546 resultados para Pollination.


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The objective of the present work was to estimate the genetic parameters of morphological traits, such as plant growth, fruit and seed production; and oil content and also to provide a source of superior genetic material for the breeding program of Jatropha curcas. For that, a J. curcas open pollination progeny test was set up in Sao Manuel Experimental Station, of College of Agricultural Sciences (FCA) of Sao Paulo State University (UNESP). The experimental design was of completely randomized blocks with 30 progenies, three replications, and eight plants per linear plot. We evaluated plants height (ALT), number of branches per plant (NRP), number of inflorescences per plant (NINE), number of fruits per plant (NF), weight of fruits (PE), weight of seeds (PS) and oil content % (TO). The software SELEGEN was the used to estimate the genetic parameters. The individual genetic variation coefficients (CVg) and progeny genetic variation coefficients (CVgp) at 24 months were 26.7% and 13.4% for height and 21.2% and 10.6% for number of branches. At 48 months the heritability coefficients among the progeny averages (h(mp)(2)) were 0.41 (ALT); 0.31 (NRP); 0.77 (NINF), and 0.44 (NF). The coefficient of heritability for individual plant level of oil content (TO %) was very low (h(a)(2) = 0.03), therefore, for the heritability of progeny means was higher than the individual level (h(mp)(2) = 0.37). Among progenies, some of them were superior for both, and seed production and oil content. We conclude that the present J. curcas population has enough genetic variability allowing obtaining gains through advanced generations.


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Premise of research.The highly specialized grass inflorescence varies with respect to phyllotaxis, with the reproductive meristem forming primary lateral branches that are either spirally arranged or distichous. The Brazilian bamboo Eremitis is highly unusual in that it has a dimorphic inflorescence, typically composed of an apical gynecandrous whorl of both male and female spikelets and basal whorls of male spikelets. Although not closely related to them, Eremitis shares some structural similarities with some early-divergent grasses.Methodology.We use SEM and LM to describe the development of the reproductive structures of Eremitis to clarify our understanding of the highly specialized grass inflorescence and flower.Pivotal results.Developmental studies show that the inflorescence of Eremitis is actually partially whorled and partially distichous. The apical whorl is abortive. The female spikelet is not terminal on the axis, in contrast with the majority of grasses. All the male spikelets are distichously attached to the inflorescence axis and separated into groups. There is a hollow style with two vascular bundles.Conclusions.The strong morphological similarities between Eremitis and some early-divergent grasses are here supplemented by several anatomical similarities, perhaps due to a shared pollination syndrome.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Population genetics theory predicts loss in genetic variability because of drift and inbreeding in isolated plant populations; however, it has been argued that long-distance pollination and seed dispersal may be able to maintain gene flow, even in highly fragmented landscapes. We tested how historical effective population size, historical migration and contemporary landscape structure, such as forest cover, patch isolation and matrix resistance, affect genetic variability and differentiation of seedlings in a tropical palm (Euterpe edulis) in a human-modified rainforest. We sampled 16 sites within five landscapes in the Brazilian Atlantic forest and assessed genetic variability and differentiation using eight microsatellite loci. Using a model selection approach, none of the covariates explained the variation observed in inbreeding coefficients among populations. The variation in genetic diversity among sites was best explained by historical effective population size. Allelic richness was best explained by historical effective population size and matrix resistance, whereas genetic differentiation was explained by matrix resistance. Coalescence analysis revealed high historical migration between sites within landscapes and constant historical population sizes, showing that the genetic differentiation is most likely due to recent changes caused by habitat loss and fragmentation. Overall, recent landscape changes have a greater influence on among-population genetic variation than historical gene flow process. As immediate restoration actions in landscapes with low forest amount, the development of more permeable matrices to allow the movement of pollinators and seed dispersers may be an effective strategy to maintain microevolutionary processes.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to verify the effect of vibration of plants in the production of fruits and seeds and in the physiological quality of the seeds of the “Malagueta” pepper in a protected cultivated area with open and closed sides. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the School of Agronomic Sciences of Universidade Estadual Paulista (FCA/UNESP), located in the city of São Manuel (SP). Two treatments were carried out, which consisted of plants that did and did not undergo vibration. Plants were vibrated manually by swinging the wire attached to the supporting bamboo for about 5 seconds, twice a day for 11 weeks. The design was a randomized block with six repetitions. The same experiment was conducted in two protected environments, with and without anti-aphids screens on the sides, cultivated in the same season. For the comparison of environments, a combined analysis was performed considering each environment as a separate experiment. The characteristics evaluated were: weight and number of fruits per plant; weight, diameter and length of fruit; weight and amount of seeds per fruit; and plant height. For the analysis of seed quality, the characteristics evaluated were: germination percentage; first count of germination; dry matter of seedlings; seedling emergence in substrate; and seedling emergence speed index. Regardless of the environment, vibration affects the physiological quality of seeds. The presence of pollinator insects benefited the production and quality of “Malagueta” pepper seeds and increases the fruit weight.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the production of eggplant fruit according to plant vibration in two types of protected environments, with and without an aphid-proof screen, preventing or permitting the entry of pollinators. Two eggplant hybrids (Roxelle, clear purple color and round shape fruits, and Kokushi, purple color and elongated fruits), two vibration treatments (with or without plant vibration), and two environments (with or without screen) were assessed. It was concluded that the presence of insects in the open environment increases marketable fruit yield only in hybrid Roxelle (2120 and 1172 g plant-1, with and without insects, respectivelly), the number of seeds per fruit in both hybrids in treatment without plant vibration (average of 584 and 110 seeds, with and without insects, respectivelly), and that plant vibration may partially replace the absence of pollinator insects in a closed environment protected with a screen, with an increase in fruit yield.


