978 resultados para Peanut Cultivars


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Forage peanut improvement for use in grass?legume mixtures is expected to have a great impact on the sustainability of Brazilian livestock production. Eighteen cloned Arachis spp. ecotypes were evaluated under clipping in a Brazilian Cerrado region and results analysed using a mixed model methodology. The objective was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters and to select the best ecotypes based on selection index applied on their predicted genotypic value. The traits of total dry-matter (DM) and leaf DM yield presented moderate (0_30 < h2g < 0_50) to high (>0_50) broad-sense heritability, in contrast to the low genetic variability in nutritional quality-associated traits. Ecotypes of Arachis spp. contained average crude protein concentrations of 224 g kg _1 DM in leaves and 138 g kg _1 DM in stems, supporting the potential role of these species to overcome the low protein content in Cerrado pastures. The correlations between yield traits and traits associated with low nutritional value in leaves were consistently significant and positive. Genetic correlations among all the yield traits evaluated during the rainy or dry seasons were significant and positive. The ecotypes were ranked based on selection index. The next step is to validate long-term selection of grass?Arachis in combination with pastures under competition and adjusted grazing in the Cerrado region.


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This study aimed to compare four establishment methods of mixed swards of Tangolagrass and forage peanut (Arachis pintoi).


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The root knot nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita, is widespread worldwide and a major pathogen of several cultivated crops. The use of resistant genotypes is the most effective and environmentally sound way to manage RKN. In this study, we screened 16 selected sweet potato cultivars including Amanda, Bárbara, Beatriz, Beauregard, Brazlândia Branca, Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, BRS Amélia, BRS Cuia, BRS Rubissol, Carolina Vitória, Duda, Júlia, Marcela, PA-26/2009, and Princesa obtained from Embrapa and Universidade Federal do Tocantins? germplasm bank. Studies were conducted under greenhouse and field conditions and the agronomic performance of the cultivars was evaluated in a nematode and soilborne insect-infested field. All 16 sweet potato cultivars tested were rated as resistant to this nematode both under greenhouse and field conditions with reproduction factors < 1. In the field infested with M. incognita, sweet potato cultivars Duda, BRS Amélia, Beauregard, Brazlândia Rosada, and Brazlândia Roxa stood out as superior cultivars, with average yield ranging from 26 to 47 tons per ha. Overall, most cultivars exhibited a fusiform to near fusiform root shape, a good characteristic for the market, and were moderately affected by insects (attack incidence 1 to 30%). As global demand for energy continues to rise, selecting new cultivars of sweet potatoes with increased resistance to nematode diseases and with high yield will be important for food security and biofuel production.


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This study was conducted to test the hypothesis that forage peanut (Arachis pintoi cv BRS Mandobi) can be successfully introduced into a Brachiaria humidicula pasture.


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This study aimed to verify the existence of variability and to estimate genetic parameters for chlorophyll content in forage peanut genotypes.


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This study aimed to estimate heritability coefficients and genotypic correlations of mineral macronutrients in forage peanut.


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The continuous soybean-maize crop succession in the tropical region of Brazil has led to significant increases in the population size of root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica ) and root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus brachyurus), which make soils unsuitable for soybean cropping. A greenhouse study was conducted to identify sunflower genotypes adapted to the tropical region of Brazil and that are resistant to M. incognita, M. javanica and/or P. brachyurus . Two experiments for each nematode were conducted in a completely randomized design with six replicates. Gall index was calculated from visual scores (0?5) of gall intensity on roots for the root-knot nematode. Initial and final population density and reproduction factor were also measured for each nematode. Sunflower genotypes varied in resistance to the nematodes. Sunflower hybrids BRS 321 and BRS 323 were resistant to M. javanica and P. brachyurus and exhibited low gall index for M. incognita . The cultivars are good alternatives to using in the succession of soybean in nematode-infested areas of the tropical regions of Brazil. No sunflower genotype was identified as resistant to M. incognita and thus sunflower cropping is not indicated in areas infested with this nematode.


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Nitrogen fertilization from biological source is an uncommon practice for peanut growers due to the limited results, mainly in environments with water restriction. In this study, the response of a commercial Bradyrhizobium was evaluated on the nodulation and production of peanuts grown in sandy and medium textured soils. Two experiments using different soils were carried out in the field during the dry season, in Campina Grande, Paraíba State, Brazil. Three peanut genotypes were submitted to the following treatments: 1-no nitrogen fertilization (control), 2- chemical fertilization (ammonium sulfate) and 3- inoculation with Bradyrhizobium [commercial strain BR 1405 (SEMIA 6144)]. A completely randomized 3x3 factorial design was adopted with five repetitions for both experiments. The evaluates variables were: height of the main stem, number of nodes/plant, root length, root dry weight, weight of pods/plant and number of pods/plant. In addition, gas exchanges were estimated using IRGA apparatus. Both genotypes (BRS Havana and L7 Bege) were benefited in relation to production due to an inoculation with SEMIA 6144. No physiological response was verified in genotypes or N-treatments to gas exchange, excepting for the Ci/Ca ratio in the medium textured soil experiment. BRS Havana showed low Ci/Ca ratio in Bradyrhizobium treatment, indicating that SEMIA 6144 improved the plants photosynthetic efficiency.


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Il massiccio utilizzo di fungicidi in Viticoltura e i loro effetti negativi sulla salute dell’uomo e dell’ambiente sollecitano lo sviluppo di strategie agronomiche e di sistemi agrari innovativi. Il Lavoro di Tesi ha investigato l’influenza della cv Isabella su cultivars di Vitis vinifera in campo, in Fari Agroecologici, sistemi agrari frutto di una gestione partecipativa. L'esperimento ha dimostrato, per la prima volta, che la cultivar Isabella, nota per la sua tolleranza ai principali patogeni fungini, può contenere l’Incidenza della peronospora in cultivars di Vitis vinifera consociate e contigue. Studi precedenti dimostrano che i VOCs emessi dalla cv Isabella sono in grado di ridurre la presenza di patogeni fungini. La ricerca pioneristica ha evidenziato il ruolo chiave della biodiversità nella gestione dell’ecosistema vigneto, nella prospettiva della progettazione di sistemi viticoli agroecologici.