858 resultados para OSTEOGENIC-SARCOMA
Background And Objectives: Isolated limb perfusion with TNF-alpha and melphalan (TM-ILP) is a limb salvage therapy for non-resectable soft tissue sarcomas (STS) of the extremities. It is indicated for patients for whom amputation or debilitating surgery is the only alternative. It can be used either as an exclusive therapy (in palliation) or as a neo-adjuvant treatment, followed by marginal resection of tumor remnants with minimal functional impairment. Methods: Between February 1992 and March 2006, 57 TM-ILPs were performed on 51 patients with 88% high grade and 84% advanced stage tumors. Results: Mean follow-up is 38.9 months (4-159, median 22 months). Twenty-one percent patients had significant early complications, with 3 major re-operations, and 23% suffered long-lasting complications. Complete response was observed in 25%, partial response in 42%, stable disease in 14% and progressive disease in 14%. Resection of the tumor remnants was possible in 65%. A complementary treatment was necessary in 31%, mostly radiation therapy. A local recurrence was observed in 35%, after a mean of 20.3 months (2-78), and distant relapse was seen in 45%, after a mean of 13.4 months (5-196). Mean Disease-free survival was 14.9 months, and overall 5-year-survival 43.5%. Amputation rate at 5 years was 24%. Conclusions: TM-ILP is a conservative treatment with a high complications rate, but it can be successful even for the most severe STS of extremities. As a consequence the limb can be spared from amputation or debilitating surgery on the long term in about 75% of patients
INTRODUCTION: Radiosurgery (RS) is gaining increasing acceptance in the upfront management of brain metastases (BM). It was initially used in so-called radioresistant metastases (melanoma, renal cell, sarcoma) because it allowed delivering higher dose to the tumor. Now, RS is also used for BM of other cancers. The risk of high incidence of new BM questions the need for associated whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT). Recent evidence suggests that RS alone allows avoiding cognitive impairment related to WBRT, and the latter should be upheld for salvage therapy. Thus the increase use of RS for single and multiple BM raises new technical challenges for treatment delivery and dosimetry. We present our single institution experience focusing on the criteria that led to patients' selection for RS treatment with Gamma Knife (GK) in lieu of Linac. METHODS: Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion (Elekta, Sweden) was installed in July 2010. Currently, the Swiss federal health care supports the costs of RS for BM with Linac but not with GK. Therefore, in our center, we always consider first the possibility to use Linac for this indication, and only select patients for GK in specific situations. All cases of BM treated with GK were retrospectively reviewed for criteria yielding to GK indication, clinical information, and treatment data. Further work in progress includes a posteriori dosimetry comparison with our Linac planning system (Brainscan V.5.3, Brainlab, Germany). RESULTS: From July 2010 to March 2012, 20 patients had RS for BM with GK (7 patients with single BM, and 13 with multiple BM). During the same period, 31 had Linac-based RS. Primary tumor was melanoma in 9, lung in 7, renal in 2, and gastrointestinal tract in 2 patients. In single BM, the reason for choosing of GK was the anatomical location close to, or in highly functional areas (1 motor cortex, 1 thalamic, 1 ventricular, 1 mesio-temporal, 3 deep cerebellar close to the brainstem), especially since most of these tumors were intended to be treated with high-dose RS (24 Gy at margin) because of their histology (3 melanomas, 1 renal cell). In multiple BM, the reason for choosing GK in relation with the anatomical location of the lesions was either technical (limitations of Linac movements, especially in lower posterior fossa locations) or closeness of multiple lesions to highly functional areas (typically, multiple posterior fossa BM close to the brainstem), precluding optimal dosimetry with Linac. Again, this was made more critical for multiple BM needing high-dose RS (6 melanoma, 2 hypernephroma). CONCLUSION: Radiosurgery for BM may represent some technical challenge in relation with the anatomical location and multiplicity of the lesions. These considerations may be accentuated for so-called radioresistant BM, when higher dose RS in needed. In our experience, Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion proves to be useful in addressing these challenges for the treatment of BM.
T cells expressing T cell receptor (TCR) complexes that lack CD3 delta, either due to deletion of the CD3 delta gene, or by replacement of the connecting peptide of the TCR alpha chain, exhibit severely impaired positive selection and TCR-mediated activation of CD8 single-positive T cells. Because the same defects have been observed in mice expressing no CD8 beta or tailless CD8 beta, we examined whether CD3 delta serves to couple TCR.CD3 with CD8. To this end we used T cell hybridomas and transgenic mice expressing the T1 TCR, which recognizes a photoreactive derivative of the PbCS 252-260 peptide in the context of H-2K(d). We report that, in thymocytes and hybridomas expressing the T1 TCR.CD3 complex, CD8 alpha beta associates with the TCR. This association was not observed on T1 hybridomas expressing only CD8 alpha alpha or a CD3 delta(-) variant of the T1 TCR. CD3 delta was selectively co-immunoprecipitated with anti-CD8 antibodies, indicating an avid association of CD8 with CD3 delta. Because CD8 alpha beta is a raft constituent, due to this association a fraction of TCR.CD3 is raft-associated. Cross-linking of these TCR-CD8 adducts results in extensive TCR aggregate formation and intracellular calcium mobilization. Thus, CD3 delta couples TCR.CD3 with raft-associated CD8, which is required for effective activation and positive selection of CD8(+) T cells.
