984 resultados para Ross, Fiona
We present an analysis of previously published measurements of the London penetration depth of layered organic superconductors. The predictions of the BCS theory of superconductivity are shown to disagree with the measured zero temperature, in plane, London penetration depth by up to two orders of magnitude. We find that fluctuations in the phase of the superconducting order parameter do not determine the superconducting critical temperature as the critical temperature predicted for a Kosterlitz–Thouless transition is more than an order of magnitude greater than is found experimentally for some materials. This places constraints on theories of superconductivity in these materials.
Leon Battista Alberti, 'On the Art of Building in Ten Books' Translated by Joseph Rykwert, Neil Leach and Robert Tavemor L. A. Zhadova (ed.), 'Tatlin' (Budapest 1984). English translation Helen Ross, 'Just For Living, Aboriginal Perceptions of Housing in North West Australia' Tony Fry, 'Design History Australia: A Source Text in Methods and Resources' Phillip Cox and David Moore, 'The Australian Functional Tradition' Lenore Coltheart and Don Fraser (eds.), 'Lamdmarks in Public Works, Engineers and Their Works in New South Wales 1884-1914' Peter Bridges and Don MacDonald, 'James Barnet, Colonial Architect' Don Watson and Judith McKay, 'A Directory of Queensland Architects to 1940' Russell Walden, 'Voices of Silence: New Zealand's Chapel of Futuna' Jeremy Salmond, 'Old New Zealand Houses 1800-1940' Victoria Middleton, 'The Legend of Green Valley' Dyranda Prevost and Ann Rado, 'Living Places' Mark Jackson and Mark Stiles (directors), 'Universal Provider' Lars Lerup, 'Planned Assaults'
We report first-principles density-functional calculations for hydroquinone (HQ), indolequinone (IQ), and semiquinone (SQ). These molecules are believed to be the basic building blocks of the eumelanins, a class of biomacromolecules with important biological functions (including photoprotection) and with the potential for certain bioengineering applications. We have used the difference of self-consistent fields method to study the energy gap between the highest occupied molecular orbital and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, HL. We show that HL is similar in IQ and SQ, but approximately twice as large in HQ. This may have important implications for our understanding of the observed broadband optical absorption of the eumelanins. The possibility of using this difference in HL to molecularly engineer the electronic properties of eumelanins is discussed. We calculate the infrared and Raman spectra of the three redox forms from first principles. Each of the molecules have significantly different infrared and Raman signatures, and so these spectra could be used in situ to nondestructively identify the monomeric content of macromolecules. It is hoped that this may be a helpful analytical tool in determining the structure of eumelanin macromolecules and hence in helping to determine the structure-property-function relationships that control the behavior of the eumelanins.
In this review we demonstrate how the algebraic Bethe ansatz is used for the calculation of the-energy spectra and form factors (operator matrix elements in the basis of Hamiltonian eigenstates) in exactly solvable quantum systems. As examples we apply the theory to several models of current interest in the study of Bose-Einstein condensates, which have been successfully created using ultracold dilute atomic gases. The first model we introduce describes Josephson tunnelling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. It can be used not only for the study of tunnelling between condensates of atomic gases, but for solid state Josephson junctions and coupled Cooper pair boxes. The theory is also applicable to models of atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates, with two examples given and analysed. Additionally, these same two models are relevant to studies in quantum optics; Finally, we discuss the model of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer in this framework, which is appropriate for systems of ultracold fermionic atomic gases, as well as being applicable for the description of superconducting correlations in metallic grains with nanoscale dimensions.; In applying all the above models to. physical situations, the need for an exact analysis of small-scale systems is established due to large quantum fluctuations which render mean-field approaches inaccurate.
The one-dimensional Hubbard model is integrable in the sense that it has an infinite family of conserved currents. We explicitly construct a ladder operator which can be used to iteratively generate all of the conserved current operators. This construction is different from that used for Lorentz invariant systems such as the Heisenberg model. The Hubbard model is not Lorentz invariant, due to the separation of spin and charge excitations. The ladder operator is obtained by a very general formalism which is applicable to any model that can be derived from a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation.
