457 resultados para Patellar Tendon
For water depths greater than 60m floating wind turbines will become the most economical option for generating offshore wind energy. Tension mooring stabilised units are one type of platform being considered by the offshore wind energy industry. The complex mooring arrangement used by this type of platform means that the dynamics are greatly effected by offsets in the positioning of the anchors. This paper examines the issue of tendon anchor position tolerances. The dynamic effects of three positional tolerances are analysed in survival state using the time domain FASTLink. The severe impact of worst case anchor positional offsets on platform and turbine survivability is shown. The worst anchor misposition combinations are highlighted and should be strongly avoided. Novel methods to mitigate this issue are presented.
Electrospun nanofibers are a promising material for ligamentous tissue engineering, however weak mechanical properties of fibers to date have limited their clinical usage. The goal of this work was to modify electrospun nanofibers to create a robust structure that mimics the complex hierarchy of native tendons and ligaments. The scaffolds that were fabricated in this study consisted of either random or aligned nanofibers in flat sheets or rolled nanofiber bundles that mimic the size scale of fascicle units in primarily tensile load bearing soft musculoskeletal tissues. Altering nanofiber orientation and geometry significantly affected mechanical properties; most notably aligned nanofiber sheets had the greatest modulus; 125% higher than that of random nanofiber sheets; and 45% higher than aligned nanofiber bundles. Modifying aligned nanofiber sheets to form aligned nanofiber bundles also resulted in approximately 107% higher yield stresses and 140% higher yield strains. The mechanical properties of aligned nanofiber bundles were in the range of the mechanical properties of the native ACL: modulus=158±32MPa, yield stress=57±23MPa and yield strain=0.38±0.08. Adipose derived stem cells cultured on all surfaces remained viable and proliferated extensively over a 7 day culture period and cells elongated on nanofiber bundles. The results of the study suggest that aligned nanofiber bundles may be useful for ligament and tendon tissue engineering based on their mechanical properties and ability to support cell adhesion, proliferation, and elongation.
Tendon injuries are very frequent and affect a wide and heterogeneous population. Unfortunately, the healing process is long with outcomes that are not often satisfactory due to fibrotic tissue appearance, which leads to scar and adhesion development. Tissue engineering and cell therapies emerge as interesting alternatives to classical treatments. In this study, we evaluated human fetal progenitor tenocytes (hFPTs) as a potential cell source for treatment of tendon afflictions, as fetal cells are known to promote healing in a scarless regenerative process. hFPTs presented a rapid and stable growth up to passage 9, allowing to create a large cell bank for off-the-shelf availability. hFPTs showed a strong tenogenic phenotype with an excellent stability, even when placed in conditions normally inducing cells to differentiate. The karyotype also indicated a good stability up to passage 12, which is far beyond that necessary for clinical application (passage 6). When placed in coculture, hFPTs had the capacity to stimulate human adult tenocytes (hATs), which are responsible for the deposition of a new extracellular matrix during tendon healing. Finally, it was possible to distribute cells in porous or gel scaffolds with an excellent survival, thus permitting a large variety of applications (from simple injections to grafts acting as filling material). All of these results are encouraging in the development of an off-the-shelf cell source capable of stimulating tendon regeneration for the treatment of tendon injuries.
Background and Objectives: Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare autosomal recessive lipid-storage disease caused by mutations in the CYP27A1. The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical characteristics, neuroimaging and mutation detect in a family with CTX systematically. Methods: Collecting history materials and detecting the routine clinical biochemical tests and imaging examination, and for the first time taking the whole body positron emission tomography (PET)-CT examination for probed in the world to research abnormal metabolism activities in CTX. To observe the effect of treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and stains before and after the intervention, using serum lipid level detection and neuropsychological evaluation. Genetic testing was carried out to screen the nine exons and exon-intron boundaries about 200-300bq of CYP27A1. Results: A 37-year-old woman with typical clinical characteristics of CTX. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain showed bilateral lesions in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, then, PET images revealed multiple abnormal hypermetabolism areas at distal tendon, and multifocal areas of hypometabolism in bilateral sides of cerebellar hemispheres, the frontal lobe and temporal lobe. Histopathology reveals accumulation of xanthoma cells and dispersed lipid crystal clefts in xanthomas. In genetic analysis, it shown an insertion of cytosine (77-78insC) located in the first exon of CYP27A1 in the proband. Conclusions: We found that a Chinese patient presented a typical clinical feature of CTX along with clear correlation on both structural and functional imaging had a novel mutation in the CYP27A1 gene.
