471 resultados para RUMINANTS


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The aim of this study was to determine the haematological value and biochemical blood in baby alpacas with enteric disorder. A total of 30 blood and serum samples were collected from alpacas of 1 month old with diarrhoea and 5 blood samples of clinically healthy baby alpacas (controls). The animals were from communities in the central Andes from Peru. About haematology were determined haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, red blood count and white blood count that were not significantly different between control animals and animals with diarrhoea. Moreover, biochemical blood parameters as total protein, albumin and calcium decrease significantly (p<0.05). We conclude that our results could be considered as factors in the mortality of baby alpaca by infectious diarrhoea.


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Fasciola hepatica, commonly known as liver fluke, is a trematode which causes Fasciolosis in ruminants and humans. The outer tegumental coat of F. hepatica (FhTeg) is a complex metabolically active biological matrix that is continually exposed to the host immune system and therefore makes a good vaccine target. F. hepatica tegumental coat is highly glycosylated and helminth-derived immunogenic oligosaccharide motifs and glycoproteins are currently being investigated as novel vaccine candidates. This report presents the first systematic characterisation of FhTeg glycosylation using lectin microarrays to characterise carbohydrates motifs present, and lectin histochemistry to localize these on the F. hepatica tegument. We discovered that FhTeg glycoproteins are predominantly oligomannose oligosaccharides that are expressed on the spines, suckers and tegumental coat of F. hepatica and lectin blot analysis confirmed the abundance of N- glycosylated proteins. While some oligosaccharides are widely distributed on the fluke surface other subsets are restricted to distinct anatomical regions. We selectively enriched for FhTeg mannosylated glycoprotein subsets using lectin affinity chromatography and identified 369 proteins by mass spectrometric analysis. Among these proteins are a number of potential vaccine candidates with known immune modulatory properties including proteases, protease inhibitors, paramyosin, Venom Allergen-like II, Enolase and two proteins, nardilysin and TRIL, that have not been previously associated with F. hepatica Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive insight regarding the putative glycosylation of FhTeg components which could highlight the importance of further studies examining glycoconjugates in host-parasite interactions in the context of F. hepatica infection and the development of an effective vaccine.


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Fasciolosis, a food-borne trematodiasis, results following infection with the parasites, Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. These trematodes greatly affect the global agricultural community, infecting millions of ruminants worldwide and causing annual economic losses in excess of US $3 billion. Fasciolosis, an important zoonosis, is classified by WHO as a neglected tropical disease with an estimated 17 million people infected and a further 180 million people at risk of infection. The significant impact on agriculture and human health together with the increasing demand for animal-derived food products to support global population growth demonstrate that fasciolosis is a major One Health problem. This review details the problematic issues surrounding fasciolosis control, including drug resistance, lack of diagnosis and the threat that hybridization of the Fasciola species poses to future animal and human health. We discuss how these parasites may mediate their long-term survival through regulation and modulation of the host immune system, by altering the host immune homeostasis and/or by influencing the intestinal microbiome particularly in respect to concurrent infections with other pathogens. Large genome, transcriptome and proteomic data sets are now available to support an integrated One Health approach to develop novel diagnostic and control strategies for both animal and human disease.


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Background To our knowledge, there is little study on the interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure changes induced by different processing methods in dairy cattle. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of heat processing methods on interaction between nutrient availability and molecular structure in terms of functional groups that are related to protein and starch inherent structure of oat grains with two continued years and three replication of each year. Method The oat grains were kept as raw (control) or heated in an air-draft oven (dry roasting: DO) at 120 °C for 60 min and under microwave irradiation (MIO) for 6 min. The molecular structure features were revealed by vibrational infrared molecular spectroscopy. Results The results showed that rumen degradability of dry matter, protein and starch was significantly lower (P <0.05) for MIO compared to control and DO treatments. A higher protein α-helix to β-sheet and a lower amide I to starch area ratio were observed for MIO compared to DO and/or raw treatment. A negative correlation (−0.99, P < 0.01) was observed between α-helix or amide I to starch area ratio and dry matter. A positive correlation (0.99, P < 0.01) was found between protein β-sheet and crude protein. Conclusion The results reveal that oat grains are more sensitive to microwave irradiation than dry heating in terms of protein and starch molecular profile and nutrient availability in ruminants.