Quantum adiabatic pumping of charge and spin between two reservoirs (leads) has recently been demonstrated in nanoscale electronic devices. Pumping occurs when system parameters are varied in a cyclic manner and sufficiently slowly that the quantum system always remains in its ground state. We show that quantum pumping has a natural geometric representation in terms of gauge fields (both Abelian and non-Abelian) defined on the space of system parameters. Tunneling from a scanning tunneling microscope tip through a magnetic atom could be used to demonstrate the non-Abelian character of the gauge field.
Superconducting pairing of electrons in nanoscale metallic particles with discrete energy levels and a fixed number of electrons is described by the reduced Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer model Hamiltonian. We show that this model is integrable by the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The eigenstates, spectrum, conserved operators, integrals of motion, and norms of wave functions are obtained. Furthermore, the quantum inverse problem is solved, meaning that form factors and correlation functions can be explicitly evaluated. Closed form expressions are given for the form factors and correlation functions that describe superconducting pairing.
Our AUTC Biotechnology study (Phases 1 and 2) identified a range of areas that could benefit from a common approach by universities nationally. A national network of biotechnology educators needs to be solidified through more regular communication, biennial meetings, and development of methods for sharing effective teaching practices and industry placement strategies, for example. Our aims in this proposed study are to: a. Revisit the state of undergraduate biotechnology degree programs nationally to determine their rate of change in content, growth or shrinkage in student numbers (as the biotech industry has had its ups and downs in recent years), and sustainability within their institutions in light of career movements of key personnel, tightening budgets, and governmental funding priorities. b. Explore the feasibility of a range of initiatives to benefit university biotechnology education to determine factors such as how practical each one is, how much buy-in could be gained from potentially participating universities and industry counterparts, and how sustainable such efforts are. One of many such initiatives arising in our AUTC Biotech study was a national register of industry placements for final-year students. c. During scoping and feasibility study, to involve our colleagues who are teaching in biotechnology – and contributing disciplines. Their involvement is meant to yield not only meaningful insight into how to strengthen biotechnology teaching and learning but also to generate ‘buy-in’ on any initiatives that result from this effort.
Collaborative, team-based, interprofessional approaches to patient management are becoming increasingly recognized as beneficial to health outcomes. This project aimed to develop interprofessional skills among 134 third year medical students that were of clinical educational value to the students, and through activities that directly benefited the rural health professionals in their daily work. Placements were undertaken during a six week rural clinical attachment, mainly throughout South-West Queensland. Pre- and post-placement self-report questionnaires completed by both students and health professionals were used to evaluate the project. Results showed that over 80% of the health professional group reported the medical student placements were useful. Similarly, almost 80% of medical students reported positive changes in their attitude to other health professionals from the placement, and 91% indicated they had derived clinical educational benefit from their interprofessional activity. Despite difficulties due to poor communication between the various parties involved, the project proved successful in improving medical students' skills, knowledge and perceptions concerning interprofessional practice, through a placement and educational project which delivered practical benefits to rural health professionals and rural communities.
We have previously detected two related murine nuclear proteins, p160 and p67, that can bind to the leucine zipper motif within the negative regulatory domain of the Myb transcription factor. We now describe the molecular cloning of cDNA corresponding to murine p160. The P160 gene is located on mouse chromosome 11, and related sequences are found on chromosomes 1 and 12. The predicted p160 protein is novel, and in agreement with previous studies, we find that the corresponding 4.5-kb mRNA is ubiquitously expressed. We showed that p67 is an N-terminal fragment of p160 which is generated by proteolytic cleavage in certain cell types. The protein encoded by the cloned p160 cDNA and an engineered protein (p67*) comprising the amino-terminal region of p160 exhibit binding specificities for the Myb and Jun leucine zipper regions identical to those of endogenous p160 and p67, respectively. This implies that the Myb-binding site of p160 lies within the N-terminal 580 residues and that the Jun-binding site is C-terminal to this position. Moreover, we show that p67* but not p160 can inhibit transactivation by Myb. Unexpectedly, immunofluorescence studies show that p160 is localized predominantly in the nucleolus. The implications of these results for possible functions of p160 are discussed.
