890 resultados para Ondas produzidas pelo vento
La teoría de Einstein del campo gravitacional conocida como Relatividad General predice la existencia de ondas gravitacionales
Dissertação de Mestrado, Energias Renováveis e Gestão de Energia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
The building envelope is the principal mean of interaction between indoors and environment, with direct influence on thermal and energy performance of the building. By intervening in the envelope, with the proposal of specific architectural elements, it is possible to promote the use of passive strategies of conditioning, such as natural ventilation. The cross ventilation is recommended by the NBR 15220-3 as the bioclimatic main strategy for the hot and humid climate of Natal/RN, offering among other benefits, the thermal comfort of occupants. The analysis tools of natural ventilation, on the other hand, cover a variety of techniques, from the simplified calculation methods to computer fluid dynamics, whose limitations are discussed in several papers, but without detailing the problems encountered. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the potential of wind catchers, envelope elements used to increase natural ventilation in the building, through CFD simplified simulation. Moreover, it seeks to quantify the limitations encountered during the analysis. For this, the procedure adopted to evaluate the elements implementation and efficiency was the CFD simulation, abbreviation for Computer Fluid Dynamics, with the software DesignBuilder CFD. It was defined a base case, where wind catchers were added with various settings, to compare them with each other and appreciate the differences in flows and air speeds encountered. Initially there has been done sensitivity tests for familiarization with the software and observe simulation patterns, mapping the settings used and simulation time for each case simulated. The results show the limitations encountered during the simulation process, as well as an overview of the efficiency and potential of wind catchers, with the increase of ventilation with the use of catchers, differences in air flow patterns and significant increase in air speeds indoors, besides changes found due to different element geometries. It is considered that the software used can help designers during preliminary analysis in the early stages of design
Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura, Unidade de Ciências e Tecnologias dos Recursos Aquáticos, Univ. do Algarve, 1997
In recent decades have seen a sharp growth in the study area of nanoscience and nanotechnology and is included in this area, the study of nanocomposites with self-cleaning properties. Since titanium dioxide (TiO2) has high photocatalytic activity and also antimicrobial, self-cleaning surfaces in your application has been explored. In this study a comparison was made between two synthesis routes to obtain TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrothermal method assisted by microwave. And after analysis of XRD and SEM was considered the best material for use in nanocomposites. It was deposited nanocomposite film of poly (dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) with 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% by weight of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) by the spraying method. The nanocomposite was diluted with hexane and the suspension was deposited onto glass substrate, followed by curing in an oven with forced air circulation. The photocatalytic activity of the nanocomposite impregnated with methylene blue was evaluated by UV- vis spectroscopy from the intensity variation of absorption main peak at 660nm with time of exposure to the UV chamber. Changes in the contact angle and microhardness were analyzed before and after UV aging test. The effect of ultraviolet radiation on the chemical structure of the PDMS matrix was evaluated by spectrophotometry Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).The results indicated that the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles in the coating PDMS gave high photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of methylene blue, an important characteristic for the development of self-cleaning coatings
The oil production in Brazil has been increasing each year. Consequently, increasing volumes of water produced are generated with large quantities of contaminants, which brings many problems in disposing of these waters. The concern that the concentrations of contaminants in water produced meet existing laws for disposal of effluents, has been extremely important for the development of different techniques for treatment of water produced. The study of clay minerals as adsorbents of organic contaminants has grown considerably so in order to combine the low cost with the efficiency of environmental preservation and health issues. Thus, this study aims to understand the characteristics of vermiculite clay, sodium bentonite, calcium bentonite and diatomite and evaluate their performance as adsorbents for phenol in the water produced. Through adsorption isotherms it was possible to observe the behavior of these adsorptive clay and diatomite for adsorption of phenol, the main phenolic compound found in water produced. Different concentrations of synthetic solutions of phenol were put in touch with these adsorbents under same conditions of agitation and temperature. The adsorbents were composted adsorptive favorable, but the vermiculite and diatomite showed little capacity for absorption, being suggested for absorbs small concentrations of phenol in the balance isothermal
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs), da adubação e da composição do substrato no crescimento de mudas de Eugenia uniflora. As sementes foram germinadas em vermiculita média e repicadas para tubetes (100 cm3) contendo substratos à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada e, como controle, utilizou-se do substrato comercial à base de casca de pínus. Estes substratos foram testados com e sem inoculação micorrízica, adicionada ao substrato, como também se testaram a presença e a ausência de adubação de cobertura. Foram analisadas as propriedades físico-químicas dos substratos formulados. Avaliaram-se a altura, o diâmetro do colo, a agregação das raízes ao substrato, a biomassa seca aérea, a biomassa seca radicial e foram determinados a relação entre altura e diâmetro do colo e o índice de qualidade de Dickson. A inoculação com FMAs não influenciou no crescimento das mudas, enquanto a interação entre substratos e adubação foi significativa para a maioria das variáveis. A ausência de resposta aos FMAs foi, provavelmente, devido às altas concentrações de fósforo nestes substratos. Concluiu-se que o substrato à base de vermicomposto e casca de arroz carbonizada, na proporção de 20/80, pode ser utilizado na produção de mudas desta espécie.
