966 resultados para Pacific-specific Core Gene Sequences
This is a preprint of an article published in HEC Forum, 2010 22(4): 311-26. URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/jj08821k513u5747/
La thérapie génique, qui consiste à modifier le génome d'un individu, est la progression logique de l'application de la recherche fondamentale à la médecine. Au moment où l'on célèbre le décryptage du génome humain, surgissent les premières guérisons par la thérapie génique qui soulèvent l'espoir d'un traitement par la génétique pour des maladies jusqu'ici incurables. Paradoxalement, est survenu au même moment le décès d'un adolescent au cours d'un essai clinique de thérapie génique aux Etats-Unis démontrant les risques sérieux de la thérapie génique et notre manque de connaissances scientifiques. À la lumière de ces derniers épisodes, il est important de réévaluer l'encadrement normatif des essais cliniques de la thérapie génique au Canada. Nous devons nous demander si la thérapie génique, hautement expérimentale, diffère d'un point de vue juridique, des autres types de recherche biomédicale. Une analyse comparative de différents modèles normatifs encadrant la thérapie génique permet de faire ressortir les avantages et les inconvénients de chacun. Le modèle québécois a intégré simplement la thérapie génique aux régimes normatifs préexistants (celui de l'expérimentation et celui des drogues). Le modèle français se distingue par l'insertion d'un régime d'exception dans le Code de la santé publique et le Code civil pour encadrer de façon spécifique la thérapie génique. Le Royaume-Uni offre un modèle intéressant d'auto-régulation alors que les États-Unis ont des normes spécifiques malheureusement restreintes aux recherches financées par les fonds publics. Il subsiste plusieurs lacunes dans l'encadrement canadien et québécois. Afin de l'améliorer, le Canada et le Québec devraient notamment se pencher sur la création d'une autorité nationale spécialisée et de normes spécifiques à la thérapie génique, l'implantation d'une évaluation structurée des risques de dissémination d'OGMs et l'établissement d'un suivi à long terme des participants.
La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) est une maladie très sévère, progressive et sans traitement vraiment efficace. Elle est caractérisée par l’absence fonctionnelle de la dystrophine, une protéine essentielle au maintien des muscles squelettiques. La thérapie génique est actuellement envisagée comme approche thérapeutique pour livrer la dystrophine dans les muscles. Les vecteurs adénoviraux de troisième génération (Helper-dependent adenoviral vector, HD) sont des véhicules de transfert génique très prometteurs pour traiter la DMD. Puisque les gènes adénoviraux ont été enlevés complètement du HD, ils sont peu toxiques, faiblement immunogéniques et ils possèdent un espace cargo suffisant pour transporter l’ADN codant complet de la dystrophine. Bien que le HD puisse fournir la dystrophine de façon thérapeutique chez des souris dystrophiques (mdx), l’expression du gène thérapeutique est progressivement perdue plusieurs mois suivant l’injection intramusculaire. Deux stratégies innovantes furent explorées dans cette thèse dans le but de stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine. La première stratégie vise à l’intégration de l’ADN du HD dans les chromosomes cellulaires, ce qui pourrait le protéger contre son élimination progressive des muscles. Une intégrase site-spécifique issue du phage ΦC31 a été utilisée pour catalyser l’intégration d’un HD transportant un marqueur de sélection. Dans les cellules humaines et les myoblastes murins, l’activité de l’intégrase a été évaluée d’après son efficacité d’intégration (après sélection) et sa spécificité (dans les clones résistants). L’efficacité atteint jusqu’à 0,5 % par cellule et jusqu’à 76 % des événements d’intégration ont été réalisés de façon site-spécifique. Bien que des délétions aient été trouvées aux extrémités du vecteur, 70 % des clones analysés montraient une seule copie du vecteur intégré (le nombre attendu). Seulement une petite augmentation du nombre de brisures double-brin a été mesurée dans les myoblastes exprimant l’intégrase. En conclusion, l’intégration du HD est relativement efficace, spécifique et sécuritaire. Cette méthode est très prometteuse, car la dystrophine peut être livrée dans le muscle avec l’aide du HD et l’intégration de l’ADN du HD pourrait stabiliser son expression in vivo. La deuxième stratégie implique l’utilisation d’un nouveau promoteur musculospécifique (ΔUSEx3) pour réduire la toxicité induite liée à une expression trop étendue de la dystrophine. