969 resultados para Olive oil sector


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Purpose - The purpose of the paper is to the identify risk factors, which affect oil and gas construction projects in Vietnam and derive risk responses. Design/methodology/approach - Questionnaire survey was conducted with the involvement of project executives of PetroVietnam and statistical analysis was carried out in order to identify the major project risks. Subsequently, mitigating measures were derived using informal interviews with the various levels of management of PetroVietnam. Findings - Bureaucratic government system and long project approval procedures, poor design, incompetence of project team, inadequate tendering practices, and late internal approval processes from the owner were identified as major risks. The executives suggested various strategies to mitigate the identified risks. Reforming the government system, effective partnership with foreign collaborators, training project executives, implementing contractor evaluation using multiple criteria decision-making technique, and enhancing authorities of project people were suggested as viable approaches. Practical implications - The improvement measures as derived in this study would improve chances of project success in the oil and gas industry in Vietnam. Originality/value - There are several risk management studies on managing projects in developing countries. However, as risk factors vary considerably across industry and countries, the study of risk management for successful projects in the oil and gas industry in Vietnam is unique and has tremendous importance for effective project management.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the state of knowledge management (KM) in the energy sector and more broadly, and consider future directions for research and practice. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the literature on KM and the practice of KM as relevant to the energy sector. Findings – There are many examples of good practice in KM in the sector, and some organisations, especially in the oil industry, are seen as leaders in KM practice. However, other organisations have yet to embark on explicit KM initiatives or projects at all. In addition, some parts of the energy sector discuss KM without any reference to the more general KM literature. Originality/value – Although some parts of the energy sector have justifiably earned a good reputation for KM, other parts are completely unaware of the field, as is apparent from the literature. This review helps to raise awareness and guide future work.