Produced water is the main effluent linked to the activity of extraction of oil and their caring management is necessary due to the large volume involved, to ensure to minimize the negative impacts of discharges of these waters in the environment. This study aimed to analyze the use of retorted shale, which is a reject from the pyrolysis of pirobituminous shale, as adsorbent for the removal of phenols in produced water. The material was characterized by different techniques (grain sized analysis, thermal analysis, BET, FRX, FT-IR, XRD and SEM), showing the heterogeneity in their composition, showing its potential for the removal of varied compounds, as well as the phenols and their derivatives. For the analysis of the efficiency of the oil shale for the adsorption process, assays of adsorption balance were carried through, and also kinetic studies and dynamics adsorption, in the ETE of the UTPF of Petrobras, in Guamaré-RN. The balance assays shown a bigger conformity with the model of Langmuir and the kinetic model more adjusted to describe the adsorption of phenols in retorted shale was of pseudo-second order. The retorted shale presented a low capacity of adsorption of phenols (1,3mg/g), when related to others conventional adsorbents, however it is enough to the removal of these composites in concentrations presented in the produced water of the UTPF of Guamaré. The assays of dynamics adsorption in field had shown that the concentration of phenol in the effluent was null until reaching its rupture (58 hours). The results showed the possibility of use of the reject for removal of phenols in the final operations of the treatment process, removing as well, satisfactorily, the color and turbidity of the produced water, with more than 90% of removal
The acceleration of industrial growth in recent decades on all continents aroused the interest of the companies to counter the impacts produced on the environment, spurred primarily by major disasters in the petroleum industry. In this context, the water produced is responsible for the largest volume of effluent from the production and extraction of oil and natural gas. This effluent has in its composition some critical components such as inorganic salts, heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, ), presence of oil and chemicals added in the various production processes. In response to impact, have been triggered by research alternative adsorbent materials for water treatment and water produced, in order to removing oils and acids and heavy metals. Many surveys of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in Brazil involve studies on the physico-chemical, mineral deposits, extraction, processing and applications. The official estimated Jazi are around 2.5 million tonnes, the main located in the states of Bahia (44%) and Rio Grande do Norte (37,4%). Moreover, these two states appear as large offshore producers, earning a prominent role in research of adsorbents such as diatomite for treatment of water produced. Its main applications are as an agent of filtration, adsorption of oils and greases, industrial load and thermal insulator. The objective of this work was the processing and characterization of diatomite diatomaceous earth obtained from the municipality of Macaíba-RN (known locally as tabatinga) as a low cost regenerative adsorbent for removal of heavy metals in the application of water produced treatment. In this work we adopted a methodology for batch processing, practiced by small businesses located in producing regions of Brazil. The characterization was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface area (BET). Research conducted showed that the improvement process used was effective for small volume production of diatomite concentrated. The diatomite obtained was treated by calcination at temperature of 900 oC for 2 hours, with and without fluxing Na2CO3 (4%), according to optimal results in the literature. Column adsorption experiments were conducted to percolation of the in nature, calcined and calcined fluxing diatomites. Effluent was used as a saline solution containing ions of Cu, Zn, Na, Ca and Mg simulating the composition of produced waters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The breakthrough curves for simultaneous removal of copper ions and zinc as a result, 84.3% for calcined diatomite and diatomite with 97.3 % for fluxing. The calcined fluxing diatomite was more efficient permeability through the bed and removal of copper and zinc ions. The fresh diatomite had trouble with the permeability through the bed under the conditions tested, compared with the other obtained diatomite. The results are presented as promising for application in the petroleum industry
