817 resultados para Proxy servers
This paper studies the interaction between ownership structure, taken as a proxy for shareholders commitment, and customer satisfaction - the main driver of consumer loyalty - and their impact on a firm s brand equity. The results show that customer satisfaction has a positive direct effect on brand equity but an indirect negative one because of reductions in ownership concentration. This latter effect emerges when managers are mainly customer-oriented. Such result gives out a warning signal that highlights the perverse effect of implementing policies, focused excessively on satisfying customers at the expense of shareholders, on a firm s brand equity. The empirical analysis uses an incomplete panel data comprising 69 firms from 11 nations, for the period 2002-2005.
International industry data permits testing whether the industry-specific impact of cross-countrydifferences in institutions or policies is consistent with economic theory. Empirical implementationrequires specifying the industry characteristics that determine impact strength. Most of the literature has been using US proxies of the relevant industry characteristics. We show that usingindustry characteristics in a benchmark country as a proxy of the relevant industry characteristicscan result in an attenuation bias or an amplification bias. We also describe circumstances allowingfor an alternative approach that yields consistent estimates. As an application, we reexamine theinfluential conjecture that financial development facilitates the reallocation of capital from decliningto expanding industries.
ABSTRACT The population dynamics of a species tends to change from the core to the periphery of its distribution. Therefore, one could expect peripheral populations to be subject to a higher level of stress than more central populations (the center–periphery hypothesis) and consequently should present a higher level of fluctuating asymmetry. To test these predictions we study asymmetry in wing shape of five populations of Drosophila antonietae collected throughout the distribution of the species using fluctuating asymmetry as a proxy for developmental instability. More specifically, we addressed the following questions: (1) what types of asymmetry occur in populations of D. antonietae? (2) Does the level of fluctuating asymmetry vary among populations? (3) Does peripheral populations have a higher fluctuating asymmetry level than central populations? We used 12 anatomical landmarks to quantify patterns of asymmetry in wing shape in five populations of D. antonietae within the framework of geometric morphometrics. Net asymmetry – a composite measure of directional asymmetry + fluctuating asymmetry – varied significantly among populations. However, once net asymmetry of each population is decomposed into directional asymmetry and fluctuating asymmetry, most of the variation in asymmetry was explained by directional asymmetry alone, suggesting that populations of D. antonietae have the same magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry throughout the geographical distribution of the species. We hypothesize that larval development in rotting cladodes might play an important role in explaining our results. In addition, our study underscores the importance of understanding the interplay between the biology of a species and its geographical patterns of asymmetry.
Lipid reserves of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) during pre-spawning in the northwestern Mediterranean
Lipid reserves are a particularly important attribute of fishes because they have a large influence on growth, reproduction and survival. This study analyses the lipid content of red mullet (Mullus barbatus) pre-spawners in three different areas of the northwestern Mediterranean in relation to trawling activities and river runoff. The muscle lipid was considered as an indicator of the somatic condition of individuals whilst the gonad lipid was used as a proxy of the energy invested in reproduction. The results show that fish with the highest muscle lipid levels inhabited the area where fishing impact was lowest. Since the abundance and biomass of polychaetes, which represent the main food source for red mullet, were found to be lower in trawled zones than in unfished ones, we suggest that differences in the muscle lipid levels between areas might be attributed to variation in prey abundance in relation to fishing impact. However, no impact of river runoff on lipid reserves of red mullet was observed. The results also show that muscle and gonad lipid reserves are not related to each other during pre-spawning
