993 resultados para PPAR-alpha agonist


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The effectiveness of 17 α-hydroxy-20 β-dihydroprogesterone (17 α-20 β Pg) or of a trout hypophyseal gonadotrophic extract on the in vitro intrafollicular maturation of trout oocytes can be modulated by steroids which do not have a direct maturing effect; the effectiveness of the gonadotrophic extract is lowered by oestradiol and oestrone and increased by testosterone. As these steroids have no significant effect on maturation induced by 17 α-20 β Pg, the site of their activity is probably in the follicular envelopes. Corticosteroids, and Cortisol and cortisone in particular increase the effectiveness of the gonadotrophic extract, but increase the effectiveness of 17 α-20 β Pg even more strongly, suggesting that this 'progestagen' has a direct effect on oocyte sensitivity.


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The structural specificity of α-chymotrypsin for polypeptides and denatured proteins has been examined. The primary specificity of the enzyme for these natural substrates is shown to closely correspond to that observed for model substrates. A pattern of secondary specificity is proposed.

A series of N-acetylated peptide esters of varying length have been evaluated as substrates of α-chymotrypsin. The results are interpreted in terms of proposed specificity theories.

The α-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolyses of a number of N-acetylated dipeptide methyl esters were studied. The results are interpreted in terms of the available specificity theories and are compared with results obtained in the study of polypeptide substrates. The importance of non-productive binding in determining the kinetic parameters of these substrates is discussed. A partial model of the locus of the active site which interacts with the R’1CONH- group of a substrate of the form R’1CONHCHR2COR’3 is proposed.

Finally, some reactive esters of N-acetylated amino acids have been evaluated as substrates of α-chymotrypsin. Their reactivity and stereo-chemical behavior are discussed in terms of the specificity theories available. The importance of a binding interaction between the carboxyl function of the substrate and the enzyme is suggested by the results obtained.


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Este trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o efeito de medicamentos com diferentes ações agonista PPAR (rosiglitazona, fenofibrato e bezafibrato) sobre o perfil lipídico, glicídico e alterações na massa corporal e morfologia do tecido adiposo e pancreático em modelo de diabetes e sobrepeso induzido por dieta. Camundongos C57BL/6 (2 meses de idade) foram alimentados com dieta padrão (SC, n=10) ou dieta hiperlipídica rica em sacarose (HFHS, n=40) por 6 semanas. Logo após, os animais HFHS foram subdividos em: HFHS não tratado e HFHS tratado com rosiglitazona (HFHS-Ro), fenofibrato (HFHS-Fe) ou bezafibrato (HFHS-Bz) (5 semanas). Os camundongos alimentados com dieta HFHS apresentaram maior glicemia e insulina de jejum (+33% e +138%, respectivamente), intolerância à glicose, resistência à insulina, aumento da massa corporal (MC) (+20%) e adiposidade, hipertrofia de adipócitos e redução da imunocoloração para adiponectina no tecido adiposo. No pâncreas houve aumento da massa (+28%), acúmulo de gordura (+700%), hipertrofia da ilhota (+38%) e redução da imunocoloração para GLUT-2 (-60%). A rosiglitazona diminuiu a glicemia e insulina de jejum, porém induziu o ganho de MC e hipertrofia cardíaca. O fenofibrato estabilizou a MC, enquanto o bezafibrato levou a perda de MC. Apenas o bezafibrato impediu a hipertrofia da ilhota. A imunocoloração para GLUT-2 foi aumentada por todos os medicamentos, e não houve alterações na imunocoloração para o PPARα. Sinais morfológicos de pancreatite foram vistos no grupo HFHS-Fe, apesar dos níveis normais de amilase e lipase séricos. A rosiglitazona exacerbou a infiltração intrapancreática de gordura (+75% vs. HFHS), e o bezafibrato aumento a imunocoloração para o PPARβ/δ nas ilhotas pancreáticas. Em conclusão, o bezafibrato apresentou um efeito mais amplo sobre as alterações metabólicas, morfológicas e biométricas decorrentes da dieta HFHS, sugerindo que a inibição das três isoformas do PPAR seria melhor do que a inibição de apenas uma isoforma. A rosiglitazona exacerbou o ganho de MC, a infiltração de gordura no pâncreas e induziu hipertrofia cardíaca, assim, é necessário cautela ao prescrever este medicamento a um paciente obeso.


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Cross sections for the reaction 12C(α,γ)16O have been measured for a range of center-of-mass alpha particle energies extending from 1.72 MeV to 2.94 MeV. Two 8"x5" NaI (Tℓ) crystals were used to detect gamma rays; time-of-flight technique was employed to suppress cosmic ray background and background due to neutrons arising mainly from the 13C(α,n)16O reaction. Angular distributions were measured at center-of-mass alpha energies of 2.18, 2.42, 2.56 and 2.83 MeV. Upper limits were placed on the amount of radiation cascading through the 6.92 or 7.12-MeV states in 16O. By means of theoretical fits to the measured electric dipole component of the total cross section, in which interference between the 1¯ states in 16O at 7.12 MeV and at 9.60 MeV is taken into account, it is possible to extract the dimensionless, reduced-alpha-width of the 7.12-MeV state in 16O. A three-level R-matrix parameterization of the data yields the width Θα,F2 = 0.14+0.10-0.08. A "hybrid" R-matrix-optical-model parameterization yields Θα,F2 = 0.11+0.11-0.07. This quantity is of crucial importance in determining the abundances of 12C and 16O at the end of helium burning in stars.


