941 resultados para Photography in traffic accidents
Land use management has becoming a very important activity. Aerial photo interpretation is a basic resource and constitutes in a technique which enables infinite refining. Agricultural development and land use require a careful initial planning in order not only to protect them against superficial changing provoked by natural phenomenon but also to gradually develop its productive capacity. For the efficiency of land management, it is necessary to access correct and detailed information which can be available through aerial images of remote sensing. The use of vertical aerial photography through Remote Sensing has become more common in boundary survey projects, management and exploration, mainly because it substitutes, with lots of advantage, for cartographic bases, besides offering detailed characteristics, eliminating access difficulties in inaccessible areas, as well as facilitating a tridimensional view once it increases map efficiency and accuracy by combining field and laboratory work with photography interpretation. This work, using panchromatic aerial photography in nominal scale 1:25000 (1962), 1:45000 (1977) , and approximate nominal scale of 1:30.000, originating from aerial survey obtained in 2005, aimed at showing through the Geographic Information System (GIS) the possibility of developing a more complete and accurate analysis of the area values, obtained directly from photos without scale correction, and after comparing it with area values obtained from aerial photography with correct scale referred in IGC (Brazilian Cartography and Geography Institute) guidelines, resulting in an error coefficient which shows area differences through two proposed study. Considering the aerial photography in three different years: 1962, 1977 and 2005 it is possible to affirm that the 2005’s images presented lower values of area difference (43, 48 square meters) than determined area values in reference chart and the 2005’s colored images has facilitated the photo interpretation of the landscape, becoming accurate the confronting traces and among land owners and consequently offering precision during land marking.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
O presente artigo parte do tema da fotografia para valer-se dele como modo de compreensão do narrador em Dom Casmurro, romance publicado por Machado de Assis em 1899. Através do levantamento de passagens do enredo centradas em algum retrato (englobando nessa categoria pinturas e fotografias), desenvolve-se a noção de "narração-fotográfica", que visa enfatizar a reiteração de hipóteses e rememorações realizadas pela personagem Bentinho a partir de instantes cristalizados no tempo. A necessidade de posse através do apego às imagens, assim como aos momentos vividos relembrados pela memória, destaca a luta interior da personagem contra o esquecimento de momentos, a solidão e a condição efêmera da vida.
Für die Zukunft wird eine Zunahme an Verkehr prognostiziert, gleichzeitig herrscht ein Mangel an Raum und finanziellen Mitteln, um weitere Straßen zu bauen. Daher müssen die vorhandenen Kapazitäten durch eine bessere Verkehrssteuerung sinnvoller genutzt werden, z.B. durch Verkehrsleitsysteme. Dafür werden räumlich aufgelöste, d.h. den Verkehr in seiner flächenhaften Verteilung wiedergebende Daten benötigt, die jedoch fehlen. Bisher konnten Verkehrsdaten nur dort erhoben werden, wo sich örtlich feste Meßeinrichtungen befinden, jedoch können damit die fehlenden Daten nicht erhoben werden. Mit Fernerkundungssystemen ergibt sich die Möglichkeit, diese Daten flächendeckend mit einem Blick von oben zu erfassen. Nach jahrzehntelangen Erfahrungen mit Fernerkundungsmethoden zur Erfassung und Untersuchung der verschiedensten Phänomene auf der Erdoberfläche wird nun diese Methodik im Rahmen eines Pilotprojektes auf den Themenbereich Verkehr angewendet. Seit Ende der 1990er Jahre wurde mit flugzeuggetragenen optischen und Infrarot-Aufnahmesystemen Verkehr beobachtet. Doch bei schlechten Wetterbedingungen und insbesondere bei Bewölkung, sind keine brauchbaren Aufnahmen möglich. Mit einem abbildenden Radarverfahren werden Daten unabhängig von Wetter- und Tageslichtbedingungen oder Bewölkung erhoben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit mit Hilfe von flugzeuggetragenem synthetischem Apertur Radar (SAR) Verkehrsdaten aufgenommen, verarbeitet und sinnvoll angewendet werden können. Nicht nur wird die neue Technik der Along-Track Interferometrie (ATI) und die Prozessierung und Verarbeitung der aufgenommenen Verkehrsdaten ausführlich dargelegt, es wird darüberhinaus ein mit dieser Methodik erstellter Datensatz mit einer Verkehrssimulation verglichen und bewertet. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf zukünftige Entwicklungen der Radarfernerkundung zur Verkehrsdatenerfassung gegeben.
