905 resultados para Psychoactive substance


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The effects of immunization with the second-generation cocaine immunoconjugate GND-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) or with the anti-cocaine mAb GNC92H2 were assessed in a model of acute cocaine-induced locomotor activity. After i.p. administration of cocaine⋅HCl (15 mg/kg), rats were tested in photocell cages, and stereotypy was rated to determine preimmunization drug response (baseline). Experimental animals were subjected to an immunization protocol with GND-KLH or treated with the mAb GNC92H2. Rats were then challenged with systemic cocaine, and their locomotor responses were again measured. Active immunization with GND-KLH produced a 76% decrease in the ambulatory measure (crossovers) in the experimental group and a 12% increase in the control group compared with baseline values. Also, stereotypic behavior was significantly suppressed in the vaccinated animals. Decreases in both measures were seen in the experimental group on two subsequent challenges. The maximum effect was observed at the time of the second challenge with a dramatic 80% decrease in crossovers. Treatment with GNC92H2 resulted in a 69% decrease in crossovers compared with baseline. This effect persisted across two additional challenges over 11 days with decreases of 46–47%. In contrast, the control group showed increases of up to 28%. Significant differences between groups were observed in the stereotypic measure in all three challenges. The results indicate that these immunopharmacotherapeutic agents have significant cocaine-blockade potential and therefore may offer an effective strategy for the treatment of cocaine abuse.


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Müllerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) expression is inversely proportional to the serum concentration of testosterone in males after birth and in vitro studies have shown that MIS can lower testosterone production by Leydig cells. Also, mice overexpressing MIS exhibited Leydig cell hypoplasia and lower levels of serum testosterone, but it is not clear whether this is a result of MIS affecting the development of Leydig cells or their capacity to produce testosterone. To examine the hypothesis that MIS treatment will result in decreased testosterone production by mature Leydig cells in vivo, we treated luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated adult male rats and mice with MIS and demonstrated that it can lead to a several-fold reduction in testosterone in serum and in testicular extracts. There was also a slight decrease in 17-OH-progesterone compared to the more significant decrease in testosterone, suggesting that MIS might be regulating the lyase activity of cytochrome P450c17 hydroxylase/lyase (Cyp17), but not its hydroxylase activity. Northern analysis showed that, in both MIS-treated rats and mice, the mRNA for Cyp17, which catalyzes the committed step in androgen synthesis, was down-regulated. In rats, the mRNA for cytochrome P450 side-chain cleavage (P450scc) was also down-regulated by MIS. This was not observed in mice, indicating that there might be species-specific regulation by MIS of the enzymes involved in the testosterone biosynthetic pathway. Our results show that MIS can be used in vivo to lower testosterone production by mature rodent Leydig cells and suggest that MIS-mediated down-regulation of the expression of Cyp17, and perhaps P450scc, contributes to that effect.


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Substance P (SP) is a potent modulator of neuroimmunoregulation. We recently reported that human immune cells express SP and its receptor. We have now investigated the possible role that SP and its receptor plays in HIV infection of human mononuclear phagocytes. SP enhanced HIV replication in human blood-isolated mononuclear phagocytes, whereas the nonpeptide SP antagonist (CP-96,345) potently inhibited HIV infectivity of these cells in a concentration-dependent fashion. CP-96,345 prevented the formation of typical giant syncytia induced by HIV Bal strain replication in these cells. This inhibitory effect of CP-96,345 was because of the antagonism of neurokinin-1 receptor, a primary SP receptor. Both CP-96,345 and anti-SP antibody inhibited SP-enhanced HIV replication in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM). Among HIV strains tested (both prototype and primary isolates), only the R5 strains (Bal, ADA, BL-6, and CSF-6) that use the CCR5 coreceptor for entry into MDM were significantly inhibited by CP-96,345; in contrast, the X4 strain (UG024), which uses CXCR4 as its coreceptor, was not inhibited. In addition, the M-tropic ADA (CCR5-dependent)-pseudotyped HIV infection of MDM was markedly inhibited by CP-96,345, whereas murine leukemia virus-pseudotyped HIV was not affected, indicating that the major effect of CP-96,345 is regulated by Env-determined early events in HIV infection of MDM. CP-96,345 significantly down-regulated CCR5 expression in MDM at both protein and mRNA levels. Thus, SP–neurokinin-1 receptor interaction may play an important role in the regulation of CCR5 expression in MDM, affecting the R5 HIV strain infection of MDM.