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué l’effet du contexte viral sur l’activité du promoteur. Un HD et un vecteur lentiviral (LV) ont été construits avec le promoteur ΔUSEx3 pour contrôler l’expression d’un gène rapporteur. Les résultats démontrent que ΔUSEx3 confère une expression puissante, musculospécifique et stable (via le LV) in vitro. L’injection intramusculaire du HD a conduit à une expression puissante du transgène. Ces résultats contrastent avec ceux du LV, car après l’injection de ce dernier, l’expression était faible. La livraison du HD dans le muscle, mais aussi dans plusieurs organes démontre la musculospécificité de ΔUSEx3. Par conséquent, le contexte du vecteur et l’environnement musculaire modulent tous les deux l’activité de ΔUSEx3. Bien que ΔUSEx3 soit musculospécifique, d’autres études sont requises pour déterminer si le promoteur peut stabiliser l’expression de la dystrophine in vivo.
Aquesta tesi doctoral va estudiar la diversitat (riquesa i abundància), la distribució i la dinàmica de les comunitats planctòniques d'Archaea presents a diferents llacs estratificats temperats d'aigua dolça per aportar evidencies sobre la seva distribució i la seva possible activitat en aquests ecosistemes en relació als cicles biogeoquímics presents en els mateixos. Es varen estudiar dos estanyols d'origen càrstic (l'Estanyol del Vilar durant cinc anys consecutius (2001-2005) i l'Estanyol de Can Coromina) i un llac d'origen volcànic (Llac Kivu) analitzant, per una banda, la seva comunitat planctònica d'Archaea mitjançant una aproximació molecular i, per una altra, la seva possible activitat en aquests ambients (p.e., la nitrificació i la fixació de carboni). Per contextualitzar els resultats, es va realitzar un anàlisi in silico dels patrons de distribució global dels Archaea mesòfils mitjançant un anàlisi a nivell de llinatge combinant seqüències del gen 16S rRNA amb diferents eines estadístiques i d'ecologia general.
La sangre obtenida en el matadero es un producto altamente contaminado que requiere un procesamiento inmediato si se pretende utilizarla como insumo alimentario en la fabricación de productos destinados al consumo humano. Si bien es cierto que los sistemas de higienización podrían ser muy eficientes desde el punto de vista de calidad microbiológica, su instalación en la línea de sacrificio comportaría muchas dificultades desde el punto de vista técnico y en algún caso sería muy costoso. La bioconservación podría ser una alternativa para mejorar la calidad microbiológica de la sangre, alargar su vida útil y reducir las posibilidades de procesamiento inmediato. El presente estudio nos permitiría formular la posibilidad de aplicar la bioconservación en sangre de cerdo procedente de matadero industrial, utilizando bacterias ácido lácticas (BAL) como cultivo bioprotector, para lo cual se aislaron cepas de BAL autóctonas y se confeccionaron dos colecciones una de BAL mesófilas y otra de psicrótrofas. Se evaluó el potencial antagonista de la colección de BAL mesófilas y psicrótrofas a 30ºC y a 15ºC respectivamente frente a bacterias contaminantes habituales de este subproducto. Las BAL que demostraron antagonismo en placa (7,1% a 30ºC y 11% a 15ºC) fueron seleccionadas para evaluar el potencial antagonista en sangre, donde el efecto inhibitorio se vio favorecido por la adición de un 2% glucosa. S.aureus y P. fluorescens fueron los indicadores más inhibidos por las cepas mesófilas, en algunos casos con reducciones superiores a 7 unidades logarítmicas. En condiciones psicrótrofas la bacteria más sensible a la presencia de BAL fue Bacillus sp., donde 8 de las 11 BAL ensayadas permitieron reducciones superiores a 4 logs y 1cepa incluso superiores a 7 logs; se obtuvieron reducciones máximas de 3 logs de