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This thesis analyses the influence of qualitative and quantitative herbage production on seasonal rangelands, and of herd and pasture use strategies on feed intake, body mass development and reproductive performance of sheep and goats in the Altai mountain region of Bulgan county (soum) in Khovd province (aimag). This westernmost county of Mongolia is characterized by a very poor road network and thus very difficult access to regional and national markets. The thesis explores in this localized context the current rural development, the economic settings and political measures that affect the traditional extensive livestock husbandry system and its importance for rural livelihoods. Livestock management practices still follow the traditional transhumant mode, fully relying on natural pasture. This renders animal feeding very vulnerable to the highly variable climatic conditions which is one of many reasons for gradually declining quantity and quality of pasture vegetation. Small ruminants, and especially goats, are the main important species securing economic viability of their owners’ livelihood, and they are well adapted to the harsh continental climate and the present low input management practices. It is likely that small ruminants will keep their vital role for the rural community in the future, since the weak local infrastructure and slow market developments currently do not allow many income diversification options. Since the profitability of a single animal is low, animal numbers tend to increase, whereas herd management does not change. Possibilities to improve the current livestock management and thus herders’ livelihoods in an environmentally, economically and socially sustainable manner are simulated through bio-economic modelling and the implications are discussed at the regional and national scale. To increase the welfare of the local population, a substantial infrastructural and market development is needed, which needs to be accompanied by suitable pasture management schemes and policies


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This PhD thesis focuses on current livelihoods of agro-pastoral livestock keepers, their animal nutrition, herd and rangeland management strategies. It thereby aims to contribute to sustainable rangeland management, livestock production and household income in Qinghe county of the Chinese Altay Mountain region, located in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, PR China. In its first part the study characterizes the socio-economic situation and agricultural practices of agro-pastoralists through structured household interviews. The second part provides insights into the grazing behaviour and feed intake of small ruminants on seasonal pastures in this region, and into the quantitative and qualitative biomass offer on natural rangelands. The third part analyses the reproductive performance and annual growth of the local sheep and goat herds, and, by modelling improved feeding and culling strategies, tests herd management options that potentially improve the monetary output per female herd animal without increasing the pressure onto natural rangelands. Taken together, the results of the study suggest that, despite an increase and intensification of cropping and vegetable gardening in the region of Qinghe, livestock rearing is still the major livelihood strategy both in terms of prevalence and relative importance. However, livestock keeping is challenged by low biomass production on rangelands, due to the combined impact of high climate variability and highly localized grazing pressure on the seasonal pastures. Though government regulations try to tackle the latter aspect, their implementation is sometimes difficult. Alternatives to strict regulation of grazing periods and animal numbers on seasonal pastures are, in the case of goats, more rigorous culling strategies and, in the case of sheep and goats, strategic supplementation of the animals in the winter and spring season. However, for the latter strategy to become economically viable, an improvement of live animal and meat marketing options and an investment in local meat processing facilities that add value to the carcasses is needed. As the regional cities grow rapidly, the potential market to absorb diverse and good quality meat products is there, along with the road network connecting Qinghe county to the regional capital. Such governmental measures will not only create new job opportunities in the region but also benefit the cash income of pastoralists in this westernmost region of China.


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Gastrointestinal helminths are a major constraint to small ruminants in extensive husbandry systems of tropical regions. Yet, unavailability, high prices, side effects, and development of parasite resistance often limit the use of synthetic anthelmintics. Traditional medicinal plants might be an effective low-cost alternative. Therefore the in vitro anthelmintic activity of leaf extracts of the ligneous plants Capparis decidua, Salsola foetida, Suaeda fruticosa, Haloxylon salicornicum, and Haloxylon recurvum from Cholistan, Pakistan, was investigated against adult worms of Haemonchus contortus, Trichuris ovis, and Paramphistomum cervi. Various concentrations (from 7.8 to 500 mg dry matter ml^(−1)) of three extracts (aqueous, methanol, and aqueous-methanol) of each plant were tested at different time intervals for their anthelmintic activity via adult motility assay. Plant species (p<=0.01), extract type (p<=0.001), parasite species (p<=0.001), extract concentration (p<=0.001), time of exposure (p<=0.001) and their interactions (p<=0.001) affected the number of immobile or dead helminths. The 50% lethal concentration (LC_(50)) values indicated that the methanol and aqueous-methanol extracts of C. decidua, H. recurvum, and H. salicornicum as well as the methanol extract of S. fruticosa have the potential to be developed into plant-based remedies against the studied helminths. Further studies are needed to investigate the in vivo anthelmintic activity of these extracts, in order to develop effective, cheap and locally available anthelmintics for pastoralists in Cholistan and neighbouring desert regions.