Aquest projecte està pensat per ajudar en la implantació de la tecnologia de virtualització dintre de la sala de servidors d'una empresa concreta on el projectista ha estat treballant. Aquesta tecnologia aporta certs avantatges tecnològics que cal estudiar i aplicar correctament. L'empresa ja tenia pensada la compra de nous servidors i s'ha cregut convenient, abans de seguir amb la infraestructura tradicional, de posar en pràctica aquesta tecnologia que com més avança el temps, més imprescindible s'està tornant.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate whether associations of smoking with depression and anxiety are likely to be causal, using a Mendelian randomisation approach. DESIGN: Mendelian randomisation meta-analyses using a genetic variant (rs16969968/rs1051730) as a proxy for smoking heaviness, and observational meta-analyses of the associations of smoking status and smoking heaviness with depression, anxiety and psychological distress. PARTICIPANTS: Current, former and never smokers of European ancestry aged ≥16 years from 25 studies in the Consortium for Causal Analysis Research in Tobacco and Alcohol (CARTA). PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Binary definitions of depression, anxiety and psychological distress assessed by clinical interview, symptom scales or self-reported recall of clinician diagnosis. RESULTS: The analytic sample included up to 58 176 never smokers, 37 428 former smokers and 32 028 current smokers (total N=127 632). In observational analyses, current smokers had 1.85 times greater odds of depression (95% CI 1.65 to 2.07), 1.71 times greater odds of anxiety (95% CI 1.54 to 1.90) and 1.69 times greater odds of psychological distress (95% CI 1.56 to 1.83) than never smokers. Former smokers also had greater odds of depression, anxiety and psychological distress than never smokers. There was evidence for positive associations of smoking heaviness with depression, anxiety and psychological distress (ORs per cigarette per day: 1.03 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.04), 1.03 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.04) and 1.02 (95% CI 1.02 to 1.03) respectively). In Mendelian randomisation analyses, there was no strong evidence that the minor allele of rs16969968/rs1051730 was associated with depression (OR=1.00, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.05), anxiety (OR=1.02, 95% CI 0.97 to 1.07) or psychological distress (OR=1.02, 95% CI 0.98 to 1.06) in current smokers. Results were similar for former smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Findings from Mendelian randomisation analyses do not support a causal role of smoking heaviness in the development of depression and anxiety.
This work proposes an original contribution to the understanding of shermen spatial behavior, based on the behavioral ecology and movement ecology paradigms. Through the analysis of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) data, we characterized the spatial behavior of Peruvian anchovy shermen at di erent scales: (1) the behavioral modes within shing trips (i.e., searching, shing and cruising); (2) the behavioral patterns among shing trips; (3) the behavioral patterns by shing season conditioned by ecosystem scenarios; and (4) the computation of maps of anchovy presence proxy from the spatial patterns of behavioral mode positions. At the rst scale considered, we compared several Markovian (hidden Markov and semi-Markov models) and discriminative models (random forests, support vector machines and arti cial neural networks) for inferring the behavioral modes associated with VMS tracks. The models were trained under a supervised setting and validated using tracks for which behavioral modes were known (from on-board observers records). Hidden semi-Markov models performed better, and were retained for inferring the behavioral modes on the entire VMS dataset. At the second scale considered, each shing trip was characterized by several features, including the time spent within each behavioral mode. Using a clustering analysis, shing trip patterns were classi ed into groups associated to management zones, eet segments and skippers' personalities. At the third scale considered, we analyzed how ecological conditions shaped shermen behavior. By means of co-inertia analyses, we found signi cant associations between shermen, anchovy and environmental spatial dynamics, and shermen behavioral responses were characterized according to contrasted environmental scenarios. At the fourth scale considered, we investigated whether the spatial behavior of shermen re ected to some extent the spatial distribution of anchovy. Finally, this work provides a wider view of shermen behavior: shermen are not only economic agents, but they are also foragers, constrained by ecosystem variability. To conclude, we discuss how these ndings may be of importance for sheries management, collective behavior analyses and end-to-end models.