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Three kinds of new nickel(II) complexes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-diketones with blue-violet light absorption were synthesized. Their structures were postulated based on elemental analysis, MS and FT-IR spectra. Smooth films on K9 glass substrates were prepared using the spin-coating method. The absorption properties and thermal stability of these complexes were discussed. The static optical recording test for high density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system was also studied. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two new azo dyes of alpha-isoxazolylazo-beta-dilcetones and their Ni(II) and Cu(II) complexes with blue-violet light wavelength were synthesized using a coupling component, different diazo components and metal (II) ions (Ni2+ and Cu2+). Based on the elemental analysis, MS spectra and FT-IR spectral analyses, azo dyes were unequivocally shown to exist as hydrazoketo and azoenol forms which were respectively obtained from the solution forms and from the solid forms. The action of sodium methoxide (NaOMe) on azo dyes in solutions converts hydrazoketo form into azoenol form, so azo dyes are coordinated with metal (II) ions as co-ligands in the azoenol forms. The solubility of all the compounds in common organic solvents such as 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-1-propanol (TFP) or chloroform (CHCl3) and absorption properties of spin-coating thin films were measured. The difference of absorption maxima from the complexes to their ligands was discussed. In addition, the TG analysis of the complexes was also determined, and their thermal stability was evaluated. It is found that these new metal (II) complexes had potential application for high-density digital versatile disc-recordable (HD-DVD-R) system due to their good solubility in organic solvents, reasonable and controllable absorption spectra in blue-violet light region and high thermal stability. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Alpha-synuclein (Snca) plays a major role in Parkinson disease (PD). Circulating anti-Snca antibodies has been described in PD patients and healthy controls, but they have been poorly characterized. This study was designed to assess the prevalence of anti-Snca reactivity in human subjects carrying the LRRK2 mutation, idiopathic PD (iPD) patients, and healthy controls and to map the epitopes of the anti-Snca antibodies. Antibodies to Snca were detected by ELISA and immunoblotting using purified recombinant Snca in plasma from individuals carrying LRRK2 mutations (104), iPD patients (59), and healthy controls (83). Epitopes of antibodies were mapped using recombinant protein constructs comprising different regions of Snca. Clear positive anti-Snca reactivity showed no correlation with age, sex, years of evolution, or the disability scores for PD patients and anti-Snca reactivity was not prevalent in human patients with other neurological or autoimmune diseases. Thirteen of the positive individuals were carriers of LRRK2 mutations either non-manifesting (8 out 49 screened) or manifesting (5 positive out 55), three positive (out of 59) were iPD patients, and five positive (out of 83) were healthy controls. Epitope mapping showed that antibodies against the N-terminal (a.a. 1-60) or C-terminal (a.a. 109-140) regions of Snca predominate in LRRK2 mutation carriers and iPD patients, being N122 a critical amino acid for recognition by the anti-C-terminal directed antibodies. Anti-Snca circulating antibodies seem to cluster within families carrying the LRRK2 mutation indicating possible genetic or common environmental factors in the generation of anti-Snca antibodies. These results suggest that case-controls' studies are insufficient and further studies in family cohorts of patients and healthy controls should be undertaken, to progress in the understanding of the possible relationship of anti-Snca antibodies and PD patholog


