954 resultados para POISONING PSP TOXINS
Lead (Pb2+) poisoning causes hypertension, but little is known regarding its acute effects on cardiac contractility. To evaluate these effects, force was measured in right ventricular strips that were contracting isometrically in 45 male Wistar rats (250-300 g) before and after the addition of increasing concentrations of lead acetate (3, 7, 10, 30, 70, 100, and 300 µM) to the bath. Changes in rate of stimulation (0.1-1.5 Hz), relative potentiation after pauses of 15, 30, and 60 s, effect of Ca2+ concentration (0.62, 1.25, and 2.5 mM), and the effect of isoproterenol (20 ng/mL) were determined before and after the addition of 100 µM Pb2+. Effects on contractile proteins were evaluated after caffeine treatment using tetanic stimulation (10 Hz) and measuring the activity of the myosin ATPase. Pb2+ produced concentration-dependent force reduction, significant at concentrations greater than 30 µM. The force developed in response to increasing rates of stimulation became smaller at 0.5 and 0.8 Hz. Relative potentiation increased after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment. Extracellular Ca2+ increment and isoproterenol administration increased force development but after 100 µM Pb2+ treatment the force was significantly reduced suggesting an effect of the metal on the sarcolemmal Ca2+ influx. Concentration of 100 µM Pb2+ also reduced the peak and plateau force of tetanic contractions and reduced the activity of the myosin ATPase. Results showed that acute Pb2+ administration, although not affecting the sarcoplasmic reticulum activity, produces a concentration-dependent negative inotropic effect and reduces myosin ATPase activity. Results suggest that acute lead administration reduced myocardial contractility by reducing sarcolemmal calcium influx and the myosin ATPase activity. These results also suggest that lead exposure is hazardous and has toxicological consequences affecting cardiac muscle.
A Escherichia coli de aderência difusa (DAEC), um patotipo diarreiogênico de E. coli, corresponde a um grupo heterogêneo sem marcador de virulência comum a todos os isolados e de papel controverso na diarreia infantil. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar genotipica e fenotipicamente amostras de DAEC, portadoras e não portadoras de adesinas Afa/Dr, isoladas de crianças com e sem diarreia. Em 70 amostras de DAEC, PCR foi realizado para pesquisa de genes descritos em DAEC, EAEC ou UPEC, que codificam: (i) oito adesinas fimbriais e afimbriais (fimH, papC, sfa, aggA, aafA, agg3A, aidA/aah, afaC); (ii) cinco toxinas (pet, astA, set1A, sat, hlyA); (iii) três proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro (irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA); (iv) invasina (daaD) e; antígeno 43 (agn43). Ensaio de formação de biofilme foi realizado a partir da bactéria cultivada em caldo Luria-Bertani e inoculada em placas de poliestireno com DMEM suplementado com 0,4% glicose. A leitura da densidade ótica (DO490) foi realizada após coloração com safranina. Soroaglutinação para 23 antígenos O (Probac do Brasil) foi realizada em 50% das DAEC. Método de difusão de disco foi realizado para testar a suscetibilidade a 13 antimicrobianos. A presença de pelo menos um gene que codifica adesinas, toxinas, proteínas captadoras/receptora de ferro, invasina ou antígeno 43 foram encontrados em 58,6%, 51,4%, 80%, 48,6% e 57,1%, respectivamente, com os genes fimH, irp2, agn43, iucA, chuA/shuA, presentes em mais de 50% das amostras. Gene afaC+ (PCR) e/ou sonda afaBC+ (hibridização de colônias) classificou 50% das DAEC como Afa/Dr, sendo pet, sat, irp2, iucA, chuA/shuA e agn43 significantes nessas amostras (p<0,05). Do total das DAEC, 44,3% foram formadoras de biofilme, igualmente distribuídas entre as Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr, e nenhum gene foi associado com esse fenótipo. Sorologia de 35 amostras evidenciou os seguintes sorogrupos: 1 O29, 2 O125, 2 O127 e 7 O86. Todas as O86 foram de DAEC Afa/Dr. Maiores frequências de resistência antimicrobiana foram encontradas para ampicilina (55,7%), sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim (35,7%) e tetraciclina (28,6%) e o perfil resistente/intermediário para amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico, ampicilina, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim foi significante nas DAEC Afa/Dr, assim como a multi-droga resistência (p<0,05). Em conclusão, observou-se: (i) alta frequência de fimH e pet e presença de agn43, até então não descrito em DAEC, em frequências similares àquelas encontradas em EAEC, UPEC e EAEC/UPEC, respectivamente; (ii) que as amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr e não Afa/Dr constituíram grupos com perfis genéticos diferenciados entre si; (iii) poucos sorogrupos foram encontrados entre as DAEC; (iv) frequências de resistência menores quando comparado com as poucas descrições em DAEC, sugerindo uma menor pressão seletiva da população do presente estudo e; (v) amostras de DAEC Afa/Dr podem representar um importante reservatório de genes de resistência a antimicrobianos, além de diversos fatores de virulência.