This PhD thesis addresses the issue of scalable media streaming in large-scale networking environments. Multimedia streaming is one of the largest sink of network resources and this trend is still growing as testified by the success of services like Skype, Netflix, Spotify and Popcorn Time (BitTorrent-based). In traditional client-server solutions, when the number of consumers increases, the server becomes the bottleneck. To overcome this problem, the Content-Delivery Network (CDN) model was invented. In CDN model, the server copies the media content to some CDN servers, which are located in different strategic locations on the network. However, they require heavy infrastructure investment around the world, which is too expensive. Peer-to-peer (P2P) solutions are another way to achieve the same result. These solutions are naturally scalable, since each peer can act as both a receiver and a forwarder. Most of the proposed streaming solutions in P2P networks focus on routing scenarios to achieve scalability. However, these solutions cannot work properly in video-on-demand (VoD) streaming, when resources of the media server are not sufficient. Replication is a solution that can be used in these situations. This thesis specifically provides a family of replication-based media streaming protocols, which are scalable, efficient and reliable in P2P networks. First, it provides SCALESTREAM, a replication-based streaming protocol that adaptively replicates media content in different peers to increase the number of consumers that can be served in parallel. The adaptiveness aspect of this solution relies on the fact that it takes into account different constraints like bandwidth capacity of peers to decide when to add or remove replicas. SCALESTREAM routes media blocks to consumers over a tree topology, assuming a reliable network composed of homogenous peers in terms of bandwidth. Second, this thesis proposes RESTREAM, an extended version of SCALESTREAM that addresses the issues raised by unreliable networks composed of heterogeneous peers. Third, this thesis proposes EAGLEMACAW, a multiple-tree replication streaming protocol in which two distinct trees, named EAGLETREE and MACAWTREE, are built in a decentralized manner on top of an underlying mesh network. These two trees collaborate to serve consumers in an efficient and reliable manner. The EAGLETREE is in charge of improving efficiency, while the MACAWTREE guarantees reliability. Finally, this thesis provides TURBOSTREAM, a hybrid replication-based streaming protocol in which a tree overlay is built on top of a mesh overlay network. Both these overlays cover all peers of the system and collaborate to improve efficiency and low-latency in streaming media to consumers. This protocol is implemented and tested in a real networking environment using PlanetLab Europe testbed composed of peers distributed in different places in Europe.
A variant 35 kb upstream of the HLA-C gene (-35C/T) was previously shown to associate with HLA-C mRNA expression level and steady-state plasma HIV RNA levels. We genotyped this variant in 1,698 patients of European ancestry with HIV. Individuals with known seroconversion dates were used for disease progression analysis and those with longitudinal viral load data were used for viral load analysis. We further tested cell surface expression of HLA-C in normal donors using an HLA-C-specific antibody. We show that the -35C allele is a proxy for high HLA-C cell surface expression, and that individuals with high-expressing HLA-C alleles progress more slowly to AIDS and control viremia significantly better than individuals with low HLA-C expressing alleles. These data strongly implicate high HLA-C expression levels in more effective control of HIV-1, potentially through better antigen presentation to cytotoxic T lymphocytes or recognition and killing of infected cells by natural killer cells.
To evaluate the role of garnet and amphibole fractionation at conditions relevant for the crystallization of magmas in the roots of island arcs, a series of experiments were performed on a synthetic andesite at conditions ranging from 0.8 to 1.2 GPa, 800-1,000 degrees C and variable H2O contents. At water undersaturated conditions and fO(2) established around QFM, garnet has a wide stability field. At 1.2 GPa garnet ? amphibole are the high-temperature liquidus phases followed by plagioclase at lower temperature. Clinopyroxene reaches its maximal stability at H2O-contents <= 9 wt% at 950 degrees C and is replaced by amphibole at lower temperature. The slopes of the plagioclase-in boundaries are moderately negative in T-XH2O space. At 0.8 GPa, garnet is stable at magmatic H2O contents exceeding 8 wt% and is replaced by spinel at decreasing dissolved H2O. The liquids formed by crystallization evolve through continuous silica increase from andesite to dacite and rhyolite for the 1.2 GPa series, but show substantial enrichment in FeO/MgO for the 0.8 GPa series related to the contrasting roles of garnet and amphibole in fractionating Fe-Mg in derivative liquids. Our experiments indicate that the stability of igneous garnet increases with increasing dissolved H2O in silicate liquids and is thus likely to affect trace element compositions of H2O-rich derivative arc volcanic rocks by fractionation. Garnet-controlled trace element ratios cannot be used as a proxy
