidemiology of toxocariasis in pets and human should be considered. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is a need of scientific evidence of claimed nutraceutical effects, but also there is a social movement towards the use of natural products and among them algae are seen as rich resources. Within this scenario, the development of methodology for rapid and reliable assessment of markers of efficiency and security of these extracts is necessary. The rat treated with streptozotocin has been proposed as the most appropriate model of systemic oxidative stress for studying antioxidant therapies. Cystoseira is a brown alga containing fucoxanthin and other carothenes whose pressure-assisted extracts were assayed to discover a possible beneficial effect on complications related to diabetes evolution in an acute but short-term model. Urine was selected as the sample and CE-TOF-MS as the analytical technique to obtain the fingerprints in a non-target metabolomic approach. Multivariate data analysis revealed a good clustering of the groups and permitted the putative assignment of compounds statistically significant in the classification. Interestingly a group of compounds associated to lysine glycation and cleavage from proteins was found to be increased in diabetic animals receiving vehicle as compared to control animals receiving vehicle (N6, N6, N6-trimethyl-L-lysine, N-methylnicotinamide, galactosylhydroxylysine, L-carnitine, N6-acetyl-N6-hydroxylysine, fructose-lysine, pipecolic acid, urocanic acid, amino-isobutanoate, formylisoglutamine. Fructoselysine significantly decreased after the treatment changing from a 24% increase to a 19% decrease. CE-MS fingerprinting of urine has provided a group of compounds different to those detected with other techniques and therefore proves the necessity of a cross-platform analysis to obtain a broad view of biological samples.


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Biogeographic barriers potentially restrict gene flow but variation in dispersal or vagility can influence the effectiveness of these barriers among different species and produce characteristic patterns of population genetic structure. The objective of this study was to investigate interspecific and intraspecific genetic structure in two closely related species that differ in several life-history characteristics. The grey teal Anas gracilis is geographically widespread throughout Australia with a distribution that crosses several recognized biogeographic barriers. This species has high vagility as its extensive movements track broad-scale patterns in rainfall. In contrast, the closely related chestnut teal A. castanea is endemic to the mesic southeastern and southwestern regions of Australia and is more sedentary. We hypothesized that these differences in life-history characteristics would result in more pronounced population structuring in the chestnut teal. We sequenced five nuclear loci (nuDNA) for 49 grey teal and 23 chestnut teal and compared results to published mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences. We used analysis of molecular variance to examine population structure, and applied coalescent based approaches to estimate demographic parameters. As predicted, chestnut teal were more strongly structured at both mtDNA and nuDNA (ΦST= 0.163 and 0.054, respectively) than were grey teal (ΦST < 0.0001 for both sets of loci). Surprisingly, a greater proportion of the total genetic variation was partitioned among populations within species (ΦSC= 0.014 and 0.047 for nuDNA and mtDNA, respectively) than between the two species (ΦCT < 0.0001 for both loci). The ‘Isolation with Migration’ coalescent model suggested a late Pleistocene divergence between the taxa, but remarkably, a deeper divergence between the southeastern and southwestern populations of chestnut teal. We conclude that dispersal potential played a prominent role in the structuring of populations within these species and that divergent selection associated with ecology and life history traits likely contributed to rapid and recent speciation in this pair.


