516 resultados para OLIGOMERS


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The cytoplasmic heritable determinant [PSI+] of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae reflects the prion-like properties of the chromosome-encoded protein Sup35p. This protein is known to be an essential eukaryote polypeptide release factor, namely eRF3. In a [PSI+] background, the prion conformer of Sup35p forms large oligomers, which results in the intracellular depletion of functional release factor and hence inefficient translation termination. We have investigated the process by which the [PSI+] determinant can be efficiently eliminated from strains, by growth in the presence of the protein denaturant guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl). Strains are “cured” of [PSI+] by millimolar concentrations of GuHCl, well below that normally required for protein denaturation. Here we provide evidence indicating that the elimination of the [PSI+] determinant is not derived from the direct dissolution of self-replicating [PSI+] seeds by GuHCl. Although GuHCl does elicit a moderate stress response, the elimination of [PSI+] is not enhanced by stress, and furthermore, exhibits an absolute requirement for continued cell division. We propose that GuHCl inhibits a critical event in the propagation of the prion conformer and demonstrate that the kinetics of curing by GuHCl fit a random segregation model whereby the heritable [PSI+] element is diluted from a culture, after the total inhibition of prion replication by GuHCl.


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Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 1 and FGF-2 are prototypic members of the FGF family, which to date comprises at least 18 members. Surprisingly, even though FGF-1 and FGF-2 share more than 80% sequence similarity and an identical structural fold, these two growth factors are biologically very different. FGF-1 and FGF-2 differ in their ability to bind isoforms of the FGF receptor family as well as the heparin-like glycosaminoglycan (HLGAG) component of proteoglycans on the cell surface to initiate signaling in different cell types. Herein, we provide evidence for one mechanism by which these two proteins could differ biologically. Previously, it has been noted that FGF-1 and FGF-2 can oligomerize in the presence of HLGAGs. Therefore, we investigated whether FGF-1 and FGF-2 oligomerize by the same mechanism or by a different one. Through a combination of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry and chemical crosslinking, we show here that, under identical conditions, FGF-1 and FGF-2 differ in the degree and kind of oligomerization. Furthermore, an extensive analysis of FGF-1 and FGF-2 uncomplexed and HLGAG complexed crystal structures enables us to readily explain why FGF-2 forms sequential oligomers whereas FGF-1 forms only dimers. FGF-2, which possesses an interface capable of protein association, forms a translationally related oligomer, whereas FGF-1, which does not have this interface, forms only a symmetrically related dimer. Taken together, these data show that FGF-1 and FGF-2, despite their sequence homology, differ in their mechanism of oligomerization.


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Certain proteins contain subunits that enable their active translocation across the plasma membrane into cells. In the specific case of HIV-1, this subunit is the basic domain Tat49–57 (RKKRRQRRR). To establish the optimal structural requirements for this translocation process, and thereby to develop improved molecular transporters that could deliver agents into cells, a series of analogues of Tat49–57 were prepared and their cellular uptake into Jurkat cells was determined by flow cytometry. All truncated and alanine-substituted analogues exhibited diminished cellular uptake, suggesting that the cationic residues of Tat49–57 play a principal role in its uptake. Charge alone, however, is insufficient for transport as oligomers of several cationic amino acids (histidine, lysine, and ornithine) are less effective than Tat49–57 in cellular uptake. In contrast, a 9-mer of l-arginine (R9) was 20-fold more efficient than Tat49–57 at cellular uptake as determined by Michaelis–Menton kinetic analysis. The d-arginine oligomer (r9) exhibited an even greater uptake rate enhancement (>100-fold). Collectively, these studies suggest that the guanidinium groups of Tat49–57 play a greater role in facilitating cellular uptake than either charge or backbone structure. Based on this analysis, we designed and synthesized a class of polyguanidine peptoid derivatives. Remarkably, the subset of peptoid analogues containing a six-methylene spacer between the guanidine head group and backbone (N-hxg), exhibited significantly enhanced cellular uptake compared to Tat49–57 and even to r9. Overall, a transporter has been developed that is superior to Tat49–57, protease resistent, and more readily and economically prepared.