Tissue-specific stem cells found in adult tissues can participate in the repair process following injury. However, adult tissues, such as articular cartilage and intervertebral disc, have low regeneration capacity, whereas fetal tissues, such as articular cartilage, show high regeneration ability. The presence of fetal stem cells in fetal cartilaginous tissues and their involvement in the regeneration of fetal cartilage is unknown. The aim of the study was to assess the chondrogenic differentiation and the plasticity of fetal cartilaginous cells. We compared the TGF-β3-induced chondrogenic differentiation of human fetal cells isolated from spine and cartilage tissues to that of human bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC). Stem cell surface markers and adipogenic and osteogenic plasticity of the two fetal cell types were also assessed. TGF-β3 stimulation of fetal cells cultured in high cell density led to the production of aggrecan, type I and II collagens, and variable levels of type X collagen. Although fetal cells showed the same pattern of surface stem cell markers as BMSCs, both type of fetal cells had lower adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation capacity than BMSCs. Fetal cells from femoral head showed higher adipogenic differentiation than fetal cells from spine. These results show that fetal cells are already differentiated cells and may be a good compromise between stem cells and adult tissue cells for a cell-based therapy.
This article reviews the spectrum of Epstein-Barr virus and Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV/HHV-8)-associated B-cell lymphoid proliferations, their pathologic features and clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, and pathogenetic aspects. Emphasis is on the differential diagnosis issues and difficulties that the pathologist may face for the correct identification and interpretation of these lesions.
BACKGROUND: p53 point mutations represent potential tumor-specific cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes. Whether ionizing radiation (IR) alters the immunological properties of cells expressing mutant p53 in respect of the CTL epitope generated by a defined point mutation has not been evaluated. METHODS: Mutant p53-expressing syngeneic, nontumor forming BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts, tumor forming ras-transfected BALB/c 3T3 sarcomas, and DBA/2-derived P815 mastocytoma cells, which differ at the level of minor histocompatibility antigens, were used as cellular vaccines. Cells were either injected with or without prior IR into naive BALB/c mice. Cellular cytotoxicity was assessed after secondary restimulation of effector spleen cells in vitro. RESULTS: Injection of P815 mastocytoma cells expressing the mutant p53 induced mutation-specific CTL in BALB/c mice irrespective of prior irradiation. However, syngeneic fibroblasts or fibrosarcomas endogenously expressing mutant p53 were able to induce significant mutation-specific CTL only when irradiated prior to injection into BALB/c mice. IR of fibroblasts did not detectably alter the expression of cell surface molecules involved in immune response induction, nor did it alter the short-term in vitro viability of the fibroblasts. Interestingly, radioactively-labeled fibroblasts injected into mice after irradiation showed altered organ distribution, suggesting that the in vivo fate of these cells may play a crucial role in their immunogenicity. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that IR can alter the immunogenicity of syngeneic normal as well as tumor forming fibroblasts in vivo, and support the view that ionizing radiation enhances immunogenicity of cellular tumor vaccines.
Since the early 1980s high dose chemotherapy with autologous hematopoietic stem cell support was adopted by many oncologists as a potentially curative option for solid tumors, supported by a strong rationale from laboratory studies and apparently convincing results of early phase II studies. As a result, the number and size of randomized trials comparing this approach with conventional chemotherapy initiated (and often abandoned before completion) to prove or disprove its value was largely insufficient. In fact, with the possible exception of breast carcinoma, the benefit of a greater escalation of dose of chemotherapy with stem cell support in solid tumors is still unsettled and many oncologists believe that this approach should cease. In this article, we critically review and comment on the data from studies of high dose chemotherapy so far reported in adult patients with small cell lung cancer, ovarian cancer, germ cell tumors and sarcomas.