Acute phase proteins (APPs) are proteins synthesised predominantly in the liver, whose plasma concentrations increase (positive APP) or decrease (negative APP) as a result of infection, inflammation, trauma and tissue injury. They also change as a result of the introduction of immunogens such as bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), turpentine and vaccination. While publications on APPs in chickens are numerous, the limited availability of anti-sera and commercial ELISAs has resulted in a lot of information on only a few APPs. Disease is a threat to the poultry industry, as pathogens have the potential to evolve, spread and cause rapid onset of disease that is detrimental to the welfare of birds. Low level, sub-acute disease with non-specific, often undiagnosed causes can greatly affect bird health and growth and impact greatly on productivity and profitability. Developing and validating methods to measure and characterise APPs in chickens will allow these proteins to be used diagnostically for monitoring flock health. Using immune parameters such as APPs that correlate with disease resistance or improvements in production and welfare will allow the use of APPs as selection parameters for breeding to be evaluated. For APPs to be useful parameters on which to evaluate chicken health, information on normal APP concentrations is required. Ceruloplasmin (Cp) and PIT54 concentrations were found to be much lower in healthy birds form commercial production farms than the reported normal values obtained from the literature. These APPs were found to be significantly higher in culled birds from a commercial farm and Cp, PIT54 and ovotransferrin (Ovt) were significantly higher in birds classified as having obvious gait defects. Using quantitative shotgun proteomics to identify the differentially abundant proteins between three pools: highly acute phase (HAP), acute phase (AP) and non-acute phase (NAP), generated data from which a selection of proteins, based on the fold difference between the three pools was made. These proteins were targeted on a individual samples alongside proteins known to be APPs in chickens or other species: serum amyloid A (SAA), C-reactive protein (CRP), Ovt, apolipoprotein A-I (apo-AI), transthyretin (Ttn), haemopexin (Hpx) and PIT54. Together with immunoassay data for SAA, Ovt, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and Cp the results of this research reveal that SAA is the only major APP in chickens. Ovotransferrin and AGP behave as moderate APPs while PIT54 and Cp are minor APPs. Haemopexin was not significantly different between the three acute phase groups. Apolipoprotein AI and Ttn were significantly lower in the HAP and AP groups and as such can be classed as negative APPs. In an effort to identify CRP, multiple anti-sera cross reacting with CRP from other species were used and a phosphorylcholine column known to affinity purify CRP were used. Enriched fractions containing low molecular weight proteins, elutions from the affinity column together with HAP, AP and NAP pooled samples were applied to a Q-Exactive Hybrid Quadrupole–Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) for Shotgun analysis and CRP was not identified. It would appear that CRP is not present as a plasma protein constitutively or during an APR in chickens and as such is not an APP in this species. Of the proteins targeted as possible novel biomarkers of the APR in chickens mannan binding lectin associated serine protease-2, α-2-HS-glycoprotein (fetuin) and major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 10 were reduced in abundance in the HAP group, behaving as negative biomarkers. Myeloid protein and putative ISG(12)2 were positively associated with the acute phase being significantly higher in the HAP and AP groups. The protein cathepsin D was significantly higher in both HAP and AP compared to the NAP indicating that of all the proteins targeted, this appears to have the most potential as a biomarker of the acute phase, as it was significantly increased in the AP as well as the HAP group. To evaluate APPs and investigate biomarkers of intestinal health, a study using re-used poultry litter was undertaken. The introduction of litter at 12 days of age did not significantly increase any APPs measured using immunoassays and quantitative proteomics at 3, 6 and 10 days post introduction. While no APP was found to be significantly different between the challenged and control groups at anytime point, the APPs AGP, SAA and Hpx did increase over time in all birds. The protein apolipoprotein AIV (apo-AIV) was targeted as a possible APP and because of its reported role in controlling satiety. An ELISA was developed, successfully validated and used to measure apo-AIV in this study. While no significant differences in apo-AIV plasma concentrations between challenged and control groups were identified apo-AIV plasma concentrations did change significantly between certain time points in challenged and control groups. Apoliporotein AIV does not appear to