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Mesorhizobium loti strain NZP2037 was isolated in 1961 in Palmerston North, New Zealand from a Lotus divaricatus root nodule. Compared to most other M. loti strains, it has a broad host range and is one of very few M. loti strains able to form effective nodules on the agriculturally important legume Lotus pedunculatus. NZP2037 is an aerobic, Gram negative, non-spore-forming rod. This report reveals that the genome of M. loti strain NZP2037 does not harbor any plasmids and contains a single scaffold of size 7,462,792 bp which encodes 7,318 protein-coding genes and 70 RNA-only encoding genes. This rhizobial genome is one of 100 sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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Mesorhizobium loti strain R7A was isolated in 1993 in Lammermoor, Otago, New Zealand from a Lotus corniculatus root nodule and is a reisolate of the inoculant strain ICMP3153 (NZP2238) used at the site. R7A is an aerobic, Gram-negative, non-spore-forming rod. The symbiotic genes in the strain are carried on a 502-kb integrative and conjugative element known as the symbiosis island or ICEMlSym(R7A). M. loti is the microsymbiont of the model legume Lotus japonicus and strain R7A has been used extensively in studies of the plant-microbe interaction. This report reveals that the genome of M. loti strain R7A does not harbor any plasmids and contains a single scaffold of size 6,529,530 bp which encodes 6,323 protein-coding genes and 75 RNA-only encoding genes. This rhizobial genome is one of 100 sequenced as part of the DOE Joint Genome Institute 2010 Genomic Encyclopedia for Bacteria and Archaea-Root Nodule Bacteria (GEBA-RNB) project.


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BACKGROUND: Most studies describing vaginal Candida spp. in pregnancy focus on symptomatic vaginitis, rather than asymptomatic colonisation, and solely utilise microbiological culture. The extent to which asymptomatic vaginal carriage may represent a reservoir for infant oral colonisation has been highly debated. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study formed part of the Candida and Staphylococcus Transmission Longitudinal Evaluation (CASTLE) study, in Melbourne, Australia, from 2009 to 2011 and used culture and molecular methods to examine vaginal swabs collected late in the third trimester of pregnancy for Candida spp. Oral swabs from infants were also examined using culture methods. RESULTS: Overall, 80 of 356 (22%) women were positive for Candida spp; the majority being Candida albicans (83%). Candida glabrata and other Candida spp. were also identified, but in much lower numbers. Molecular analysis identified numerous positive samples not detected by culture, including 13 cases of C. albicans. In addition, some positive samples only recorded to genus level by culture were accurately identified as either C. albicans or C. glabrata following molecular analyses. Eighteen infants recorded positive Candida spp. cultures, predominantly C. albicans. However, there were only four (25%) mother/infant dyads where C. albicans was detected. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable data on asymptomatic colonisation rates of Candida spp. within an asymptomatic population of women late in pregnancy. The utilisation of molecular methods improved the rate of detection and provided a more accurate means for identification of non-albicans Candida spp. The low mother/infant colonisation rate suggests that non-maternal sources are likely involved in determining infant oral colonisation status.


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BACKGROUND: Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli or Klebsiella spp. frequently cause bloodstream infections. There has been a worldwide increase in resistance in these species to antibiotics such as third generation cephalosporins, largely driven by the acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase or plasmid-mediated AmpC enzymes. Carbapenems have been considered the most effective therapy for serious infections caused by such resistant bacteria; however, increased use creates selection pressure for carbapenem resistance, an emerging threat arising predominantly from the dissemination of genes encoding carbapenemases. Recent retrospective data suggest that beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor combinations, such as piperacillin-tazobactam, may be non-inferior to carbapenems for the treatment of bloodstream infection caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producers, if susceptible in vitro. This study aims to test this hypothesis in an effort to define carbapenem-sparing alternatives for these infections.

METHODS/DESIGN: The study will use a multicentre randomised controlled open-label non-inferiority trial design comparing two treatments, meropenem (standard arm) and piperacillin-tazobactam (carbapenem-sparing arm) in adult patients with bacteraemia caused by E. coli or Klebsiella spp. demonstrating non-susceptibility to third generation cephalosporins. Recruitment is planned to occur in sites across three countries (Australia, New Zealand and Singapore). A total sample size of 454 patients will be required to achieve 80% power to determine non-inferiority with a margin of 5%. Once randomised, definitive treatment will be for a minimum of 4 days, but up to 14 days with total duration determined by treating clinicians. Data describing demographic information, antibiotic use, co-morbid conditions, illness severity, source of infection and other risk factors will be collected. Vital signs, white cell count, use of vasopressors and days to bacteraemia clearance will be recorded up to day 7. The primary outcome measure will be mortality at 30 days, with secondary outcomes including days to clinical and microbiological resolution, microbiological failure or relapse, isolation of a multi-resistant organism or Clostridium difficile infection.