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The yeast Candida albicans has a distinguishing feature, dimorphism, which is the ability to switch between two morphological forms: a budding yeast form and a multicellular invasive filamentous form. This ability has been postulated to contribute to the virulence of this organism. Studies on the morphological transition from a filamentous to a budding yeast form in C. albicans have shown that this organism excretes an autoregulatory substance into the culture medium. This substance was extracted and purified by normal-phase and reversed-phase HPLC. The autoregulatory substance was structurally identified as 3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrienoate (farnesoic acid) by NMR and mass spectrometry. Growth experiments suggest that this substance does not inhibit yeast cell growth but inhibits filamentous growth. These findings have implications for developmental signaling by the fungus and might have medicinal value in the development of antifungal therapies.


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During male gonadal development Müllerian duct regression is mediated by the actions of the hormone Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily. MIS is considered to be unique among members of this superfamily because bioactivation of MIS via proteolytic processing is hypothesized to occur at its target organ, the Müllerian duct. We find instead that the majority of MIS is processed and secreted from the embryonic testes as a complex in which the mature region remains noncovalently associated with the prodomain. In addition, we have identified two candidate endoproteases that are expressed in the testes and that may be capable of processing MIS in vivo. These kex2/subtilisin-like enzymes, PC5 and furin, are members of the proprotein convertase family that have been implicated in hormone bioactivation via proteolytic processing after dibasic amino acid cleavage recognition sites. Coexpression of PC5 and MIS in transfected mammalian cells results in efficient processing and bioactivation of MIS. Our results suggest that MIS is a natural substrate for PC5, thereby supporting a role for prohormone convertases in the activation of transforming growth factor beta-related hormones during development.


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We have used a pharmacologic mediator to open intercellular connections in selected vessels to allow liposomes to escape from the blood stream and to extravasate into tissues that have appropriate receptors. We have examined the effects of substance P (SP), a peptide known to increase vascular permeability in selected tissues, such as trachea, esophagus, and urinary bladder in rats. We used quantitative fluorescence analysis of tissues to measure two fluorescent markers, one attached to the lipid (rhodamine-phosphatidylethanolamine) and another, doxorubicin (an anti-tumor drug), encapsulated within the aqueous interior. We have also examined the deposition of liposomes microscopically by the use of encapsulated colloidal gold and silver enhancement. Analysis of the biochemical and morphological observations indicate the following: (i) Injection of SP produces a striking increase in both liposome labels, but only in tissues that possess receptors for SP in postcapillary venules; (ii) liposome material in these tissues has extravasated and is found extracellularly near a variety of cells beyond the endothelial layer over the first few hours; (iii) 24 h following injection of liposomes and SP, liposome material is found in these tissues, localized intracellularly in both endothelial cells and macrophages. We propose that appropriate application of tissue-specific mediators can result in liposome extravasation deep within tissues that normally do not take up significant amounts of liposomes from the blood. Such liposomes are able to carry a variety of pharmacological agents that can be released locally within selected target tissues for therapeutic purposes.


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We have genetically replaced the native receptor binding domain of diphtheria toxin with an extended form of substance P (SP): SP-glycine (SP-Gly). The resulting fusion protein, DAB389SP-Gly, is composed of the catalytic and transmembrane domains of diphtheria toxin genetically coupled to SP-Gly. Because native SP requires a C-terminal amide moiety to bind with high affinity to the SP receptor, the precursor form of the fusion toxin, DAB389SP-Gly, was converted to DAB389SP by treatment with peptidylglycine-alpha-amidating monooxygenase. We demonstrate that following conversion, DAB389SP is selectively cytotoxic for cell lines that express either the rat or the human SP receptor. We also demonstrate that the cytotoxic action of DAB389SP is mediated via the SP receptor and dependent upon passage through an acidic compartment. To our knowledge, this is the first reported use of a neuropeptide as the targeting ligand for a fusion toxin; and the first instance in which an inactive precursor form of a fusion toxin is converted to the active form by a posttranslational modification.