E.coli y Pseudomonas fue inhibida por todas las BAL ensayadas, en algún caso con reducciones superiores a 5 logs. Las 5 que cepas que presentaron el espectro de inhibición más amplio en condiciones mesófilas y 7 en condiciones psicrótrofas frente a los microorganismos indicadores contaminantes de sangre de matadero se identificaron mediante técnicas moleculares por comparación de la secuencias correspondientes al gen que codifica la síntesis de 16S ARNr (16S ADNr) con las secuencias publicadas en las bases de datos. De las 7 cepas antagonistas en condiciones psicrótrofas 5 se identificaron como Lactococcus garvieae y 2 como Enterococcus malodoratus/gilvius raffinosus. Todas las BAL con potencial antagonista en condiciones mesófilas pertenecían al género Lactobacillus, 3 de elllas se identificaron como Lactobacillus murinus/animalis y una se identificó como Lactobacillus reuteri. TA20 que tuvo un gran espectro de inhibición a ambas temperaturas se identificó como Lactococcus garvieae. En este estudio se evaluaron tres métodos de conservación a largo plazo de las cepas que mostraron potencial antagonista. Se comparó la liofilización, la atomización frente a la congelación a -80ºC que era método que se había utilizado hasta el momento para conservar ambas colecciones de BAL. En general, los métodos de deshidratación (atomización y liofilización) y mantenimiento en refrigeración a 5ºC de los cultivos deshidratados se han mostrado más eficaces que la congelación.
Archaea, the third domain of life, were long thought to be limited to environmental extremes. However, the discovery of archaeal 16S rRNA gene sequences in water, sediment and soil samples has called into question the notion of Archaea as obligate extremophiles. Until now none of these novel Archaea has been brought into culture, a critical step for discovering their ecological roles. We have cultivated three novel halophilic Archaea (haloarchaea) genotypes from sediments in which the pore-water salinity was close to that of seawater. All previously reported haloarchaeal isolates are obligate extreme halophiles requiring at least 9% w/v NaCl for growth and are typically the dominant heterotrophic organisms in salt and soda lakes, salt deposits and salterns. Two of these three newly isolated genotypes have lower requirements for salt than previously cultured haloarchaea and are capable of slow growth at seawater salinity (2.5% w/v NaCl). Our data reveal the existence of Archaea that can grow in non-extreme conditions and of a diverse community of haloarchaea existing in coastal salt marsh sediments. Our findings suggest that the ecological range of these physiologically versatile prokaryotes is much wider than previously supposed.
Nineteen strains of Gram-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming, catalase-positive, rod-shaped bacteria isolated from pigs were characterized by using biochemical, molecular chemical and molecular genetic methods. Two distinct groups of organisms were discerned, based on their colonial morphology, CAMP (Christie-Atkins-Munch-Petersen) reaction and numerical profile by using the API Coryne system. The first group (113 strains) gave a doubtful discrimination between Corynebacterium striatum and Corynebacterium amycolatum, whilst the second group (six strains) were identified tentatively as Corynebacterium urealyticum. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies demonstrated that all of the isolates belonged phylogenetically to the genus Corynebacterium. The first group of organisms was highly similar to Corynebacterium testudinoris with respect to 16S rRNA gene sequences and physiological characteristics, whereas the remaining six isolates formed a hitherto unknown subline within the genus, associated with a small subcluster of species that included Corynebacterium auriscanis and its close relatives. The unknown Corynebacterium sp. was distinguished readily from these and other species of the genus by biochemical tests. Based on both phenotypic and phylogenetic evidence, it is proposed that the new isolates from pigs should be classified as a novel species, Corynebacterium suicordis sp. nov. The type strain is P81/02(T) (=CECT 5724(T) =CCUG 46963(T)).