MMORPG són les sigles de Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game: Joc de Rol Multijugador Online Massiu. Els jugadors connecten a un servidor i poden interactuar entre ells en el món virtual que el joc ofereix. Hi pot haver milers d'usuaris connectats simultàniament al mateix món, generant una població i molt d'ambient si el servidor està ben programat, i latència i/o bloquejos si se supera el límit de jugadors simultanis que el servidor suporta. El més atractiu d'aquest tipus de jocs és que dónen la capacitat de jugar amb i/o contra altra gent real. Resulta molt més emocionant veure intel•ligència real dins el joc, sense que tot sigui intel•ligència artificial. A més d'això hi ha el fet de que pràcticament tots aquests jocs són de l'estil Sandbox o sorral, cosa que significa que el jugador és totalment lliure de fer el que vulgui en un món obert, sense haver de seguir una trama lineal. Durant el principi del segon curs vaig començar a investigar una manera de poder jugar a Lineage 2 des de la residència en la que estava aquí a Vic, ja que la seva connexió a Internet tenia un proxy que bloquejava tots els ports excepte HTTP i algunes poques excepcions més, així que no podia connectar al seu servidor per jugar. I aquí vaig topar amb L2JServer, un projecte open source que emula un servidor de Lineage 2. Només instal•lant una base de dades MySQL, el java JDK i extraient uns arxius a una carpeta, ja podies executar el teu propi servidor d'aquest joc. Per entrar-hi només calia enganyar el programa client redirigint la DNS oficial cap a la teva IP utilitzant el fitxer hosts de windows i ja hi podies entrar.
En la societat d’avui dia, les empreses depenen en gran part dels seus recursos informàtics. La seva capacitat de supervivència i innovació en el mercat actual, on la competitivitat és cada dia més forta, passa per una infraestructura informàtica que els permeti, no només desplegar i implantar ordinadors i servidors de manera ràpida i eficient sinó que també les protegeixi contra parades del sistema informàtic, problemes amb servidors, caigudes o desastres físics de hardware.Per evitar aquests problemes informàtics susceptibles de poder parar el funcionament d’una empresa es va començar a treballar en el camp de la virtualització informàtica amb l’objectiu de poder trobar solucions a aquests problemes a la vegada que s’aprofitaven els recursos de hardware existents d’una manera més òptim a i eficient, reduint així també el cost de la infraestructura informàtica.L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és veure en primer pla la conversió d’una empresa real amb una infraestructura informàtica del tipus un servidor físic -una funció cap a una infraestructura virtual del tipus un servidor físic -varis servidors virtual -vàries funcions. Analitzarem l’estat actual de l’empresa, servidors i funcions, adquirirem el hardware necessari i farem la conversió de tots els seus servidors cap a una nova infraestructura virtual.Faig especial atenció a les explicacions de perquè utilitzo una opció i no un altre i també procuro sempre donar vàries opcions. Igualment remarco en quadres verds observacions a tenir en compte complementàries al que estic explicant en aquell moment, i en quadres vermells temes en els que s’ha de posar especial atenció en el moment en que es fan. Finalment, un cop feta la conversió, veurem els molts avantatges que ens ha reportat aquesta tecnologia a nivell de fiabilitat, estabilitat, capacitat de tolerància a errades, capacitat de ràpid desplegament de noves màquines, capacitat de recuperació del sistema i aprofitament de recursos físics.
OBJECTIVE: To correlate the postoperative voice outcome to preoperative glottic involvement, following partial cricotracheal resection (PCTR) in children. The glottic involvement was analysed based on the extent of subglottic stenosis (SGS) in the endoscopic image and functional dynamic assessment using flexible endoscopy. METHODS: We conducted an interobserver study in which two ENT surgeons, blinded to one another's interpretation, independently rated the extent of SGS based on the endoscopic image along with the dynamic functional airway assessment, of 108 children who underwent PCTR for grade III or IV stenosis. Based on the observation, the glottic involvement was rated into 4 categories: Evaluation of the voice was based on a parent/patient proxy questionnaire sent in 2008 to assess the current functional status of the patient's voice. RESULTS: Among the 77 patients available for long-term outcome with a minimum 1-year follow-up, 31 patients had isolated SGS free from vocal cords (group A) and 30 had SGS reaching the under surface of vocal cords with partial or no impairment of abduction of vocal cords (group B). Twelve patients belonged to group C with posterior glottic stenosis and/or vocal cord fusion (without cricoarytenoid ankylosis) and 4 patients had transglottic stenosis and or/bilateral cricoarytenoid ankylosis (group D). The long-term voice outcome following PCTR as perceived by the parent or patient was normal in 18% (14 of 77 patients) and the remaining 63 patients demonstrated mild to severe dysphonia. Patients belonging to group A and B exhibited either normal voice or mild dysphonia. Patients in group C demonstrated dysphonia, which was moderate in severity in the majority (83%). All patients in group D with transglottic stenosis and/or CAA showed severe dysphonia. CONCLUSION: Children with associated glottic involvement are at high risk for poor voice outcome following PCTR. The severity of dysphonia was found to be proportional to the preoperative glottic involvement. Preoperative rating of the extent of glottic involvement based on endoscopic image and dynamic assessment was found to be useful in prognosticating the voice outcome.
