994 resultados para Peru. Marina


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This edition of the Bulletin highlights sections of a recent study carried out by the Transport Unit of ECLAC on behalf of the Institute for Latin American Integration (INTAL) entitled Physical Integration of Mercosur-Bolivia- Chile-Peru: the potential contribution of the railway systems. One of the conclusions stresses the need for the railway and other companies involved in the construction of any major project to sign formal agreements relating to the allocation of freight, track utilization fees and other factors on which operation of the railway to be constructed will depend.


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin examines the implications of road safety for the health-care system. It focuses on the economic cost of treating and rehabilitating road traffic injury victims and, for the sake of better public policy, proposes policy changes aimed at improving data collection as well as coordination among government agencies.


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin analyze s transport facilitation and its impact on national competitiveness.


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Includes bibliography.


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This study builds on the Corporate governance and development of capital markets in Latin America report published by the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which looked at the regulatory framework related to the principles of corporate governance in the region and assessed its contribution to the development of capital markets. This book complements the previous study and is the result of a joint effort by CAF, the Inter- American Development Bank (IDB) and ECLAC to identify the key elements of corporate governance for determining debt instrument issuance risk in potential conflicts of interest arising from relationships among shareholders, executives and bondholders


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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) jointly with the World Program of Food (WFP) and recognized experts of the region developed a methodology that, using secondary information, estimate the opportunity cost derived from undernutrition. This methodology has been successfully applied in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, where the cost of undernutrition was estimated at 6.7 billion dollars in 2004. The present study covers four countries in South America: Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. The results indicate that the cost of the malnutrition in these countries reached 4.3 billion dollars in 2005, which is equivalent to 3.3 per cent of the GDP of these countries. The results strongly point out that child undernutrition is not only a problem of health or an unacceptable situation ethically, but it is a national problem, given the enormous social costs and the loss of opportunities that it imposes on the national economy.


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The aim of this environmental performance review is precisely to help Peru assess its progress towards achieving its environmental goals, enrich and ensure that the necessary policy dialogue continues uninterrupted, promote better accountability and deepen the awareness of all actors involved in the economic and social development of Peru. The 66 recommendations included in this study target some of the country’s main environmental challenges.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The family Nematotaeniidae, tapeworms commonly found in the small intestines of amphibians and reptiles, includes 27 recognised species distributed among four genera: Bitegmen Jones, Cylindrotaenia Jewell, Distoichometra Dickey and Nematotaenia Lühe. The taxonomy of these cestodes is poorly defined, due in part to the difficulties of observing many anatomical traits. This study presents and describes a new genus and species of nematotaeniid parasite found in cane toads (Rhinella marina) from eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The cestodes were collected during the necropsy of 20 hosts captured in the urban area of Belém, Pará. The specimens were fixed and processed for light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction. Samples were also collected for molecular analyses. The specimens presented a cylindrical body, two testes and paruterine organs. However, they could not be allocated to any of the four existing nematotaeniid genera due to the presence of two each of dorsal compact medullary testes, cirri, cirrus pouches, genital pores, ovaries and vitelline glands per mature segment. Lanfrediella amphicirrus gen. nov. sp. nov. is the first nematotaeniid studied using Historesin analysis, SEM and 3D reconstruction, and it is the second taxon for which molecular data have been deposited in GenBank.


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The nematode parasites of Rhinella marina include species of the genus Rhabdias (Rhabdiasidae: Rhabditoidea). The present study describes Rhabdias paraensis sp. nov., which parasitizes the lungs of R. marina in Brazilian Amazonia. Of the more than 70 known species of this genus, 18 are parasites of bufonids, of which, eight are Neotropical. The new species described here is similar to Rhabdias alabialis in the absence of lips is different by the presence of conspicuous cephalic papillae. We describe details of the four rows of pores, which are distributed equally along the whole of the length of the body and connected with hypodermal cells, using histology and scanning electron microscopy. Other histological aspects of the internal structure of this nematode are also described.


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A revisão taxonômica do gênero Hemiodontichthys Bleeker, 1862, resultou no reconhecimento de cinco espécies válidas, incluindo quatro espécies novas. Uma nova diagnose para o gênero é proposta, Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus é redescrita, uma chave de identificação é apresentada, assim como um mapa com a distribuição para o gênero. Hemiodontichthys sp. “Coari” ocorre na bacia do rio Urucu, Hemiodontichthys sp. “Tocantins” na drenagem do Tocantins, Hemiodontichthys sp. “Peru1” nos rios Madre de Dios, Ucayali e Nanay, no Peru, Hemiodontichthys sp. “Peru2” tendo como localidade, imprecisa, Iquitos, e a espécie tipo H. acipenserinus, ocorrendo no rio Guaporé, Madeira e no médio e baixo Amazonas. Comentários sobre o monofiletismo de Hemiodonthichthys são apresentados.


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ABSTRACT: Mesocoelium lanfrediae sp. nov. (Digenea: Mesocoeliidae) inhabits the small intestine of Rhinella marina (Amphibia: Bufonidae) and is described here, with illustrations provided by light, scanning electron microscopy and molecular approachs. M. lanfrediae sp. nov. presents the typical characteristics of the genus, but is morphometrically and morphologically different from the species described previously. The main diagnostic characteristics of M. lanfrediae sp. nov. are (i) seven pairs of regularly-distributed spherical papillae on the oral sucker, (ii) ventral sucker outlined by four pairs of papillae distributed in a uniform pattern and interspersed with numerous spines, which are larger at the posterior margin and (iii) small, rounded tegumentary papillae around the opening of the oral sucker, which are morphologically different from those of the oral sucker itself, some of which are randomly disposed in the ventrolateral tegumentary region of the anterior third of the body. Addionally, based on SSU rDNA, a phylogenetic analysis including Brachycoeliidae and Mesocoeliidae taxa available on GenBank established the close relationship between M. lanfrediae sp. nov. and Mesocoelium sp.