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Guest editorial Ali Emrouznejad is a Senior Lecturer at the Aston Business School in Birmingham, UK. His areas of research interest include performance measurement and management, efficiency and productivity analysis as well as data mining. He has published widely in various international journals. He is an Associate Editor of IMA Journal of Management Mathematics and Guest Editor to several special issues of journals including Journal of Operational Research Society, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Medical Systems, and International Journal of Energy Management Sector. He is in the editorial board of several international journals and co-founder of Performance Improvement Management Software. William Ho is a Senior Lecturer at the Aston University Business School. Before joining Aston in 2005, he had worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research interests include supply chain management, production and operations management, and operations research. He has published extensively in various international journals like Computers & Operations Research, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, European Journal of Operational Research, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, and so on. His first authored book was published in 2006. He is an Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology and an Associate Editor of the OR Insight Journal. Currently, he is a Scholar of the Advanced Institute of Management Research. Uses of frontier efficiency methodologies and multi-criteria decision making for performance measurement in the energy sector This special issue aims to focus on holistic, applied research on performance measurement in energy sector management and for publication of relevant applied research to bridge the gap between industry and academia. After a rigorous refereeing process, seven papers were included in this special issue. The volume opens with five data envelopment analysis (DEA)-based papers. Wu et al. apply the DEA-based Malmquist index to evaluate the changes in relative efficiency and the total factor productivity of coal-fired electricity generation of 30 Chinese administrative regions from 1999 to 2007. Factors considered in the model include fuel consumption, labor, capital, sulphur dioxide emissions, and electricity generated. The authors reveal that the east provinces were relatively and technically more efficient, whereas the west provinces had the highest growth rate in the period studied. Ioannis E. Tsolas applies the DEA approach to assess the performance of Greek fossil fuel-fired power stations taking undesirable outputs into consideration, such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emissions. In addition, the bootstrapping approach is deployed to address the uncertainty surrounding DEA point estimates, and provide bias-corrected estimations and confidence intervals for the point estimates. The author revealed from the sample that the non-lignite-fired stations are on an average more efficient than the lignite-fired stations. Maethee Mekaroonreung and Andrew L. Johnson compare the relative performance of three DEA-based measures, which estimate production frontiers and evaluate the relative efficiency of 113 US petroleum refineries while considering undesirable outputs. Three inputs (capital, energy consumption, and crude oil consumption), two desirable outputs (gasoline and distillate generation), and an undesirable output (toxic release) are considered in the DEA models. The authors discover that refineries in the Rocky Mountain region performed the best, and about 60 percent of oil refineries in the sample could improve their efficiencies further. H. Omrani, A. Azadeh, S. F. Ghaderi, and S. Abdollahzadeh presented an integrated approach, combining DEA, corrected ordinary least squares (COLS), and principal component analysis (PCA) methods, to calculate the relative efficiency scores of 26 Iranian electricity distribution units from 2003 to 2006. Specifically, both DEA and COLS are used to check three internal consistency conditions, whereas PCA is used to verify and validate the final ranking results of either DEA (consistency) or DEA-COLS (non-consistency). Three inputs (network length, transformer capacity, and number of employees) and two outputs (number of customers and total electricity sales) are considered in the model. Virendra Ajodhia applied three DEA-based models to evaluate the relative performance of 20 electricity distribution firms from the UK and the Netherlands. The first model is a traditional DEA model for analyzing cost-only efficiency. The second model includes (inverse) quality by modelling total customer minutes lost as an input data. The third model is based on the idea of using total social costs, including the firm’s private costs and the interruption costs incurred by consumers, as an input. Both energy-delivered and number of consumers are treated as the outputs in the models. After five DEA papers, Stelios Grafakos, Alexandros Flamos, Vlasis Oikonomou, and D. Zevgolis presented a multiple criteria analysis weighting approach to evaluate the energy and climate policy. The proposed approach is akin to the analytic hierarchy process, which consists of pairwise comparisons, consistency verification, and criteria prioritization. In the approach, stakeholders and experts in the energy policy field are incorporated in the evaluation process by providing an interactive mean with verbal, numerical, and visual representation of their preferences. A total of 14 evaluation criteria were considered and classified into four objectives, such as climate change mitigation, energy effectiveness, socioeconomic, and competitiveness and technology. Finally, Borge Hess applied the stochastic frontier analysis approach to analyze the impact of various business strategies, including acquisition, holding structures, and joint ventures, on a firm’s efficiency within a sample of 47 natural gas transmission pipelines in the USA from 1996 to 2005. The author finds that there were no significant changes in the firm’s efficiency by an acquisition, and there is a weak evidence for efficiency improvements caused by the new shareholder. Besides, the author discovers that parent companies appear not to influence a subsidiary’s efficiency positively. In addition, the analysis shows a negative impact of a joint venture on technical efficiency of the pipeline company. To conclude, we are grateful to all the authors for their contribution, and all the reviewers for their constructive comments, which made this special issue possible. We hope that this issue would contribute significantly to performance improvement of the energy sector.