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Controlled pollination is an important tool in a forest genetic improvement program, which permits to choose parents and make specific crosses maximizing gains and providing superior genotypes in less time than conventional pollination. To verify the needs of the forest companies regarding the conduction of controlled pollination orchards in the breeding program, a specific questionnaire was sent in September 2011 to companies associated to IPEF. The objective of the questionnaire was to collect basic information about the current situation of controlled pollination orchards and check the main difficulties and demands related. It was found that use of the controlled pollination orchard has begun to be used by companies in the Brazilian forest sector just a few years ago and is considered to be very important in breeding programs in order to shorten the time to obtain new genotypes; but there is still need of crucial information regarding the management of these orchards. The main demands are: Basic concepts of flowering induction; homogeneity of flowering; hormonal induction and alternative techniques for flowering; relationship between management and genotypes used; variations in the flowering of different genotypes; management of the orchard in the different phenological phases; process of grafting typesand interaction between graft and rootstock, irrigation systems; species identification and flowering map.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Insect pollination is an essential ecosystem service, and bees are the principal pollinators of wild and cultivated plants. Habitat management and enhancement are a proven way to encourage wild bee populations, providing them with food and nesting resources. I examined bee diversity and abundance in plots managed by The Nature Conservancy near Wood River, NE. The plots were seeded with 2 seed mixes at 2 seeding rates: high diversity mix at the recommended rate, high diversity mix double the recommended rate, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation planting (CP) 25 mix at one-half the recommended rate, and NRCS CP25 mix at the recommended rate. I measured wild bee abundance and diversity, and established a database of wild bees associated with the plots. I also compared genus richness and abundance among the plots using and aerial net and blue vane traps to collect bees. Significant differences were not observed in genus richness and diversity among the plots; however, plot size and the ability of blue vane traps to draw bees from a long distance may have influenced my results. In 2008, 15 genera and 95 individual bees were collected using an aerial net and in 2009, 32 genera and 6,103 individual bees were collected using blue vane traps. I also studied the beneficial insects associated with native Nebraska flora. Seventeen species of native, perennial flora were established in 3 separate plots located in eastern Nebraska. I transplanted four plants of each species in randomized 0.61 m x 0.61 m squares of a 3.05 m x 9.14 m plot. Arthropods were sampled using a modified leaf blower/vacuum. Insects and other arthropods were identified to family and organized into groups of predators, parasites, pollinators, herbivores, and miscellaneous. Associations between plant species and families of beneficial arthropods (predators, parasites, and pollinators) were made. Pycnanthemum flexuosum Walter attracted significantly more beneficial arthropod families than 7 other species of plants tested. Dalea purpurea Vent and Liatris punctata Hook also attracted significantly fewer beneficial arthropod families than 4 other species of plants tested. In total, 31 predator, 11 parasitic, 4 pollinator, 31 herbivore, and 10 miscellaneous families of arthropods were recorded.


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In Maize (Zea maize L.), cost of hybrid seed production is directly related to the yield and quality of seed obtained per hectare of female parent. It is also important to consider the effects that a male parent can exert on the development of hybrid seed in the female parent. This effect is known as xenia. The objectives of this study were to evaluate xenia effects on 1) yield as 80K units, 2) germination of the hybrid seed and 3) susceptibility of the hybrid seed to mechanical damage. One female inbred and four male inbred lines were selected from a parent list of hybrids. The experiment was designed to allow individual cross pollination between each male inbred and the female inbred line. For use as a control, the female inbred was allowed to self pollinate. Experiments were conducted in Illinois and Iowa during 2008 and 2009 and in Nebraska during 2009. A significant inbred effect was detected on yield as 80k (α=0.001). The selfed female and pollination with male inbred B resulted in lower yields of hybrid seed. For germination, a significant inbred effect was detected (α=0.001), but was due to lower germination percentage of seed produced on the selfed female. All hybrid combinations resulted in higher germination percentages with no significant differences among hybrids. The inbred x mechanical damage interaction was significant (P=0.04) for effects on cold saturated soil germination tests. Use of inbred B resulted in a two-percentage-point reduction in cold germination when treated with the impact simulator. In a maize seed company, the production research group provides yield estimates for production of new hybrid combinations. Results from this study indicate that using only the female inbred yield may provide inaccurate estimates. Therefore to improve yield estimation, experiments should be designed to include male inbreds. Male inbreds can also impart a negative effect to the hybrid seed on tolerance to mechanical damage, thus lowering quality and increasing seed discard. When testing for hybrid seed germination, there is no need to consider distinct hybrid combinations. Female inbreds can be grown in open-pollinated fields to avoid loss of vigor observed with selfing. Advisor: George Graef