Introduction: Primary bone sarcomas around the ankle are rare. Due to the proximity of neurovascular structures and limited soft tissue reserves, limb salvage is often not possible. Case report: A 19 yo male presented with pain and a progressive swelling of his ankle. X-rays revealed cortical erosions and an extensive periosteal reaction (sunburst) of the distal fibula. MRI showed a large mass of the fibula invading adjacent soft tissue. The lesion appeared close to the ankle joint, but with the articular cartilage as a barrier and without joint effusion. Core-needle biopsy revealed a high-grade chondroblastic osteosarcoma. No metastases were detected. After presentation at our multidisciplinary sarcoma board, the patient was subjected to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy (AOST 03-331). Without any sign of intra-articular contamination of the ankle joint, surgical treatment consisted of wide resection of the lateral malleolus including a large skin patch, the distal third of the fibula, the lateral surfaces of the tibia and talus as well as the insertion of the lateral ligament on the calcaneus. The distal parts of the anterior, peroneal, and posterior muscular compartments were resected en bloc with the tumor. The defect was reconstructed with tibio-talar and talo-calcanear fusion, bony allograft and a plate. Soft-tissue coverage was achieved with a free fascio-cutaneous flap from the controlateral thigh. Histological analysis revealed clear margins and 50% of tumor necrosis. The oncologic treatment was completed with adjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion: Wide resection and reconstruction of the lateral malleolus is technically demanding but possible in selected cases. Despite some important functional loss, limb salvage is superior to an amputation.
BACKGROUND: Recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) combined to melphalan is clinically administered through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs. In preclinical studies, wild-type p53 gene is involved in the regulation of cytotoxic action of TNF-alpha and loss of p53 function contributes to the resistance of tumour cells to TNF-alpha. The relationship between p53 status and response to TNF-alpha and melphalan in patients undergoing ILP is unknown. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied 110 cases of unresectable limbs sarcomas treated by ILP. Immunohistochemistry was carried out using DO7mAb, which reacts with an antigenic determinant from the N-terminal region of both the wild-type and mutant forms of the p53 protein, and PAb1620mAb, which reacts with the 1620 epitope characteristic of the wild-type native conformation of the p53 protein. The immunohistochemistry data were then correlated with various clinical parameters. RESULTS: P53DO7 was found expressed at high levels in 28 patients, whereas PAb1620 was negative in 20. The tumours with poor histological response to ILP with TNF-alpha and melphalan showed significantly higher levels of p53-mutated protein. CONCLUSIONS: Our results might be a clue to a role of p53 protein status in TNF-alpha and melphalan response in clinical use.
Fibroblastic and myofibroblastic tumors of the head and neck are numerous and may develop either in adults or in childhood. They can be benign and nonrecurring, benign but locally recurring, of low-grade of malignancy or fully malignant. The diagnosis and treatment of these lesions can be difficult. This review focuses on several (myo)fibroblastic lesions of the head and neck, including nodular fasciitis and related neoplasms, hemangiopericytoma-like tumor (glomangiopericytoma) of sinonasal passages, nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, desmoid fibromatosis, Gardner-associated fibroma, extrapleural solitary fibrous tumor, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, low-grade myofibroblastic sarcoma, and adult-type fibrosarcoma.
Background: Synovial sarcoma (SS) is a malignant soft tissue sarcoma with a poor prognosis because of late local recurrence and distant metastases. To our knowledge, no studies have minimum follow-up of 10 years that evaluate long-term outcomes for survivors. Patients and methods: Data on 62 patients who had been treated for SS from 1968 to 1999 were studied retrospectively in a multicenter study. Mean follow-up of living patients was 17.2 years and of dead patients 7.7 years. Results: Mean age at diagnosis was 35.4 years (range 6-82 years). Overall survival was 38.7%. The 5-year survival was 74.2%; 10-year survival was 61.2%; and 15-year survival was 46.5%. Fifteen patients (24%) died of disease after 10 years of follow-up. Local recurrence occurred after a mean of 3.6 years (range 0.5-14.9 years) and metastases at a mean of 5.7 years (range 0.5-16.3 years). Only four patients were treated technically correctly with a planned biopsy followed by a wide resection or amputation. Factors associated with significantly worse prognosis included larger tumor size, metastases at the time of diagnosis, high-grade histology, trunk-related disease, and lack of wide resection as primary surgical treatment. Conclusions: In SS, metastases develop late with high mortality. Patients with SS should be followed for >10 years.
