772 resultados para Right to information


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Este estudo parte das observações e análises realizadas em classes de aceleração do Projeto Acelerar para Vencer (PAV- 2009/2012), desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Educação de Minas Gerais, tendo a discussão sobre o fracasso escolar e a distorção idade-série como centrais dentro das políticas adotadas. A pesquisa busca ampliar nosso entendimento quanto à relação entre escola e expectativas individuais, levando-nos a refletir para além do direito à educação. Dentre as reflexões, destacamos: desigualdade de oportunidades, relações de poder dentro de um sistema que, de forma hegemônica, se mantém estável, mas desestabiliza vidas ao negar às camadas desprivilegiadas direitos básicos: acesso à alfabetização na idade certa, à leitura, ao conhecimento escolar e a uma educação atraente e de qualidade que atenda às necessidades dos sujeitos de acordo com as realidades em que estão inseridos. Certos de que tais problemas perpassam questões políticas, econômicas e sociais, pretendemos ater-nos às diferenças existentes dentro do espaço escolar, o que nos leva a tentar desvendar, - no sentido de não apenas repetir, mas também compreender -, as causas que levam à distorção idade-série e à sua inserção, ou disfarce, no processo de universalização do ensino, chegando à forma como a escola e seus agentes percebem as diferenças e lidam com ela. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo, recorremos à pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, buscando subsídios em autores que discutem fracasso escolar, distorção idade-série, teoria curricular, mecanismos de exclusão social e respeito às diferenças culturais. Nesse sentido, concluímos que compreender as funcionalidades sociais da escola implica arregimentar, ou fazer coexistir, em um mesmo viés de observação, elementos interdependentes: política, escola, demandas sociais e cultura. Reconhecemos que tais elementos são imprescindíveis para pensarmos os sujeitos e suas distinções, a cultura e suas representações, o poder e as hegemonias presentes em todas as instâncias da vida escolar, transitando por uma via de mão dupla que envolve a enunciação das diferenças e seus atores: Secretaria de Educação, instituição pesquisada, gestão escolar, professores, alunos e responsáveis


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Esta pesquisa tem em vista a influência geográfica do Cinema Guaraci, um artefato geográfico, colaborador do desenvolvimento econômico e na formação sociocultural da população de Rocha Miranda. Localizado na zona norte da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, descortinando esta parte da cidade pouco estudada nos estudos citadinos, constitui este o recorte espacial sob o marco temporal compreendendo o período de sua inauguração de 1953 a 2013, quando persistem os esforços em prol da reabertura desta sala de espetáculos. Através da relação de significações e topofilia, de moradores e frequentadores do lugar, para com este testemunho geográfico, foram escolhidos para esta investigação indivíduos de diversas gerações. Ressalta-se a importância deste símbolo, para a organização espacial do bairro, bem como a obstinada estima pela reabertura do Cine. Para alcançar a profundidade das expressões simbólica e geográfica deste bem, serão realizadas entrevistas e mesmo conversas informais com seus residentes e frequentadores. De igual modo, no processo de elaboração desta pesquisa ainda constam coleta de dados e material bibliográfico com respeito a informações sobre o bairro obtidos nos órgãos de pesquisa competentes, sede do Grupo Pró-Cine Guaraci, instituições como a Biblioteca Nacional, o Arquivo Geral da Cidade, a Fundação Parques e Jardins, o Instituto Pereira Passos, as bibliotecas da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, além do enriquecimento de obras de autores como Yi-Fu Tuan, David Seamon, Roberto L. Corrêa, Zeny Rosendahl, João B. F. Mello, Alice Gonzaga, Ecléa Bosi, entre outros. Desta feita, ao analisar a evolução de um símbolo, desde o seu surgimento, de como este influenciou na dinâmica e crescimento econômico de um bairro, testifica-se o quanto é fundamental sua permanência, especialmente quando sua influência distende na formação cultural de sua gente.