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The extracellular factors that determine a cell's responsiveness to neurotransmitters are of particular relevance for pharmacologically diverse cell types such as neurons and smooth muscle. We previously demonstrated that matrix-associated factors are capable of dramatically and specifically suppressing the responsiveness of smooth muscle to the neuropeptide, substance P. We now demonstrate that this influence of extracellular matrix on the pharmacological phenotype of smooth muscle cells can be blocked specifically by an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD)-containing antagonist of integrins. Of a battery of integrin ligands tested, only thrombospondin mimicked the effect of the extracellular matrix on substance P responsiveness. This effect of thrombospondin was dose dependent, RGD sensitive, and blocked by an antibody directed against the RGD-containing region of thrombospondin. Because the mRNA for thrombospondin is present in the cells of the chicken amnion, this extracellular factor may normally suppress substance P responsiveness in amniotic smooth muscle. The results suggest a role for matrix-associated integrin ligands in the regulation of cellular responses to specific neurotransmitters and hormones and in the development and maintenance of tissue-specific pharmacological properties.


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Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide that mediates multiple physiological responses including transmission of painful stimuli and inflammation via an interaction with a receptor of known primary sequence. To identify the regions of the SP receptor, also termed the NK-1 receptor, involved in peptide recognition, we are using analogues of SP containing the photoreactive amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa). In the present study, we used radioiodinated Bpa8-SP to covalently label with high efficiency the rat SP receptor expressed in a transfected mammalian cell line. To identify the amino acid residue that serves as the site of covalent attachment, a membrane preparation of labeled receptor was subjected to partial enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. A major digestion product of 22 kDa was identified. Upon reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol the mass of this product decreased to 14 kDa. The 22-kDa tryptic fragment was purified in excellent yield by preparative SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions. Subcleavage with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and endoproteinase ArgC yielded fragments of 8.2 and 9.0 kDa, respectively. Upon reductive cleavage, the V8 protease fragment decreased to 3.0 kDa while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment decreased to 3.2 kDa. Taking into consideration enzyme specificity, molecular size, determination of the presence or absence of N-glycosylation sites, and recognition by antibodies to specific sequences of the SP receptor, the V8 protease fragment is Thr-173 to Glu-183, while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment is Val-178 to Arg-190. These two fragments share the common sequence Val-Val-Cys-Met-Ile-Glu (residues 178-183). The site of covalent attachment of radioiodinated Bpa8-SP is thus restricted to a residue within this overlap sequence. The data presented here also establish that the cysteine residue in this sequence Cys-180, which is positioned in the middle of the second extracellular loop, participates in a disulfide bond that links the first and second extracellular loops of the receptor.


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Studies on cultured cells have shown that agonists induce several types of G protein-coupled receptors to undergo internalization. We have investigated this phenomenon in rat striatum, using substance P (SP)-induced internalization of the SP receptor (SPR) as our model system. Within 1 min of a unilateral striatal injection of SP in the anesthetized rat, nearly 60% of the SPR-immunoreactive neurons within the injection zone display massive internalization of the SPR--i.e., 20-200 SPR+ endosomes per cell body. Within the dendrites the SPR undergoes a striking translocation from the plasma membrane to endosomes, and these dendrites also undergo a morphological reorganization, changing from a structure of rather uniform diameter to one characterized by large, swollen varicosities connected by thin fibers. In both cell bodies and dendrites the number of SPR+ endosomes returns to baseline within 60 min of SP injection. The number of neurons displaying substantial endosomal SPR internalization is dependent on the concentration of injected SP, and the SP-induced SPR internalization is inhibited by the nonpeptide neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist RP-67,580. These data demonstrate that in the central nervous system in vivo, SP induces a rapid and widespread SPR internalization in the cell bodies and dendrites and a structural reorganization of the dendrites. These results suggest that many of the observations that have been made on the internalization and recycling of G protein-coupled receptors in in vitro transfected cell systems are applicable to similar events that occur in the mammalian central nervous system in vivo.