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Objetivos: definir os dados demográficos, as doenças de base e os fatores de risco associados aos episódios de candidemia ocorridos na Santa Casa Complexo Hospitalar entre 17/02/1995 e 31/12/2003; identificar as espécies envolvidas nestes episódios de candidemia e determinar a mortalidade global entre estes pacientes. Métodos: estudo de coorte retrospectivo não-controlado com inclusão de todos os casos consecutivos de candidemia diagnosticados na instituição entre 17/02/1995 e 31/12/2003. Como critério de inclusão no estudo, foi exigida a presença de sinais ou sintomas temporalmente relacionados ao isolamento de Candida em hemocultivo coletado de veia periférica. Resultados: 210 pacientes com candidemia foram incluídos (infecção nosocomial em 91,0%). O sexo feminino foi mais prevalente (51,4%) e a idade mediana foi de 41,0 anos. A doença de base mais prevalente foi câncer (neoplasias sólidas 30,5% e hematológicas 9,0%). Candida albicans foi a espécie mais freqüente (38,1%), seguida de Candida parapsilosis (27,6%) e Candida tropicalis (15,7%); candidemia por Candida glabrata ocorreu em 3,8%, e por Candida krusei, em 2,4%. Procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados em 43,8%, cateter venoso central estava presente em 74,8%, cateter urinário em 57,1%, ventilação mecânica em 48,6% e nutrição parenteral em 33,8%; o número mediano de antimicrobianos foi 4,0 por paciente (glicopeptídeos 54,3%, carbapenêmicos 25,7%). A maioria dos pacientes com candidemia comunitária (52,6%) havia sido hospitalizada nos 60 dias anteriores à candidemia; em 21,1%, Candida foi isolada de cateter; insuficiência renal crônica (p<0,001) e hemodiálise (p=0,027) foram mais freqüentes no grupo de candidemia comunitária do que no nosocomial; a distribuição das espécies de Candida foi semelhante entre os grupos. Comparadas aos adultos, as crianças com candidemia nosocomial foram mais expostas a antimicrobianos de amplo espectro (p<0,001), ventilação mecânica invasiva (p=0,002) e nutrição parenteral (p<0,001). Candidemia nosocomial por Candida parapsilosis foi mais freqüente em crianças (p=0,002), bem como o isolamento de Candida de cateteres (p=0,019); crianças foram mais freqüentemente tratadas com anfotericina B do que adultos (p<0,001), os quais receberam mais fluconazol (p=0,013). Entre os pacientes com câncer e candidemia nosocomial, tratamento prévio com corticosteróides (p=0,004), quimioterapia (p<0,001) e cefepima (p=0,004) foram mais comuns naqueles com malignidades hematológicas; cirurgias foram mais comuns em pacientes com tumores sólidos (p<0,001), principalmente do trato gastrointestinal (p=0,016); a distribuição das espécies de Candida foi semelhante entre os grupos. Candidemia breakthrough (“de escape”) ocorreu em 10,5% dos pacientes com candidemia nosocomial; a maioria destes vinha em uso de anfotericina B em doses terapêuticas, por período mediano de 6,5 dias; o isolamento de Candida de sítios outros que o sangue foi mais freqüente nestes pacientes (p=0,028). A mortalidade dos pacientes com candidemia foi 50,5%, sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre pacientes com candidemia comunitária ou nosocomial, com câncer ou outros diagnósticos e com infecção breakthrough ou não-breakthrough; a mortalidade foi maior em adultos do que em crianças (p=0,005). Conclusões: espécies não-Candida albicans foram os principais agentes de candidemia; assim como em outros estudos brasileiros, a prevalência de espécies como Candida glabrata e Candida krusei foi baixa. Fatores de risco já descritos na literatura foram freqüentemente encontrados, e a distribuição dos mesmos variou de acordo com as diferentes características dos pacientes estudados. A mortalidade em pacientes com candidemia foi semelhante \à descrita na literatura.