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O presente trabalho busca compreender as ressignificações do discurso pedagógico contemporâneo a partir da análise dos slogans que circularam na recente Conferência Nacional de Educação (CONAE), como modo de problematizar os projetos ideológicos em disputa por hegemonia no campo da educação nacional. Situado no entrecruzamento entre os campos da linguagem, da ideologia e do poder como hegemonia, toma a teoria enunciativa de Mikhail Bakhtin e a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), nos termos em que formulada por Norman Fairclough, como propostas teórico-metodológicas. No escopo de um diálogo tecido entre os autores, assume a linguagem como parte irredutível da vida social, em duas abordagens que propõem as noções de discurso e de poder em perspectiva crítica. Pautado na imersão da pesquisadora na CONAE, esfera de produção-circulação do discurso pedagógico contemporâneo, este trabalho assume o texto como material privilegiado de análise, focalizando documentos oficiais e pronunciamentos político-governamentais. Dois discursos nodais foram identificados: o da democratização e o da qualidade. Em relação ao primeiro, são analisados os pressupostos assumidos e a constituição histórica de um campo de sentidos que inclui artifícios retóricos. Em relação ao segundo, é dado tratamento crítico ao léxico associado à qualidade em suas sucessivas adjetivações. A partir de ambos os discursos foram analisados dois slogans. O primeiro deles denominado Educação para todos!, Todos pela Educação! aponta para dois deslocamentos semânticos: 1) do direito à educação para o direito à qualidade; e 2) da perspectiva da igualdade para a de uma inclusão baseada no conceito da diferença. O segundo slogan denominado O protagonista, professor! aponta para um lugar contraditório ocupado pelo professor, em que a exortação não se coaduna com suas condições materiais de existência. Para abordar a constituição ideológica deste lugar, nos seus sentidos hegemônicos, são analisados: os discursos da OCDE e imagens de professores na mídia como expressões das relações entre os contextos micro e macro. Para a compreensão dos slogans é situado o binômio informação-conhecimento como cronotopo-chave da contemporaneidade. É nesse cenário que as expectativas relativas à produção do conhecimento são articuladas a exigências do sistema produtivo, sendo a educação concebida como instrumento de racionalidade econômica. Desse modo, o movimento analítico questiona, para além da positividade aparente, a forma como os slogans ganham centralidade no discurso pedagógico contemporâneo, na tentativa de perceber sentidos que interpelam sujeitos e sistemas de ensino e vão sendo naturalizados, até que, tomados como necessários, afastam possibilidades de crítica


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Workers and crew on board vessels in the Pacific tuna fishery rarely enjoy the right to decent living and working conditions...


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The estimation of Time to Collision (TTC) related to avoiding collisions or making interceptions is an important cognitive ability for individuals. A number of studies have been carried out on this topic and related theories are developed. One of the most famous theories is the τ Theory. Based on the τ Theory, researches have found that visual information and physical information of moving objects would influent the TTC estimation. Are there any other factors that can affect people’s TTC estimation? A mixed design was used to examine the TTC estimation by different types of participants (professional drivers / people can not drive), with different moving objects (car/tricycle), under different speed (slow/fast) and direction (left to right / right to left) in Occlusion Paradigm. There were 21 professional drivers and 20 individuals who cannot drive participated in the experiment which was displayed on a computer. Participants were asked to click the button when he/she believed that the moving object had just contacted the red line. E-prime was used to establish the whole experimental environment and the RT was recorded at the same time. The results revealed that: (1) there is significant different TTC estimation between car and tricycle; (2) the professional drivers have more accurate TTC estimation than people do not drive. We can come to conclusion that conceptual information and driving skill could affect TTC estimation.


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This paper investigates how people return to information in a dynamic information environment. For example, a person might want to return to Web content via a link encountered earlier on a Web page, only to learn that the link has since been removed. Changes can benefit users by providing new information, but they hinder returning to previously viewed information. The observational study presented here analyzed instances, collected via a Web search, where people expressed difficulty re-finding information because of changes to the information or its environment. A number of interesting observations arose from this analysis, including that the path originally taken to get to the information target appeared important in its re-retrieval, whereas, surprisingly, the temporal aspects of when the information was seen before were not. While people expressed frustration when problems arose, an explanation of why the change had occurred was often sufficient to allay that frustration, even in the absence of a solution. The implications of these observations for systems that support re-finding in dynamic environments are discussed.


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The digital divide continues to challenge political and academic circles worldwide. A range of policy solutions is briefly evaluated, from laissez-faire on the right to “arithmetic” egalitarianism on the left. The article recasts the digital divide as a problem for the social distribution of presumptively important information (e.g., electoral data, news, science) within postindustrial society. Endorsing in general terms the left-liberal approach of differential or “geometric” egalitarianism, it seeks to invest this with greater precision, and therefore utility, by means of a possibly original synthesis of the ideas of John Rawls and R. H. Tawney. It is argued that, once certain categories of information are accorded the status of “primary goods,” their distribution must then comply with principles of justice as articulated by those major 20th century exponents of ethical social democracy. The resultant Rawls-Tawney theorem, if valid, might augment the portfolio of options for interventionist information policy in the 21st century


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This paper defines a structured methodology which is based on the foundational work of Al-Shaer et al. in [1] and that of Hamed and Al-Shaer in [2]. It defines a methodology for the declaration of policy field elements, through to the syntax, ontology and functional verification stages. In their works of [1] and [2] the authors concentrated on developing formal definitions of possible anomalies between rules in a network firewall rule set. Their work is considered as the foundation for further works on anomaly detection, including those of Fitzgerald et al. [3], Chen et al. [4], Hu et al. [5], among others. This paper extends this work by applying the methods to information sharing policies, and outlines the evaluation related to these.


