1000 resultados para Plateau Mont-Royal


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A large archive of sources for the RDS classical music recitals is extant in the Society’s Library, Ballsbridge, Dublin. The recitals were established in 1886 for the promotion of chamber music and in order to expose Dublin audiences to the works of the great composers. Extant in the collection are minute books; autographed programmes; newspaper cuttings which include previews, reviews and advertisements; correspondences with artists and agents; promotional material; selections of photographs; records of attendance, artists fees and takings; and volumes of printed music.
This paper will document the organisation, management and occurrence of the RDS classical music recitals for the period 1925 to 1950 and will encompass the opening of the current concert hall (The Members’ Hall, 1925), the Society’s bi-centenary celebrations (1931) and the continuance of the recitals within the context of the Second World War (1939- 45). The paper will examine and analyse the following: networks, repertoire and reception.
The RDS music committee established significant links with many performers and UK-based classical music agents. Recitalists include musicians of international renown; Myra Hess, Isolde Menges, Lili Kraus, Joseph Szigeti, Leon Goossens, Sir Hamilton Harty and The Hallé Orchestra, The Catterall Quartet and many local, Dublin-based musicians; Raidió Éireann Orchestra, Dublin String Orchestra, Dublin Philharmonic Orchestra and Culwick Choral Society. The compromises and collaborations in evidence between the music committee, agents and performers resulted in the presentation of varied and well-balanced programmes featuring sonatas, quartets, trios, concerti, overtures, symphonies and songs by composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn and Brahms. Works by contemporary composers including Bax, Dohnanyi, Szymanowski and Suk were also regularly performed, as were works with an Irish influence or flavour. Audiences mainly consisted of members of the Society, music students were encouraged to attend at a reduced rate and reviews were regularly published in the Irish Times, Irish Independent and Irish Press.


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Equity research report


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The Mont Collon mafic complex is one of the best preserved examples of the Early Permian magmatism in the Central Alps, related to the intra-continental collapse of the Variscan belt. It mostly consists (> 95 vol.%) of ol+hy-nonnative plagioclase-wehrlites, olivine- and cpx-gabbros with cumulitic structures, crosscut by acid dikes. Pegmatitic gabbros, troctolites and anorthosites outcrop locally. A well-preserved cumulative, sequence is exposed in the Dents de Bertol area (center of intrusion). PT-calculations indicate that this layered magma chamber emplaced at mid-crustal levels at about 0.5 GPa and 1100 degrees C. The Mont Collon cumulitic rocks record little magmatic differentiation, as illustrated by the restricted range of clinopyroxene mg-number (Mg#(cpx)=83-89). Whole-rock incompatible trace-element contents (e.g. Nb, Zr, Ba) vary largely and without correlation with major-element composition. These features are characteristic of an in-situ crystallization process with variable amounts of interstitial liquid L trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distribution in the latter is homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in-situ crystallization equation successfully duplicated the REE concentrations in cumulitic minerals of all rock facies of the intrusion. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 20%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. However, the in-situ crystallization model reaches its limitations with rock containing high modal content of REE-bearing minerals (i.e. zircon), such as pegmatitic gabbros. Dikes of anorthositic composition, locally crosscutting the layered lithologies, evidence that the Mont Collon rocks evolved in open system with mixing of intercumulus liquids of different origins and possibly contrasting compositions. The proposed model is not able to resolve these complex open systems, but migrating liquids could be partly responsible for the observed dispersion of points in some correlation diagrams. Absence of significant differentiation with recurrent lithologies in the cumulitic pile of Dents de Bertol points to an efficiently convective magma chamber, with possible periodic replenishment, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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L'Évangile du Sauveur 45-59 rapporte une interprétation peu connue de la prière de Jésus au Mont des Oliviers, comme prière d'intercession pour le peuple d'Israël. Cette interprètation est connue d'Origène, Jérôme et Epiphane. Cet article souhaite montrer que la prise en compte d'une telle tradition permet de reprendre sur une base nouvelle la question de la signification des prières et supplications, avec grand cri et larmes d'He 5,7. En amont de ces deux passages se tient en effet le topos d'une intense prière de supplication, efficace et faisant place aux motions. Evoquée par Justin Martyr et Origène comme d'origine hébraïque, cette prière reçoit dans le cadre du judaïsme hellénistique une tournure caractéristique, quand elle y est associée à la terminologie grecque du suppliant : elle témoigne alors d'un point de contact entre cultures juive et hellénistique. La conclusion souligne que l'Evangile du Sauveur est vecteur à la fois de la mémoire et de l'oubli culturels de la prière de supplication évoquée en He 5,7.


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[Programme. 1651-05-02 - 05-04. Paris, Palais royal]


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58369