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Purpose: A variety of biomass plantations are being raised for energy production. This case study is on energy production potential of seasonal oil bearing crops in India. These crops have the advantage of producing oil (liquid fuel) as well as biomass as agro residue (solid fuel). The purpose of the study is to estimate total energy yields of oil bearing crops and compare with other types of energy plantations. Also oil bearing crops bioaccumulate metals and thus phytoremediate soil. This provides scope for waste water irrigation. Design/methodology/approach: Relevant published papers on energy production by raising oil bearing crops have been analyzed. The effect of waste water irrigation and agronomic practices on increasing productivity is given special attention. Findings: It is shown that the seasonal oil bearing crops such as castor have a high potential to generate energy and this is comparable to energy produced by many perennial grasses. The energy yields of castor under irrigated condition was 196×103 MJ/ha and this is comparable to the reed canary grass which yields 195×103 MJ/ha. Some of the oil bearing crops are also super accumulators of certain toxic metals. Research limitations/implications: In this study, only all the accessible papers on the topic could be analyzed. Practical implications: This case study indicates that raising oil bearing crops such as castor using waste water has many advantages which include high energy yields, utilization of waste water for productive purpose and phytoremediation of soil. Originality/value: The comparison made between various types of energy crops for their energy generation is an original contribution. Findings of economic and environmental benefits by waste water irrigation are also of value. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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The primary aim of this research is to understand what constitutes management accounting and control (MACs) practice and how these control processes are implicated in the day to day work practices and operations of the organisation. It also examines the changes that happen in MACs practices over time as multiple actors within organisational settings interact with each other. I adopt a distinctive practice theory approach (i.e. sociomateriality) and the concept of imbrication in this research to show that MACs practices emerge from the entanglement between human/social agency and material/technological agency within an organisation. Changes in the pattern of MACs practices happens in imbrication processes which are produced as the two agencies entangle. The theoretical approach employed in this research offers an interesting and valuable lens which seeks to reveal the depth of these interactions and uncover the way in which the social and material imbricate. The theoretical framework helps to reveal how these constructions impact on and produce modifications of MACs practices. The exploration of the control practices at different hierarchical levels (i.e. from the operational to middle management and senior level management) using the concept of imbrication process also maps the dynamic flow of controls from operational to top management and vice versa in the organisation. The empirical data which is the focus of this research has been gathered from a case study of an organisation involved in a large vertically integrated palm oil industry company in Malaysia specifically the refinery sector. The palm oil industry is a significant industry in Malaysia as it contributed an average of 4.5% of Malaysian Gross Domestic Product, over the period 1990 -2010. The Malaysian palm oil industry also has a significant presence in global food oil supply where it contributed 26% of the total oils and fats global trade in 2010. The case organisation is a significant contributor to the Malaysian palm oil industry. The research access has provided an interesting opportunity to explore the interactions between different groups of people and material/technology in a relatively heavy process food industry setting. My research examines how these interactions shape and are shaped by control practices in a dynamic cycle of imbrications over both short and medium time periods.


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Why has Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yielded such disappointing outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa? Over the past decades, a sizable body of literature has emerged which draws attention to the shortcomings of oil-related development and complementary CSR exercises in the region. Most critiques on the topic, however, assess specific interventions and/or policies but fail to evaluate the complex decision-making processes, dictated heavily by setting, which produce such actions altogether. This thesis attributes CSR outcomes in oil-rich sub-Saharan Africa to the unique context in which the decisions underpinning actions take place. In doing so, the analysis borrows ideas from a diverse body of literature spanning the international development, accounting, management and political science disciplines. To explore these ideas further, the thesis focuses on the case of Ghana. The most recent “addition” to sub-Saharan Africa’s oil club, Ghana provides a rare glimpse of how decisions underpinning CSR have been identified, evolved and reshaped from the outset. To provide a comprehensive picture of CSR in the sector and its impacts at the local level, interviews and focus groups were conducted with a range of stakeholder groups. As is the case throughout sub-Saharan Africa, in Ghana, oil production occurs in offshore “enclaves”, which are disconnected geographically from local communities. This thesis argues that these dynamics have important implications for CSR. Findings point to companies also being disconnected ideologically from local development needs, which, in part explains the questionable CSR that has become such a contentious issue in the debate on oil and development in sub-Saharan Africa in recent years. The enclave-type setting in which oil production occurs appears to have stifled creativity and innovation in the area of CSR. This, along with institutional weaknesses, regulatory deficiencies and the Government of Ghana’s failure to adequately respond to local-level concerns, has produced these outcomes.


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A kőolaj (és a földgáz), a XX. században felfutott fosszilis energiahordozók történetileg a szenet váltották fel. Ma egyértelműen meghatározzák a világ energiafelhasználását. Miután fosszilisak, rövid távon nem újratermelhetőek, ezért felhasználásuk történetét végigkísérte a feltárt és feltárható készletek mennyiségének állandó újrabecslése is, és folyamatosan jelen van a végességükre vonatkozó apokaliptikus kép, amit az elmúlt 40 év rendkívül hektikus, sokszor kiugróan magas árai is alátámasztanak. Cikkünkben reális képet szeretnénk adni az olaj mennyiségi és árváltozásairól, és ezek lehetséges közgazdasági, társadalmi hatásairól. Miután a rendelkezésre álló hely kevés, csak a legfontosabb összefüggéseket emeljük ki, bizonyos adatokat is inkább illusztrációszerűen közlünk. Célunk nem mélyelemzés, hanem egy átfogó helyzetkép. Vázoljuk a kőolajjal kapcsolatos fontosabb történeti mozzanatokat, a kőolaj felhasználásának irányait Európában és Magyarországon, valamint a készletekkel kapcsolatos összefoglaló gondolatokat. _______________ The volatile oil prices of the past 40 years have always foreshadowed an apocalyptic vision of the exhaustion of global reserves. The paper reviews the important historical moments of the usage of oil, with a special focus on Europe and Hungary. It also details issues related to oil reserves. The main conclusions of the paper are the following: (1) fears of exhausting oil reserves have been rebutted several times; (2) high oil prices can be barriers to the development of the transportation sector, even if innovation is happening in the background; (3) the distribution of oil reserves carries huge political risks; and (4) it is unclear what will take the place of oil as the main source of energy.


