544 resultados para Recrystallization


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Through the Deep Sea Drilling Project samples of interstitial solutions of deeply buried marine sediments throughout the World Ocean have been obtained and analyzed. The studies have shown that in all but the most slowly deposited sediments pore fluids exhibit changes in composition upon burial. These changes can be grouped into a few consistent patterns that facilitate identification of the diagenetic reactions occurring in the sediments. Pelagic clays and slowly deposited (<1 cm/1000 yr) biogenic sediments are the only types that exhibit little evidence of reaction in the pore waters. In most biogenic sediments sea water undergoes considerable alteration. In sediments deposited at rates up to a few cm/1000 yr the changes chiefly involve gains of Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) and losses of Mg(2+) which balance the Ca(2+) enrichment. The Ca-Mg substitution may often reach 30 mM/kg while Sr(2+) may be enriched 15-fold over sea water. These changes reflect recrystallization of biogenic calcite and the substitution of Mg(2+) for Ca(2+) during this reaction. The Ca-Mg-carbonate formed is most likely a dolomitic phase. A related but more complex pattern is found in carbonate sediments deposited at somewhat greater rates. Ca(2+) and Sr(2+) enrichment is again characteristic, but Mg(2+) losses exceed Ca(2+) gains with the excess being balanced by SO4(post staggered 2-) losses. The data indicate that the reactions are similar to those noted above, except that the Ca(2+) released is not kept in solution but is precipitated by the HCO3(post staggered -) produced in SO4(post staggered 2-) reduction. In both these types of pore waters Na(+) is usually conservative, but K(+) depletions are frequent. In several partly consolidated sediment sections approaching igneous basement contact, very marked interstitial calcium enrichment has been found (to 5.5 g/kg). These phenomena are marked by pronounced depletion in Na(+), Si and CO2, and slight enhancement in Cl(-). The changes are attributed to exchange of Na(+) for Ca(2+) in silicate minerals forming from submarine weathering of igneous rocks such as basalts. Water is also consumed in these reactions, accounting for minor increases in total interstitial salinity. Terrigenous, organic-rich sediments deposited rapidly along continental margins also exhibit significant evidences of alteration. Microbial reactions involving organic matter lead to complete removal of SO4(post staggered 2-), strong HCO3(post staggered -) enrichment, formation of NH4(post staggered +), and methane synthesis from H2 and CO2 once SO4(post staggered 2-) is eliminated. K+ and often Na+ (slightly) are depleted in the interstitial waters. Ca(2+) depletion may occur owing to precipitation of CaCO3. In most cases interstitial Cl- remains relatively constant, but increases are noted over evaporitic strata, and decreases in interstitial Cl- are observed in some sediments adjacent to continents.


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The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr concentrations in sediment and pore fluids are used to evaluate the rates of calcite recrystallization at ODP Site 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau, an 800-meter thick section of carbonate ooze and chalk. A numerical model is used to evaluate the pore fluid chemistry and Sr isotopes in an accumulating section. The deduced calcite recrystallization rate is 2% per million years (%/Myr) near the top of the section and decreases systematically in older parts of the section such that the rate is close to 0.1/age (in years). The deduced recrystallization rates have important implications for the interpretation of Ca and Mg concentration profiles in the pore fluids. The effect of calcite recrystallization on pore fluid chemistry is described by the reaction length, L, which varies by element, and depends on the concentration in pore fluid and solid. When L is small compared to the thickness of the sedimentary section, the pore fluid concentration is controlled by equilibrium or steady-state exchange with the solid phase, except within a distance L of the sediment-water interface. When L is large relative to the thickness of sediment, the pore fluid concentration is mostly controlled by the boundary conditions and diffusion. The values of L for Ca, Sr, and Mg are of order 15, 150, and 1500 meters, respectively. L_Sr is derived from isotopic data and modeling, and allows us to infer the values of L_Ca and L_Mg. The small value for L_Ca indicates that pore fluid Ca concentrations, which gradually increase down section, must be equilibrium values that are maintained by solution-precipitation exchange with calcite and do not reflect Ca sources within or below the sediment column. The pore fluid Ca measurements and measured alkalinity allow us to calculate the in situ pH in the pore fluids, which decreases from 7.6 near the sediment-water interface to 7.1+/-0.1 at 400-800 mbsf. While the calculated pH values are in agreement with some of the values measured during ODP Leg 130, most of the measurements are artifacts. The large value for L_Mg indicates that the pore fluid Mg concentrations at 807A are not controlled by calcite-fluid equilibrium but instead are determined by the changing Mg concentration of seawater during deposition, modified by aqueous diffusion in the pore fluids. We use the pore fluid Mg concentration profile at Site 807A to retrieve a global record for seawater Mg over the past 35 Myr, which shows that seawater Mg has increased rapidly over the past 10 Myr, rather than gradually over the past 60 Myr. This observation suggests that the Cenozoic rise in seawater Mg is controlled by continental weathering inputs rather than by exchange with oceanic crust. The relationship determined between reaction rate and age in silicates and carbonates is strikingly similar, which suggests that reaction affinity is not the primary determinant of silicate dissolution rates in nature.


