972 resultados para Ramon Llull , Beat, ca. 1232-1315-Crítica i interpretació


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Travail créatif / Creative Work


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux transformations littéraires et poétiques mises en œuvre par le mouvement de la Beat Generation au milieu du vingtième siècle en Amérique du Nord. En me penchant sur le recueil de poésie « Howl and Other Poems » du poète Allen Ginsberg, le texte emblématique de cette révolution littéraire, je montre comment le mouvement des Beats représente une transformation dans la tradition littéraire et poétique américaine, occidentale, en ce qui concerne à la fois la forme, les sujets abordés et la pratique d’écriture. Dans un premier temps, j’étudie l’histoire de ces changements en examinant la réception de « Howl », qui a bouleversé les attentes du milieu littéraire de l’époque à cause de son approche inclusive qui accueille tout dans la représentation. Mon deuxième chapitre se penche sur la vision du poète, la vision poétique. Je montre comment la perspective du poète face au monde change chez Ginsberg et les Beats. Au lieu de concevoir la transcendance, l’universel, comme quelque chose d’éloigné du particulier, comme le véhicule la tradition poétique occidentale, les Beats voient l’universel partout, dans tout. Enfin, je m’intéresse à la place du langage dans l’expression de cette nouvelle vision. J’observe comment Ginsberg et les Beats, en s’inspirant de la poésie de Walt Whitman, développent un langage spontané ne relevant plus de la maîtrise de soi.


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Introduction: Aboriginal peoples are underrepresented within the healthcare professions, and recruitment of Aboriginal students has become a priority for medical schools in Canada. Because of very low high-school completion rates among youth living on-reserve, the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine launched in 2011 the Mini-école de la santé, a program where health sciences students visit aboriginal schools. Through activities and games, students introduce children to the discovery of health professions. In 2014, the Health Library joined the project with the development of a science books collection for the school libraries and by having a librarian participate in the school visits. Description: In collaboration with the two Atikamekw elementary schools to be visited in 2014, 70 children books on science, human anatomy and the health professions were selected and purchased for each school by the Health Library. A librarian joined the health sciences students during the schools visits and the book collection was integrated in the activities organised during the day. The books were afterwards donated to the school library. Outcomes: Children, school teachers and administrators greatly appreciated the collection. The books were integrated in the library school collections or in the classrooms collections. Discussion: Quality school libraries play an important role in student learning, and access to science and health sciences books could enhance children‘s interest for the health professions. By participating in this project, the library is supporting the Health sciences faculties in achieving their goal of reaching out to Aboriginal children and making them aware that a career in health sciences is possible for them. The collaboration has been successful and will be pursued: the Health library will work with the high schools in the same Atikamekw communities to develop science book collections and the schools will be visited in 2015. A Masters in Library and Information Science student will be joining the Mini-école. Upgrading all donated collections is planned as well.


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Pòster presentat al I Congrés Internacional de Neologia de les Llengües Romàniques (CINEO 2008).


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Edició preliminar de l’article publicat en les actes del I Congrés Internacional de Neologia de les Llengües Romàniques (CINEO 2008).


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Presentado como Ponencia en Congreso de la UPV, Noviembre de 2008.


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Delta isobar components in the nuclear many-body wave function are investigated for the deuteron, light nuclei (16O), and infinite nuclear matter within the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. The predictions derived for various realistic models of the baryon-baryon interaction are compared to each other. These include local (V28) and nonlocal meson exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently derived by the Salamanca group accounting for quark degrees of freedom. The characteristic differences which are obtained for the NDelta and Delta Delta correlation functions are related to the approximation made in deriving the matrix elements for the baryon-baryon interaction.


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The influence of Delta isobar components on the ground-state properties of nuclear systems is investigated for nuclear matter as well as finite nuclei. Many-body wave functions, including isobar configurations and binding energies, are evaluated employing the framework of the coupled-cluster theory. It is demonstrated that the effect of isobar configurations depends in a rather sensitive way on the model used for the baryon-baryon interaction. As examples for realistic baryon-baryon interactions with explicit inclusion of isobar channels we use the local (V28) and nonlocal meson-exchange potentials (Bonn2000) but also a model recently developed by the Salamanca group, which is based on a quark picture. The differences obtained for the nuclear observables are related to the treatment of the interaction, the pi-exchange contributions in particular, at high momentum transfers.


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Fine-grained parallel machines have the potential for very high speed computation. To program massively-concurrent MIMD machines, programmers need tools for managing complexity. These tools should not restrict program concurrency. Concurrent Aggregates (CA) provides multiple-access data abstraction tools, Aggregates, which can be used to implement abstractions with virtually unlimited potential for concurrency. Such tools allow programmers to modularize programs without reducing concurrency. I describe the design, motivation, implementation and evaluation of Concurrent Aggregates. CA has been used to construct a number of application programs. Multi-access data abstractions are found to be useful in constructing highly concurrent programs.


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Estudi sobre l'avaluació de l'eficiència, eficàcia i equitat dels projectes de cooperacio de caire ambiental de la UdG a Nicaragua


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L'estudi tracta sobre una empresa fabricant de tints i pintures que tot i està conscienciada amb el medi ambient i utilitzar tècniques de prevenció en origen per disminuir l’emissió de COV a l’atmosfera (les seves emissions es troben dins dels rangs permesos per la legislació en aquest sector), els seus directius pretenen conèixer les alternatives possibles per valorar la possibilitat d'aplicar algun sistema de tractament dels Compostos Orgànics Volàtils a la sortida de la xemeneia, amb la finalitat de recuperar o reduir l’emissió d’aquests contaminants a l’atmosfera. Es presenta una avaluació econòmica i ambiental de diferents sistemes de tractament dels COV aplicables a l’empresa


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Estudi sobre la població d’amfibis al Pla de l’Estany, aprofundint en els aspectes que influeixen en la seva fluctuació i proposta d’un pla de monitoratge


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Estudi de la situació dels residus d’aparells elèctrics i electrònics al Gironès reformulant la seva gestió actual, valorant si caldria fer una nova planta, així com una campanya de sensibilització social i construcció d’una possible planta intermediària de triatge de RAEE per a la comarca del Gironès


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El projecte "Ecoauditoria del CEIP l'Entorn, pla d'acció i seguiment" consisteix en la diagnosi ambiental del centre, el pla d'acció, l'execució i el seguiment indispensables per a que el centre pugui aconseguir el distintiu d'Escola Verda que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya. S'introdueix un assaig pedagògic encaminat en l'Educació per la Sostenibilitat