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Taken together, the six nations of Central America count a population of roughly 40 million people and an energy market equal in size to that of Colombia, sufficient to benefit from economies of scale. The region has traditionally been a net importer of hydrocarbons, and hydroelectricity has dominated electric generation. But more recently, thermoelectric generation (diesel and fuel oil) has greatly increased as a percentage of the regional generation market. Progress has been made across the region’s electric sector, beginning with reforms in the 1990s and the 1996 signing of a regional treaty aimed at the development of a regional energy integration project – the Central American Electrical Interconnection System, or SIEPAC. A fundamental SIEPAC goal is to set up a regional electric market and a regulatory system. Indeed, after many years of development, SIEPAC is poised to open a new chapter in Central America’s electric infrastructure and market. But this new era must contend with critical issues such as the need to consolidate the regional electric market, political issues surrounding the venture, and security concerns. Moreover, local conflicts, in different degrees, have become priorities for policymakers, and these are possible barriers to completing the project. The goals of the SIEPAC project and of deepening the broader electric integration process are possible if national and regional decision makers understand that cooperative decision making will produce better results than separate national decision making. Enhanced regional understanding and cooperative decision making, combined with an effort to reorient the terminology and dialogue vis-à-vis energy efficiency in Central America, form the core recommendations of this paper.


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Edible oil is an important contaminant in water and wastewater. Oil droplets smaller than 40 μm may remain in effluent as an emulsion and combine with other contaminants in water. Coagulation/flocculation processes are used to remove oil droplets from water and wastewater. By adding a polymer at proper dose, small oil droplets can be flocculated and separated from water. The purpose of this study was to characterize and analyze the morphology of flocs and floc formation in edible oil-water emulsions by using microscopic image analysis techniques. The fractal dimension, concentration of polymer, effect of pH and temperature are investigated and analyzed to develop a fractal model of the flocs. Three types of edible oil (corn, olive, and sunflower oil) at concentrations of 600 ppm (by volume) were used to determine the optimum polymer dosage and effect of pH and temperature. To find the optimum polymer dose, polymer was added to the oil-water emulsions at concentration of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5 ppm (by volume). The clearest supernatants obtained from flocculation of corn, olive, and sunflower oil were achieved at polymer dosage of 3.0 ppm producing turbidities of 4.52, 12.90, and 13.10 NTU, respectively. This concentration of polymer was subsequently used to study the effect of pH and temperature on flocculation. The effect of pH was studied at pH 5, 7, 9, and 11 at 30°C. Microscopic image analysis was used to investigate the morphology of flocs in terms of fractal dimension, radius of oil droplets trapped in floc, floc size, and histograms of oil droplet distribution. Fractal dimension indicates the density of oil droplets captured in flocs. By comparison of fractal dimensions, pH was found to be one of the most important factors controlling droplet flocculation. Neutral pH or pH 7 showed the highest degree of flocculation, while acidic (pH 5) and basic pH (pH 9 and pH 11) showed low efficiency of flocculation. The fractal dimensions achieved from flocculation of corn, olive, and sunflower oil at pH 7 and temperature 30°C were 1.2763, 1.3592, and 1.4413, respectively. The effect of temperature was explored at temperatures 20°, 30°, and 40°C and pH 7. The results of flocculation of oil at pH 7 and different temperatures revealed that temperature significantly affected flocculation. The fractal dimension of flocs formed in corn, olive and sunflower oil emulsion at pH 7 and temperature 20°, 30°, and 40°C were 1.82, 1.28, 1.29, 1.62, 1.36, 1.42, 1.36, 1.44, and 1.28, respectively. After comparison of fractal dimension, radius of oil droplets captured, and floc length in each oil type, the optimal flocculation temperature was determined to be 30°C. ^