behave as an APP in chickens, as it was not significantly different between acute phase groups. The actin associated proteins villin and gelsolin were investigated as possible biomarkers of intestinal health. Villin was found not to be present in the plasma of chickens and as such not a biomarker target. Gelsolin was found not to be differentially expressed during the acute phase or as a result of intestinal challenge. Finally a proteomic approach was undertaken to investigate gastrocnemius tendon (GT) rupture in broiler chickens with a view of elucidating to and identify proteins associated with risk of rupture. A number of proteins were found to be differentially expressed between tendon pools and further work would enable further detailing of these findings. In conclusion this work has made a number of novel findings and addressed a number of data poor areas. The area of chicken APPs research has stagnated over the last 15 years with publications becoming repetitive and reliant on a small number of immunoassays. This work has sought to characterise the classic APPs in chickens, and use a quantitative proteomic approach to measure and categorise them. This method was also used to take a fresh approach to biomarker identification for both the APR and intestinal health. The development and validation of assays for Ovt and apo-AIV and the shotgun data mean that these proteins can be further characterised in chickens with a view of applying their measurement to diagnostics and selective breeding programs.
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by progressive neurological and cardiac abnormalities. It has a prevalence of around 2×105 in whites, accounting for more than one-third of the cases of recessively inherited ataxia in this ethnic group. FRDA may not exist in nonwhite populations.The first symptoms usually appear in childhood, but age of onset may vary from infancy to adulthood. Atrophy of sensory and cerebellar pathways causes ataxia, dysarthria, fixation instability, deep sensory loss, and loss of tendon reflexes. Corticospinal degeneration leads to muscular weakness and extensor plantar responses. A hypertrophic cardiomyopathy may contribute to disability and cause premature death. Other common problems include kyphoscoliosis, pes cavus, and, in 10% of patients, diabetes mellitus.The FRDA gene (FXN) encodes a small mitochondrial protein, frataxin, which is produced in insufficient amounts in the disease, as a consequence of the epigenetic silencing of the gene triggered by a GAA triplet repeat expansion in the first intron of the gene. Frataxin deficiency results in impaired iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis in mitochondria, in turn leading to widespread dysfunction of iron-sulfur center containing enzymes (in particular respiratory complexes I, II and III, and aconitase), impaired iron metabolism, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Therapy aims to restore frataxin levels or to correct the consequences of its deficiency.
Case description: A 25 years old man presented with a laceration on radial side of proximal phalanx of 4th finger (zone II flexor) which was due to cut with glass. Clinical findings: The sheaths of Tendons of flexor digitorum sperficialis and profundus were not the same and each tendon had a separate sheath. Treatment and outcome: The tendons were reconstructed by modified Kessler sutures, after 15 months the patient had a 30 degrees of extension lag even after physiotherapy courses. Clinical relevance: This is the first reported of such normal variation in human hand tendon anatomy.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La artritis psoriásica es una enfermdad inflamatoria del sistema músculo-esquelético de carácter crónico y autoinmune que puede estar o no presente en pacientes conartritis psoriásica, así como los métodos de imagen diagnóstica más usados. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica mediante la búsqueda en las bases de datos Pubmed y Scopus emplenado los descritpores "psoriasic arthritis", "foot", "feet", "toe", "Achiles tendon", "enthesitis" durante el perídodo comprendido entre 2013 y mayo de 2016. Fueron filtrados artículos en inglés y castellano, en pacientes con artritis psoriásica y afectación de pue y tobillo. RESULTADOS: Las principales afecciones de la artritis psoriásica en el pie incluyen: entesitis del Tendón de Aquiles (TA) y de la fascia plantar, espolón calcáneo, bursitis retrocalcánea, entesofito del TA, erosiones en articulaciones metatarsofalángicaas (AMTF) e interfalángicas distales (IFD) y dactilitis (dedos en salchicha). Los métodos de imagen diagn´sotica usados fueron: Radiografía convencional, Ultrasonidos y Resonancia Magnética Nuclear. DISCUSIÓN/CONCLUSIONES: Dentro de las afecciones de la artritis psoriásica en pie y tobillo, las mñas comunes son la entesitis del TA y erosiones óseas en AMTF E IFD. Los métodos de imagen diagnóstica más usados para valorar las alteraciones en pie y tobillo son la Radiografía convencional y el Ultrasonido.