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In the lower part of DSDP core 53.0, partly recrystallized carbonate sediments and well recrystallized limestone breccias of Oligo-Miocene age are associated with altered volcanic flows, lithified tuffs, and tuff breccias, suggesting that carbonate alteration was the result of thermal metamorphism. However, the oxygen isotope compositions of these carbonates (-3.4 to +0.6 per mil rel. PDB) are not compatible with recrystallization and isotope exchange with sea water at high temperatures. Evaluating the effects of the composition of the water which exchanged with the carbonates and of carbonate-water isotope exchange in closed systems yields the following approximate maximum temperature of recrystallization: limestone breccias, 100°C; calcite veins rimming breccia clasts, 30°C; and unconsolidated sediments overlying the breccias, 20°C. Therefore, the volcanics at site 53.0 must have been emplaced into the primary carbonate sediments at relatively low temperatures. Subsequent carbonate alteration was probably a consequence of chemical changes in ambient pore waters resulting from the submarine weathering of volcanic material.


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The microfabric of 11 mudrock specimens from ODP Site 808 (Nankai accretionary prism) was quantitatively analyzed using X-ray texture goniometry and optical petrography. The objectives of the study were to learn about rock strain and to detect a component of bulk lateral shortening in the deformation of the mudstones. Strain evaluation is based on the predictions of March theory, and on distortions of initially homogeneous marker particle distributions (the Fry technique). The main results are as follows. The specimens underwent a strain path of progressive flattening, which is closely related to loss of pore space by vertical loading. A component of bulk lateral shortening is detectable in the top 550 mbsf at Site 808, but compared with the amount of uniaxial vertical shortening, its relative magnitude is probably small. Moreover, it cannot be said with confidence whether this is caused by toe contraction of the accretionary wedge or by gravitationally induced downslope movement of the sediment pile. The mudstones examined were deposited in a marine environment with an oxic bottom water column. Micropore collapse is an important fabric building mechanism, but below 400 mbsf its effects are at least partly overridden by recrystallization of smectite. We conclude that mud microfabrics are not very precise deformation gauges, but can be used for rough estimations of strain.


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Interstitial waters and sediments from DSDP sites 288 and 289 contain information on the chemistry and diagenesis of carbonate in deep-sea sediments and on the role of volcanic matter alteration processes. Sr/Ca ratios are species dependent in unaltered foraminifera from site 289 and atom ratios (0.0012-0.0016) exceed those predicted by distribution coefficent data (~0.0004). During diagenesis Sr/Ca ratios of carbonates decrease and reach the theoretical distribution at a depth which is identical to the depth of Sr isotopic equilibration, where 87Sr/86Sr ratios of interstitial waters and carbonates converge. Mg/Ca ratios in the carbonates do not increase with depth as found in some other DSDP sites, possibly because of diagenetic re-equilibration with interstitial waters showing decreasing Mg(2+)/Ca(2+) ratios with depth due to Ca input and Mg removal by alteration of volcanic matter. Interstitial 18O/16O ratios increase with depth at site 289 to d18O = 0.67? (SMOW), reflecting carbonate recrystallization at elevated temperatures (>/= 20°C), the first recorded evidence of this effect in interstitial waters. Interstitial Sr2+ concentrations reach high levels, up to 1 mM, chiefly because of carbonate recrystallization. However, 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease from 0.7092 to less than 0.7078, lower than for contemporaneous sea water, showing that there is a volcanic input of strontium at depth. This volcanic component is recorded in the Sr isotopic composition of recrystallized calcites. Isotopic compositions of the unrecrystallized calcites suggests that the rate of increase of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of sea water with time has been faster since 3 my ago than in the preceding 13 my.


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The concentration of dissolved Sr and the distribution of 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in Leg 113 interstitial waters may be interpreted in terms of mixing of Sr from four different reservoirs: indigenous seawater, marine carbonate minerals, and basaltic and siliceous detrital material. The input to the pore water from these reservoirs is determined by the reactivity of the reservoir rather than its size. The presence of strontium derived from siliceous detrital material is unequivocally demonstrated in the pore waters of the hemipelagic deposits, and is also significant in the calcareous Maud Rise sediments due to the unusually low degree of carbonate recrystallization. Also, alteration of basic volcanic material is important at several sites.