A filtering method to correct time-lapse 3D ERT data and improve imaging of natural aquifer dynamics
We have developed a processing methodology that allows crosshole ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) monitoring data to be used to derive temporal fluctuations of groundwater electrical resistivity and thereby characterize the dynamics of groundwater in a gravel aquifer as it is infiltrated by river water. Temporal variations of the raw ERT apparent-resistivity data were mainly sensitive to the resistivity (salinity), temperature and height of the groundwater, with the relative contributions of these effects depending on the time and the electrode configuration. To resolve the changes in groundwater resistivity, we first expressed fluctuations of temperature-detrended apparent-resistivity data as linear superpositions of (i) time series of riverwater-resistivity variations convolved with suitable filter functions and (ii) linear and quadratic representations of river-water-height variations multiplied by appropriate sensitivity factors; river-water height was determined to be a reliable proxy for groundwater height. Individual filter functions and sensitivity factors were obtained for each electrode configuration via deconvolution using a one month calibration period and then the predicted contributions related to changes in water height were removed prior to inversion of the temperature-detrended apparent-resistivity data. Applications of the filter functions and sensitivity factors accurately predicted the apparent-resistivity variations (the correlation coefficient was 0.98). Furthermore, the filtered ERT monitoring data and resultant time-lapse resistivity models correlated closely with independently measured groundwater electrical resistivity monitoring data and only weakly with the groundwater-height fluctuations. The inversion results based on the filtered ERT data also showed significantly less inversion artefacts than the raw data inversions. We observed resistivity increases of up to 10% and the arrival time peaks in the time-lapse resistivity models matched those in the groundwater resistivity monitoring data.
Aim. To predict the fate of alpine interactions involving specialized species, using a monophagous beetle and its host-plant as a case study. Location. The Alps. Methods. We investigated genetic structuring of the herbivorous beetle Oreina gloriosa and its specific host-plant Peucedanum ostruthium. We used genome fingerprinting (in the insect and the plant) and sequence data (in the insect) to compare the distribution of the main gene pools in the two associated species and to estimate divergence time in the insect, a proxy for the temporal origin of the interaction. We quantified the similarity in spatial genetic structures by performing a Procrustes analysis, a tool from the shape theory. Finally, we simulated recolonization of an empty space analogous to the deglaciated Alps just after ice retreat by two lineages from two species showing unbalanced dependence, to examine how timing of the recolonization process, as well as dispersal capacities of associated species, could explain the observed pattern. Results. Contrasting with expectations based on their asymmetrical dependence, patterns in the beetle and plant were congruent at a large scale. Exceptions occurred at a regional scale in areas of admixture, matching known suture zones in Alpine plants. Simulations using a lattice-based model suggested these empirical patterns arose during or soon after recolonization, long after the estimated origin of the interaction c. 0.5 million years ago. Main conclusions. Species-specific interactions are scarce in alpine habitats because glacial cycles have limited opportunities for coevolution. Their fate, however, remains uncertain under climate change. Here we show that whereas most dispersal routes are paralleled at large scale, regional incongruence implies that the destinies of the species might differ under changing climate. This may be a consequence of the host-dependence of the beetle that locally limits the establishment of dispersing insects.