La déchirure de la coiffe des rotateurs est une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur et de dysfonctionnement de l'épaule. La réparation chirurgicale est couramment réalisée chez les patients symptomatiques et de nombreux efforts ont été faits pour améliorer les techniques chirurgicales. Cependant, le taux de re-déchirure est encore élevé ce qui affecte les stratégies de réhabilitation post-opératoire. Les recommandations post-chirurgicales doivent trouver un équilibre optimal entre le repos total afin de protéger le tendon réparé et les activités préconisées afin de restaurer l'amplitude articulaire et la force musculaire. Après une réparation de la coiffe, l'épaule est le plus souvent immobilisée grâce à une écharpe ou une orthèse. Cependant, cette immobilisation limite aussi la mobilité du coude et du poignet. Cette période qui peut durer de 4 à 6 semaines où seuls des mouvements passifs peuvent être réalisés. Ensuite, les patients sont incités à réaliser les exercices actifs assistés et des exercices actifs dans toute la mobilité articulaire pour récupérer respectivement l’amplitude complète de mouvement actif et se préparer aux exercices de résistance réalisés dans la phase suivante de la réadaptation. L’analyse électromyographique des muscles de l'épaule a fourni des évidences scientifiques pour la recommandation de beaucoup d'exercices de réadaptation au cours de cette période. Les activités sollicitant les muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs à moins de 20% de leur activation maximale volontaire sont considérés sécuritaires pour les premières phases de la réhabilitation. À partir de ce concept, l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'évaluer des activités musculaires de l'épaule pendant des mouvements et exercices qui peuvent théoriquement être effectués au cours des premières phases de la réhabilitation. Les trois questions principales de cette thèse sont : 1) Est-ce que la mobilisation du coude et du poignet produisent une grande activité des muscles de la coiffe? 2) Est-ce que les exercices de renforcement musculaire du bras, de l’avant-bras et du torse produisent une grande activité dans les muscles de la coiffe? 3) Au cours d'élévations actives du bras, est-ce que le plan d'élévation affecte l'activité de la coiffe des rotateurs? Dans notre première étude, nous avons évalué 15 muscles de l'épaule chez 14 sujets sains par électromyographie de surface et intramusculaire. Nos résultats ont montré qu’avec une orthèse d’épaule, les mouvements du coude et du poignet et même quelques exercices de renforcement impliquant ces deux articulations, activent de manière sécuritaire les muscles de ii la coiffe. Nous avons également introduit des tâches de la vie quotidienne qui peuvent être effectuées en toute sécurité pendant la période d'immobilisation. Ces résultats peuvent aider à modifier la conception d'orthèses de l’épaule. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons montré que l'adduction du bras réalisée contre une mousse à faible densité, positionnée pour remplacer le triangle d’une orthèse, produit des activations des muscles de la coiffe sécuritaires. Dans notre troisième étude, nous avons évalué l'électromyographie des muscles de l’épaule pendant les tâches d'élévation du bras chez 8 patients symptomatiques avec la déchirure de coiffe des rotateurs. Nous avons constaté que l'activité du supra-épineux était significativement plus élevée pendant l’abduction que pendant la scaption et la flexion. Ce résultat suggère une séquence de plan d’élévation active pendant la rééducation. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse, suggèrent quelques modifications dans les protocoles de réadaptation de l’épaule pendant les 12 premières semaines après la réparation de la coiffe. Ces suggestions fournissent également des évidences scientifiques pour la production d'orthèses plus dynamiques et fonctionnelles à l’articulation de l’épaule.
