1000 resultados para Plantas cultivadas – Fisiologia


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This study was carried out at the Department of Plant Production, Sector Horticulture, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Botucatu Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil in order to evaluate the effect of sources and increasing doses of potassium in roots of eggplant. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 2 x 4 (two sources of potassium: KCl and K(2)SO(4) and four doses of K(2)O, 250, 500, 750 and 1000 kg ha(-1)) and three replications. For the experiment, we used Oxisol medium texture (615 g of sand, 45 g of silt and 340 g of clay per kg soil). The soil passed through sieve of 5 mm and packed in plastic pots with a capacity of 32 liters of soil where plants were grown. The pots were distributed with a spacing of 0,63 m between plants and 1,0 m between rows each pot being grown with a plant. The evaluated characteristics were: root dry mass and volume of the root. It was concluded that sources and excessive doses of mineral K(2)O induces stress in eggplants and affect the roots being less harmful K(2)SO(4) source.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Plantas de duas formas botânicas de Catharanthus roseus, de flores lilases e de flores brancas foram cultivadas em soluções nutritivas deficientes em N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e B, e em solução completa, a fim de se obter o quadro sintomatológico das deficiências, assim como os níveis analíticos de nutrientes nas folhas, caules, raízes e flores. Manifestaram-se sintomas de deficiência claros para todos os nutrientes estudados. Nas plantas de flores lilases, as concentrações de nutrientes na matéria seca de folhas de plantas normais e deficientes foram, respectivamente, para cada nutriente estudado: N(%): 3,53-1,20; P(%): 0,35-0,11; K(%): 2,45-0,76; Ca(%): 1,77-0,81; Mg(%): 0,55-0,46; S(%):0,21-0,12; B(ppm): 382-37. Nas plantas de flores brancas, estas concentrações foram: N(%): 3,78-0,92; P(%): 0,38-0,09; K(%): 2,60-0,86; Ca(%): 1,37-1,15; Mg(%): 0,56-0,44; S(%): 0,10-0,07; B(ppm):372-39.


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As bromélias apresentam formas exóticas com uma grande diversidade de cores e de flores, constituindo importantes espécies para uso em paisagismo e floricultura. em conseqüência disto, são muito comercializadas. Porém, parte das plantas que se encontram no mercado, ainda são provenientes do extrativismo. Esta situação é também reflexo do pequeno número de informações sobre técnicas de propagação e cultivo. Uma das limitações é o desconhecimento do tipo de substrato e adubação adequados ao cultivo destas espécies. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento de bromélias do Neoregelia cruenta, cultivadas em diferentes substratos e adubações foliares através da altura, do número de folhas, da matéria fresca e seca, da parte aérea e das raízes. As mudas utilizadas foram provenientes de cultura de tecidos. Após um período de pré-aclimatização, foram transplantadas para estufa sem nebulização. Os substratos foram constituídos da mistura de diferentes proporções de solo, areia, casca de arroz carbonizada e por um substrato comercial à base de vermiculita. Aos substratos foi aplicada adubação foliar, combinando uréia e sacarose, em intervalos de quinze dias. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as interações entre os substratos, dose de sacarose e de uréia, não afetaram a altura das mudas e o número de folhas. O uso de sacarose também não influenciou o desenvolvimento das mudas. O substrato comercial à base de vermiculita, independente da aplicação de adubação foliar, proporcionou maior altura das mudas e número de folhas. A aplicação de uréia apresentou efeito linear crescente durante o período avaliado.


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The brown bug (Scaptocoris castanea, Perty 1830) is an insect of underground habits, which continuously suctions the juice through the roots leads the plants to emaciate, dry and die. It has not yet been described as pest in cultivated pastures in Brazil. Its occurrence has been observed in cultivated pastures of Cynodon dactylon cv. Coast cross and Brachiaria decumbens cv Brasilik and IPEAN in red-yellow podzolic soil originally covered by savannah vegetation, in Botucatu County, state of São Paulo.


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Magnesium, calcium and potassium concentration in the seeds and cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca and its translocation from the cotyledons to the plant were evaluated. For such an evaluation plants were cultivated during the cotyledons phase and were irrigated with deionized water. Three samplings of cotyledons completely randomized were done and replicated ten times, before its senescence and fall, at 8, 12 and 15 days after the germination of the seeds. Fresh and dry matter of the cotyledons and its magnesium, calcium and potassium content were determinated in every sample. These parameters were also determined in the seeds from the same lot. Potassium concentration was higher than magnesium in both seeds and cotyledons. Calcium presented the lesser concentration both in seeds and cotyledons. These minerals were translocated from the seeds and cotyledons to the young plants. Eight days after germination 59% of the magnesium, 78% of the calcium and 71% of the potassium were translocated to the plants. Fifteen days after germination these percentages were respectivaley 73%, 82% and 91%. Thus, magnesium was the less and potassium was the most translocated mineral at the end of the study.


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Due to the confirmation of its medicinal properties, the demand and the area planted with 'espinheira-santa' have been increasing. However, there are no sources of propagation material with known characteristics. Progenies of Maytenus ilicifolia Martius ex Reiss (espinheira-santa), originating from Southern Brazil have been analyzed, and currently comprise a germplasm inventory for the species. Studies included the assessment of in natura growth features (height and production of biomass canopy) and plant chemistry (lignin, phenols and mineral element contents), and targeted the creation of a data base, characterizing populations/progenies to be used in future selection and breeding programs of the species. Among the features assessed, were considered desirable the ones related to productivity (high foliar mass to branch mass ratio) and also the absence of thorns on the leaves. High total phenol and tannin content were observed in all the progenies assessed and these features is desirable as long the absence of toxic effects and preservation of the therapeutic quality of the plant medicinal elements produced can be proved.


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The aim of the present work was to compare the content of carotenoids between callus and regenerated plants of Pothomorphe umbellate. Germinated seeds (40 days old) were inoculated in different concentrations and combinations of BAP (benzylaminopurine) and NAA (naphthalene acetic acid) in order to stimulate the callus' production. After 60 days of culture, the callus containing some shoots were transferred to organogenesis medium (GA 3 0.1 mg L -1, BAP 0.5 mg L -1) for 40 days. Next, they were subcultivated in a medium for seedling growth (without regulators) for 40 days. Callus (collected after 60 days) and seedlings (collected after 140 days) were frozen in liquid nitrogen and kept under -80°C for future carotenoids' analysis. The highest concentration of carotenoids was found in plants cultivated in medium without regulators. The callus did not showed difference concerning the culture medium; however, they presented lower content of carotenoids in relation to plants.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the total number of clusters per plant and the sugar concentration of Superior Seedless grapevine branches under different soil water tensions conditions. The statistical design was a randomized block with 4 treatments (a) control, b) 70 kPa tension, c) 50 kPa tension, d) 30 kPa tension, and 6 replications, each plot consisting of two plants. Soil moisture curves were plotted in laboratory and field conditions, potential bud fertility (carried out with the help of a 30x magnifier glass and collecting 17 branches in the primary arm of the plant with 15 buds each), actual fertility (given by the fertile buds to sprouted buds per plant ratio) and total sugars. Laboratory conditions helped stress to reach a -70 kPa level in just 21 days during the procedure to determine the retention curve in the laboratory. The different stress levels applied to the soil did not cause significant differences in the total number of clusters per plant. However, a -30 kPa stress showed a 68% reduction in water depth when compared to control and different soil water stress affected the carbohydrate percentage in branches of the Superior Seedless vine.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)