Este texto trata do estado da arte da pesquisa em ciências sociais na Amazônia continental. O documento conclui que é difícil traçar um perfil da situação da pesquisa em ciências sociais aplicadas à Amazônia, na base dos dados disponíveis para o estudo. Com tudo, o estudo conseguiu identificar pelo menos 150 instituições que realizam pesquisa e produzem ciência e tecnologia relacionadas com a Amazônia nos oito países, das quais aproximadamente 100 fazem pesquisa de tipo social. Essas instituições estão concentradas principalmente no Brasil e na Colômbia.
The aim of this paper is to verify whether the practices of human resource management have a positive influence on the adoption of lean manufacturing practices in Brazilian companies in the automotive sector. To this aim, we proposed a framework linking these concepts to the proposed research hypothesis. Data collected from 75 companies were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The research demonstrates that human resource management indeed tends to influence the adoption of lean manufacturing practices in a weak-moderate manner.
The software quality represents a more and more important attribute for the survival and growth of software industries. In order to ensure the quality of products manufactured, various practices have been incorporated into the development process. In this context, some successful software organizations have invested in an approach to human resource management, which consists in integrating the management activities with a personal process called Personal Software Process - PSP, which has led to the maintenance of greater discipline and control over all development phases. Given this, this work presents a proposal for integration of techniques set out in the PSP with a web system previously developed, which is called System to Aid Project Management - SAPM.
Human recourses on Brazilian Health System (SUS) are important social points because on this form the State can guarantee the health like a right of Brazilian population, based on National Constitution Dictates. The Plan of Offices, Careers and Salaries (PCCS) is an administrative tool that should be elaborated to attendance objectives of organization. It maintain the satisfaction level of workers, with a politic of Human Recourses that allows its development and so, can get higher productivity, efficiency and objectivity of services rendered at community. The aim of this study is to contextualize the PCCS like an instrument of People Management to guide and incentive one of forms to turn no precarious the work force of Public System Dental Professionals in SUS. For them, it was realized a literature review, and official documents of Health Ministry were consulted, like governmental decrees, laws, health conference written report. It was possible to verify that, although there is legal basement on the use of PCCS-SUS by Brazilian cities like a tool to attract and maintain dental surgeon developing his profession on SUS, is often the absence of valorization of this professional, and this situation no allows his exclusive dedication at health public services. Precarious work in Dentistry is still observed on many regions of Brazil.
This article aims to analyze the use of human resource practices in a public organization in Sao Paulo. In this paper we try to answer the question: is the human resource management in the organization Y compatible with the new strategic issues this area? We adopted a qualitative approach, through case study. The primary data were obtained through interviews and secondary data were obtained through analysis of information and documents provided by the studied organization as well as direct observation of organizational routine. The results indicate that, despite the organization uses the term strategic human resources management, it is focused on legal and operational issues. The human resource practices are not integrated and some practices do not exist (career plan and training). Thus, it is believed that if the organization adopts some of the improvements suggested in this article, it will be walking toward a more strategic human resource management entering in the new public management.
The Knowledge Management represents a new vision of management of organizations, since information and knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness, today, of individuals, organizations and nations. The university plays a key role alongside with government and industry in the generation of technological innovations that can help the society progress, and the University Library is an important disseminator of scientific information. The main challenges of organizations involved in Knowledge Management are concentrated in the management of cultural and behavioral changes of its human resources and in creating an environment conducive to create, use and share information and knowledge. Within this context the question arises: How do University Libraries in Brazil and Portugal employ people management and knowledge management in order to improve the quality of its services and the productivity of their institutions? To answer it we developed a descriptive-analytic research, using the method of comparative study, analyzing 69 organizations. According to the survey results, the people management issues were the worst assessed in relation to other aspects of Knowledge Management, showing a weak dissemination of these practices in the University Libraries of Brazil and Portugal and the great need for initiatives to help develop them.
Current research analyzes the importance of human resources managers in organizational sustainability through the ack-nowledgement of the external variables and innovatory practices, such as environment management. In fact, the latter is a challenge for organizations and consequently for the human resources’ area. Investigation comprised a revision of the literature: theoretical and empirical articles that deal with the role of human resources’ mana-gement and on the environmental issue which is daily in the news. The essay is divided into three parts: the first section emphasizes the role of human resources’ managers; empirical evidences of the activities of HR managers in international contexts are dealt with in the second part; the third section deals with the environmental ma-nagement issue as a new challenge for HR managers. HR managers should acknowledge and incorporate in human resources practice the environmental dimension from the stages of recruitment, selec-tion and training. If people with attitudes and competences in the environment are rewarded, they will contribute towards an effective environmental management and, consequently, improvements in organizational results will materialize.
This study aimed to verify the existence of articles on human resource management and sustainability in the major journals in the administration area in Brazil. Were selected for the study 24 national journals Qualis A1 to B3. The results indicated that the interaction between these two areas is recent in Brazil, since the first publications appeared only in 2006, and found 170 articles that investigated the human resource management only nine established relationship with sustainability.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) o quadro de trabalhadores de enfermagem é planejado de forma empírica, gerando distorção entre a alocação e a real necessidade das unidades de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as intervenções de enfermagem na APS para subsidiar o dimensionamento dos trabalhadores. Foram utilizadas as seguintes fontes: revisão bibliográfica em bases de dados no período de 1999-2009; observação em campo em Unidade de Saúde da Família; levantamento em prontuários de famílias; mapeamento das atividades em intervenções de enfermagem segundo a taxonomia Nursing Interventions Classification e validação dessas intervenções. Identificaram-se 169 atividades: 11 atividades associadas; 5 pessoais; e 153 de cuidados diretos e indiretos que foram mapeadas e validadas em 7 domínios, 15 classes e 46 intervenções da NIC. O estudo possibilitou o reconhecimento das práticas de enfermagem na APS por meio de uma linguagem padronizada, subsidiando a sua aplicação na construção de instrumentos para a identificação da carga de trabalho.
La dirección soft y hard de recursos humanos desde los principios éticos: una contrastación empírica
[ES] Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de una gestión ética de los recursos humanos, el objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en determinar si las empresas aplican diferentes modelos de gestión. Para ello, se ha tratado de comprobar si las empresas aplican una dirección de recursos humanos (DRRHH) soft o hard y sobre la base de qué perspectivas éticas lo hacen, tratando de contrastar los cuatro modelos de DRRHH propuestos por Greenwood (2004). El estudio empírico realizado a una muestra de 189 empresas con sede en la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias ha permitido contrastar estos cuatro modelos, así como identificar la existencia de dos nuevos. Estos resultados nos permiten abrir una nueva línea de investigación en la que se tenga en cuenta los aspectos éticos en la gestión de los recursos humanos.