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Aβ1–42 is a self-associating peptide whose neurotoxic derivatives are thought to play a role in Alzheimer’s pathogenesis. Neurotoxicity of amyloid β protein (Aβ) has been attributed to its fibrillar forms, but experiments presented here characterize neurotoxins that assemble when fibril formation is inhibited. These neurotoxins comprise small diffusible Aβ oligomers (referred to as ADDLs, for Aβ-derived diffusible ligands), which were found to kill mature neurons in organotypic central nervous system cultures at nanomolar concentrations. At cell surfaces, ADDLs bound to trypsin-sensitive sites and surface-derived tryptic peptides blocked binding and afforded neuroprotection. Germ-line knockout of Fyn, a protein tyrosine kinase linked to apoptosis and elevated in Alzheimer’s disease, also was neuroprotective. Remarkably, neurological dysfunction evoked by ADDLs occurred well in advance of cellular degeneration. Without lag, and despite retention of evoked action potentials, ADDLs inhibited hippocampal long-term potentiation, indicating an immediate impact on signal transduction. We hypothesize that impaired synaptic plasticity and associated memory dysfunction during early stage Alzheimer’s disease and severe cellular degeneration and dementia during end stage could be caused by the biphasic impact of Aβ-derived diffusible ligands acting upon particular neural signal transduction pathways.


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A large family of membrane channel proteins selective for transport of water (aquaporins) or water plus glycerol (aquaglyceroporins) has been found in diverse life forms. Escherichia coli has two members of this family—a water channel, AqpZ, and a glycerol facilitator, GlpF. Despite having similar primary amino acid sequences and predicted structures, the oligomeric state and solute selectivity of AqpZ and GlpF are disputed. Here we report biochemical and functional characterizations of affinity-purified GlpF and compare it to AqpZ. Histidine-tagged (His-GlpF) and hemagglutinin-tagged (HA-GlpF) polypeptides encoded by a bicistronic construct were expressed in bacteria. HA-GlpF and His-GlpF appear to form oligomers during Ni-nitrilotriacetate affinity purification. Sucrose gradient sedimentation analyses showed that the oligomeric state of octyl glucoside-solubilized GlpF varies: low ionic strength favors subunit dissociation, whereas Mg2+ stabilizes tetrameric assembly. Reconstitution of affinity-purified GlpF into proteoliposomes increases glycerol permeability more than 100-fold and water permeability up to 10-fold compared with control liposomes. Glycerol and water permeability of GlpF both occur with low Arrhenius activation energies and are reversibly inhibited by HgCl2. Our studies demonstrate that, unlike AqpZ, a water-selective stable tetramer, purified GlpF exists in multiple oligomeric forms under nondenaturing conditions and is highly permeable to glycerol but less well permeated by water.


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Binding of erythropoietin (Epo) to the Epo receptor (EpoR) is crucial for production of mature red cells. Although it is well established that the Epo-bound EpoR is a dimer, it is not clear whether, in the absence of ligand, the intact EpoR is a monomer or oligomer. Using antibody-mediated immunofluorescence copatching (oligomerizing) of epitope-tagged receptors at the surface of live cells, we show herein that a major fraction of the full-length murine EpoR exists as preformed dimers/oligomers in BOSC cells, which are human embryo kidney 293T-derived cells. This observed oligomerization is specific because, under the same conditions, epitope-tagged EpoR did not oligomerize with several other tagged receptors (thrombopoietin receptor, transforming growth factor β receptor type II, or prolactin receptor). Strikingly, the EpoR transmembrane (TM) domain but not the extracellular or intracellular domains enabled the prolactin receptor to copatch with EpoR. Preformed EpoR oligomers are not constitutively active and Epo binding was required to induce signaling. In contrast to tyrosine kinase receptors (e.g., insulin receptor), which cannot signal when their TM domain is replaced by the strongly dimerizing TM domain of glycophorin A, the EpoR could tolerate the replacement of its TM domain with that of glycophorin A and retained signaling. We propose a model in which TM domain-induced dimerization maintains unliganded EpoR in an inactive state that can readily be switched to an active state by physiologic levels of Epo.


