814 resultados para Resolução de problemas (Matemática) - Tese


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As discussões sobre criatividade indicam uma dificuldade tanto na definição do que seria um padrão “original” ou “criativo” quanto de identificar que variáveis o controlariam. Dentre as interpretações deste fenômeno encontra-se a chamada “interconexão espontânea de repertórios”, quando dois ou mais repertórios diferentes, aprendidos em separado, podem se juntar em novas situações produzindo sequências originais de comportamento. A resolução de um problema de forma súbita através desta interconexão foi denominada de “Insight”. Um dos processos que participariam dessa interconexão seria a “Generalização Funcional”. O presente estudo replicou com algumas mudanças, utilizando três ratos (Rattus norvegicus) como sujeitos (S1, S2 e S3), o trabalho original de Epstein (1985b) e investigou o papel da “Generalização Funcional” na interconexão dos repertórios. Ao S1 e ao S2 foram ensinados separadamente três repertórios distintos. O S1 aprendeu a (1) empurrar um cubo de maneira direcionada, (2) a subir e se erguer sobre cubo e (3) a puxar uma corrente. O S2 aprendeu a (1) empurrar um cubo de maneira não direcionada, (2) a subir e se erguer sobre cubo e a (3) puxar uma corrente. O S3 aprendeu apenas a (1) subir e se erguer sobre cubo e (2) a puxar uma corrente. Após o treino foram colocados numa situaçãoproblema que exigiria a interconexão das habilidades aprendidas para que a resolução ocorresse. O S1 e o S2 resolveram o problema de maneiras distintas: o S1 resolveu de forma aleatória e o S2 resolveu após um treino adicional de subir e puxar a corrente que estabeleceu elos importantes para a resolução. O S3 não resolveu o problema. Os dados indicaram que a generalização funcional poderia ser explicada como generalização simples e que esta não seria um requisito fundamental para a resolução súbita do problema.


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The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important topic in several areas of knowledge. The understanding and the solution of many problems that scientists and engineers confront nowadays can be formulated, at least as an analogy, in terms of an oscillatory movement. The description of the motion of this nature has remarkable contributions to the mathematical and conceptual formation of the students and for solving daily problems in several areas. In this paper we propose a theoretical and experimental approach involving the phenomenon of harmonic oscillations in two dimensions. Lissajous curves were used as experimental demonstration of the resulting trajectories. These curves were obtained from relatively simple experimental apparatus, which is affordable in most teaching laboratories of physics.


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Even today tables are used in the calculation of structures formed by flat elements, these methods are acceptable only for a limited number of cases, but even so, in some situations, tables are used. With time some methods of differential equations resolutions were emerging and accepted as the most effective solution. Today, with the advancement in technology, there are already some programs able to solve more complex problems in less time using these methods. Aiming to optimize time and better understand the physical behavior of plates, this work presents the theory of plate, the Boundary Element Method (BEM) applied to solve problems of plates (slabs) with various boundary conditions and load through the program Placas2 (TAGUTI, Y.-2010) in Fortran language


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The problem of solid waste has caused discussions about the huge amount that is generated in Brazilian cities, in particular the waste from construction and demolition (CDW), called spoil. In many cases these wastes are disposed of improperly and even criminally in urban areas, causing serious economic, social and environmental problems. Due to the lack of public policies and appropriate management of such waste came up with the CONAMA, in its resolution nº 307 of 2002, the obligation of municipalities in deploy the integrated management of construction and demolition wastes for the resolution of problems caused by inadequate management and disposal of such waste. By following a methodology suggested by Pinto & González (2005), with adaptations of other authors, it is proposed in this work the lifting of a diagnosis of the CDW in the municipality of Guaratinguetá-SP, through theoretical analysis and field research, with purpose to guide the public servants in the elaboration and implementation of integrated management. The results must contain information necessary for that end, such as the knowledge of generators, agents, collectors and transporters, disposition areas and the disposal of waste


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Sabendo-se da importância da mídia em informar e difundir a cultura, faz-se necessário uma análise de suas influências junto a seus receptores. Para tanto, o presente trabalho propôs verificar a maneira como a temática da violência escolar é abordada por três mídias impressas, escolhidas para a pesquisa. Foram investigadas três mídias de circulação nacional, com periodicidades semanais, quinzenais e mensais e com públicos-alvo direcionados ou não. Os alvos de reflexão para a pesquisa foram o tema violência escolar e o discurso da mídia sobre esse tema a fim de verificar sua possível contribuição para a resolução dos problemas relacionados à violência nas escolas. Também foi feita uma análise bibliográfica acerca do assunto pesquisado para fundamentar a análise dos dados coletados. Diante dos objetos estudados a pesquisa apresentou alguns dados indicativos positivos, porém observou-se que ainda é preciso avançar no conteúdo das questões e assuntos que abordam a violência escolar.