Tra le plurime conseguenze dell’avvento del digitale, la riarticolazione dei rapporti tra immagine statica e immagine in movimento è certamente una delle più profonde. Sintomatica dei cambiamenti in atto sia nei film studies sia nella storia dell’arte, tale riarticolazione richiede un ripensamento dei confini disciplinari tradizionali entro cui il cinema e la fotografia sono stati affrontati come oggetti di studio separati e distinti. Nell’adottare un approccio molteplice, volto a comprendere prospettive provenienti dalla New Film History e dalla media archaeology, dalla teoria dell’arte e dagli studi visuali, questo lavoro esplora l’esistenza di una relazione dialettica tra il cinema e la fotografia intesa in modo duplice: come tensione costitutiva tra due media indissolubilmente connessi – non tanto in considerazione di un medesimo principio realistico di rappresentazione quanto, piuttosto, in virtù di uno scambio incessante nella modellizzazione di categorie quali il tempo, il movimento, l’immobilità, l’istante, la durata; come istanza peculiare della pratica artistica contemporanea, paradigma di riferimento nella produzione estetica di immagini. La tesi si suddivide in tre capitoli. Il primo si concentra sul rapporto tra l’immobilità e il movimento dell’immagine come cifra in grado di connettere l’estetica delle attrazioni e la cronofotografia a una serie di esperienze filmiche e artistiche prodotte nei territori delle avanguardie. Il secondo capitolo considera l’emergenza, dagli anni Novanta, di pratiche artistiche in cui l’incontro intermediale tra film e fotografia fornisce modelli di analisi volti all’indagine dell’attuale condizione estetica e tecnologica. Il terzo offre una panoramica critica su un caso di studio, la GIF art. La GIF è un formato digitale obsoleto che consente di produrre immagini che appaiono, simultaneamente, come fisse e animate; nel presente lavoro, la GIF è discussa come un medium capace di contraddire i confini attraverso cui concepiamo l’immagine fissa e in movimento, suggerendo, inoltre, un possibile modello di pensiero storico-cronologico anti-lineare.
Wireless networks rapidly became a fundamental pillar of everyday activities. Whether at work or elsewhere, people often benefits from always-on connections. This trend is likely to increase, and hence actual technologies struggle to cope with the increase in traffic demand. To this end, Cognitive Wireless Networks have been studied. These networks aim at a better utilization of the spectrum, by understanding the environment in which they operate, and adapt accordingly. In particular recently national regulators opened up consultations on the opportunistic use of the TV bands, which became partially free due to the digital TV switch over. In this work, we focus on the indoor use of of TVWS. Interesting use cases like smart metering and WiFI like connectivity arise, and are studied and compared against state of the art technology. New measurements for TVWS networks will be presented and evaluated, and fundamental characteristics of the signal derived. Then, building on that, a new model of spectrum sharing, which takes into account also the height from the terrain, is presented and evaluated in a real scenario. The principal limits and performance of TVWS operated networks will be studied for two main use cases, namely Machine to Machine communication and for wireless sensor networks, particularly for the smart grid scenario. The outcome is that TVWS are certainly interesting to be studied and deployed, in particular when used as an additional offload for other wireless technologies. Seeing TVWS as the only wireless technology on a device is harder to be seen: the uncertainity in channel availability is the major drawback of opportunistic networks, since depending on the primary network channel allocation might lead in having no channels available for communication. TVWS can be effectively exploited as offloading solutions, and most of the contributions presented in this work proceed in this direction.