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The stoichiometry of c subunits in the H+-transporting Fo rotary motor of ATP synthase is uncertain, the most recent suggestions varying from 10 to 14. The stoichiometry will determine the number of H+ transported per ATP synthesized and will directly relate to the P/O ratio of oxidative phosphorylation. The experiments described here show that the number of c subunits in functional complexes of FoF1 ATP synthase from Escherichia coli can be manipulated, but that the preferred number is 10. Mixtures of genetically fused cysteine-substituted trimers (c3) and tetramers (c4) of subunit c were coexpressed and the c subunits crosslinked in the plasma membrane. Prominent products corresponding to oligomers of c7 and c10 were observed in the membrane and purified FoF1 complex, indicating that the c10 oligomer formed naturally. Oligomers larger than c10 were also observed in the membrane fraction of cells expressing c3 or c4 individually, or in cells coexpressing c3 and c4 together, but these larger oligomers did not copurify with the functional FoF1 complex and were concluded to be aberrant products of assembly in the membrane.


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Symmetry is commonly observed in many biological systems. Here we discuss representative examples of the role of symmetry in structural molecular biology. Point group symmetries are observed in many protein oligomers whose three-dimensional atomic structures have been elucidated by x-ray crystallography. Approximate symmetry also occurs in multidomain proteins. Symmetry often confers stability on the molecular system and results in economical usage of basic components to build the macromolecular structure. Symmetry is also associated with cooperativity. Mild perturbation from perfect symmetry may be essential in some systems for dynamic functions.


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Chitin, a linear polysaccharide composed of (1→4)-linked 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranose (GlcNAc) residues, and chitosan, the fully or partially N-acetylated, water-soluble derivative of chitin composed of (1→4)-linked GlcNAc and 2-amino-2-deoxy-β-d-glucopyranose (GlcN), have been proposed as elicitors of defense reactions in higher plants. We tested and compared the ability of purified (1→4)-linked oligomers of GlcNAc (tetramer to decamer) and of GlcN (pentamer and heptamer) and partially N-acetylated chitosans with degrees of acetylation (DA) of 1%, 15%, 35%, 49%, and 60% and average degrees of polymerization between 540 and 1100 to elicit phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and peroxidase (POD) activities, lignin deposition, and microscopically and macroscopically visible necroses when injected into the intercellular spaces of healthy, nonwounded wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) leaves. Purified oligomers of (1→4)-linked GlcN were not active as elicitors, whereas purified oligomers of (1→4)-linked GlcNAc with a degree of polymerization ≥ 7 strongly elicited POD activities but not PAL activities. Partially N-acetylated, polymeric chitosans elicited both PAL and POD activities, and maximum elicitation was observed with chitosans of intermediate DAs. All chitosans but not the chitin oligomers induced the deposition of lignin, the appearance of necrotic cells exhibiting yellow autofluorescence under ultraviolet light, and macroscopically visible necroses; those with intermediate DAs were most active. These results suggest that different mechanisms are involved in the elicitation of POD activities by GlcNAc oligomers, and of PAL and POD activities by partially N-acetylated chitosan polymers and that both enzymes have to be activated for lignin biosynthesis and ensuing necrosis to occur.


