956 resultados para Non-Rigid Structure from Motion
Työssä tarkastellaan hitsauksen tuotekehityksen suunnittelun toteuttamista ja hitsauksen kehittämistä konepajalla. Yritykset tietävät omat valmistustekniset ongelmansa, mutta kehittämisen aloittaminen on monesti hankalaa tai sitä ei edes aloiteta. Pienimmillä yrityksillä ei usein ole mahdollisuuksia eikä osaamista uusien tuotantomenetelmien ja tuotteiden kehittämiseen. Työssä annetaan neuvoja miten alentaa kehittämistyön aloituskynnystä ja auttaa suunnittelutehtävän jäsentelyssä. Tuotteen suunnittelu on vaativa tehtävä, koska siinä lyödään lukkoon tuotteen toimivuus ja suurin osa kustannuksista. Suunnittelijoiden on tiedettävä eri valmistusmenetelmistä ja valmistusystävällisestä suunnittelusta, jotta he voisivat huomioida valmistettavuus- ja kokoonpanonäkökohdat. Hyvässä hitsatussa tuotteessa on mahdollisimman vähän hitsiä, käytetty modulointia ja standardointia sekä käytetty hitsausta korvaavia menetelmiä. Työssä on esitelty valmistusystävälliseen suunnitteluun kehitelty "Design For Welding" -malli, jossa käydään läpi hitsatun rakenteen erityispiirteet suunnittelun kannalta. Valmistusystävällisen suunnittelun tarkoituksena on vähentää tilauskohtaista suunnittelua, hitsausta, hitsauksen jälkeistä käsittelyä ja koneistusta.
Drug trafficking and the introduction of new drugs onto the illicit market are one of the main challenges of the forensic community. In this study, the chemical profile of a new designer drug, 2-(4-iodine-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-n-[(2-methoxyphenyl)methyl]etamine or 25I-NBOMe was explored using thin layer chromatography (TLC), ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry (UV-Vis), attenuated total reflection with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(ATR-FTIR), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR MS). First, the TLC technique was effective for identifying spots related to 25C-, 25B- and 25I-NBOMe compounds, all with the same retention factor, Rf ≈ 0.50. No spot was detected for 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine, 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine or lysergic acid diethylamide compounds. ATR-FTIR preserved the physical-chemical properties of the material, whereas GC-MS and ESI-MS showed better analytical selectivity. ESI(+)FT-ICR MS was used to identify the exact mass (m/z428.1706 for the [M + H]+ ion), molecular formula (M = C18H22INO3), degree of unsaturation (DBE = 8) and the chemical structure (from collision induced dissociation, CID, experiments) of the 25I-NBOMe compound. Furthermore, the ATR-FTIR and CID results suggested the presence of isomers, where a second structure is proposed as an isomer of the 25I-NBOMe molecule.
This master’s thesis was done for Andritz Inc. Atlanta Georgia. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a new trolley for a small portal log yard crane. In the beginning of the thesis the basic principles of the systematic design processes have been described, along which the design work of the trolley has proceeded. The second literature part consists of the design and dimensioning of the welded steel structures under fatigue loading. The design work of the trolley consists of the engineering and the selection of the mechanical components and the design of the load carrying structure for the trolley. The realization of the steel structure of the trolley is based on the fatigue and static dimensioning. The fatigue dimensioning is grounded in the life expectations estimated for the trolley and the static dimensioning is based on the CMAA guidelines. The computer aided element method was utilized in the design of the steel structure. The effective notch method and the hot spot method were used in the fatigue calculations. The trolley structure was carried out by using the sheet metal parts in order to manufacture the structure as effective and low cost way as possible. The corner stone of the dimensioning of the trolley structure was the utilization of the open profiles made of welded or cold formed sheet metals, which provide better weldability, weld inspection, access for repairs and corrosion protection. As a last part of the thesis a new trolley traveling system was developed. The distribution of the wheel loads of the trolley bogies on the main girder was also studied, which led to an innovative suspension arrangement between the trolley leg and the bogie. The new bogie solution increases the service life of the main girder of the crane and improves the stability of the bogies. The outcome of the thesis is an excellent trolley structure from the weight and the service life point of view.