A biotin group was covalently attached to the C terminus of gramicidin A (gA) through a linker arm comprising a glycine residue with either one (gAXB) or two caproyl groups (gAXXB). High-resolution two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the structure of these modified gA analogues and [Lys(16)]gramicidin A (gA-Lys) in sodium dodecyl-d(25) sulphate micelles. Gated gA ion channels based on linking a receptor group to these gA analogues have been used recently as a component in a sensing device. The conformations of the gA backbones and amino acid side chains of lysinated gA and biotinylated gA in detergent micelles were found to be almost identical to that of native gA, i.e. that of an N-terminal to N-terminal (head to head) dimer formed by two right-handed, single-stranded beta(6.3) helices. The biotin tail of the gAXB and gAXXB and the lysine extremity of gA-Lys appeared to lie outside the micelle. Thus it appears that the covalent attachment of functional groups to the C terminus of gA does not disrupt the peptide's helical configuration. Further, single channel measurements of all three gA analogues showed that functioning ion channels were preserved within a membrane environment. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Modulated chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine the effects of cyanide (NaCN) from cyanide fishing on photosynthesis of the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) located within the tissues of the zooxanthellate hard coral Plesiastrea versipora. Incubating corals for 3 h in a cyanide concentration of >10(-5) M NaCN under a saturating light intensity (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] intensity of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1)) caused a long-term decrease in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (dark-adapted F-v/F-m). The effect of cyanide on dark-adapted F-v/F-m was Light dependent; thus F-v/F-m only decreased in corals exposed to 10(-4) M NaCN for 3 h under PAR of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). In corals where dark-adapted F-v/F-m was significantly lowered by cyanide exposure, we observed significant loss of zooxanthellae from the tissues. causing the corals to discolour (bleach). To further examine the light-dependent effect of cyanide and its relation to loss of zooxanthellae, corals were exposed to 10-4 M NaCN or seawater only (control), either in darkness or under 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). ill significant decrease in dark-adapted F-v/F-m and loss of zooxanthellae only occurred in corals exposed to cyanide in the light. These results suggest cyanide causes the dissociation of the symbiosis (bleaching) by affecting photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. Quenching analysis using the saturation-pulse technique revealed the development of high levels of non-photochemical quenching in cyanide-exposed coral. This result is consistent with the known property of cyanide as an inhibitor of the dark reactions of the Calvin cycle, specifically as an inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Therefore, chronic photoinhibition and an impairment of photosynthesis of zooxanthellae provides an important 'signal' to examine the environmental effects of cyanide fishing during controlled releases in situ.
Circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopy have been used to determine the structure of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor-binding peptide, comprising residues 130-152, of the human apolipoprotein E. This peptide has little persistent three-dimensional structure in solution, but when bound to micelles of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) it adopts a predominantly alpha-helical structure. The three-dimensional structure of the DPC-bound peptide has been determined by using H-1-NMR spectroscopy: the structure derived from NOE-based distance constraints and restrained molecular dynamics is largely helical. The derived phi and psi angle order parameters show that the helical structure is well defined but with some flexibility that causes the structures not to be superimposable over the full peptide length. Deuterium exchange experiments suggest that many peptide amide groups are readily accessible to the solvent, but those associated with hydrophobic residues exchange more slowly, and this helix is thus likely to be positioned on the surface of the DPC micelles. In this conformation the peptide has one hydrophobic face and two that are rich in basic amino acid side chains. The solvent-exposed face of the peptide contains residues previously shown to be involved in binding to the LDL receptor.
The physical nonequilibrium of solute concentration resulting from preferential now of soil water has often led to models where the soil is partitioned into two regions: preferential flow paths, where solute transport occurs mainly by advection, and the remaining region, where significant solute transport occurs through diffusive exchange with the flow paths. These two-region models commonly ignore concentration gradients within the regions. Our objective was to develop a simple model to assess the influence of concentration gradients on solute transport and to compare model results with experiments conducted on structured materials. The model calculates the distribution of solutes in a single spherical aggregate surrounded by preferential now paths and subjected to alternating boundary conditions representing either an exchange of solutes between the two regions (a wet period) or no exchange but redistribution of solutes within the aggregate (a dry period). The key parameter in the model is the aggregate radius, which defines the diffusive time scales. We conducted intermittent leaching experiments on a column of packed porous spheres and on a large (300 mm long by 216 mm diameter) undisturbed field soil core to test the validity of the model and its application to field soils. Alternating wet and dry periods enhanced leaching by up to 20% for this soil, which was consistent with the model's prediction, given a fitted equivalent aggregate radius of 1.8 cm, If similar results are obtained for other soils, use of alternating wet and dry periods could improve management of solutes, for example in salinity control and in soil remediation.