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The hydrolysis of cell wall pectins by tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) polygalacturonase (PG) in vitro is more extensive than the degradation affecting these polymers during ripening. We examined the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls by PG isozyme 2 (PG2) under conditions widely adopted in the literature (pH 4.5 and containing Na+) and under conditions approximating the apoplastic environment of tomato fruit (pH 6.0 and K+ as the predominate cation). The pH optima for PG2 in the presence of K+ were 1.5 and 0.5 units higher for the hydrolysis of polygalacturonic acid and cell walls, respectively, compared with activity in the presence of Na+. Increasing K+ concentration stimulated pectin solubilization at pH 4.5 but had little influence at pH 6.0. Pectin depolymerization by PG2 was extensive at pH values from 4.0 to 5.0 and was further enhanced at high K+ levels. Oligomers were abundant products in in vitro reactions at pH 4.0 to 5.0, decreased sharply at pH 5.5, and were negligible at pH 6.0. EDTA stimulated PG-mediated pectin solubilization at pH 6.0 but did not promote oligomer production. Ca2+ suppressed PG-mediated pectin release at pH 4.5 yet had minimal influence on the proportional recovery of oligomers. Extensive pectin breakdown in processed tomato might be explained in part by cation- and low-pH-induced stimulation of PG and other wall-associated enzymes.


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Suspension-cultured tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells react to stimulation by chitin fragments with a rapid, transient alkalinization of the growth medium, but behave refractory to a second treatment with the same stimulus (G. Felix, M. Regenass, T. Boller [1993] Plant J 4: 307–316). We analyzed this phenomenon and found that chitin fragments caused desensitization in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Partially desensitized cells exhibited a clear shift toward lower sensitivity of the perception system. The ability of chitin oligomers to induce desensitization depended on the degree of polymerization (DP), with DP5 ≈ DP4 ≫ DP3 ≫ DP2 > DP1. This correlates with the ability of these oligomers to induce the alkalinization response and to compete for the high-affinity binding site on tomato cells and microsomal membranes, indicating that the alkalinization response and the desensitization process are mediated by the same receptor. The dose required for half-maximal desensitization was about 20 times lower than the dose required for half-maximal alkalinization; desensitization could therefore be used as a highly sensitive bioassay for chitin fragments and chitin-related stimuli such as lipochitooligosaccharides (nodulation factors) from Rhizobium leguminosarum. Desensitization was not associated with increased inactivation of the stimulus or with a disappearance of high-affinity binding sites from the cell surface, and thus appears to be caused by an intermediate step in signal transduction.


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Plants synthesize several classes of small (15- to 30-kD monomer) heat-shock proteins (sHSPs) in response to heat stress, including a nuclear-encoded, chloroplast-localized sHSP (HSP21). Cytosolic sHSPs exist as large oligomers (approximately 200–800 kD) composed solely or primarily of sHSPs. Phosphorylation of mammalian sHSPs causes oligomer dissociation, which appears to be important for regulation of sHSP function. We examined the native structure and phosphorylation of chloroplast HSP21 to understand this protein's basic properties and to compare it with cytosolic sHSPs. The apparent size of native HSP21 complexes was > 200 kD and they did not dissociate during heat stress. We found no evidence that HSP21 or the plant cytosolic sHSPs are phosphorylated in vivo. A partial HSP21 complex purified from heat-stressed pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves contained no proteins other than HSP21. Mature recombinant pea and Arabidopsis thaliana HSP21 were expressed in Escherichia coli, and purified recombinant Arabidopsis HSP21 assembled into homo-oligomeric complexes with the same apparent molecular mass as HSP21 complexes observed in heat-stressed leaf tissue. We propose that the native, functional form of chloroplast HSP21 is a large, oligomeric complex containing nine or more HSP21 subunits, and that plant sHSPs are not regulated by phosphorylation-induced dissociation.


