952 resultados para Non-response model approach


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A foundation principle of professionalism is listening carefully to clients' needs. This paper reviews current studies that have sought to listen to the needs of people with aphasia and their families. The preliminary evidence to date suggests that people with aphasia have goals that cover the bio-psycho-social spectrum but place a lot of importance on functional outcomes such as participation in life's activities, relationships, and personal self-esteem. In contrast, descriptions of current aphasia management practices reflect a predominantly medical model approach that emphasizes impairment-level goals. This paper suggests that a proportion of speech-language pathologists are not truly listening and responding to their clients' needs. This leads to a mismatch between the therapists' and clients' goals in therapy. The concept of person-centred goal-setting is described. This may contribute to greater alignments of goals and better outcomes of rehabilitation. Learning outcomes: As a result of reading this work, the participant will be able to: (a) have knowledge of criticisms of aphasia therapy by people with aphasia; (b) understand the concept of person-centred goal-setting; (c) understand the complexity of mismatched goals between therapist and client. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An important and common problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. As this problem concerns the selection of significant genes from a large pool of candidate genes, it needs to be carried out within the framework of multiple hypothesis testing. In this paper, we focus on the use of mixture models to handle the multiplicity issue. With this approach, a measure of the local FDR (false discovery rate) is provided for each gene. An attractive feature of the mixture model approach is that it provides a framework for the estimation of the prior probability that a gene is not differentially expressed, and this probability can subsequently be used in forming a decision rule. The rule can also be formed to take the false negative rate into account. We apply this approach to a well-known publicly available data set on breast cancer, and discuss our findings with reference to other approaches.


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No presente trabalho investigou-se a adoção por parte das instituições educacionais dos recursos e ferramentas disponíveis nas mídias digitais sociais, que permitem a comunicação síncrona e assíncrona, estimula a comunicação para maior interatividade, dialogicidade e colaboração entre os atores envolvidos no processo ensino-aprendizagem da educação a distância. Para tanto, verificou-se como os alunos que estudam na EAD reagem às novas possibilidades oferecidas com o advento das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação - NTICs. O estudo focou os alunos que estavam, no momento da pesquisa, cursando os segundos bimestres dos Cursos de Tecnólogos em: Marketing, Logística, Recursos Humanos e Gestão Comercial em EAD, das universidades Anhanguera e Metodista, dos pólos de São Caetano do Sul e Mauá. Na seleção da amostra, optou-se pelo modelo não probabilístico do tipo intencional, adotando-se o critério de que os alunos selecionados conheciam os recursos e as ferramentas utilizadas nas mídias digitais sociais das instituições. Como instrumento de medida, utilizou-se um questionário tipo Likert composto por 7 dimensões e 32 assertivas, além da técnica de entrevista de grupo focal, totalizando 5 encontros. Resgatou-se historicamente alguns pontos sobre o movimento das novas tecnologias, sobretudo as digitais, bem como a educação na modalidade a distância, desde o século passado até a atualidade. Além disso, procurou-se entender o quanto as ações governamentais têm apoiado as transformações tecnológicas que impactam direta e indiretamente nos aspectos educacionais. Outro tema abordado para a discussão desse trabalho foi a Sociedade do Conhecimento, que tem papel de suma importância para o desenvolvimento e avanço das Novas Tecnologias da Comunicação e Informação. As discussões para as análises dos resultados foram norteadas pela Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Habermas que ajudou a compreender e indicar a importância dos conceitos vistos sobre o mundo da Vida e o mundo do Sistema, dentro da realidade atual da EAD e das NTCs. Os dados apontaram que os alunos que estudam nessas duas Universidades são em sua maioria, casados, possuidores de filhos e pretendem com seus estudos dar um salto qualitativo em suas carreiras, acessam a internet de suas residências, local de trabalho e nas universidades que estudam. São conhecedores e aproveitam as Mídias Digitais Sociais - MDS oferecidas por suas universidades e as utilizam para se comunicarem com seus colegas e seus professores, mas, interagem melhor com as ferramentas oferecidas pelo mercado, que estão disponíveis na Internet e fazem uso de forma bastante significativa do mensageiro e-mail para a comunicação entre seus colegas. A pesquisa também assinalou que, o público pesquisado pertencente à geração de imigrantes digitais se adapta e utiliza relativamente bem as ferramentas oferecidas por ambas as Universidades. Entretanto, também indicou que, os recursos e as ferramentas digitais oferecidas pela instituição de ensino que podem facilitar o processo comunicacional dentro das instituições educacionais são conhecidos, mas, ainda se encontram aquém, frente às possibilidades oferecidas pelas novas tecnologias digitais utilizadas no mercado. Para a maioria, as MDS são de grande importância e facilitam o processo comunicacional dentro da relação de ensino-aprendizagem, entretanto, apontam que o diálogo poderia ser mais dinâmico se houvesse por parte dos professores ou tutores EAD maior interação on-line. A pesquisa assinalou que as mídias digitais sociais e suas ferramentas, oferecidas pelo mercado e que são utilizadas fora da rede do EAD, por serem mais interativas e intuitivas e estarem vinculadas a um ambiente mais descontraído, permitem maior colaboração e uma comunicação muito mais ágil do que as vivenciadas na rede EAD.