O Transtorno do pânico (TP) é um transtorno mental comum que afeta até 5% da população em algum momento da vida, sendo caracterizada pela presença de ataques de pânico (AP) recorrentes. Constitui uma psicopatologia que pode ser afetada pela privação do sono (PS), relação que ainda é pouco compreendida. Neste contexto, modelos experimentais de AP e de PS são ferramentas úteis na investigação dessa possível correlação, especialmente motivado pela crescente condição de privação de sono, que tem se tornado cada vez mais frequente na sociedade moderna. Assim, este estudo avaliou os efeitos da privação de sono paradoxal (PSP) sobre os limiares dos comportamentos defensivos induzidos por estimulação intracraniana (EI) da MCPD e CS de ratos num modelo experimental de AP, assim como verificou a influência da corticosterona sobre esses limiares. Foram utilizados 160 ratos Wistar machos (300g), organizados em 4 grupos com 40 animais cada, como se segue: Grupo Controle (CTR) submetido à EI, porém sem PSP; Grupo Privação (PRV), submetido à EI e privado por 96 horas; Grupo Privação + Bloqueio da corticosterona (PRB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona, EI, e privado por 96 horas, e Grupo Controle + Bloqueio da corticosterona (CTB), submetido ao tratamento com metirapona e EI, porém sem privação de sono. Após 10 dias do implante cirúrgico intracraniano de eletrodo na MCPD e CS, os animais passaram por 5 sessões de estimulação, como se segue: 1ª (TRI) considerada triagem - imediatamente antes da privação, 2ª (P48) após 48h de privação, 3ª (P96) após 96h de privação, 4ª (R48) após 48h de retirada da privação e 5ª (R96) após 96h de retirada da privação. As curvas de limiares das respostas individuais de defesa obtidas nas várias sessões de estimulação da MCPD e CS (TRI, P48, P96, R48 e R96) dos ratos foram comparadas entre si, bem como as curvas de limiares de uma dada resposta nos diferentes grupos (CTR, PRV, CTB e PRB). Além disso, os níveis de corticosterona (CORT) foram dosados nas diferentes sessões de EI, e comparadas num mesmo grupo, bem como nos diferentes grupos. No grupo CTR, todos os comportamentos foram iguais em todas as sessões quando comparados à TRI, entretanto, nos animais privados (PRV), o limiar do galope (GLP) reduziu significativamente em R48 e R96, não ocorrendo xix alterações nos demais comportamentos. Em contraste, no grupo PRB, o Trote (TRT) aumentou a partir de P48, enquanto o GLP não foi alterado em nenhuma sessão de EI. Na comparação entre os grupos, em Salto (SLT), Micção (MIC), Exoftalmia (EXO), Imobilidade (IMO), Defecação (DEF), TRT e GLP, não sofreram alterações decorrentes da CORT produzida decorrente da PSP, sugerindo que a corticosterona não altera os comportamentos defensivos característicos do Ataque de Pânico. Em adição, tais resultados sugerem que os efeitos tardios da PSP sobre os limiares de GLP possivelmente se devam a mecanismos neuroquímicos tempo-dependente.
Performance measurement of police services is complicated by ambiguous and complex goal- and objectives-setting, and by the difficulties of measuring outputs. This article looks at the organizational and management changes being made in Portuguese police forces. The authors fill a gap in the literature on performance measurement in Portugal by taking a national approach to the study of how law enforcement agencies are introducing new management accounting changes. The article therefore widens the debate on performance measurement and performance improvements in law enforcement.