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The present study explores relationships among several established correlates of trauma in women exposed to intimate partner abuse (IPA), including PTSD, depression, and dissociation symptoms as well as alcohol use as well as other trauma-related variables, such as social support and violence exposure. Two analysis methods were utilized: variable-oriented methods, which examine relationships between variables, and person-oriented analysis methods, which examine groupings of participants within a larger sample (N = 233). Results of the variable-oriented analyses indicated positive links among depression, PTSD, dissociation, and alcohol use in women exposed to IPA, as well as positive links between the aforementioned psychological symptoms and exposure to violence. Social support was related to decreased psychological symptoms. Person-oriented analyses indicated the presence of four unique profiles of women within the larger study sample: Profile 1 (n = 21), which was labeled High Dissociation, Low Depression/PTSD; Profile 2 (n = 150), which was labeled Low Symptoms, High Social Support, Profile 3 (n = 41); which was labeled Low Dissociation, High Depression/PTSD; and Profile 4 (n = 22), which was labeled High Symptoms, Low Social Support. This research supports previous findings about the relationships among several variables related to IPA as well as suggests the need for careful consideration of differences among women within the larger context of research, advocacy, and clinical interventions related to IPA.


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The impact of comorbid substance abuse and eating disorder diagnoses in an eating disorder treatment facility remains uncertain. Recent data suggest that in a substance abuse treatment setting, patients with comorbid eating disorders fared less favorably than patients without a comorbid diagnosis (Cohen et al., 2010; Glasner-Edwards et al., 2011). The purpose of this study is to compare eating disorder symptoms over the course of treatment for patients with and without comorbid substance abuse diagnoses in an eating disorder treatment facility. Archival data from an eating disorder treatment facility was used. Twenty-seven women with comorbid eating disorder and substance abuse diagnoses (EDSUD) were compared to twenty-seven women with an eating disorder diagnosis (ED) only. The subjects were compared on three scales from the Eating Disorder Inventory-III (EDI-3) by group, and pre- and post-treatment. The scales were Personal Alienation (PA), Interoceptive Deficits (ID), and Emotional Dysregulation (EmD). There was a significant decrease in symptoms post-treatment for all subjects on the PA and ID scales, and there was a significant difference between the EDSUD subjects and ED subjects on two scales. EDSUD subjects fared significantly less favorably on the ID and EmD scales. Women with EDSUD report more symptoms of Interoceptive Deficits and Emotional Dysregulation when compared to women with an ED diagnosis and no comorbid substance use. Subjects benefited from treatment in terms of less Personal Alienation and Interoceptive Deficits.


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The high prevalence of substance abuse in the United States and the low rates of assessment and treatment of these disorders by mental health providers points to a growing need to understand the factors that prevent substance-abusing individuals from receiving adequate services. Psychologists are one group of mental health providers that show little interest in working with this population and receive little research attention on the topic. This paper explores the potential role that education, previous experience, and the impact that holding stigmatizing beliefs towards substance-abusing individuals has on psychologists' willingness to provide clinical services for clients struggling with addiction. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is explored as a potential intervention for psychologists.


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From the Introduction. A common foreign and security policy for the European Union is an issue of the day. While most academic and many political observers believe that it would be in the interest of the Union to have a common policy, there is quite some disagreement as to how this is to be achieved and whether it should be accomplished in an assured and regular manner or whether it should come about on an ad hoc basis only when it is in the clear interest of all member states at any particular time. In other words, is a common foreign policy to be a fundamental characteristic of the Union or is it to be an occasional occurrence when advantageous and convenient, the ‘C’ in CFSP – as one observer has sarcastically commented – standing not for ‘Common’ but for ‘Convenient’?2