Bacterial canker of grapevine (Vitis vinifera), caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola was first detected in Brazil in 1998, affecting grapevines in the São Francisco river basin, state of Pernambuco. The disease was also reported in Juazeiro, Bahia and later in Piauí and Ceará. Due to its limited geographical distribution and relatively recent detection in Brazil, very little is known about the pathogen's biology and diversity. Repetitive DNA based-PCR (rep-PCR) profiles were generated from purified bacterial DNA of 40 field strains of X. campestris pv. viticola, collected between 1998 and 2001 in the states of Pernambuco, Bahia and Piauí. Combined analysis of the PCR patterns obtained with primers REP, ERIC and BOX, showed a high degree of similarity among Brazilian strains and the Indian type strain NCPPB 2475. Similar genomic patterns with several diagnostic bands, present in all strains, could be detected. Fingerprints were distinct from those of strains representing other pathovars and from a yellow non-pathogenic isolate from grape leaves. The polymorphism observed among the Brazilian strains allowed their separation into five subgroups, although with no correlation with cultivar of origin, geographic location or year collected.
This study aims to present an alternative calculation methodology based on the Least Squares Method for determining the modulus of elasticity in bending wooden beams of structural dimensions. The equations developed require knowledge of three or five points measured in displacements along the piece, allowing greater reliability on the response variable, using the statistical bending test at three points and non-destructively, resulting from imposition of measures from small displacements L/300 and L/200, the largest being stipulated by the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997. The woods tested were Angico, Cumaru, Garapa and Jatoba. Besides obtaining the modulus of elasticity through the alternative methodology proposed, these were also obtained employing the Brazilian norm NBR 7190:1997, adapted to the condition of non-destructive testing (small displacements) and for pieces of structural dimensions. The results of the modulus of elasticity of the four species of wood according to both calculation approaches used proved to be equivalent, implying the good approximation provided by the methodology of calculation adapted from the Brazilian norm.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut suunnitella uusi öljyntorjunnassa käytettävä puomiankkuri. Nykyisin käytössä olevat ankkurit ovat painavia, paljon tilaa vieviä, jäykkiä rakenteeltaan ja hankalia käyttää. Työn tavoitteena on ollut suunnitella rakenne, jossa muotoilun avulla pyritään korvaamaan ankkurin painoa ja saavuttaa hyvä tunkeutuminen eri pohjalaaduissa. Ankkurin suunnitteluun kuuluu merkittävänä osana materiaalinvalintaprosessi, jonka perusteella materiaaliksi valittiin kulutusteräs. Kulutusteräksen korkea lujuus ja hyvä kulumiskestävyys mahdollistavat ohuemman materiaalin käytön rakenteessa, jonka seurauksena rakenteen painoa saatiin vähennettyä merkittävästi. Ankkurin rakenteen suunnittelussa käytettiin hyväksi nykyisiä ankkurin rakenteita, joiden pohjalta hahmoteltiin eri variaatioita ankkureista. Suunnittelutyössä käytettiin hyväksi tyypillisiä ankkurirakenteita hyvien puolien kannalta, joita pyrittiin toteuttamaan uudessa ankkuri- rakenteessa. Ankkurin suunnittelu toteutettiin järjestelmällisen suunnittelun avulla, jossa ensin laadittiin ankkurille vaatimuslista. Tämän jälkeen laadittiin ankkurille toimintorakenne ja jakaminen osatoimintoihin. Ankkurin rakenteista toteutettiin kaksi eri versiota: sisävesillä ja merialueilla käytettävät ankkurit, joille laadittiin mitoitus. Työssä suunnitellun terävän tunkeutumisosan ja optimaalisen tunkeutumiskulman avulla ankkureiden painoa saatiin huomattavasti alhaisemmaksi, jonka seurauksena ankkurille saatiin kevyempi rakenne ja materiaalikustannukset pienenivät merkittävästi. Uusien ankkurien rakenne on pienemmän koon ja painon ansiosta käyttäjäystävällisempi.
Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on ollut suunnitella uusi öljyntorjunnassa käytettävä puomiankkuri. Nykyisin käytössä olevat ankkurit ovat painavia, paljon tilaa vieviä, jäykkiä rakenteeltaan ja hankalia käyttää. Työn tavoitteena on ollut suunnitella rakenne, jossa muotoilun avulla pyritään korvaamaan ankkurin painoa ja saavuttaa hyvä tunkeutuminen eri pohjalaaduissa. Ankkurin suunnitteluun kuuluu merkittävänä osana materiaalinvalintaprosessi, jonka perusteella materiaaliksi valittiin kulutusteräs. Kulutusteräksen korkea lujuus ja hyvä kulumiskestävyys mahdollistavat ohuemman materiaalin käytön rakenteessa, jonka seurauksena rakenteen painoa saatiin vähennettyä merkittävästi. Ankkurin rakenteen suunnittelussa käytettiin hyväksi nykyisiä ankkurin rakenteita, joiden pohjalta hahmoteltiin eri variaatioita ankkureista. Suunnittelutyössä käytettiin hyväksi tyypillisiä ankkurirakenteita hyvien puolien kannalta, joita pyrittiin toteuttamaan uudessa ankkuri- rakenteessa. Ankkurin suunnittelu toteutettiin järjestelmällisen suunnittelun avulla, jossa ensin laadittiin ankkurille vaatimuslista. Tämän jälkeen laadittiin ankkurille toimintorakenne ja jakaminen osatoimintoihin. Ankkurin rakenteista toteutettiin kaksi eri versiota: sisävesillä ja merialueilla käytettävät ankkurit, joille laadittiin mitoitus. Työssä suunnitellun terävän tunkeutumisosan ja optimaalisen tunkeutumiskulman avulla ankkureiden painoa saatiin huomattavasti alhaisemmaksi, jonka seurauksena ankkurille saatiin kevyempi rakenne ja materiaalikustannukset pienenivät merkittävästi. Uusien ankkurien rakenne on pienemmän koon ja painon ansiosta käyttäjäystävällisempi.
Rabies is a neurological disease, but the rabies virus spread to several organs outside the central nervous system (CNS). The rabies virus antigen or RNA has been identified from the salivary glands, the lungs, the kidneys, the heart and the liver. This work aimed to identify the presence of the rabies virus in non-neuronal organs from naturally-infected vampire bats and to study the rabies virus in the salivary glands of healthy vampire bats. Out of the five bats that were positive for rabies in the CNS, by fluorescent antibody test (FAT), viral isolation in N2A cells and reverse transcription - polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), 100% (5/5) were positive for rabies in samples of the tongue and the heart, 80% (4/5) in the kidneys, 40% (2/5) in samples of the salivary glands and the lungs, and 20% (1/5) in the liver by RT-PCR test. All the nine bats that were negative for rabies in the CNS, by FAT, viral isolation and RT-PCR were negative for rabies in the salivary glands by RT-PCR test. Possible consequences for rabies epidemiology and pathogenesis are discussed in this work.
Painolastivesien mukana kulkeutuvien lajien leviäminen on yksi vakavimmista globaaleista ympäristöuhkista. Kansainvälinen merenkulkujärjestö IMO määritteli vuonna 2004 kansainvälisen painolastivesiyleissopimuksen, jonka tarkoituksena on ehkäistä laivojen painolastivesien mukana kulkeutuvien lajien leviämistä. Sopimus velvoittaa aluksia käsittelemään niiden painolastivedet ja se sisältää myös käsittelyjärjestelmiltä edellytetyt vaatimukset. Vaikka sopimus ei ole vielä astunut voimaan, painolastivesien käsittelyyn löytyy markkinoilta jo useita kymmeniä IMO:n hyväksymiä käsittelyjärjestelmiä, jotka hyödyntävät erilaisia mekaanisia, fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia menetelmiä. Yksi yleisimmin käytetyistä menetelmistä on UV-säteilytys. UV-säteily tuotetaan elohopealampuilla, jotka kuitenkin kuluttavat paljon energiaa ja sisältävät myrkyllistä elohopeaa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli selvittää, voisiko elohopealamput korvata lähitulevaisuudessa UV-LED -lampuilla. UV-LED –lamppujen etuja ovat muun muassa energiatehokkuus, kestävä rakenne ja myrkyttömyys. Työn tärkeimpänä tavoitteena oli tutkia laboratoriomittausten avulla, millainen UV-annosmäärä 10-50 µm kokoisten kasviplanktonien inaktivoimiseen tarvitaan. Mittausjärjestelyt vastasivat suurelta osin IMO:n vaatimuksia. Laboratoriomittauksissa käytettiin 265 nm:n aallonpituudella toimivia UV-LED -lamppuja. Näytteiden analysoinnissa käytettiin sekä PAM-fluorometriä että virtaussytometriä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella tutkimuksessa käytettyjen lajien Asterionellopsis glacialis ja Thalassiosira sp. täydelliseen inaktivoitumiseen tarvittiin noin 600 mJ/cm2 suuruinen UV-annos. Tulos vastasi ennakko-odotuksia ja se oli vertailukelpoinen muiden aiheesta tehtyjen tutkimusten kanssa. Koska nykyisten UV-LED –lamppujen teho on hyvin alhainen, ne eivät vielä sovellu painolastivesien käsittelyyn. UV-LED –lamppujen kehitystyö on kuitenkin käynnissä ja on arvioitu, että niitä voitaisiin käyttää suurten virtaamien käsittelyssä 5-10 vuoden kuluttua.