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DSDP Leg 92 drilled at four sites along an east-west transect at 19°S on the western flank of the East Pacific Rise (EPR), in an area where sediments are essentially a mixture of hydrothermal and biogenic components, with only a minimal contribution of clastic material. Rare-earth element (REE) data on the metalliferous (non-carbonate) fraction of samples ranging in age from ~2 to ~27 Ma indicate the existence of two distinct groups of patterns corresponding to two broad age groups, one <=8 Ma, the other >=10 Ma. Within each group, REE patterns have characteristics which are near-uniform, despite large variations in total REE abundances. Sediments of the younger group are enriched in light REE (LREE) relative to deep bottom waters influenced by the hydrothermal plume extending west from the EPR at 19°S. Sediments of the older groups show further relative LREE enrichment and/or heavy REE (HREE) depletion. Surficial sediments deposited beneath the lysocline have high Sum REE concentrations resulting from slow accumulation rates, and patterns resembling older sediments due to early diagenetic effects. A correlation between the mass accumulation rates (MAR) of Sum REE and Fe + Mn suggests that ferromanganese particulate matter supplied by the hydrothermal plume scavenges REE; during this process the LREE are preferentially removed from plume seawater. The MAR of Fe + Mn shows a general decrease with age above basement, whereas Sum REE concentrations in the metalliferous component increase with age above basement. This supports the Ruhlin and Owen model wherein limited scavenging of REE, due to rapid burial of sediment near the palaeo-axis, leads to low concentrations (but high MAR-values) for the REE. Following deposition and burial of the hydrothermal component, further relative flattening of the REE pattern takes place, probably the result of diagenetic reactions over several million years. Phase partitioning data indicate that the proportion of REE residing in more poorly crystalline phases tends to increase with age (from ~45% to 90% of Sum REE). This suggests that as initial ferromanganese precipitates undergo diagenetic recrystallization, REE are transferred to the poorly crystalline phases, and/or are scavenged from pore waters by these phases. Because of the various modifications to REE patterns apparently produced both in the water column and post-depositional settings, the REE patterns of metalliferous sediments will not reflect fine-scale REE variations in associated oceanic water masses.


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The combination of multiple sediment sources and varying rates of sediment accumulation in the Celebes and Sulu seas have had significant impact on the processes of diagenesis, mineralization, and pore-fluid flow. Isotopic and mass-balance calculations help elucidate the various reactions taking place in these western Pacific basins, where ash alteration and basalt-seawater interactions are superimposed on the effects of sulfate oxidation of organic carbon and biogenic methane and of dolomitization of biogenic carbonates. Based on the shape of the calcium and magnesium depth profiles, two major reactive zones have been identified. The first is located near the zone of sulfate depletion and is characterized by carbonate recrystallization, dolomitization and ash alteration reactions at both Ocean Drilling Program Sites 767 and 768. The second reactive zone corresponds to the bottom of the sedimentary sequence and is characterized by alteration reactions in the basement (Site 767) and in the pyroclastic deposits beneath the sediment column (Site 768).


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Subgrain boundaries revealed as shallow sublimation grooves on ice sample surfaces are a direct and easily observable feature of intracrystalline deformation and recrystallization. Statistical data obtained from the EPICA Dronning Maud Land (EDML) deep ice core drilled in East Antarctica cannot detect a depth region of increased subgrain-boundary formation. Grain-boundary morphologies show a strong influence of internal strain energy on the microstructure at all depths. The data do not support the classical view of a change of dominating recrystallization regimes with depth. Three major types of subgrain boundaries, reflecting high mechanical anisotropy, are specified in combination with crystal-orientation analysis.