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Background: Outbreaks of infectious diseases such as Ebola have dramatic economic impacts on affected nations due to significant direct costs and indirect costs, as well as increased expenditure by the government to meet the health and security crisis. Despite its dense population, Nigeria was able to contain the outbreak swiftly and was declared Ebola free on 13th October 2014. Although Nigeria’s Ebola containment success was multifaceted, the private sector played a key role in Nigeria’s fight against Ebola. An epidemic of a disease like Ebola, not only consumes health resources but also detrimentally disrupts trade and travel to impact both public and private sector resulting in the ‘fearonomic’ effect of the contagion. In this thesis, I have defined ‘fearonomics’ or the ‘fearonomic effects’ of a disease as the intangible and intangible economic effects of both informed and misinformed aversion behavior exhibited by individuals, organizations, or countries during an outbreak. During an infectious disease outbreak, there is a significant potential for public-private sector collaborations that can help offset some of the government’s cost of controlling the epidemic.

Objective: The main objective of this study is to understand the ‘fearonomics’ of Ebola in Nigeria and to evaluate the role of the key private sector stakeholders in Nigeria’s Ebola response.

Methods: This retrospective qualitative study was conducted in Nigeria and utilizes grounded theory to look across different economic sectors in Nigeria to understand the impact of Ebola on Nigeria’s private sector and how it dealt with the various challenges posed by the disease and its ‘fearonomic effects'.

Results: Due to swift containment of Ebola in Nigeria, the economic impact of the disease was limited especially in comparison to the other Ebola-infected countries such as Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. However, the 2014 Ebola outbreak had more than a just direct impact on the country’s economy and despite the swift containment, no economic sector was immune to the disease’s fearonomic impact. The potential scale of the fearonomic impact of a disease like Ebola was one of the key motivators for the private sector engagement in the Ebola response.

The private sector in Nigeria played an essential role in facilitating the country’s response to Ebola. The private sector not only provided in-cash donations but significant in-kind support to both the Federal and State governments during the outbreak. Swift establishment of an Ebola Emergency Operation Centre (EEOC) was essential to the country’s response and was greatly facilitated by the private sector, showcasing the crucial role of private sector in the initial phase of an outbreak. The private sector contributed to Nigeria’s fight against Ebola not only by donating material assets but by continuing operations and partaking in knowledge sharing and advocacy. Some sector such as the private health sector, telecom sector, financial sector, oil and gas sector played a unique role in orchestrating the Nigerian Ebola response and were among the first movers during the outbreak.

This paper utilizes the lessons from Nigeria’s containment of Ebola to highlight the potential of public-private partnerships in preparedness, response, and recovery during an outbreak.