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia
La déchirure de la coiffe des rotateurs est une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur et de dysfonctionnement de l'épaule. La réparation chirurgicale est couramment réalisée chez les patients symptomatiques et de nombreux efforts ont été faits pour améliorer les techniques chirurgicales. Cependant, le taux de re-déchirure est encore élevé ce qui affecte les stratégies de réhabilitation post-opératoire. Les recommandations post-chirurgicales doivent trouver un équilibre optimal entre le repos total afin de protéger le tendon réparé et les activités préconisées afin de restaurer l'amplitude articulaire et la force musculaire. Après une réparation de la coiffe, l'épaule est le plus souvent immobilisée grâce à une écharpe ou une orthèse. Cependant, cette immobilisation limite aussi la mobilité du coude et du poignet. Cette période qui peut durer de 4 à 6 semaines où seuls des mouvements passifs peuvent être réalisés. Ensuite, les patients sont incités à réaliser les exercices actifs assistés et des exercices actifs dans toute la mobilité articulaire pour récupérer respectivement l’amplitude complète de mouvement actif et se préparer aux exercices de résistance réalisés dans la phase suivante de la réadaptation. L’analyse électromyographique des muscles de l'épaule a fourni des évidences scientifiques pour la recommandation de beaucoup d'exercices de réadaptation au cours de cette période. Les activités sollicitant les muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs à moins de 20% de leur activation maximale volontaire sont considérés sécuritaires pour les premières phases de la réhabilitation. À partir de ce concept, l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'évaluer des activités musculaires de l'épaule pendant des mouvements et exercices qui peuvent théoriquement être effectués au cours des premières phases de la réhabilitation. Les trois questions principales de cette thèse sont : 1) Est-ce que la mobilisation du coude et du poignet produisent une grande activité des muscles de la coiffe? 2) Est-ce que les exercices de renforcement musculaire du bras, de l’avant-bras et du torse produisent une grande activité dans les muscles de la coiffe? 3) Au cours d'élévations actives du bras, est-ce que le plan d'élévation affecte l'activité de la coiffe des rotateurs? Dans notre première étude, nous avons évalué 15 muscles de l'épaule chez 14 sujets sains par électromyographie de surface et intramusculaire. Nos résultats ont montré qu’avec une orthèse d’épaule, les mouvements du coude et du poignet et même quelques exercices de renforcement impliquant ces deux articulations, activent de manière sécuritaire les muscles de ii la coiffe. Nous avons également introduit des tâches de la vie quotidienne qui peuvent être effectuées en toute sécurité pendant la période d'immobilisation. Ces résultats peuvent aider à modifier la conception d'orthèses de l’épaule. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons montré que l'adduction du bras réalisée contre une mousse à faible densité, positionnée pour remplacer le triangle d’une orthèse, produit des activations des muscles de la coiffe sécuritaires. Dans notre troisième étude, nous avons évalué l'électromyographie des muscles de l’épaule pendant les tâches d'élévation du bras chez 8 patients symptomatiques avec la déchirure de coiffe des rotateurs. Nous avons constaté que l'activité du supra-épineux était significativement plus élevée pendant l’abduction que pendant la scaption et la flexion. Ce résultat suggère une séquence de plan d’élévation active pendant la rééducation. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse, suggèrent quelques modifications dans les protocoles de réadaptation de l’épaule pendant les 12 premières semaines après la réparation de la coiffe. Ces suggestions fournissent également des évidences scientifiques pour la production d'orthèses plus dynamiques et fonctionnelles à l’articulation de l’épaule.