994 resultados para Romero, Matías, 1837-1898


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Part 1: 1898-1899 On Chronic Symmetrical Enlargement of the Salivary and Lachrymal Glands, 1898 Leprosy in the United States, with the Report of a Case, 1898 An Acute Myxaedematous Condition, with Tachycardia, Glycosuria, Melaena, Mania and Death, 1898 On some of the Intestinal Features of Typhoid Fever, 1898 Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 1898 The Arthritis of Cerebro-Spinal Fever, 1898 In Memoriam, William Pepper, 1899 After Twenty-Five Years, 1899 The Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever, 1899 Interstitial Processes in the Central Nervous System, 1899 Part 2: 1900 The Home Treatment of Consumption, 1900 On Splenic Anaemia, 1900 The Chronic Intermittent Fever of Endocarditis, 1900 A Case of Multiple Gangrene in Malarial Fever, 1900 Latent Cancer of the Stomach, 1900 On the Study of Tuberculosis, 1900 Fatal Angina Pectoris without Lesions of the Coronary Arteries of a Young Man, 1900 On the Advantages of a Trace of Albumin and a Few Casts in the Urine of Certain Men above Fifty Years of Age, 1900 Part 3: 1901-1902 Congenital Absence of the Abdominal Muscles with Distended Hypertrophied Urinary Bladder, 1901 Intermittent Claudication, 1902 On the Diagnosis of Bilateral Cystic Kidney, 1902 On Amebic Abscess of the Liver, 1902 Note on the Occurrence of Ascites in Solid Abdominal Tumors, 1902 Amebic Dysentery, 1902 Notes on Aneurism, 1902 William Beaumont; a Pioneer American Physiologist, 1902 Part 4: 1903 On the Educational Value of the Medical Society, 1903 On obliteration of the Superior Vena Cava,1903 Chronic Cyanosis, with Polycythemia and Enlarged Spleen: A New Clinical Entity, 1903 The Home and its Relation to the Tuberculosis Problem, 1903 Unity, Peace, and Concord, 1903 Typhoid Fever and Tuberculosis, 1903 Part 5: 1904-1906 Ochronosis, 1904 The “Phthisiologia” of Richard Morton, M.D., 1904 On the Surgical Importance of the Visceral Crises In the Erythema Group of Skin Diseases, 1904 Aneurysm of the Abdominal Aorta, 1905 Back Notes


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This monograph forms the fourth part of the tenth volume of the scientific results of the voyage of the German exploring ship Valdivia in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, made during the years 1898-1899. These volumes are published under the editorship of Prof. Chun, the zoologist of Leipzig, who was leader of the expedition ; and Prof. E. Philippi with the cooperation of Sir John Murray. The nature of the materials brought up at various points during the voyage is well illustrated by a series of plates, similar to those accompanying the Challenger volumes. Among the concretions from the Agulhas Bank were found phosphatic nodules containing 33 per cent, of calcium carbonate, 28 of calcium phosphate, 14.6 of calcium sulphate, and 4.8 of magnesium carbonate, with some ferric oxide, alumina, and silica. These nodules were dredged at a depth of 155 metres. Off the coast of Namibia, a large quantity of manganese nodules were also dredged. Their chemical analysis performed at the Mineralogical Institute of the University Jena show similar composition as the nodules recovered by the "Challenger" at station 253 in the Pacific Ocean.


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Fil: Torchia Estrada, Juan Carlos.


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delta11B results and deduced pH, pCO2 and omega values obtained for a tropical coral specimen Porites collected in 1998 at Yasawa (16°48'S- 177°27'E) on the western side of the Fiji archipelago, location in the north western part of the Pacific Warm Pool. Such Porites specimen grew during the XXth century (1898-1998). Boron isotopes results allowed the reconstruction of surface ocean acidification in the vincinity of Fiji Islands with strong interdecadal influence of the ENSO at regional scale. pHT calculation parameters (Hönisch et al., 2007): a=0 PER MIL; alpha=0.9804; delta11B=39.5 PER MIL; salinity=35.02; pKB from Dickson (1990). pCO2 and omega calculation parameters: TA= 2350 µM; Ca= 10.2 mM; Dickson et al.(2007); Mucci 1983.


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A partir de la escala de los entes, Romero plantea el proceso que se desarrolla desde la inmanencia hacia la trascendencia, hasta llegar a su máxima expresión en el espíritu. En el hombre, se manifiesta en el paso del individuo a la persona, la cual trasciende hacia la realización del valor, a través del “deber ser". En la actualidad, Lipovetsky presenta otra manera de concebir al hombre, la cual se expresa en un individualismo creciente, que está determinado por sus intereses particulares, sin proyección alguna hacia los otros y sin reconocer otro valor que no sea la realización de “su sí mismo". Frente a ello, urge promover el desarrollo de un “individualismo responsable", que recupere los valores éticos del hombre y su relación con los otros, sin perder de vista su propia realización. Este concepto, en otras palabras, reactualiza los planteos personalistas de Romero, en esta sociedad posmoderna.


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Este video es parte de una serie de producciones realizadas por alumnos de la Carrera de Comunicación Social de la UNCuyo, como trabajo final de la Cátedra de Televisión y Medios Audiovisuales en el año 2006. Los mismos participaron de una muestra audiovisual en el Cine de la Universidad en agosto de 2007. Son trabajos periodísticos y documentales de alumnos avanzados de la carrera, en formato profesional, abordando temáticas sociales, políticas, culturales y de arte, haciendo visible realidades y personajes de la provincia. Según alumnos y docentes, estos videos “van al encuentro del público mendocino para que nos conozca, critique, reflexione, sonría y se emocione…" ENTREVISTA A GABRIELA ROMERO es un trabajo que expone la vida y procesos por los que ha pasado la protagonista, contados por ella misma. Cómo se hizo artista plástica y que significan cada uno de los géneros que ella ha denominado: composiciones, arracadas y taumaturgias.


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Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Filosofía Argentina y Americana