It has long been thought that the genera Mobiluncus and Falcivibrio contain the same organisms. Using a polyphasic approach, it was found that Mobiluncus curtisii and Mobiluncus mulieris were the same as Falcivibrio vaginalis and Falcivibrio grandis, respectively. As the genus name Mobiluncus takes precedence, it is proposed that F. vaginalis and F. grandis be transferred to the genus Mobiluncus. In agreement with previous studies, results from phenotypic tests did not support the separation of M. curtisii strains into its two subspecies, M. curtisii subsp. curtisii and M. curtisii subsp. holmesii. Phenotypic complexity within M. curtisii dictates that the species should be treated as a complex until more in-depth analyses of the species have been performed. Phylogenetic analyses, based on 16S rRNA gene sequences, demonstrated that the genus Mobiluncus was associated with Varibaculum cambriense and the two subspecies of Actinomyces neuii, and that A. neuii is only distantly related to Actinomyces sensu stricto.
Phenotypic and phylogenetic studies were performed on four unidentified Gram-positive staining, catalase-negative, cc-hemolytic Streptococcus-like organisms recovered from the teeth of horses. SDS PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins and comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing demonstrated the four strains were highly related to each other but that they did not correspond to any recognised species of the genus Streptococcus. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed the unidentified organisms form a hitherto unknown sub-line within the Streptococcus genus, displaying a close affinity with Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus ferus and related organisms. Sequence divergence values of > 5% with thew and other reference streptococcal species however demonstrated the organisms from equine sources represent a novel species. Based on the phenotypic distinctiveness of the new bacterium and molecular chemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown species be classified as Streptococcus devriesei sp. nov. The type strain of Streptococcus devriesei is CCUG 47155(T) (= CIP 107809T).
Aromatic amino acid hydroxylase (AAAH) genes and insulin-like genes form part of an extensive paralogy region shared by human chromosomes 11 and 12, thought to have arisen by tetraploidy in early vertebrate evolution. Cloning of a complementary DNA (cDNA) for an amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae) hydroxylase gene (AmphiPAH) allowed us to investigate the ancestry of the human chromosome 11/12 paralogy region. Molecular phylogenetic evidence reveals that AmphiPAH is orthologous to vertebrate phenylalanine (PAH) genes; the implication is that all three vertebrate AAAH genes arose early in metazoan evolution, predating vertebrates. In contrast, our phylogenetic analysis of amphioxus and vertebrate insulin-related gene sequences is consistent with duplication of these genes during early chordate ancestry. The conclusion is that two tightly linked gene families on human chromosomes 11 and 12 were not duplicated coincidentally. We rationalize this paradox by invoking gene loss in the AAAH gene family and conclude that paralogous genes shared by paralogous chromosomes need not have identical evolutionary histories.
The isolation of spirochetes from severe ovine foot disease has been reported recently by our research group. In this study we describe the preliminary classification of this spirochete based on nucleotide sequence analysis of the PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analysis of this sequence in comparison with other previously reported 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that the spirochete belonged to the treponemal phylotype Treponema vincentii which has been associated with bovine digital dermatitis and human periodontal disease. Further work is required to define the common virulence determinants of these closely related treponemes in the aetiology of these tissue destructive diseases. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Spores from a number of different Bacillus species are currently being used as human and animal probiotics, although their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Here we describe the isolation of 237 presumptive gut-associated Bacillus spp. isolates that were obtained by heat and ethanol treatment of fecal material from organically reared broilers followed by aerobic plating. Thirty-one representative isolates were characterized according to their morphological, physiological, and biochemical properties as well as partial 16S rRNA gene sequences and screening for the presence of plasmid DNA. The Bacillus species identified included B. subtilis, B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, B. clausii, B. megaterium, B. firmus, and species of the B. cereus group, whereas a number of our isolates could not be classified. Intrinsic properties of potential importance for survival in the gut that could be advantageous for spore-forming probiotics were further investigated for seven isolates belonging to five different species. All isolates sporulated efficiently in the laboratory, and the resulting spores were tolerant to simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions. They also exhibited antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of bacteria, including food spoilage and pathogenic organisms such as Bacillus spp., Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Listeria monocytogenes. Importantly, the isolates were susceptible to most of the antibiotics tested, arguing that they would not act as donors for resistance determinants if introduced in the form of probiotic preparations. Together, our results suggest that some of the sporeformers isolated in this study have the potential to persist in or transiently associate with the complex gut ecosystem.