The aim of the study is an historical analysis of the work undertaken by the Public Health organizations dedicated to the combat of the Aedes aegypti, as well as an epidemiolocal study of persons with unexplained fever, with a view to evaluating the ocurrence of dengue within the population. The Mac-Elisa, Gac-Elisa, hemaglutination inhibition, isolation and typage tests were used. Organophosphate intoxication in agricultural workers was also assessed by measuring concentrations of serie cholinesterase. A sera samples of 2,094 were collected in 23 towns, and the type 1 dengue virus was detected in 17 towns and autochthony was confirmed in 12 of them. The cholinesterase was measured in 2,391 sera samples of which 53 cases had abnormal levels. Poisoning was confirmed in 3 cases. Results reveal an epidemic the gravity of which was not officially know. The relationshipe between levels of IgM and IgG antibodies indicates the outbreak tendency. The widespread distribution of the vector is troubling because of the possibility of the urbanization of wild yellow fever, whereas the absence of A. aegypti in 2 towns with autochthony suggests the existence of another vector. Since there is no vaccine against dengue, the combat of the vector is the most efficient measure for preventing outbreaks. The eradication of the vector depends on government decisions which depend, for their execution, on the organization of the Health System and the propagation of information concerning the prevention of the disease using all possible means because short and long term results depend on the education and the active participation of the entire population.
Moulds may produce a diversity of toxins such as aflatoxins, ochratoxins, trichothecenes, zearalenone, fumonisins and others. Although toxicological, environmental and epidemiological studies have addressed the problem of these toxins one by one, more than one mycotoxin are found usually in the same contaminated food. Risk assessment for humans potentially exposed to multimycotoxins suffers very much from the lack of adequate food consumption data. Furthermore, for a given mycotoxin, synergism and antagonism with other mycotoxins, found in the same food commodities, are not taken into account. Aflatoxin B1 and ochratoxin A belong to the most frequently occurring mycotoxins. This has repeatedly been demonstrated, however, normally, the risk resulting from their simultaneous occurrence is not considered. A descriptive study was developed to monitor air fungal contamination in one hospital food unit.
Introduction - Microscopic filamentous fungi, under suitable environmental conditions, can lead to the production of highly toxic chemical substances, commonly known as mycotoxins. The most widespread and studied mycotoxins are metabolites of some genera of moulds such as Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium. Quite peculiar conditions may influence mycotoxin biosynthesis, such as climate, geographical location, cultivation practices, storage and type of substrate. Toxicity has been extensively investigated for the most important mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins, ochratoxin A and Fusarium toxins, and much information derived from toxicokinetics in animal models has also been obtained. The adverse effects are mainly related to genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity and immunotoxicity. Aim of the study - To identify fungal species able to produce important mycotoxins in different Portuguese settings.
INTRODUCTION: The lack of basic knowledge on venomous arthropods and the benignity of the clinical manifestations contribute to the centipede bite victims' not being taken to a treatment reference center, leading to underestimation of the number of cases and minimizing the possibility of a broader epidemiological view. An inventory of the centipede bite occurrences in Greater S. Paulo, Brazil, and the therapeutic methods employed, by the main Brazilian medical center for the notification of poisoning by venomous animals, is presented. METHOD: All patient cards of the period 1980-1989 have been checked as to place, month and time of occurrence; sex, age, affected part of the body, signs and symptoms have been observed, as well as the therapeutic methods employed. The centipedes that caused the accidents were identified at the Arthropods Laboratory. RESULTS: It was registered 216 accidents, with a 69% predominance of the Greater S. Paulo and in only 63% of the cases (136) was the agent brought in by the victim for identification. The genera most frequently represented were Cryptops (58%), Otostigmus (33%) and Scolopendra (4%). Of the 136 cases, 87% showed erythema, edema, hemorrhage, burns, cephalalgia, and intense pain. There was a predominance of accidents in the warm rainy season, in the morning and for females between 21 and 60 years of age. Hands and feet were the parts of the body most affected. The benign evolution of the clinical picture (54%) made therapeutical treatment unnecessary. Only the victims of Scolopendra and Otostigmus (46%) were medicated with anesthetics (51%), analgesics (25%), antihistamines and cortisone (24%). CONCLUSION: The reproductive period of the centipedes, associated with their sinanthropic habits, contributes to the greater incidence of accidents in urban areas in the warm rainy season. Only patients bitten by Scolopendra and Otostigmus require therapeutical treatment.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the severity of dapsone (DDS) acute intoxication an uncommon medical event using clinical and laboratory parameters. METHODS: Two hundred and seventy four patients with acute DDS intoxication, aged 1 month to 50 years old, were studied and classified into four age groups. Clinical evaluation was assessed through a protocol and correlated with laboratory parameters. Spectrophotometric methods were used to analyze methemoglobinemia (MHbp) and dapsonemia (DDSp). RESULTS: The most prevalent clinical sign of intoxication was cyanosis, seen in 65.7% of the patients and in 100% of children less than 5 years of age. According to laboratory criteria, MHbp-related severe clinical intoxication was seen in 56.2% and DDSp-related occurred in 58% of the patients. Regarding DDSp, intoxication was considered severe when 20 tablets (100 mg each) were ingested, a median of 29 mug/ml. Regarding MHbp, intoxication was severe when 7.5 tablets were ingested, a median of 38% of the total Hb. The correlation between MHbp and DDSp was statistically significant (n=144, r=0.32, p<0.05). Negative correlation was observed between MHbp and the time elapsed since DDS intake (n=124, r=-0.34, p<0.001). There was also a negative correlation between DDSp and the time elapsed since DDS intake (n=63, r=-0.35, p<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal analysis showed a significant association between methemoglobinemia and the time elapsed after the intake (t), according to the equation: Dapsonemia = 12.9256 - 0.0682t + 0.234 methemoglobinemia
Aflatoxins were first isolated about 40 years ago afier outbreaks of disease and death in turkeys and cancer in rainbow trout fed with rations formulated from peanut and cottonseed meals. These toxins are secondary metabolites produced under certain conditions of temperature, p14 and humidity predominantiy by Aspergilius flavus and Aspergilius parasiticus fungi species. Among 18 different types of aflatoxins identified, major members are aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is normaily predominant in cultures as well as in food products. AFB1 was shown to be genotoxic and a potent hepatocarcinogen. This mycotoxin is metabolized by the mixed function oxidase system to a number of hydroxylated metabolites including the 8,9-epoxide. The latter is considered to be the ultimate carcinogen that reacts with cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins to form covalent adducts.
Eight marine cyanobacteria strains of the genera Cyanobium, Leptolyngbya, Oscillatoria, Phormidium, and Synechococcus were isolated from rocky beaches along the Atlantic Portuguese central coast and tested for ecotoxicity. Strains were identified by morphological characteristics and by the amplification and sequentiation of the 16S rDNA. Bioactivity of dichloromethane, methanol and aqueous extracts was assessed by the Artemia salina bioassay. Peptide toxin production was screened by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Molecular analysis of the genes involved in the production of known cyanotoxins such as microcystins, nodularins and cylindrospermopsin was also performed. Strains were toxic to the brine shrimp A. salina nauplii with aqueous extracts being more toxic than the organic ones. Although mass spectrometry analysis did not reveal the production of microcystins or other known toxic peptides, a positive result for the presence of mcyE gene was found in one Leptolyngbya strain and one Oscillatoria strain. The extensive brine shrimp mortality points to the involvement of other unknown toxins, and the presence of a fragment of genes involved in the cyanotoxin production highlight the potential risk of cyanobacteria occurrence on the Atlantic coast.