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Abstract The purpose of this research was to study the sex distribution and energy allocation of dioecious Eastern Red Cedars (Juniperus virginiana) along an environmental resource gradient. The trees surveyed were growing in a canyon located at the University of Nebraska’s Cedar Point Biological Research Station in Ogallala, Nebraska. Due to the geography of this canyon, environmental factors necessary for plant growth should vary depending on the tree’s location within the canyon. These factors include water availability, sun exposure, ground slope, and soil nitrogen content, all of which are necessary for carbon acquisition. Juniperus virginiana is a dioecious conifer. Dioecious plants maintain male and female reproductive structures on separate individuals. Therefore, proximal spatial location is essential for pollination and successful reproduction. Typically female reproductive structures are more costly and require a greater investment of carbon and nitrogen. For this reason, growth, survival and successful reproduction are more likely to be limited by environmental resources for females than for male individuals. If this is true for Juniperus virginiana, females should be located in more nutrient and water rich areas than males. This also assumes that females can not be reproductively successful in areas of poor environmental quality. Therefore, reproductive males should be more likely to inhabit environments with relatively lower resource availability than females. Whether the environment affects sexual determination or just limits survival of different sexes is still relatively unknown. In order to view distribution trends along the environmental gradient, the position of the tree in the canyon transect was compared to its sex. Any trend in sex should correspond with varying environmental factors in the canyon, ie: sunlight availability, aspect, and ground slope. The individuals’ allocation to growth and reproduction was quantified first by comparing trunk diameter at six inches above ground to sex and location of the tree. The feature of energy allocation was further substantiated by comparing carbon and nitrogen content in tree leaf tissue and soil to location and sex of each individual. Carbon and nitrogen in soil indicate essential nutrient availability to the individual, while C and N in leaf tissue indicate nutrient limitation experienced by the tree. At the conclusion of this experiment, there is modest support that survival and fecundity of females demands environments relatively richer in nutrients, than needed by males to survive and be reproductively active. Side of the canyon appeared to have an influence on diameter of trees, frequency of sex and carbon and nitrogen leaf content. While this information indicated possible trends in the relation of sex to nutrient availability, most of the environmental variables presumed responsible for the sex distribution bias differed minutely and may not have been biologically significant to tree growth.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Despite recognition of key biotic processes in shaping the structure of biological communities, few empirical studies have explored the influences of abiotic factors on the structural properties of mutualistic networks. We tested whether temperature and precipitation contribute to temporal variation in the nestedness of mutualistic ant-plant networks. While maintaining their nested structure, nestedness increased with mean monthly precipitation and, particularly, with monthly temperature. Moreover, some species changed their role in network structure, shifting from peripheral to core species within the nested network. We could summarize that abiotic factors affect plant species in the vegetation (e.g., phenology), meaning presence/absence of food sources, consequently an increase/decrease of associations with ants, and finally, these variations to fluctuations in nestedness. While biotic factors are certainly important, greater attention needs to be given to abiotic factors as underlying determinants of the structures of ecological networks.


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Resumo – O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes tipos de polinização sobre a qualidade de frutos de cultivares de morangueiro e sua contribuição isolada para a massa dos frutos, bem como determinar o potencial de Plebeia nigriceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae, Meliponini) como agente polinizador em ambiente protegido. As cultivares Aromas, Diamante e Cegnidarem foram submetidas a tratamentos com autopolinização, polinização por P. nigriceps e polinização livre. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em estufa tipo pampeana, coberta com polietileno transparente e desprovida de telas anti-insetos nas laterais, com 1.344 plantas. Para as avaliações, foram marcadas 56 flores primárias em botão, de cada cultivar, e considerou-se cada planta uma repetição. Avaliaram-se massa de matéria fresca, peso, diâmetro, comprimento e presença de deformação nos frutos. A polinização entomófila tem contribuição variada à massa dos frutos, de acordo com a cultivar. As cultivares apresentam sensibilidade variada à autopolinização, no que se refere à incidência de frutos deformados. Ainterferência da polinização entomófila na produtividade do morangueiro está mais relacionada à redução do percentual de frutos deformados do que ao aumento da massa dos frutos em si. O comportamento de P. nigriceps indica que a espécie apresenta potencial para polinização da cultura do morangueiro em ambiente protegido.