Small, synthetic peptides based on specific regions of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (VGCCs) have been widely used to study Ca2+ channel function and have been instrumental in confirming the contribution of specific amino acid sequences to interactions with putative binding partners. In particular, peptides based on the Ca2+ channel Alpha Interaction Domain (AID) on the intracellular region connecting domains I and II (the I-II loop) and the SYNaptic PRotein INTerction (synprint) site on the II-III loop have been widely used. Emerging evidence suggests that such peptides may themselves possess inherent functionality, a property that may be exploitable for future drug design. Here, we review our recent work using synthetic Ca2+ channel peptides based on sequences within the CaV2.2 amino terminal and I-II loop, originally identified as molecular determinates for G protein modulation, and their effects on VGCC function. These CaV2.2 peptides act as inhibitory modules to decrease Ca2+ influx with direct effects on VGCC gating, ultimately leading to a reduction of synaptic transmission. CaV2.2 peptides also attenuate G protein modulation of VGCCs. Amino acid substitutions generate CaV2.2 peptides with increased or decreased inhibitory effects suggesting that synthetic peptides can be used to further probe VGCC function and, potentially, form the basis for novel therapeutic development.
Background: Early gut colonization events are purported to have a major impact on the incidence of infectious, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in later life. Hence, factors which influence this process may have important implications for both human and animal health. Previously, we demonstrated strong influences of early-life environment on gut microbiota composition in adult pigs. Here, we sought to further investigate the impact of limiting microbial exposure during early life on the development of the pig gut microbiota. Methodology/Principal Findings: Outdoor- and indoor-reared animals, exposed to the microbiota in their natural rearing environment for the first two days of life, were transferred to an isolator facility and adult gut microbial diversity was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. From a total of 2,196 high-quality 16S rRNA gene sequences, 440 phylotypes were identified in the outdoor group and 431 phylotypes in the indoor group. The majority of clones were assigned to the four phyla Firmicutes (67.5% of all sequences), Proteobacteria (17.7%), Bacteroidetes (13.5%) and to a lesser extent, Actinobacteria (0.1%). Although the initial maternal and environmental microbial inoculum of isolator-reared animals was identical to that of their naturally-reared littermates, the microbial succession and stabilization events reported previously in naturally-reared outdoor animals did not occur. In contrast, the gut microbiota of isolator-reared animals remained highly diverse containing a large number of distinct phylotypes. Conclusions/Significance: The results documented here indicate that establishment and development of the normal gut microbiota requires continuous microbial exposure during the early stages of life and this process is compromised under conditions of excessive hygiene.
Whole-genome transcriptome profiling is revealing how biological systems are regulated at the transcriptional level. This study reports the development of a robust method to profile and compare the transcriptomes of two nonmodel plant species, Thlaspi caerulescens, a zinc (Zn) hyperaccumulator, and Thlaspi arvense, a nonhyperaccumulator, using Affymetrix Arabidopsis thaliana ATH1-121501 GeneChip (R) arrays (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA, USA). Transcript abundance was quantified in the shoots of agar- and compost-grown plants of both species. Analyses were optimized using a genomic DNA (gDNA)-based probe-selection strategy based on the hybridization efficiency of Thlaspi gDNA with corresponding A. thaliana probes. In silico alignments of GeneChip (R) probes with Thlaspi gene sequences, and quantitative real-time PCR, confirmed the validity of this approach. Approximately 5000 genes were differentially expressed in the shoots of T. caerulescens compared with T. arvense, including genes involved in Zn transport and compartmentalization. Future functional analyses of genes identified as differentially expressed in the shoots of these closely related species will improve our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of Zn hyperaccumulation.