Después de una larga espera de decenas de años estamos de enhorabuena: el 14 de Septiembre de 2015 una colaboración científica internacional (LIGO/VIRGO) logró detectar, en sus interferómetros más avanzados en funcionamiento, lo que llevábamos esperando con tanta ansia: una onda gravitatoria. La primera de la historia. Poco después, el 26 de Diciembre, se detectó la segunda. El logro científico-técnico es imponente: medir una variación de longitud equivalente a la del tamaño del radio atómico en la distancia entre la Tierra y el Sol. ¿Se puede medir eso?. ¡Se ha hecho!. Simultáneamente, hemos podido observar, por partida doble y directamente, un sistema binario de agujeros negros. ¡Sensacional!. Lo mejor, con seguridad, está por llegar. Estos hechos excepcionales e históricos demuestran que la humanidad se ha dotado de un nuevo "sentido" para observar el Universo, una nueva ventana por la que escudriñar lo que hay ahí fuera. Hasta ahora éramos insensibles a la radiación gravitatoria, a partir de ahora ya podemos "gravi-sentir" el Universo. La nueva era de la "Astronomía por gravedad” ha empezado. En esta conferencia se explicará, de forma amena y asequible, qué es una onda gravitatoria, cómo y con qué aparatos se mide, la información que porta, sus diferencias con otras ondas cotidianas. Veremos así que todo lo que a partir de ahora se descubrirá superará todas nuestras expectativas, cambiará nuestra cosmovisión radicalmente, nos aportará sorpresas impensables. Los cielos están henchidos de "luceros gravitatorios", ignotos hasta ahora, inenarrables. Podremos conocerlos y estudiarlos. Aprender acerca de, y comprender, el firmamento. Todo lo que existe, sea visible o invisible, gravita. Podremos por ello observar, e indagar, todo el Universo, sus más recónditos rincones y hasta su origen. Explicaremos, en definitiva, por qué nos encontramos en los albores de una nueva etapa para la humanidad, un momento único y apasionante. ¡No se lo pierdan!
A produção aditiva tem vindo a ganhar cada vez mais importância no contexto atual pois, através destes processos, é possível criar protótipos de forma rápida que permitem de forma eficaz a visualização do modelo mas também, nalguns casos, a verificação da funcionalidade do mesmo. Este tipo de fabrico está em ascensão e estão constantemente a serem exploradas novas aplicações. Na produção aditiva, o material de suporte gerado para suportar a construção tem elevada importância no tempo e custo do processo. Neste contexto, torna-se cada vez mais evidente que é necessário entender o comportamento mecânico desta estrutura de modo a tornar o processo mais rápido e com menores custos sem comprometer a resistência das peças produzidas por este. O processo de FDM é um dos processos de produção aditiva que constrói modelos camada a camada a partir de ficheiros CAD que são tratados no software da máquina por forma a dividir o modelo em várias camadas finas que geram várias secções com as geometrias correspondentes. A construção do modelo físico é feita através da extrusão e deposição de polímeros consoante a secção pretendida. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é a caracterização mecânica do material de suporte gerado aquando a construção da peça final pretendida. Foi com este objetivo que foram criados modelos de teste através do processo de FDM para serem submetidos a ensaios de compressão de modo a entender de que forma o material de suporte influencia na resistência final do modelo. Da análise dos dados obtidos é possível concluir que o material de suporte não aumenta a resistência das peças produzidas.
O objeto de estudo do presente trabalho é o repertório para clarinete solo produzido por compositores portugueses. Por ser um campo vastíssimo, tornou-se necessário definir um espaço temporal mais reduzido, surgindo, assim, os anos 2014 e 2015. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para uma interpretação informada, através do estudo e análise das obras escolhidas e divulgar a música portuguesa recente, não só, o repertório existente, mas, também, com a estreia de obras. Como metodologia, foram realizados: uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o instrumento, um levantamento de obras, uma análise e estudo de três obras dos compositores Costa, Pascoal e Ceitil. O trabalho inicia-se com uma breve contextualização do instrumento, dando especial atenção às técnicas estendidas. Após o estudo das obras, e da reflexão do mesmo, confirma-se que de facto existe uma enorme vantagem em trabalhar as obras com os compositores e que este trabalho se reflete no ato performativo; WORKS FOR SOLO CLARINET PRODUCED BY PORTUGUESE COMPOSERES IN 2014 AND 2015 ABSTRACT: This report studies the repertoire for solo clarinet produced by portuguese composers. Giving the vastness of the subject, only a smaller time frame could be analyzed and it was the years of 2014 and 2015. The goals of this report are to create an informed interpretation, through the study and analysis of the chosen repertoire and to disclose modern portuguese music, not only existent works but also with the premiere of repertoire. The methodology was: a literature search, a survey of works, analysis and study of three works by composers Costa, Pascoal and Ceitil. This report begins with a brief background of the clarinet, paying special attention to the extended techniques. After the study of the selected works, and the reflection of it, it's confirmed that in fact there is a huge advantage in working the repertoire with composers and that this work is reflected in the performative act.