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A membrane preparation from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells contains at least one enzyme that is capable of transferring the methyl group from S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) to the C6 carboxyl of homogalacturonan present in the membranes. This enzyme is named homogalacturonan-methyltransferase (HGA-MT) to distinguish it from methyltransferases that catalyze methyletherification of the pectic polysaccharides rhamnogalacturonan I or rhamnogalacturonan II. A trichloroacetic acid precipitation assay was used to measure HGA-MT activity, because published procedures to recover pectic polysaccharides via ethanol or chloroform:methanol precipitation lead to high and variable background radioactivity in the product pellet. Attempts to reduce the incorporation of the 14C-methyl group from SAM into pectin by the addition of the alternative methyl donor 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were unsuccessful, supporting the role of SAM as the authentic methyl donor for HGA-MT. The pH optimum for HGA-MT in membranes was 7.8, the apparent Michaelis constant for SAM was 38 μm, and the maximum initial velocity was 0.81 pkat mg−1 protein. At least 59% of the radiolabeled product was judged to be methylesterified homogalacturonan, based on the release of radioactivity from the product after a mild base treatment and via enzymatic hydrolysis by a purified pectin methylesterase. The released radioactivity eluted with a retention time identical to that of methanol upon fractionation over an organic acid column. Cleavage of the radiolabeled product by endopolygalacturonase into fragments that migrated as small oligomers of HGA during thin-layer chromatography, and the fact that HGA-MT activity in the membranes is stimulated by uridine 5′-diphosphate galacturonic acid, a substrate for HGA synthesis, confirms that the bulk of the product recovered from tobacco membranes incubated with SAM is methylesterified HGA.


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In an RNA world, RNAs would have regulated traffic through normally impermeable bilayer membranes. Using selection-amplification we previously found RNAs that bind stably and increase the ionic conductance of phospholipid membranes at high Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations. Now selection in reduced divalents yields RNAs that bind phosphatidylcholine liposomes under conditions closer to physiological. Such affinity for phospholipid membranes requires interactions between RNAs. In fact, we detected no functional monomeric membrane-binding RNAs. A membrane-active end-to-end heterotrimer consisting of 2 RNA 9 and 1 RNA 10 is defined by nucleotide protection, oligonucleotide competition, and mutant analysis. Oligomers of the heterotrimer bind stably, cause release of liposome-encapsulated solutes, and disrupt model black membranes. Individual RNA molecules do not show any of these activities. This novel mechanism of RNA binding to lipid membranes may not only regulate membrane permeability, but suggests that arrays of catalytic or structural RNAs on membranes are plausible. Finally, a selection met only by RNA complexes evokes new possibilities for selection-amplification itself.


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Members of the RecA family of recombinases from bacteriophage T4, Escherichia coli, yeast, and higher eukaryotes function in recombination as higher-order oligomers assembled on tracts of single-strand DNA (ssDNA). Biochemical studies have shown that assembly of recombinase involves accessory factors. These studies have identified a class of proteins, called recombination mediator proteins, that act by promoting assembly of recombinase on ssDNA tracts that are bound by ssDNA-binding protein (ssb). In the absence of mediators, ssb inhibits recombination reactions by competing with recombinase for DNA-binding sites. Here we briefly review mediated recombinase assembly and present results of new in vivo experiments. Immuno-double-staining experiments in Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest that Rad51, the eukaryotic recombinase, can assemble at or near sites containing ssb (replication protein A, RPA) during the response to DNA damage, consistent with a need for mediator activity. Correspondingly, mediator gene mutants display defects in Rad51 assembly after DNA damage and during meiosis, although the requirements for assembly are distinct in the two cases. In meiosis, both Rad52 and Rad55/57 are required, whereas either Rad52 or Rad55/57 is sufficient to promote assembly of Rad51 in irradiated mitotic cells. Rad52 promotes normal amounts of Rad51 assembly in the absence of Rad55 at 30°C but not 20°C, accounting for the cold sensitivity of rad55 null mutants. Finally, we show that assembly of Rad51 is induced by radiation during S phase but not during G1, consistent with the role of Rad51 in repairing the spontaneous damage that occurs during DNA replication.