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Background Adjuvants enhance or modify an immune response that is made to an antigen. An antagonist of the chemokine CCR4 receptor can display adjuvant-like properties by diminishing the ability of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) to down-regulate immune responses. Methodology Here, we have used protein modelling to create a plausible chemokine receptor model with the aim of using virtual screening to identify potential small molecule chemokine antagonists. A combination of homology modelling and molecular docking was used to create a model of the CCR4 receptor in order to investigate potential lead compounds that display antagonistic properties. Three-dimensional structure-based virtual screening of the CCR4 receptor identified 116 small molecules that were calculated to have a high affinity for the receptor; these were tested experimentally for CCR4 antagonism. Fifteen of these small molecules were shown to inhibit specifically CCR4-mediated cell migration, including that of CCR4+ Tregs. Significance Our CCR4 antagonists act as adjuvants augmenting human T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response model and compound SP50 increases T cell and antibody responses in vivo when combined with vaccine antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium yoelii in mice.


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This thesis presents a theoretical investigation on applications of Raman effect in optical fibre communication as well as the design and optimisation of various Raman based devices and transmission schemes. The techniques used are mainly based on numerical modelling. The results presented in this thesis are divided into three main parts. First, novel designs of Raman fibre lasers (RFLs) based on Phosphosilicate core fibre are analysed and optimised for efficiency by using a discrete power balance model. The designs include a two stage RFL based on Phosphosilicate core fibre for telecommunication applications, a composite RFL for the 1.6 μm spectral window, and a multiple output wavelength RFL aimed to be used as a compact pump source for fiat gain Raman amplifiers. The use of Phosphosilicate core fibre is proven to effectively reduce the design complexity and hence leads to a better efficiency, stability and potentially lower cost. Second, the generalised Raman amplified gain model approach based on the power balance analysis and direct numerical simulation is developed. The approach can be used to effectively simulate optical transmission systems with distributed Raman amplification. Last, the potential employment of a hybrid amplification scheme, which is a combination between a distributed Raman amplifier and Erbium doped amplifier, is investigated by using the generalised Raman amplified gain model. The analysis focuses on the use of the scheme to upgrade a standard fibre network to 40 Gb/s system.