The biodistribution and removal from plasma (measured as fractional clearance rate, FCR, per hour) of native and oxidatively modified 99mtechnetium-labeled ß-very low density lipoprotein (99mTc-ß-VLDL) were investigated in hypercholesterolemic (HC) and control (C) three-month old New Zealand rabbits. The intracellular accumulation of ß-VLDL labeled with 99mTc was studied in vitro in THP-1 cells and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits. After intravenous injection into C rabbits, copper-oxidized ß-VLDL (99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) was cleared from the circulation faster (0.362 ± 0.070/h) than native ß-VLDL (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL, 0.241 ± 0.070/h). In contrast, the FCR of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL in HC rabbits was lower (0.100 ± 0.048/h) than that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL (0.163 ± 0.043/h). The hepatic uptake of radiolabeled lipoproteins was lower in HC rabbits (0.114 ± 0.071% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.116 ± 0.057% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL) than in C rabbits (0.301 ± 0.113% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 0.305 ± 0.149% injected dose/g tissue for 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL). The uptake of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by atherosclerotic aorta lesions isolated from HC rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.033 ± 0.012% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.039 ± 0.017% injected dose/g tissue) was higher in comparison to that of non-atherosclerotic aortas from C rabbits (99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL: 0.023 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL: 0.019 ± 0.010% injected dose/g tissue). However, 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL and 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL were taken up by atherosclerotic lesions at similar rates. In vitro studies showed that both monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from rabbits and THP-1 macrophages significantly internalized more 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL than 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL. These results indicate that in cholesterol-fed rabbits 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL is slowly cleared from plasma and accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions. However, although the extent of in vitro uptake of 99mTc-ox-ß-VLDL by macrophages was high, the in vivo accumulation of this radiolabeled lipoprotein by atherosclerotic lesions did not differ from that of 99mTc-nat-ß-VLDL.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how mobile banking and mobile payments services will change the banking sector in Finland, and what role non-bank companies from the IT and telecom industries will play in this process. The thesis consists of a literature review and a qualitative study. The literature review forms a comprehensive overview of mobile banking and mobile payments services. The qualitative research was conducted as a descriptive study, focusing on the views of bank and non-bank players. The results show that banks have a significant advantage over their IT and telecom rivals in regards to their service offering, financial buffer, and status as trustworthy institutions. The banks’ embrace of mobile financial services will change the Finnish banking sector into one, with a light branch network focused on sales power, and a heavy emphasis on new mobile devices providing service power regardless of time and place.
Type 2 diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular mortality and these patients, even without previous myocardial infarction, run the risk of fatal coronary heart disease similar to non-diabetic patients surviving myocardial infarction. There is evidence showing that particulate matter air pollution is associated with increases in cardiopulmonary morbidity and mortality. The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of diabetes mellitus on the association of air pollution with cardiovascular emergency room visits in a tertiary referral hospital in the city of São Paulo. Using a time-series approach, and adopting generalized linear Poisson regression models, we assessed the effect of daily variations in PM10, CO, NO2, SO2, and O3 on the daily number of emergency room visits for cardiovascular diseases in diabetic and non-diabetic patients from 2001 to 2003. A semi-parametric smoother (natural spline) was adopted to control long-term trends, linear term seasonal usage and weather variables. In this period, 45,000 cardiovascular emergency room visits were registered. The observed increase in interquartile range within the 2-day moving average of 8.0 µg/m³ SO2 was associated with 7.0% (95%CI: 4.0-11.0) and 20.0% (95%CI: 5.0-44.0) increases in cardiovascular disease emergency room visits by non-diabetic and diabetic groups, respectively. These data indicate that air pollution causes an increase of cardiovascular emergency room visits, and that diabetic patients are extremely susceptible to the adverse effects of air pollution on their health conditions.