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At Site 585 of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 89 more than 500 m of volcaniclastic to argillaceous middle-Late Cretaceous sediments were recovered. Analyses by X-ray diffraction (bulk sediment and clay fraction), transmission electron microscopy, molecular and atomic absorption, and electron microprobe were done on Site 585 samples. We identify four successive stages and interpret them as the expression of environments evolving under successive influences: Stage 1, late Aptian to early Albian - subaerial and proximal volcanism, chiefly expressed by the presence of augite, analcite, olivine, celadonite, small and well-shaped transparent trioctahedral saponite, Al hydroxides, Na, Fe, Mg, and various trace elements (Mn, Ni, Cr, Co, Pb, V, Zn, Ti). Stage 2, early to middle Albian - submarine and less proximal volcanic influence, characterized by dioctahedral and hairy Mg-beidellites, a paucity of analcite and pyroxenes, the presence of Mg and K, and local alteration of Mg-smectites to Mg-chlorites. Stage 3, middle Albian to middle Campanian - early marine diagenesis, marked by the development of recrystallization from fleecy smectites to lathed ones (all of alkaline Si-rich Fe-beidellite types), by the development of opal CT and clinoptilolite, and by proximal to distal volcanic influences (Na parallel to Ti, K). Local events consist of the supply of reworked palygorskite during the Albian-Cenomanian, and the recurrence of proximal volcanic activity during the early Campanian. Stage 4, late Campanian to Maestrichtian - development of terrigenous supply resulting from the submersion of topographic barriers; this terrigenous supply is associated with minor diagenetic effects and is marked by a clay diversification (beidellite, illite, kaolinite, palygorskite), the rareness of clay recrystallizations, and the disappearance of volcanic markers.


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The late Miocene to early Pliocene carbonate-rich sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1338 during the Expedition 320/321 Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT) program contain abundant calcareous nanno- and microfossils. Geochemical proxies from benthic and planktonic foraminiferal and coccolithophore calcite could be very useful at this location; however, good preservation of the calcite is crucial for the proxies to be robust. Here, we evaluate the preservation of specific benthic and planktonic foraminifer species and coccolithophores in fine fraction sediment at Site U1338 using backscattered electron (topography mode) scanning electron microscopy (BSE-TOPO SEM). Both investigated foraminiferal species, Cibicidoides mundulus and Globigerinoides sacculifer, have undergone some alteration. The C. mundulus show minor evidence for dissolution, and only some specimens show evidence of overgrowth. The Gs. sacculifer show definite signs of alteration and exhibit variable preservation, ranging from fair to poor; some specimens show minor overgrowth and internal recrystallization but retain original features such as pores, spine pits, and internal test-wall growth structure, whereas in other specimens the recrystallization and overgrowth disguise many of the original features. Secondary electron and BSE-TOPO SEM images show that coccolith calcite preservation is moderate or moderate to poor. Slight to moderate etching has removed central heterococcolith features, and a small amount of secondary overgrowth is also visible. Energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses indicate that the main sedimentary components of the fine fraction sediment are biogenic CaCO3 and SiO2, with some marine barite. Based on the investigations in this data report, geochemical analyses on benthic foraminifers are unlikely to be affected by preservation, although geochemical analyses on the planktonic foraminifers should be treated cautiously because of the fair to poor and highly variable preservation.


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Gabbroic rocks and their late differentiates recovered at Site 735 represent 500 m of oceanic layer 3. The original cooling of a mid-ocean ridge magma chamber, its penetration by ductile shear zones and late intrusives, and the subsequent penetration of seawater through a network of cracks and into highly permeable magmatic hydrofracture horizons are recorded in the metamorphic stratigraphy of the core. Ductile shear zones are characterized by extensive dynamic recrystallization of primary phases, beginning in the granulite facies and continuing into the lower amphibolite facies. Increasing availability of seawater during dynamic recrystallization is reflected in depletions in 18O, increasing abundance of amphibole of variable composition and metamorphic plagioclase of intermediate composition, and more complete coronitic or pseudomorphous static replacement of magmatic minerals. Downcore correlation of synkinematic assemblages, bulk-rock oxygen isotopic compositions, and vein abundance suggest that seawater is introduced into the crust by way of small cracks and veins that mark the end of the ductile phase of deformation. This "deformation-enhanced" metamorphism dominates the upper 180 and the lower 100 m of the core. In the lower 300 m of the core, mineral assemblages of greenschist and zeolite facies are abundant within or adjacent to brecciated zones. Leucocratic veins found in these zones and adjacent host rock contain diopside, sodic plagioclase, epidote, chlorite, analcime, thomsonite, natrolite, albite, quartz, actinolite, sphene, brookite, and sulfides. The presence of zircon, Cl-apatite, sodic plagioclase, sulfides, and diopside in leucocratic veins having local magmatic textures suggests that some of the veins originated from late magmas or from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from such magmas that were subsequently replaced by (seawater-derived) hydrothermal assemblages. The frequent association of these late magmatic intrusive rocks within the brecciated zones suggests that they are both artifacts of magmatic hydrofracture. Such catastrophic fracture and hydrothermal circulation could produce episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids as well as the incorporation of a magmatically derived hydrothermal component. The enhanced permeability of the brecciated zones produced lower temperature assemblages because of larger volumes of seawater that penetrated the crust. The last fractures were sealed either by these hydrothermal minerals or by late carbonate-smectite veins, resulting in the observed low permeability of the core.