Spinal injuries secondary to trauma are a major cause of patient morbidity and a source of significant health care expenditure. Increases in traffic safety standards and improved health care resources may have changed the characteristics and incidence of spinal injury. The purpose of this study was to review a single metropolitan Level I trauma centre's experience to assess the changing characteristics and incidence of traumatic spinal injuries and spinal cord injuries (SCI) over a 13-year period.
BACKGROUND: Congenital retinal macrovessels are large aberrant branches of retinal arteries or veins that cross the macula. We present three patients with a unilateral congenital retinal macrovessel and we conduct a review of the literature. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A 22-year-old man complaining of chronic headache as well as two other men, 18 and 23 years old, respectively, during a routine ophthalmological examination, were found with a unilateral congenital retinal macrovessel each. A thorough ophthalmological examination was performed, including colour fundus photography in all three patients and fluorescein angiography in two of the patients. We followed them up for five years. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: Investigation revealed a unilateral venous congenital retinal macrovessel in all patients. Clinical findings and visual acuity remained unchanged throughout the entire follow-up period. No complications were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Congenital retinal macrovessels are rare and they tend to remain stable. Visual acuity is preserved in most cases. Complications occur only occasionally and have been described in the literature. Differential diagnosis from other arteriovenous malformations affecting multiple organs is necessary.
INTRODUCTION About 10,000 escalator-related injuries per year result in emergency department treatment in the United States. Since the 1990s, a steady increase has been reported, but few statistics on escalator-related injuries have been published worldwide. We have therefore analyzed escalator accident statistics in admissions to our hospital in Switzerland since 2000. METHODS Using retrospective electronic patient chart analysis, we included in our study patients >16 years treated over an 11-year period. We categorized patients in terms of gender, age and associated risk factors, and classified accidents according to day, time, location and cause. Resulting trauma was categorized according to type and location. We divided post-admission treatment into surgical and conservative, and into treatment as an outpatient, in a short-stay unit, or as a hospital admission. Women and men were compared using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS We identified 173 patients with 285 discrete injuries. Of these, 87 patients (50%) were women. Fifty-three (61%) of the women and 38 (44%) of the men were >60 years old (P = 0.033). Fifty percent of the men (43/86) of the men, but only 7% (6/87) of the women showed signs of alcohol intoxication (P < 0.0001). Accidents in women occurred predominantly on Tuesdays (19/87; 22%) between 12pm and 6pm (35/87; 40%), and in men on Saturdays (16/86; 19%) between 6pm and 12am (29/86; 34%; P = 0.0097). Sixty-two percent (44/71) of the accidents were in public transport facilities and 30% (21/71) in shopping centers. The majority of injuries in women were to the lower extremities (49/87; 56%), while most accidents in men were to the head and neck (51/86; 59%; P = 0.0052). About half (90; 52%) of the patients were treated conservatively. Almost half of all patients (76, 44%) required hospital admission. Of those, 45% left the hospital within 24 hours of admission (short stay unit) and 55% stayed longer than 24 hours. CONCLUSION Escalator accidents can result in severe trauma. Significant gender differences in escalator accidents have been observed. Alcohol intoxication and age are significant risk factors in escalator-related accidents and might be possible targets for preventive measures.
El arraigo familiar y las redes sociales serán los factores que se privilegiarán en esta investigación que abordará la cuestión de la construcción del edificio de la Justicia de Paz en la campaña bonaerense. A partir del violento episodio que generó el desplazamiento de un Juez de Paz, indagaremos el capital relacional de los jueces y sus familias para demostrar que la organización la Justicia de Paz utilizó redes existentes, que hundían sus raíces en tiempos coloniales, dando cuenta de que primaron continuidades más que rupturas en el transito del estado colonial al independiente. Pero además, se tratará de percibir en el comportamiento político de esta comunidad, el peso de la densa urdimbre que se construyó a través del matrimonio y que vinculó a gran parte de los vecinos de la Guardia de Luján.