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On 28 July 2010, the Nigerian Federal Executive Council approved January 1, 2012 as the effective date for the convergence of Nigerian Statement of Accounting Standards (SAS) or Nigerian GAAP (NG-GAAP) with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). By this pronouncement, all publicly listed companies and significant public interest entities in Nigeria were statutorily required to issue IFRS based financial statements for the year ended December, 2012. This study investigates the impact of the adoption of IFRS on the financial statements of Nigerian listed Oil and Gas entities using six years of data which covers three years before and three years after IFRS adoption in Nigeria and other African countries. First, the study evaluates the impact of IFRS adoption on the Exploration and Evaluation (E&E) expenditures of listed Oil and Gas companies. Second, it examines the impact of IFRS adoption on the provision for decommissioning of Oil and Gas installations and environmental rehabilitation expenditures. Third, the study analyses the impact of the adoption of IFRS on the average daily Crude Oil production cost per Barrel. Fourth, it examines the extent to which the adoption and implementation of IFRS affects the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of listed Oil and Gas companies. The study further explores the impact of IFRS adoption on the contractual relationships between Nigerian Government and Oil and Gas companies in terms of Joint Ventures (JVs) and Production Sharing Contracts (PSCs) as it relates to taxes, royalties, bonuses and Profit Oil Split. A Paired Samples t-test, Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and Gray’s (Gray, 1980) Index of Conservatism analyses were conducted simultaneously where the accounting numbers, financial ratios and industry specific performance measures of GAAP and IFRS were computed and analysed and the significance of the differences of the mean, median and Conservatism Index values were compared before and after IFRS adoption. Questionnaires were then administered to the key stakeholders in the adoption and implementation of IFRS and the responses collated and analysed. The results of the analyses reveal that most of the accounting numbers, financial ratios and industry specific performance measures examined changed significantly as a result of the transition from GAAP to IFRS. The E&E expenditures and the mean cost of Crude Oil production per barrel of Oil and Gas companies increased significantly. The GAAP values of inventories, GPM, ROA, Equity and TA were also significantly different from the IFRS values. However, the differences in the provision for decommissioning expenditures were not statistically significant. Gray’s (Gray, 1980) Conservatism Index shows that Oil and Gas companies were more conservative under GAAP when compared to the IFRS regime. The Questionnaire analyses reveal that IFRS based financial statements are of higher quality, easier to prepare and present to management and easier to compare among competitors across the Oil and Gas sector but slightly more difficult to audit compared to GAAP based financial statements. To my knowledge, this is the first empirical research to investigate the impact of IFRS adoption on the financial statements of listed Oil and Gas companies. The study will therefore make an enormous contribution to academic literature and body of knowledge and void the existing knowledge gap regarding the impact and implications of IFRS adoption on the financial statements of Oil and Gas companies.


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In the last years the need to develop more environmentally friendly and efficient cars as led to the development of several technologies to improve the performance of internal combustion engines, a large part of the innovations are focused in the auxiliary systems of the engine, including, the oil pump, this is an element of great importance in the dynamics of the engine as well a considerable energy consumer. Most solutions for oil pumps to this day are fixed displacement, for medium and high speeds, the pump flow rate is higher than the needs of the engine, this excess flow leads to the need for recirculation of the fluid which represents a waste of energy. Recently, technological advances in this area have led to the creation of variable displacement oil pumps, these have become a 'must have' due to the numerous advantages they bring, although the working principle of vane or piston pumps is relatively well known, the application of this technology for the automotive industry is new and brings new challenges. The focus of this dissertation is to develop a new concept of variable displacement system for automotive oil pumps. The main objective is to obtain a concept that is totally adaptable to existing solutions on the market (engines), both dimensionally as in performance specifications, having at the same time an innovative mechanical system for obtaining variable displacement. The developed design is a vane pump with variable displacement going in line with existing commercial solutions, however, the variation of the eccentricity commonly used to provide an variable displacement delivery is not used, the variable displacement is achieved without varying the eccentricity of the system but with a variation of the length of the pumping chamber. The principle of operation of the pump is different to existing solutions while maintaining the ability to integrate standard parts such as control valves and mechanical safety valves, the pump is compatible with commercial solutions in terms of interfaces for connection between engine systems and pump. A concept prototype of the product was obtained in order to better evaluate the validity of the concept. The developed concept represents an innovation in oil pumps design, being unique in its mechanical system for variable displacement delivery.


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Esta tesis pretende demostrar y describir las diferentes características de los montacargas que existen en el mercado, teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas, logrando como objetivo analizar la viabilidad de la implementación de los montacargas eléctricos en la industria colombiana a partir de la información brindada sobre las características esenciales de los montacargas eléctricos que hay en el mercado. Así mismo, se quiere mostrar que los montacargas eléctricos generan un ahorro sustancial en comparación con los montacargas convencionales que hay hoy en día en el mercado, logrando así que la industria colombiana reduzca sus gastos en un porcentaje mediante la implementación de las nuevas referencias de montacargas eléctricos los cuales serian una alternativa para las compañías colombianas. Mediante una detallada revisión conceptual, se mostrara la viabilidad de los montacargas eléctricos frente a los otros tipos de montacargas, teniendo como premisa el conocimiento de lo que hoy en día requieren las industrias colombianas, y cumpliendo así con una detallada comparación en donde se enfatice la diferenciación de los montacargas eléctricos con otros tipos que existen y se logre brindar una clara percepción de estos junto con las ventajas de estos vehículos para lograr así brindar mayor información a la industria colombiana sobre las ventajas de la implementación de los montacargas eléctricos en la industria colombiana.