BACKGROUND: Dose intensive chemotherapy has not been tested prospectively for the treatment of gynecologic sarcomas. We investigated the antitumor activity and toxicity of high-dose ifosfamide and doxorubicin, in the context of a multidisciplinary strategy for the treatment of advanced and metastatic, not pretreated, gynecologic sarcomas. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirty-nine patients were enrolled onto a phase I-II multicenter trial of ifosfamide, 10 g/m2 as a continuous infusion over 5 days, plus doxorubicin intravenously, 25 mg/m2/day for 3 days with Mesna and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factor every 21 days. Salvage therapy was allowed after chemotherapy. RESULTS: Among the 37 evaluable patients, the tumor was locally advanced (n = 11), with concomitant distant metastases (n = 5) or with distant metastases only (n = 21). After a median of three (range 1-7) chemotherapy cycles, six patients experienced a complete response and 12 a partial response for an overall response rate of 49% (95% CI 32% to 66%). The response rate was higher in poorly differentiated tumors (62%) compared with moderately well differentiated ones (18%), but was not different according to histology subtypes. Eleven patients had salvage therapy, either immediately following chemotherapy (n = 7) or at time of progression (n = 4). With a median follow-up time of 5 years, the median overall survival was 30.5 months. Hematological toxicity was as expected neutropenia, thrombopenia and anemia > or = grade 3 at 50%, 34% and 33% of cycles respectively. No toxic death occurred. CONCLUSIONS: High-dose ifosfamide plus doxorubicin is an active regimen for all subtypes of gynecological sarcomas. Its toxicity was manageable in a multicentric setting. The prolonged survival might be due to the multidisciplinary strategy that was possible in one-third of the patients.
BACKGROUND: The advent of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in 1996 led to a decrease in the incidence of Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), but not of other cancers, among people with HIV or AIDS (PWHA). It also led to marked increases in their life expectancy. METHODS: We conducted a record-linkage study between the Swiss HIV Cohort Study and nine Swiss cantonal cancer registries. In total, 9429 PWHA provided 20,615, 17,690, and 15,410 person-years in the pre-, early-, and late-HAART periods, respectively. Standardised incidence ratios in PWHA vs the general population, as well as age-standardised, and age-specific incidence rates were computed for different periods. RESULTS: Incidence of KS and NHL decreased by several fold between the pre- and early-HAART periods, and additionally declined from the early- to the late-HAART period. Incidence of cancers of the anus, liver, non-melanomatous skin, and Hodgkin's lymphoma increased in the early- compared with the pre-HAART period, but not during the late-HAART period. The incidence of all non-AIDS-defining cancers (NADCs) combined was similar in all periods, and approximately double that in the general population. CONCLUSIONS: Increases in the incidence of selected NADCs after the introduction of HAART were largely accounted for by the ageing of PWHA.
Management of musculoskeletal tumours usually begins with the appearance of a lump or bump, or the onset of unspecific symptoms. A poor initial work-up, a faulty biopsy or an inadequate resection may have a severe impact on the prognosis, including re-interventions, amputation, local recurrence or systemic spread of the disease. The patient with a suspicious lesion should be referred to a "sarcoma centers" where a planned and well-performed diagnostic work-up will allow a precise diagnosis in terms of histology and staging. After a multidisciplinary discussion of the case, an accurate treatment plan is established. Such an approach allows an adequate patient management, often with a positive impact on the survival and functional outcome.
Rhabdomyosarcomas (RMS) are the most frequent soft-tissue sarcoma in children and characteristically show features of developing skeletal muscle. The alveolar subtype is frequently associated with a PAX3-FOXO1 fusion protein that is known to contribute to the undifferentiated myogenic phenotype of RMS cells. Histone methylation of lysine residues controls developmental processes in both normal and malignant cell contexts. Here we show that JARID2, which encodes a protein known to recruit various complexes with histone-methylating activity to their target genes, is significantly overexpressed in RMS with PAX3-FOXO1 compared with the fusion gene-negative RMS (t-test; P < 0.0001). Multivariate analyses showed that higher JARID2 levels are also associated with metastases at diagnosis, independent of fusion gene status and RMS subtype (n = 120; P = 0.039). JARID2 levels were altered by silencing or overexpressing PAX3-FOXO1 in RMS cell lines with and without the fusion gene, respectively. Consistent with this, we demonstrated that JARID2 is a direct transcriptional target of the PAX3-FOXO1 fusion protein. Silencing JARID2 resulted in reduced cell proliferation coupled with myogenic differentiation, including increased expression of Myogenin (MYOG) and Myosin Light Chain (MYL1) in RMS cell lines representative of both the alveolar and embryonal subtypes. Induced myogenic differentiation was associated with a decrease in JARID2 levels and this phenotype could be rescued by overexpressing JARID2. Furthermore, we that showed JARID2 binds to and alters the methylation status of histone H3 lysine 27 in the promoter regions of MYOG and MYL1 and that the interaction of JARID2 at these promoters is dependent on EED, a core component of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). Therefore, JARID2 is a downstream effector of PAX3-FOXO1 that maintains an undifferentiated myogenic phenotype that is characteristic of RMS. JARID2 and other components of PRC2 may represent novel therapeutic targets for treating RMS patients.