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Urquhart, C. (editor for JUSTEIS team), Spink, S., Thomas, R., Yeoman, A., Durbin, J., Turner, J., Armstrong, A., Lonsdale, R. & Fenton, R. (2003). JUSTEIS (JISC Usage Surveys: Trends in Electronic Information Services) Strand A: survey of end users of all electronic information services (HE and FE), with Action research report. Final report 2002/2003 Cycle Four. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth with Information Automation Ltd (CIQM). Sponsorship: JISC


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Thomas, R., Crossan, S., Urquhart, C. & Hines, B. (2008). Rural information needs. Final report for Mid Wales Library and Information Partnership. Aberystwyth: Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University Sponsorship: Mid Wales Library and Information Partnership


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Maddrell, John, 'What we have discovered about the Cold War is what we already knew: Julius Mader and Western Espionage during the Cold War', Cold War History (2005) 5(2) pp.235-258 RAE2008


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The problem of the acquisition of first language phonology is dealt with within the general information-processing perspective. In this sense, language acquisition is viewed as a process of biologically founded pattern formation due to information exchanges between an adult and a child. Moreover, the process is cognitive in that the child, as a goal-seeking and error correcting individual, undertakes an intricate task of compressing a huge variety of linguistic stimuli in order to build an effective information code. It is further assumed that the basic mechanism which leads to the establishment of fully articulate linguistic ability is that of simulation. The mechanism works through a compression of a set of initial variables (i.e. initial conditions) into a minimum length algorithm and a subsequent construction of an integrated system of language-specific attractors. It is only then that the language user is capable of participating in an information transaction in a fully developed manner.


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Background: Hospital clinicians are increasingly expected to practice evidence-based medicine (EBM) in order to minimize medical errors and ensure quality patient care, but experience obstacles to information-seeking. The introduction of a Clinical Informationist (CI) is explored as a possible solution. Aims:  This paper investigates the self-perceived information needs, behaviour and skill levels of clinicians in two Irish public hospitals. It also explores clinicians perceptions and attitudes to the introduction of a CI into their clinical teams. Methods: A questionnaire survey approach was utilised for this study, with 22 clinicians in two hospitals. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive statistics. Results: Analysis showed that clinicians experience diverse information needs for patient care, and that barriers such as time constraints and insufficient access to resources hinder their information-seeking. Findings also showed that clinicians struggle to fit information-seeking into their working day, regularly seeking to answer patient-related queries outside of working hours. Attitudes towards the concept of a CI were predominantly positive. Conclusion: This paper highlights the factors that characterise and limit hospital clinicians information-seeking, and suggests the CI as a potentially useful addition to the clinical team, to help them to resolve their information needs for patient care.


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The central research question of this thesis asks the extent to which Irish law, policy and practice allow for the application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) to pre-natal children. First, it is demonstrated that pre-natal children can fall within the definition of ‘child’ under the Convention and so the possibility of applying the Convention to children before birth is opened. Many State Parties to the CRC have interpreted it as applicable to pre-natal children, while others have expressed that it only applies from birth. Ireland has not clarified whether or not it interprets it as being applicable from conception, birth, or some other point. The remainder of the thesis examines the extent to which Ireland interprets the CRC as applicable to the pre-natal child. First, the question of whether Ireland affords to the pre-natal child the right to life under Article 6(1) of the Convention is analysed. Given the importance of the indivisibility of rights under the Convention, the extent to which Ireland applies other CRC rights to pre-natal children is examined. The rights analysed are the right to protection from harm, the right to the provision of health care and the procedural right to representation. It is concluded that Ireland’s laws, policies and practices require urgent clarification on the issue of the extent to which rights such as protection, health care and representation apply to children before birth. In general, there are mixed and ad hoc approaches to these issues in Ireland and there exists a great deal of confusion amongst those working on the frontline with such children, such as health care professionals and social workers. The thesis calls for significant reform in this area in terms of law and policy, which will inform practice.


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This thesis examines the tension between patent rights and the right to health and it recognizes patent rights on pharmaceutical products as one of the factors responsible for the problem of lack of access to affordable medicines in developing countries. The thesis contends that, in order to preserve their patent policy space and secure access to affordable medicines for their citizens, developing countries should incorporate a model of human rights into the design, implementation, interpretation, and enforcement of their national patent laws. The thesis provides a systematic analysis of court decisions from four key developing countries (Brazil, India, Kenya, and South Africa) and it assesses how the national courts in these countries resolve the tension between patent rights and the right to health. Essentially, this thesis demonstrates how a model of human rights can be incorporated into the adjudication of disputes involving patent rights in national courts. Focusing specifically on Brazil, the thesis equally demonstrates how policy makers and law makers at the national level can incorporate a model of human rights into the design or amendment of their national patent law. This thesis also contributes to the ongoing debate in the field of business and human rights with regard to the mechanisms that can be used to hold corporate actors accountable for their human rights responsibilities. This thesis recognizes that, while states bear the primary responsibility to respect, protect, and fulfil the right to health, corporate actors such as pharmaceutical companies also have a baseline responsibility to respect the right to health. This thesis therefore contends that pharmaceutical companies that own patent rights on pharmaceutical products can be held accountable for their right to health responsibilities at the national level through the incorporation of a model of civic participation into a country’s patent law system.