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This thesis describes an industrial research project carried out in collaboration with STC Components, Harlow, Essex. Technical and market trends in the use of surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices are reviewed. As a result, three areas not previously addressed by STC were identified: lower insertion loss designs, higher operating frequencies and improved temperature dependent stability. A review of the temperature performance of alternative lower insertion loss designs,shows that greater use could be made of the on-site quartz growing plant. Data is presented for quartz cuts in the ST-AT range. This data is used to modify the temperature performance of a SAW filter. Several recently identified quartz orientations have been tested. These are SST, LST and X33. Problems associated with each cut are described and devices demonstrated. LST quartz, although sensitive to accuracy of cut, is shown to have an improved temperature coefficient over the normal ST orientation. Results show that its use is restricted due to insertion loss variations with temperature. Effects associated with split-finger transducers on LST-quartz are described. Two low-loss options are studied, coupled resonator filters for very narrow bandwidth applications and single phase unidirectional transducers (SPUDT) for fractional bandwidths up to about 1%. Both designs can be implemented with one quarter wavelength transducer geometries at operating frequencies up to 1GHz. The SPUDT design utilised an existing impulse response model to provide analysis of ladder or rung transducers. A coupled resonator filter at 400MHz is demonstrated with a matched insertion loss of less than 3.5dB and bandwidth of 0.05%. A SPUDT device is designed as a re-timing filter for timing extraction in a long haul PCM transmission system. Filters operating at 565MHz are demonstrated with insertion losses of less than 6dB. This basic SPUDT design is extended to a maximally distributed version and demonstrated at 450MHz with 9.8dB insertion loss.


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The predictive accuracy of competing crude-oil price forecast densities is investigated for the 1994–2006 period. Moving beyond standard ARCH type models that rely exclusively on past returns, we examine the benefits of utilizing the forward-looking information that is embedded in the prices of derivative contracts. Risk-neutral densities, obtained from panels of crude-oil option prices, are adjusted to reflect real-world risks using either a parametric or a non-parametric calibration approach. The relative performance of the models is evaluated for the entire support of the density, as well as for regions and intervals that are of special interest for the economic agent. We find that non-parametric adjustments of risk-neutral density forecasts perform significantly better than their parametric counterparts. Goodness-of-fit tests and out-of-sample likelihood comparisons favor forecast densities obtained by option prices and non-parametric calibration methods over those constructed using historical returns and simulated ARCH processes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 31:727–754, 2011


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This article examines the impact on market quality that the introduction of a closing call auction had at the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Using the market model approach of Cohen et al. (1983a, b) OpenURL Aston University, b) we show that opening and closing market quality improved for those Financial Times and Stock Exchange 100 (FTSE 100) securities participating in the closing call. A control sample of stocks is not characterized by discernable changes to market quality.


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Most pavement design procedures incorporate reliability to account for design inputs-associated uncertainty and variability effect on predicted performance. The load and resistance factor design (LRFD) procedure, which delivers economical section while considering design inputs variability separately, has been recognised as an effective tool to incorporate reliability into design procedures. This paper presents a new reliability-based calibration in LRFD format for a mechanics-based fatigue cracking analysis framework. This paper employs a two-component reliability analysis methodology that utilises a central composite design-based response surface approach and a first-order reliability method. The reliability calibration was achieved based on a number of field pavement sections that have well-documented performance history and high-quality field and laboratory data. The effectiveness of the developed LRFD procedure was evaluated by performing pavement designs of various target reliabilities and design conditions. The result shows an excellent agreement between the target and actual reliabilities. Furthermore, it is clear from the results that more design features need to be included in the reliability calibration to minimise the deviation of the actual reliability from the target reliability.


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In this paper we describe the social network of CouchSurfing as an innovative, non-monetary model for the traditional international hospitality and travel market. This paper is written to describe our understanding of how it can operate and expand in spite of potential risks and uncertainties. We present the results of an exploratory qualitative research project that was conducted in Hungary in 2012/13. The findings indicate that: (1) a high level of trust as a personality trait characterizes members; (2) trust can be interpreted as a strong cultural rule; (3) members perceive a low level of risk and have limited practical knowledge about the safety features of the system; and (4) trust towards a given member is not based on rational calculation but on emotions.