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La presente investigación consiste en determinar las aplicaciones existentes de las teorías del caos y las teorías de la complejidad en la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial colombiano. Además, tiene como propósito describir el sector de la agroindustria y la cadena de suministro, identificar los modelos de caos y complejidad y posteriormente determinar cuáles de éstos son aplicables al sector. Se define el caos como una sub-disciplina de las matemáticas que estudia sistemas complejos o dinámicos y tiene inmerso implicaciones filosóficas; por otra parte complejidad es la cualidad que adquiere un sistema en el que hay diversos componentes relacionados. Se ha identificado que en el ámbito colombiano existen diferentes estudios enfocados en la construcción de modelos agroindustriales, donde se adopta el concepto de complejidad para calificar el atributo de dichos modelos que involucran la armonización e integración de diferentes actores, desde los productores hasta los consumidores. En este estudio se emplea un estudio monográfico de tipo documental teniendo como unidad de análisis la cadena de suministro del sector agroindustrial. Los resultados indican que las teorías del caos y complejidad se encuentran presentes dentro de la cadena de suministros del sector agroindustrial colombiano, ya que en ella se ocurre la interconexión entre productores, procesadores y comercializadores, interactuando entre ellos y presentando alteraciones en su comportamiento económico a lo largo del tiempo en función de variaciones de las condiciones iniciales influenciadas por variables macroeconómicas, ambientales, sociales y políticas.


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Introducción: La percepción puede ser considerada principalmente como un grupo de procesos internos en las personas que genera en los observadores una representación mental del entorno. Percibir es adelantarse al suceso, a lo que puede llegar a suceder, determinando lo que puede ser un peligro a nuestra seguridad y salud. Objetivo: El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la percepción de los trabajadores acerca de la seguridad en el trabajo en áreas de procesos automatizados y mecánicas en una empresa del sector de gas natural en el departamento de Casanare, Colombia 2016. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de corte transversal en 50 trabajadores de una empresa del sector de gas natural en Casanare. Se uttilizó el Cuestionario nórdico NOSACQ-50-Spanish, instrumento validado para evaluar la percepción acerca de la seguridad y salud en el lugar de trabajo. Se incluyeron variables sociodemográficas, laborales y las relacionadas con la percepción de la seguridad en el lugar del trabajo. Para el análsiis estadistico se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión. El estudio de la percepción de seguridad tuvo como puntos de corte: < 2,5 mala percepción y > 2,5 buena percepción. Se emplearon pruebas de asociación X2 o test exacto de Fisher (valores esperados <5) y medidas de asociación OR con sus intervalos de confianza del 95% y se usaron modelos de regresión lineal. Resultados: El total de trabajadores fue de 50 personas, el 76% correspondió al sexo masculino y la mayor distribución se presentó en áreas mecánicas con 52% frente al 48% que se encontró en áreas automatizadas. Se halló asociación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables sociodemográficas área/sexo (Pr = 0,016), indicando que a los trabajadores de sexo femenino se les ubican en el área mecánica mientras que los de sexo masculino, laboran en todas las áreas sin darle relevancia al género. También se encontró asociación con las variables área/año de nacimiento (Pr =0.022), indicando que en el área automatizada se dejan profesionales con promedio de edad de 32 años, por el tipo de requisitos en competencias que exigen para ejecutar las labores. Para las demás variables ocupacionales que evaluaron la percepción de seguridad frente al trabajo, no se encontró asociación significativa. Conclusión: Los resultados permiten realizar acciones en pro de mejorar la percepción de los trabajadores dentro de la organización. Se podrán desarrollar programas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, que respondan de manera efectiva a los peligros laborales detectados.