Currently, laser scribing is growing material processing method in the industry. Benefits of laser scribing technology are studied for example for improving an efficiency of solar cells. Due high-quality requirement of the fast scribing process, it is important to monitor the process in real time for detecting possible defects during the process. However, there is a lack of studies of laser scribing real time monitoring. Commonly used monitoring methods developed for other laser processes such a laser welding, are sufficient slow and existed applications cannot be implemented in fast laser scribing monitoring. The aim of this thesis is to find a method for laser scribing monitoring with a high-speed camera and evaluate reliability and performance of the developed monitoring system with experiments. The laser used in experiments is an IPG ytterbium pulsed fiber laser with 20 W maximum average power and Scan head optics used in the laser is Scanlab’s Hurryscan 14 II with an f100 tele-centric lens. The camera was connected to laser scanner using camera adapter to follow the laser process. A powerful fully programmable industrial computer was chosen for executing image processing and analysis. Algorithms for defect analysis, which are based on particle analysis, were developed using LabVIEW system design software. The performance of the algorithms was analyzed by analyzing a non-moving image from the scribing line with resolution 960x20 pixel. As a result, the maximum analysis speed was 560 frames per second. Reliability of the algorithm was evaluated by imaging scribing path with a variable number of defects 2000 mm/s when the laser was turned off and image analysis speed was 430 frames per second. The experiment was successful and as a result, the algorithms detected all defects from the scribing path. The final monitoring experiment was performed during a laser process. However, it was challenging to get active laser illumination work with the laser scanner due physical dimensions of the laser lens and the scanner. For reliable error detection, the illumination system is needed to be replaced.
Young soybean plants (Glycine ~. L. cultivar Harosoy '63), grown under controlled conditions, were exposed to gamma radiation on a single occasion. One hour following exposure to 3,750 rads, the mature trifoliate leaf of the soybean plant was isolated in a closed system and permitted to photoassimilate approximately 1-5 pCi of 14C02 for 15 minutes. After an additional 45 minute-period, the plant was sacrificed and the magnitude of translocation and distribution pattern of 14C determined. In the non-irradiated plants 18~ of the total 14C recovered was outside the fed leaf blades and of this translocated 14c, 28~ was above the node of the fed leaf, 38~ in the stem below the node, 28~ in the roots and 7~ in the petiole. As well, in the irradiated plants, a smaller per cent (6~) of the total 14 C recovered was exported out of the source leaf blades. Of this translocated 14c , a smaller per cent (20~) was found in the apical region above the node of the source leaf and a higher per cent (45~) was recovered from the stem below the node and in the petiole (11~). The per cent of exported 14 C recovered from the root was unaffected by the radiation. Replacement of the shoot apex with 20 ppm IAA immediately following irradiation, only J partially increased the magnitude of translocation but did completely restore the pattern of distribution to that observed in the non-irradiated plants. From supplementary studies showing a radiationinduced reduction of photosynthetic rates in the source leaf and a reduction of the cumulative stem and leaf lengths in the apical sink region, the observed effects of radiation on the translocation process have been correlated to damage incurred by the source and sink regions. These data suggest that the reduction in the magnitude of translocation is the result of damage to both the source and sink regions rather than the phloem conducting tissue itself, whereas the change in the pattern of translocation is probably the result of a reduced rate of 14C-assimilate movement caused by a radiation-induced decrease of sink metabolism, especially the decrease in the metabolism of the apical sink.
In response to growing public and policy concern about conflicts of interest (COI) in university research, academic institutions in North America and Europe have introduced policies to manage COI. However, depending on their form and content, COI policies can be more or less helpful in the effective management of COI. In this paper, we examine and compare the design and content of COI policies at two Canadian research universities (the Université de Montréal and the University of Waterloo), which we suggest, exemplify two general categories or poles on a spectrum of policy approaches. We describe 1) a legalistic approach that promotes a concise but rigid structure, and 2) an inspirational approach that encourages principle-based deliberation and wider interpretation. Each of these approaches has its particular strengths and weaknesses. We conclude with some recommendations to help administrators and policy makers improve the quality, utility and effectiveness of university COI policies.