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Despite research showing the benefits of glycemic control, it remains suboptimal among adults with diabetes in the United States. Possible reasons include unaddressed risk factors as well as lack of awareness of its immediate and long term consequences. The objectives of this study were to, using cross-sectional data, (1) ascertain the association between suboptimal (Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) .7%), borderline (HbA1c 7-8.9%), and poor (HbA1c .9%) glycemic control and potentially new risk factors (e.g. work characteristics), and (2) assess whether aspects of poor health and well-being such as poor health related quality of life (HRQOL), unemployment, and missed-work are associated with glycemic control; and (3) using prospective data, assess the relationship between mortality risk and glycemic control in US adults with type 2 diabetes. Data from the 1988-1994 and 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys were used. HbA1c values were used to create dichotomous glycemic control indicators. Binary logistic regression models were used to assess relationships between risk factors, employment status and glycemic control. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess relationships between glycemic control and HRQOL variables. Zero-inflated Poisson regression models were used to assess relationships between missed work days and glycemic control. Cox-proportional hazard models were used to assess effects of glycemic control on mortality risk. Using STATA software, analyses were weighted to account for complex survey design and non-response. Multivariable models adjusted for socio-demographics, body mass index, among other variables. Results revealed that being a farm worker and working over 40 hours/week were risk factors for suboptimal glycemic control. Having greater days of poor mental was associated with suboptimal, borderline, and poor glycemic control. Having greater days of inactivity was associated with poor glycemic control while having greater days of poor physical health was associated with borderline glycemic control. There were no statistically significant relationships between glycemic control, self-reported general health, employment, and missed work. Finally, having an HbA1c value less than 6.5% was protective against mortality. The findings suggest that work-related factors are important in a person’s ability to reach optimal diabetes management levels. Poor glycemic control appears to have significant detrimental effects on HRQOL.^


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Despite research showing the benefits of glycemic control, it remains suboptimal among adults with diabetes in the United States. Possible reasons include unaddressed risk factors as well as lack of awareness of its immediate and long term consequences. The objectives of this study were to, using cross-sectional data, 1) ascertain the association between suboptimal (Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) ≥7%), borderline (HbA1c 7-8.9%), and poor (HbA1c ≥9%) glycemic control and potentially new risk factors (e.g. work characteristics), and 2) assess whether aspects of poor health and well-being such as poor health related quality of life (HRQOL), unemployment, and missed-work are associated with glycemic control; and 3) using prospective data, assess the relationship between mortality risk and glycemic control in US adults with type 2 diabetes. Data from the 1988-1994 and 1999-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys were used. HbA1c values were used to create dichotomous glycemic control indicators. Binary logistic regression models were used to assess relationships between risk factors, employment status and glycemic control. Multinomial logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess relationships between glycemic control and HRQOL variables. Zero-inflated Poisson regression models were used to assess relationships between missed work days and glycemic control. Cox-proportional hazard models were used to assess effects of glycemic control on mortality risk. Using STATA software, analyses were weighted to account for complex survey design and non-response. Multivariable models adjusted for socio-demographics, body mass index, among other variables. Results revealed that being a farm worker and working over 40 hours/week were risk factors for suboptimal glycemic control. Having greater days of poor mental was associated with suboptimal, borderline, and poor glycemic control. Having greater days of inactivity was associated with poor glycemic control while having greater days of poor physical health was associated with borderline glycemic control. There were no statistically significant relationships between glycemic control, self-reported general health, employment, and missed work. Finally, having an HbA1c value less than 6.5% was protective against mortality. The findings suggest that work-related factors are important in a person’s ability to reach optimal diabetes management levels. Poor glycemic control appears to have significant detrimental effects on HRQOL.