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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In Brazil, The power generation has always depended on the rivers, in other words, there are moments that the power generation can vary, which can cause variations in energy supply and even blackout according to the level of water in the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants. For this reason, many options has been studied, like our example, which is about a combined cycle power plant in Canas. The use of combined cycle is interesting from the point o view of energy, because its efficiency is between 50 and 60%, and from the point of view of environment, because it can burn natural gas, which is cleaner than coal, it reduces the emission of gases that influence on the greenhouse effect. This work aims to perform a technical analysis of a case study of a power plant proposed to be built in Canas by the AES/AES Tietê Group. For the analysis will be used the commercial software GateCycle 6.0.0 from GE, this software has the power of simulating power generation cycles (nuclear, combined, etc.). The energy department of UNESP has the license, which makes possible the academic use of this tool. Two combined cycles were simulated, one using one pressure level HRSG, and another one closer to the real power plant, which is a combined cycle with a three pressure level HRSG. The results were close to expected, for the combined cycle with one pressure HRSG the power was 513,9 MW and a efficiency of 53,27%, in the case with the three pressure level HRSG the power was 517,1 MW and a efficiency of 53,5%. We conclude that the software requires that the user must have the knowledge about the subjects involved in the use of GateCycle in problems resolutions


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the impact suffered by 40 people when discovering that one of their family members was diagnosed with cancer, to analyze their coping strategies and expectations towards the patient’s illness and future. The study made use of the Coping Strategies Inventory by Folkman and Lazarus. Results show that most of the patients’ caregivers are their married children, with an average age of 45.7 (dp=12.67), and gainfully employed. These family members reported the negative impact of the diagnosis, with the predominant feelings of sadness and fear of loss, even though they had a positive perspective about the future, expecting the patient’s recovery. As to the functional coping strategies, the most used were the resolution of problems, followed by social support; the least used was positive revaluation. As to the dysfunctional strategies, the most used ones were escape and avoidance and the least used was taking the responsibility for the illness. Conclusions are that despite suffering with the negative impact of the disease, the family members are optimistic about the patient’s future and seek to use strategies that solve the problem effectively, without blaming themselves for the patient’s illness.


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Conjugal problems may damage parents and children relationships favoring the appearance of behavior problems, as well as causing psychological problems. Given the lack of studies which value several interrelated behavioral repertoires, the present paper aims at presenting assessment results employing multiple instruments in regards to the three couples that sought clinical services at a University clinic. Results indicated that participants were presenting communication deficits, problem solving difficulties, and problems in expressing affection confirming literature findings. Problems in other areas were also reported, which influenced the marital relationship. It stands out that the children were presenting indications of behavior problems. The relevance of data collection applying different instruments is discussed, and it is necessary that intervention programs consider individual difficulties, besides setting up singular objectives for each person searching for service.


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A portion of operant literature supports significant production of knowledge about problem solving, observation response and contingency relations between responses with different probabilities of occurrence (Premack Principle). This study investigated possible convergences between a descriptive analysis of ordinal behavior and such portion of the operant literature. Conceptual and methodological analysis of publications have highlighted the relevance of the sequence of events functionally related to the characterization of the production of knowledge about problem solving, observation response and the Premack Principle enabling approaches between programs of research on complex behavioral repertoires as well as expansions in research strategies concerning ordinal responding.


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The civil construction sector has been stimulated to industrialize itself by the adoption of Lean Construction practices in its constructive process. Given this fact, this research verify and identify Lean Tools and the level of application of these Tools in construction companies in the State of São Paulo, in order to be able to notice which Lean Concepts generate the highest benefits to these companies. The research method used was a survey applied only between construction companies that have some type of quality certificate. From the results, a data analysis was made in order to note the constructor's situation in relation to Lean Construction and, based on this analysis, verify the impact of the Lean Principles on the competitiveness of these companies and on the business performance. This way, it was possible to note a high level of application the Lean Tools by the responding companies. It also became clear, by means of this work: the strong influence of the concepts of Flow, of Continuous Improvement and of methods of prevention and resolutions of problems on the overall companies performance


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The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment


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This work discusses the theories of TRIZ and Design Thinking, as well as the association of the two theories by a tool for the application of TRIZ in a Design Thinking environment. This work proposes the association of the theories by an easy and systematic method constituted by a step by step process. The objective of this work is to create a method that facilitates the application of the two innovation theories helping the inventors to develop new products without the necessity of being creative people. By the end of the work is shown the research case accomplished as an empirical analysis of this tool that can be a fast and efficient method to solve inventive problems focused in the expectations and necessities of the clients


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The civil construction sector has been stimulated to industrialize itself by the adoption of Lean Construction practices in its constructive process. Given this fact, this research verify and identify Lean Tools and the level of application of these Tools in construction companies in the State of São Paulo, in order to be able to notice which Lean Concepts generate the highest benefits to these companies. The research method used was a survey applied only between construction companies that have some type of quality certificate. From the results, a data analysis was made in order to note the constructor's situation in relation to Lean Construction and, based on this analysis, verify the impact of the Lean Principles on the competitiveness of these companies and on the business performance. This way, it was possible to note a high level of application the Lean Tools by the responding companies. It also became clear, by means of this work: the strong influence of the concepts of Flow, of Continuous Improvement and of methods of prevention and resolutions of problems on the overall companies performance