El arraigo familiar y las redes sociales serán los factores que se privilegiarán en esta investigación que abordará la cuestión de la construcción del edificio de la Justicia de Paz en la campaña bonaerense. A partir del violento episodio que generó el desplazamiento de un Juez de Paz, indagaremos el capital relacional de los jueces y sus familias para demostrar que la organización la Justicia de Paz utilizó redes existentes, que hundían sus raíces en tiempos coloniales, dando cuenta de que primaron continuidades más que rupturas en el transito del estado colonial al independiente. Pero además, se tratará de percibir en el comportamiento político de esta comunidad, el peso de la densa urdimbre que se construyó a través del matrimonio y que vinculó a gran parte de los vecinos de la Guardia de Luján.
El arraigo familiar y las redes sociales serán los factores que se privilegiarán en esta investigación que abordará la cuestión de la construcción del edificio de la Justicia de Paz en la campaña bonaerense. A partir del violento episodio que generó el desplazamiento de un Juez de Paz, indagaremos el capital relacional de los jueces y sus familias para demostrar que la organización la Justicia de Paz utilizó redes existentes, que hundían sus raíces en tiempos coloniales, dando cuenta de que primaron continuidades más que rupturas en el transito del estado colonial al independiente. Pero además, se tratará de percibir en el comportamiento político de esta comunidad, el peso de la densa urdimbre que se construyó a través del matrimonio y que vinculó a gran parte de los vecinos de la Guardia de Luján.
This article presents a probabilistic method for vehicle detection and tracking through the analysis of monocular images obtained from a vehicle-mounted camera. The method is designed to address the main shortcomings of traditional particle filtering approaches, namely Bayesian methods based on importance sampling, for use in traffic environments. These methods do not scale well when the dimensionality of the feature space grows, which creates significant limitations when tracking multiple objects. Alternatively, the proposed method is based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach, which allows efficient sampling of the feature space. The method involves important contributions in both the motion and the observation models of the tracker. Indeed, as opposed to particle filter-based tracking methods in the literature, which typically resort to observation models based on appearance or template matching, in this study a likelihood model that combines appearance analysis with information from motion parallax is introduced. Regarding the motion model, a new interaction treatment is defined based on Markov random fields (MRF) that allows for the handling of possible inter-dependencies in vehicle trajectories. As for vehicle detection, the method relies on a supervised classification stage using support vector machines (SVM). The contribution in this field is twofold. First, a new descriptor based on the analysis of gradient orientations in concentric rectangles is dened. This descriptor involves a much smaller feature space compared to traditional descriptors, which are too costly for real-time applications. Second, a new vehicle image database is generated to train the SVM and made public. The proposed vehicle detection and tracking method is proven to outperform existing methods and to successfully handle challenging situations in the test sequences.
This study presents a robust method for ground plane detection in vision-based systems with a non-stationary camera. The proposed method is based on the reliable estimation of the homography between ground planes in successive images. This homography is computed using a feature matching approach, which in contrast to classical approaches to on-board motion estimation does not require explicit ego-motion calculation. As opposed to it, a novel homography calculation method based on a linear estimation framework is presented. This framework provides predictions of the ground plane transformation matrix that are dynamically updated with new measurements. The method is specially suited for challenging environments, in particular traffic scenarios, in which the information is scarce and the homography computed from the images is usually inaccurate or erroneous. The proposed estimation framework is able to remove erroneous measurements and to correct those that are inaccurate, hence producing a reliable homography estimate at each instant. It is based on the evaluation of the difference between the predicted and the observed transformations, measured according to the spectral norm of the associated matrix of differences. Moreover, an example is provided on how to use the information extracted from ground plane estimation to achieve object detection and tracking. The method has been successfully demonstrated for the detection of moving vehicles in traffic environments.