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In the Brazilian network of psychosocial care, health professionals are important actors in the process of transformation of mental health public policies among various services. In the reality of psychiatric hospitals, one should understand the need to expand the debate about the current context of practices developed. This study aimed at analyzing the process of psychiatric reform and the mental health policy in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) from the profiles and practices of higher-level professionals in two psychiatric hospitals. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive research, with quantitative and qualitative data, conducted in two psychiatric hospitals of RN. The universe of the target population was 95 professionals, taking into account the margin of error of 8%, non-response rate and the inclusion criteria: holding effective link with the institution by means of approval in public examination for, at least, six months, being state or municipal servant; having a minimum weekly workload of 20 hours in service; participating in care and/or activities with patients and families in a direct way. The final sample consisted of 60 professionals. The tool for data collection was a questionnaire with closed and semi-open questions about socioeconomic profile, and mental health policies, practices and training. Quantitative data were tabulated in the statistical software SPSS, and simple and bivariate statistics, chi-square type, was used for analysis by adopting the significance level with the value p<0,05. In order to analyze data, the content analysis of Bardin was used. The qualitative findings obtained with the semi-open questions in Analyse Lexicale par Context d'un Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE) were grouped into four thematic axes: Professional action in mental health; Mental health training; Scenarios of psychiatric reform and psychiatric hospitals; Mental health policies and practices: challenges for professionals in hospitals. The profile of professionals has revealed the majority of women (89,7%), nurses (36,7%), aged 50-59 years (42,9%), weekly workload of 40 hours (52,4% ), time of completion of graduation from six to 15 years (57%), and 21,4% reported to have specialization in mental health. Regarding the practices developed in individual care, it was found an association between those who do not build or partially conducts the therapeutic project and those who conduct care related to observation and annotation. In family care, it was obtained care consultation during crisis; and, in group care, recreational activities. In the analysis of thematic axes, it was noted that, despite changes identified in the profiles and practices of higher-level professionals in care services for mental health, with the implementation of new public policies for this field, the findings indicate the confluence of asymmetries and divergences in the actions of the teams in psychiatric hospitals, difficulties in managing services, frequent readmissions, reduced quantitative of available services and equipment, high demand of users, disarticulation of the network of psychosocial care, and the very shortage of skilled human resources to compose these services. Accordingly, the evidenced scenarios partially outline the current political and ideological mismatch of the national process of psychiatric reform that denies the role of care actions conducted within hospitals, although it has not gone far enough with the creation of new services that justify the total extinction of this institution


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"In this paper we extend the earlier treatment of out-of-equilibrium mesoscopic fluctuations in glassy systems in several significant ways. First, via extensive simulations, we demonstrate that models of glassy behavior without quenched disorder display scalings of the probability of local two-time correlators that are qualitatively similar to that of models with short-ranged quenched interactions. The key ingredient for such scaling properties is shown to be the development of a criticallike dynamical correlation length, and not other microscopic details. This robust data collapse may be described in terms of a time-evolving "extreme value" distribution. We develop a theory to describe both the form and evolution of these distributions based on a effective sigma model approach."


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The primary focus of this thesis was the development of a novel chiral tether that could be used to control axial chirality around a newly formed aryl-aryl bond, and the extension of this methodology to the model synthesis of gomisin M1. In chapter 1, a review detailing the use of chiral tethers in the synthesis of atropisomers is discussed. The use of a variety of chiral molecules including 1,2-diols, 1,3-diols and other diol-based tethers, as well as amine-based and miscellaneous tethers are detailed. In chapter 2, the rationale behind the design of our novel molecular tethers, along with the subsequent synthesis of three chiral 1,3-diol-based tethers, is outlined. The method by which the enantiopurity of these diols was determined is also reviewed. This chapter also includes the attempted Mitsunobu and intramolecular couplings in the model synthesis of BINOL. Chapter 3 discusses the synthesis of suitable aryl halide substrates, and their employment in the attempted tether-controlled asymmetric model synthesis of gomisin M1. A comprehensive investigation into the attempted intramolecular biaryl coupling of these tethered substrates is also included. The non-stereoselective model synthesis of gomisin M1 is outlined in chapter 4. The installation of the desired biaryl linkage and the subsequent attempted intramolecular McMurry couplings are discussed. The impact of different protecting groups in the molecule on the intramolecular McMurry reaction is also outlined. Chapter 5 details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.