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Analyses of the Sr2+ concentrations of interstitial fluids obtained from sediments squeezed during Leg 115 were used to estimate the rates and total amount of recrystallization of biogenic carbonates. The total amount of recrystallization calculated using this method varies from less than 1 % in sediments at Site 706 to more than 40% at Site 709 in sediments of 47 Ma. Five of the sites drilled during Leg 115 (Sites 707 through 711) were drilled in a depth transect within a restricted geographic area so that theoretically they received similar amounts of sediment input. Of these, the maximum rate of recrystallization occurred in the upper 50 m of Site 710 (3812 m). The amount of recrystallization decreased with increasing water depth at Sites 708 (4096 m) and 711 (4428 m), presumably as a result of the fact that most of the reactive calcium carbonate was dissolved before burial. We also observed significant alkalinity deficits at many of these sites, a condition which most likely resulted from the precipitation of calcium carbonate either in the sedimentary column, or during retrieval of the core. Precipitation of CaCO3 as a result of pressure changes during core retrieval was confirmed by the comparison of Ca2+ and alkalinity from water samples obtained using the in-situ sampler and squeezed from the sediments. At Sites 707 and 716, the shallowest sites, no calcium or alkalinity deficits were present. In spite of our estimations of as much as 45% recrystallization at Site 709, all the carbonate sites exhibited what would be previously considered conservative Ca2+/Mg2+ profiles, which varied from -1 to -0.5. By virtue of the position of these sites relative to known basaltic basement or through the actual penetration of basalt (i.e., Sites 706, 707 and 712), these sites are all known to be underlain by basalt. Our results suggest, therefore, that more positive Ca2 + /Mg2+ gradients cannot necessarily be used as indicators of the nature of basement material.


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Anisotropy in compressional-wave velocities in sedimentary rocks recovered by DSDP has been recognized by several investigators (Boyce, 1976; Tucholke et al., 1976; Carlson and Christensen, 1977). The anisotropy is also observed at elevated pressures in laboratory experiments, and thus probably persists at depth in some calcareous rocks (Schreiber et al., 1972; Christensen et al., 1973; Carlson and Christensen, 1979). Carlson and Christensen (1979) suggested that the observed velocity anisotropy was produced not by the alignment of cracks but by the alignment of c axes of calcite perpendicular to bedding during compaction, diagenesis, and recrystallization. On DSDP Leg 62, calcareous rocks were recovered from the western Mid-Pacific Mountains (sub-bottom depths of 452-823 m, Site 463) and southern Hess Rise (276-412 m, Site 465). Most of the calcareous rocks are horizontally laminated and color-banded, and ages are early Cenomanian to late Barremian (Site 463 and 465 reports, this volume). The purpose of this study is to confirm the velocity anisotropy in the calcareous rocks and to identify any relationship of anistropy to bulk density, mean velocity, and burial depth.


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Occurrence of deep-sea dolomites has been reported from numerous settings (for discussion see Lumsden, 1988). Different authors agree that dolomite formation in the pelagic realm is a relatively early diagenetic process (e.g., Jorgensen, 1983; Shimmield and Price, 1984; Kablanow et al., 1984; Kulm et al., 1984). Baker and Burns (1985) suggest that most of the pelagic dolomites formed within a few tens of meters below the seafloor within the zone of microbial sulfate reduction. According to Fuechtbauer and Richter (1988), dolomite can form in the deep-sea at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Other deep-sea dolomites are products of fluids derived from underlying evaporites or submarine weathering of basalts (Garrison, 1981). In some cases (Mullins et al., 1985; Dix and Mullins, 1988; Mullins et al., 1988), the existence of dolomite is linked to disconformities and its formation may have resulted from circulation of seawater through the sediment during prolonged exposure (Dix and Mullins, 1988, p. 287). At Site 768 (Fig. 1), lithified carbonate layers, some containing variable amounts of dolomite, occur below 201 mbsf (Miocene). These beds alternate with unconsolidated or semi-lithified marl layers interbedded in clays and siliciclastic turbidites. The irregular depth distribution of the limestone beds and the variation in preservation and recrystallization of the calcareous microfaunas suggest that lithification of carbonates at Site 768 not only reflects burial diagenesis as described by Garrison (1981) and others, but in part may be a selective, early diagenetic process. The different types and distribution of the dolomite additionally seem to support this assumption. The purpose of this report is to document the occurrence and textural nature of the dolomite at Site 768. Methods used were analyses of stained thin sections (Alizarin S and Ferrocyanide) and studies with the scanning electron microscope. No geochemical analyses (e.g., stable isotopes) were carried out; they will be the subject of further investigations.