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Les travaux sur la nutrition en vitamines B des ruminants montrent des résultats très variés sur les quantités de ces nutriments disponibles pour l’animal selon la nature de la ration. Ces divergences sont dues à des changements des populations microbiennes dans le rumen, causées par les facteurs physico-chimiques de la ration. Une amélioration de la compréhension des effets de la nature de la diète sur la synthèse et l’utilisation des vitamines B dans le rumen pourrait aider à identifier les conditions sous lesquelles une supplémentation en ces vitamines serait bénéfique pour la vache. Le but de ce travail de thèse est donc d’améliorer la compréhension des effets de l’espèce fourragère, de la maturité et de la longueur des particules de fourrage sur les apports en vitamines B chez la vache laitière. Pour évaluer chacune de ces variables, les concentrations de thiamine, riboflavine, niacine, vitamine B6, folates et vitamine B12 ont été mesurées dans les échantillons d’aliments et de digesta duodénal recueillis lors de trois projets réalisés à l’Université du Michigan par l’équipe du Dr. M. Allen. Dans la première étude, l’effet de l’espèce fourragère des ensilages a été évalué au cours de deux expériences similaires durant lesquelles les vaches recevaient une diète à base d’ensilage de luzerne ou de dactyle. Les diètes à base de luzerne ont été associées à une augmentation de la dégradation de la thiamine et de la vitamine B6 dans le rumen par rapport aux diètes à base d’ensilage de dactyle. La deuxième étude visait à évaluer les effets de la maturité des plantes lors de la mise en silo sur les quantités de vitamines B disponibles pour la vache; les deux expériences se différenciaient par l’espèce fourragère étudiée, soit la luzerne ou le dactyle. Une récolte à un stade de maturité plus élevé a augmenté les flux duodénaux de thiamine, de niacine et de folates lorsque les vaches recevaient des diètes à base d’ensilage de luzerne mais n’a diminué que le flux duodénal de riboflavine chez les animaux recevant des diètes à base d’ensilage de dactyle. La troisième étude a comparé les effets de la longueur de coupe (10 vs. 19 mm) d’ensilages de luzerne et de dactyle sur le devenir des vitamines B dans le système digestif de la vache laitière. Cette étude a permis de constater qu’une augmentation du temps de séchage au champ diminuait les concentrations de vitamines B dans les ensilages. Cependant, la taille des particules des ensilages de luzerne et de dactyle n’a pas affecté les quantités des vitamines B arrivant au duodénum des vaches. En général, les résultats de ces études montrent qu’il existe une corrélation négative entre la synthèse de riboflavine, de niacine et de vitamine B6 et leur ingestion, suggérant une possible régulation de la quantité de ces vitamines B par les microorganismes du rumen. De plus, l’ingestion d’amidon et d’azote a été corrélée positivement avec la synthèse de thiamine, de folates et de vitamine B12, et négativement avec la synthèse de niacine. Ces corrélations suggèrent que les microorganismes qui utilisent préférentiellement l’amidon jouent un rôle majeur pour la synthèse ou la dégradation de ces vitamines. De plus, la présence d’une quantité suffisante d’azote semble avoir un impact majeur sur ces processus. La suite de ces travaux devrait viser la modélisation de ces données afin de mieux appréhender la physiologie de la digestion de ces vitamines et permettre la création de modèles mathématiques capables de prédire les quantités de vitamines disponibles pour les vaches. Ces modèles permettront, lorsqu’intégrés aux logiciels de formulation de ration, d’élaborer une diète plus précise, ce qui améliorera la santé du troupeau et la performance laitière et augmentera les profits du producteur.


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Brazilian sweet sorghum is used to generate ethanol and the bagasse is burned in industrial boilers or deposited on soil polluting the environment. This study evaluated the performance of sorghum plants and its bagasse silage nutritional value aiming to use it in the ruminant nutrition. Experiments were set up on the UTFPR campus at Dois Vizinhos-PR. The first trial was established on October 2nd, 2012 using the genotypes ADV 2010, Hunnigreen, Sugargraze, Volumax, BR 505, 503, 501 and the second trial at 2013 on November 27th assessing the materials ADV 2010, Sugargraze, Hunnigreen, EX 5110, BR 506, 508, 509 and 511. Experimental was laid out as a randomized block design with three replications. Results were analyzed through ANOVA comparing the averages by Duncan test at 5% error probability. As field variables were evaluated: plant height (Pl hei), green mass production (GM Prod), percentage of leaves, stems and panicles in relation to the plant, stems production without straw (Prod stems with straw), whole stems production (Who stems Prod), stem diameter (Stem diam), juice production (Juice prod) and Brix degree (oBrix). After juice plant extraction, forage bagasse was crushed and packed in silos for 60 days and green matter yield was estimated (GM). In bagasse silage gauged to buffer capacity (BC), dry matter (DM), mineral matter (MM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (TC), non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFCH), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin (LIG ) and digestibility "in vitro" (DIGIV). There was no significant difference (P> 0.05) between genotypes regarding to green matter production and on average, the second crop yield was lower and reflected in the reduction of bagasse production. Bagasse silage DM was of 32.3% and 33.1%; NDF 73% and 65.8%, crude protein 3.8% and 5.9; pH 3.7 and 3.7; TC and 9.8 and 10.7. mg MS-1; the amount of NFCH was 11.1 and 13.5%; DIG of DM 36.9 and 62.4% for the respectively to the bagasse produced from materials grown in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 seasons. Hybrid genotypes had a better agronomic performance while the varieties were more efficient in bromatological indexes. And despite the high percentage of NDF and the low protein level, it is possible to feed ruminants with this coproduct.