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Crystalline beta-BBO thin films have been successfully prepared on (001)-oriented Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates using liquid phase epitaxy and pulsed laser deposition techniques. The films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and X-ray rocking curve (XRC). The present results manifest that the beta-BBO thin films grown on Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates have larger degree of orientation f-value and smaller XRC FWHM than the ones grown on other reported substrates. Compared with other substrates, alpha-BBO has the same UV cutoff and the similar structure to beta-BBO. These results reveal that alpha-BBO single crystal may be a promising substrate proper to the growth of beta-BBO films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of beta barium borate have been prepared by liquid phase epitaxy on Si2+-doped alpha-BaB2O4 (alpha-BBO, the high temperature phase of barium berate) (001) and (110) substrates. The results of X-ray diffraction indicate that the films show highly (001) preferred orientation on (001)-oriented substrates while the films grown on (110) substrates are textured with (140) orientation. The crystallinity of these films was found to depend on growth temperature, rotation rate, dip time and orientation of substrate. Growth conditions were optimized to grow films with (001) orientation on (001) substrates reproducibly. The films show second harmonic generation of 400 nm light upon irradiation with 800 nm Ti: Sapphire femtosecond laser light. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A obesidade é uma doença crônica não transmissível, caracterizada pelo excesso de gordura corporal. Então, a gordura acumulada na região abdominal promove resistência à insulina e conseqüentemente alterações metabólicas as quais em conjunto configuram o quadro de síndrome metabólica (SM). O genótipo Pro12Pro parece estar relacionado à menor sensibilidade à insulina, desencadeando o processo fisiopatológico da SM. Então, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de uma dieta hipocalórica sobre o perfil metabólico e composição corporal de mulheres com e sem SM com genótipo Pro12Pro no gene PPARγ2. O presente estudo trata-se de um ensaio clínico, onde mulheres entre 30 e 45 anos, obesas grau I, sem SM (n=23) e com SM (n=7) foram submetidas à dieta hipocalórica por 90 dias. A identificação do genótipo foi realizada por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). No início e nos dias 30, 60 e 90 foram avaliados peso corporal, massa magra (MM), massa gorda (MG), componentes da SM, uricemia, insulinemia, leptinemia, adiponectinemia, os índices HOMA-IR e QUICKI. O consumo energético foi avaliado nas 12 semanas de tratamento. Foi utilizado o teste t de Student para amostras independentes foi utilizado para comparar os grupos entre si, e o modelo pareado para comparar a evolução dentro de cada grupo em relação ao início do estudo. Todas as mulheres apresentaram genótipo Pro12Pro. O grupo com SM apresentou menor HDL-c (44,43,2 vs. 56,82,4 mg/dL, p=0,013), e maior triglicerídeo (180,926,7 vs. 89,76,6mg/dL, p=0,014) e VLDL-c (36,25,3 vs. 17,91,3mg/dL, p=0,014) no início do estudo. Ambos os grupos apresentaram redução ponderal (-3,30,7% grupo sem SM e - 4,20,9% grupo com SM) e da circunferência da cintura (-2,40,5% grupo sem SM e - 5,91,4% grupo com SM) significativas. O grupo sem SM reduziu da MG progressivamente até os 90 dias (37,00,8 para 36,60,5%, p=0,02), e com isso aumentou MM (62,00,5 para 63,40,5%, p=0,01), o grupo com SM também reduziu MG ao longo do estudo (32,62,3 para 29,62,4%, p<0,01) e aumentou MM significativamente (62,21,0 para 64,31,3%). A pressão arterial sistólica reduziu no primeiro mês de tratamento no grupo sem SM (de 120,41,8 para 112,32,1 mmHg, p<0,01). No que diz respeito aos parâmetros metabólicos, o grupo sem SM mostrou redução da insulinemia (32,54,2 para 25,92,4U/mL, p=0,05) e aumento da adiponectinemia (4,70,6 para 5,10,8 ng/mL, p=0,02) aos 30 dias, do colesterol total (180,25,8 para 173,85,4 mg/dL, p=0,04), e da leptina (27,01,9 para 18,21,4 ng/mL, p<0,01) aos 60 dias, porém, houve redução do QUICKI aos 90 dias (0,390,03 para 0,350,01, p=0,01). No grupo com SM, a leptinemia reduziu aos 60 dias (20,31,9 para 14,71,1 ng/mL, p=0,01) e a adiponectinemia aos 90 dias (5,71,2 para 7,11,4 ng/mL, p<0,01), também houve remissão de 57,1% dos casos de SM. Sugerimos que, a dieta hipocalórica foi eficaz na redução do peso corporal e da MG, principalmente a localizada na região abdominal. Conseqüentemente, houve melhora considerável do perfil metabólico relacionado à obesidade no grupo sem SM, e também dos marcadores de sensibilidade à insulina e cardioprotetores relacionados à SM, além da remissão dos casos de SM.


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Crystalline beta-BBO layers have been successfully prepared on (0 0 1)-oriented Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates using vapor transport equilibration technique. The layers were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray rocking curve and transmission spectra. The present results manifest that the VTE treatment time and powder ratio are important factors on the preparation of beta-BBO layers. beta-BBO layers with a highly (0 0 l) preferred orientation were obtained according to XRD profiles. The full width at half-maximum of the rocking curve for the layer is as low as about 1000 in., which shows the high crystallinity of the layer. These results reveal the possibility of fabricating beta-BBO (0 0 1) layers on (0 0 1)-oriented Sr2+-doped alpha-BBO substrates by VTE. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, alpha-Al2O3:C, a highly sensitive thermoluminescence dosimetry crystal, was grown by the EFG method in which a graphite heating unit and shield acted as the carbon source during the growth process. The optical, luminescent properties and dosimetric characteristics of the crystal were investigated. The as-grown crystal shows a single glow peak at 536 K, which is associated with Cr3+ ions. After annealing in H-2 at 1673 K for 80 h, the crystal shows a single glow peak at 460 K and a blue emission band at 415 nm. The thermoluminescent response of the annealed crystal shows linear-sublinear-saturation characteristics in the dose range from 5 x 10(-6) to 100 Gy.