OBJECTIVE: Despite the intensive use of pesticides in agriculture there are few studies assessing the risk of respiratory conditions from this exposure. The study aimed at quantifying the prevalence of respiratory symptoms among farmers and evaluating its relationship with occupational use of pesticides and the prevalence of respiratory symptoms. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,379 farmers from two municipalities of Southern Brazil in 1996. Frequency and type of chemical exposure and pesticide poisoning were recorded for both sexes. All subjects aged 15 years or older with at least 15 weekly hours of agricultural activity were interviewed. An adapted questionnaire developed by the American Thoracic Society was used for the assessment of respiratory symptoms. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was carried out. RESULTS: More than half (55%) of interviewees were male. The prevalence of asthma symptoms was 12% and chronic respiratory disease symptoms was 22%. Higher odds ratios for both asthma (OR=1.51; 95% CI: 1.07-2.14) and chronic respiratory disease (OR=1.34; 95% CI 1.00-1.81) symptoms were found in women. Logistic regression analysis identified associations between many forms of exposure to pesticides and increased respiratory symptoms. Occurrence of pesticide poisoning was associated with higher prevalence of asthma symptoms (OR=1.54; 95% CI: 1.04-2.58) and chronic respiratory disease symptoms (OR=1.57; 95% CI: 1.08-2.28). CONCLUSIONS: In spite of causality limitations, the study results provide evidence that farming exposure to pesticides is associated with higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms, especially when the exposure is above two days per month.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship of blood lead and hemoglobin, zinc protoporphyrin, and ferritin concentrations in children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 136 anemic and non-anemic children from two rural villages near a lead smelter in Adrianópolis, Southern Brazil, from July to September 2001. Hemoglobin electrophoresis was performed to exclude children with hemoglobin variants and thalassemia syndromes associated with anemia. Lead was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry; hemoglobin by automated cell counting; zinc protoporphyrin by hematofluorometry; ferritin by chemiluminescence. Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test, and the c² test were used to assess the significance of the differences between the variables investigated in anemic and non-anemic children. Stepwise multivariate linear regression analysis was performed using two models for anemic and non-anemic children respectively. RESULTS: Lead was negatively associated to hemoglobin (p<0.017) in the first model, and in the second model lead was positively associated to zinc protoporphyrin (p<0.004) after controlling for ferritin, age, sex, and per capita income. There was an inverse association between hemoglobin and blood lead in anemic children. It was not possible to confirm if anemic children had iron deficiency anemia or subclinical infection, considering that the majority (90.4%) had normal ferritin. CONCLUSIONS: The study detected a relationship between anemia and elevated blood lead concentrations. Further epidemiological studies are necessary to investigate the impact of iron nutritional interventions as an attempt to decrease blood lead in children.
Bacterial food poisoning is an ever-present threat that can be prevented with proper care and handling of food products. A disposable electrochemical immunosensor for the simultaneous measurements of common food pathogenic bacteria namely Escherichia coli O157:H7 (E. coli), campylobacter and salmonella were developed. The immunosensor was fabricated by immobilizing the mixture of anti-E. coli, anticampylobacter and anti-salmonella antibodies with a ratio of 1:1:1 on the surface of the multiwall carbon nanotube-polyallylamine modified screen printed electrode (MWCNT-PAH/SPE). Bacteria suspension became attached to the immobilized antibodies when the immunosensor was incubated in liquid samples. The sandwich immunoassay was performed with three antibodies conjugated with specific nanocrystal ( -E. coli-CdS, -campylobacter-PbS and -salmonella-CuS) which has releasable metal ions for electrochemical measurements. The square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) was employed to measure released metal ions from bound antibody nanocrystal conjugates. The calibration curves for three selected bacteria were found in the range of 1 × 103 – 5 × 105 cells mL−1 with the limit of detection (LOD) 400 cells mL−1 for salmonella, 400 cells mL−1 for campylobacter and 800 cells mL−1 for E. coli. The precision and sensitivity of this method show the feasibility of multiplexed determination of bacteria in milk samples.
The present work aims at evaluating the efficiency of an organic polymer from vegetal source used as coagulant for treating different types of industrial effluents. This coagulant (Flox-QT) is obtained from the Black Acacia (Acacia mearnsii). The effluents studied were produced in petrochemical, leather, cork stoppers, metalworking, olive oil, glue, paint (printing), textile and paper industries. The parameters analyzed in the effluents before and after treatment were selected according to the type of wastewater and included pH, conductivity, apparent colour, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and some metals. The coagulant proved to be efficient for almost all effluents tested. The best results were obtained for the paper industry wastewater, with 91% removal of chemical oxygen demand and 95% of total suspended solids removal. The estimated cost of this treatment would be only 0.24 Euro per cubic meter of treated effluent, only regarding the price of the coagulant and the required dosage. The use of this coagulant is also adequate for the valorisation of the sludge obtained, which in this case could be recycled for paper production.