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A series of 3 experiments were conducted to evaluate the use of microalgae as supplements for ruminants consuming low-CP tropical grasses. In Exp. 1, the chemical composition and in vitro protein degradability of 9 algae species and 4 protein supplements were determined. In Exp. 2, rumen function and microbial protein (MCP) production were determined in Bos indicus steers fed speargrass hay alone or supplemented with Spirulina platensis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Dunaliella salina, or cottonseed meal (CSM). In Exp. 3, DMI and ADG were determined in B. indicus steers fed speargrass hay alone or supplemented with increasing amounts of NPN (urea combined with ammonia sulfate), CSM, or S. platensis. In Exp. 1, the CP content of S. platensis and C. pyrenoidosa (675 and 580 g/kg DM) was highest among the algae species and higher than the other protein supplements evaluated, and Schizochytrium sp. had the highest crude lipid (CL) content (198 g/kg DM). In Exp. 2, S. platensis supplementation increased speargrass hay intake, the efficiency of MCP production, the fractional outflow rate of digesta from the rumen, the concentration of NH3N, and the molar proportion of branched-chain fatty acids in the rumen fluid of steers above all other treatments. Dunaliella salina acceptance by steers was low and this resulted in no significant difference to unsupplemented steers for all parameters measured for this algae supplement. In Exp. 3, ADG linearly increased with increasing supplementary N intake from both S. platensis and NPN, with no difference between the 2 supplements. In contrast, ADG quadratically increased with increasing supplementary N intake from CSM. It was concluded that S. platensis and C. pyrenoidosa may potentially be used as protein sources for cattle grazing low-CP pastures.


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Physiologists and animal scientists try to understand the relationship between ruminants and their environment. The knowledge about feeding behavior of these animals is the key to maximize the production of meat and milk and their derivatives and ensure animal welfare. Within the area called precision farming, one of the goals is to find a model that describes animal nutrition. Existing methods for determining the consumption and ingestive patterns are often time-consuming and imprecise. Therefore, an accurate and less laborious method may be relevant for feeding behaviour recognition. Surface electromyography (sEMG) is able to provide information of muscle activity. Through sEMG of the muscles of mastication, coupled with instrumentation techniques, signal processing and data classification, it is possible to extract the variables of interest that describe chewing activity. This work presents a new method for chewing pattern evaluation, feed intake prediction and for the determination of rumination, food and daily rest time through ruminant animals masseter muscle sEMG signals. Short-term evaluation results are shown and discussed, evidencing employed methods viability.


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Methods to measure enteric methane (CH4) emissions from individual ruminants in their production environment are required to validate emission inventories and verify mitigation claims. Estimates of daily methane production (DMP) based on consolidated short-term emission measurements are developing, but method verification is required. Two cattle experiments were undertaken to test the hypothesis that DMP estimated by averaging multiple short-term breath measures of methane emission rate did not differ from DMP measured in respiration chambers (RC). Short-term emission rates were obtained from a GreenFeed Emissions Monitoring (GEM) unit, which measured emission rate while cattle consumed a dispensed supplement. In experiment 1 (Expt. 1), four non-lactating cattle (LW=518 kg) were adapted for 18 days then measured for six consecutive periods. Each period consisted of 2 days of ad libitum intake and GEM emission measurement followed by 1 day in the RC. A prototype GEM unit releasing water as an attractant (GEM water) was also evaluated in Expt. 1. Experiment 2 (Expt. 2) was a larger study based on similar design with 10 cattle (LW=365 kg), adapted for 21 days and GEM measurement was extended to 3 days in each of the six periods. In Expt. 1, there was no difference in DMP estimated by the GEM unit relative to the RC (209.7 v. 215.1 g CH4/day) and no difference between these methods in methane yield (MY, 22.7 v. 23.7 g CH4/kg of dry matter intake, DMI). In Expt. 2, the correlation between GEM and RC measures of DMP and MY were assessed using 95% confidence intervals, with no difference in DMP or MY between methods and high correlations between GEM and RC measures for DMP (r=0.85; 215 v. 198 g CH4/day SEM=3.0) and for MY (r=0.60; 23.8 v. 22.1 g CH4/kg DMI SEM=0.42). When data from both experiments was combined neither DMP nor MY differed between GEM- and RC-based measures (P>0.05). GEM water-based estimates of DMP and MY were lower than RC and GEM (P<0.05). Cattle accessed the GEM water unit with similar frequency to the GEM unit (2.8 v. 3.5 times/day, respectively) but eructation frequency was reduced from 1.31 times/min (GEM) to once every 2.6 min (GEM water). These studies confirm the hypothesis that DMP estimated by averaging multiple short-term breath measures of methane emission rate using GEM does not differ from measures of DMP obtained from RCs. Further, combining many short-term measures of methane production rate during supplement consumption provides an estimate of DMP, which can be usefully applied in estimating MY.


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The competitiveness in the rural sector and the need to make viable and sustainable property, direct the farmer to seek new production strategies. In this sense, the book Techniques of sustainable agricultural management has as objective contributed information on concepts, management practices, technological innovations, which are applicable in the agricultural production. The same is composed of 13 chapters, topics covered in aquaculture production, management and dairy production, as general aspects of hematology fish; dynamics of decision-making and adaptive flow dairy production systems; importance of performance measures and body biometrics in small ruminants; milk production in beef cows; parasitism in beef cattle; performance of dairy cows in production; efficiency of cross beef cattle in finishing phase; development of Marchangus: five years; and, bovine growth efficiency. In vegetable production area are addressed matters relating on management and olive cultivation, species of great economic importance and diversification as alternative on the property; functional foods in fruit and vegetables; influence of environmental factors, harvesting and drying in the production and composition of essential oils of Mentha spp; and, implication of the contamination of corn grain by mycotoxins in livestock production. At the end of the book, the expectation of the authors is to have contributed with relevant themes of Brazilian agriculture, which could reflect positively on knowledge, values and quality of available material.


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The potential application of the spore-forming probiotic Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain H57 (H57) as a novel probiotic for ruminants was evaluated in reproducing ewes. Performance responses were determined by delivering H57 in a pelleted diet based mainly on palm kernel meal (PKM) and sorghum grain. PKM is an agro-industrial by-product with a reputation for poor palatability and the availability of the starch in sorghum grain can be limited in ruminants. The hypothesis was that H57 improves the feeding value of a relatively low quality concentrate diet. Twenty-four first-parity white Dorper ewes were fed PKM-based pellets manufactured with or without H57 (109 cfu/kg pellet) in late pregnancy. During this phase of late pregnancy, the H57 ewes ate 17% more dry matter (1019 vs 874 g/day, P = 0.03), gained more weight (194 vs 30 g/day, P = 0.008) and retained more nitrogen (6.13 vs 3.34 g/day, P = 0.01), but produced lambs with a similar birthweight (4.1 vs 4.2 kg, P = 0.73). Rumen fluid collected from H57 ewes in late pregnancy had higher pH (7.1 vs 6.8, P = 0.07), acetate : propionate ratio (3.4 vs 2.7, P = 0.04), lower ammonia (69 vs 147 mmol/L, P = 0.001) and total volatile fatty acid concentrations (40 vs 61 mg/L, P = 0.02). The digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and fibre were similar between the two groups. The lambs of the H57 ewes grew faster than those of the Control ewes for the first 21 days of lactation (349 vs 272 g/day, P = 0.03), but not thereafter. H57 can improve feed intake and maternal liveweight gain in late pregnancy of first-parity ewes fed a diet based on PKM.


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Bacillus amyloliquefaciens H57 is a bacterium isolated from lucerne for its ability to prevent feed spoilage. Further interest developed when ruminants fed with H57-inoculated hay showed increased weight gain and nitrogen retention relative to controls, suggesting a probiotic effect. The near complete genome of H57 is ~3.96 Mb comprising 16 contigs. Within the genome there are 3,836 protein coding genes, an estimated sixteen rRNA genes and 69 tRNA genes. H57 has the potential to synthesise four different lipopeptides and four polyketide compounds, which are known antimicrobials. This antimicrobial capacity may facilitate the observed probiotic effect.