953 resultados para Neuropsychological Sequelae
Evidence from neuropsychological and activation studies (Clarke et al., 2oo0, Maeder et al., 2000) suggests that sound recognitionand localisation are processed by two anatomically and functionally distinct cortical networks. We report here on a case of a patientthat had an interruption of auditory information and we show: i) the effects of this interruption on cortical auditory processing; ii)the effect of the workload on activation pattern.A 36 year old man suffered from a small left mesencephalic haemotrhage, due to cavernous angioma; the let% inferior colliculuswas resected in the surgical approach of the vascular malformation. In the acute stage, the patient complained of auditoryhallucinations and of auditory loss in right ear, while tonal audiometry was normal. At 12 months, auditory recognition, auditorylocalisation (assessed by lTD and IID cues) and auditory motion perception were normal (Clarke et al., 2000), while verbal dichoticlistening was deficient on the right side.Sound recognition and sound localisation activation patterns were investigated with fMRI, using a passive and an activeparadigm. In normal subjects, distinct cortical networks were involved in sound recognition and localisation, both in passive andactive paradigm (Maeder et al., 2OOOa, 2000b).Passive listening of environmental and spatial stimuli as compared to rest strongly activated right auditory cortex, but failed toactivate left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation could not be visual&d onthe right and only minimally on the left convexity. A very different activation pattern was obtained in the active condition wherea motor response was required. Workload not only increased the activation of the right auditory cortex, but also allowed theactivation of the left primary auditory cortex. The specialised networks for sound recognition and localisation were almostcompletely present in both hemispheres.These results show that increasing the workload can i) help to recruit cortical region in the auditory deafferented hemisphere;and ii) lead to processing auditory information within specific cortical networks.References:Clarke et al. (2000). Neuropsychologia 38: 797-807.Mae.der et al. (2OOOa), Neuroimage 11: S52.Maeder et al. (2OOOb), Neuroimage 11: S33
Efforts are being made by clinicians and researchers to accurately delineate phenotypic traits of individuals at enhanced risk of schizophrenia. This issue is important for a better understanding of the etiopathogenic mechanisms of the disease and for the building up of programs of primary prevention. We suggest that disturbances of subjective experience, although difficult to operationalize, are an important-but until now neglected-core component of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. We advocate the development of valid and reliable instruments in order to allow the assessment of basic symptoms and disturbances of Self-experience. Delineation of vulnerability to schizophrenia cannot rely solely on neuropsychological and neurophysiological data, as prevention programs will be performed mainly by clinicians.
Background: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) occurs frequently after cardiac surgery. Some data suggest that inflammation plays a key role in the development of POCD. N-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a beneficial effect on inflammation. We hypothesised that perioperative n-3 enriched nutrition therapy would reduce the incidence of POCD in this group of patients. Methods: Randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial in patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. 2x 250 mL placebo (Ensure Plus™, Abbott Nutrition) or n-3 enriched nutrition therapy (ProSure™ Abbott Nutrition) were administered for ten days starting 5 days prior to surgery. Cognition was assessed preoperatively and 7 days after surgery with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB) [1]. Results: 16 patients were included. Mean age was 72 } 5.3 for placebo and 75 } 4.8 for ProSure™ respectively. CRP and IL-6 did not differ significantly between groups preoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 3, and 7. Preoperative CERAD total scores were 86 } 10 and 81 } 9 (p = n.s.) for Placebo and ProSure™, respectively. Postoperative scores were 88 } 12, and 77 } 19 (p = n.s.) The change in score was not different between the two groups (Placebo: +3 } 5; ProSure: -5 } 11). Conclusion: In this very small sample no effect of preoperatively started n-3 enriched nutritional supplements on inflammation or cognitive functions were detected. However, there is a large likelihood of a type II error and more patients need to be included to assess possible beneficial effects of this intervention in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. 1 Chandler MJ, et al. Neurology. 2005;65:102-6.
Primary objectives: Awake surgeries of slow-growing tumours invading the brain and guided by direct electrical stimulation induce major brain reorganizations accompanied with slight impairments post-operatively. In most cases, these deficits are so slight after a few days that they are often not detectable on classical neuropsychological evaluations. Consequently, this study investigated whether simple visuo-manual reaction time paradigms would sign some level of functional asymmetries between both hemispheres. Importantly, the visual stimulus was located in the saggital plane in order to limit attentional biases and to focus mainly on the inter-hemispheric asymmetry. Methods and procedures: Three patients (aged 41, 59 and 59 years) after resections in parietal regions and a control group (age¼44, SD¼6.9) were compared during simple uni- and bimanual reaction times (RTs). Main outcomes and results: Longer RTs were observed for the contralesional compared to the ipsilesional hand in the unimanual condition. This asymmetry was reversed for the bimanual condition despite longer RTs. Conclusion and clinical implications: Reaction time paradigms are useful in these patients to monitor more precisely their functional deficits, especially their level of functional asymmetry, and to understand brain (re)organization following slowgrowing lesions.
Status epilepticus treatment involves the use of several pharmacologic compounds, which are conceptually divided into three successive and additional lines of action. Because of their rapid onset of action, benzodiazepines represent the first approach; these are followed by classic antiepileptic drugs that are administered intravenously. In refractory episodes, pharmacologic coma induction with an appropriate anesthetic is advocated. Apart from first-line compounds, the level of evidence for medications used in status epilepticus is extremely limited. It is important to specifically address etiology in order to maximize the impact of the antiepileptic therapy. Fine-tuning of the treatment strategy, mainly regarding the choice of whether to induce coma, should be approached by balancing the benefits of rapid control of the status epilepticus with the risks of adverse effects. Although each status epilepticus episode should be treated as rapidly as possible, it appears advisable to reserve coma induction for those forms, such as generalized convulsive status, that have been shown to present a consistent risk of neurologic sequelae.
In this report, we confirm our previous findings of increased concentrations of soluble amyloid-β protein precursor (sAβPP) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in a large cohort of patients (n = 314), not overlapping with those of our previous study, and we extend our observations by including a control group of participants with normal cognition. In addition, we investigate the effects of age, the APOEε4 genotype, and the blood-CSF barrier function on the concentrations of sAβPPα and sAβPPβ. The study participants were categorized according to clinical-neuropsychological criteria, supported by CSF neurochemical dementia diagnostics (NDD) analyses. sAβPPα concentrations in the AD group (132.0 ± 44.8) were significantly higher than in the control group (105.3 ± 37.3, p < 0.0005) but did not differ from the MCI-AD group (138.5 ± 39.5, p = 0.91). The MCI-AD group differed significantly from the MCI-O (97.3 ± 34.3, p < 0.05) group. There was no difference between the control and the MCI-O groups (p = 0.94). Similarly, sAβPPβ concentrations in the AD group (160.2 ± 54.3) were significantly higher than in the control group (129.9 ± 44.6, p < 0.005) but did not differ from the MCI-AD group (184.0 ± 56.4, p = 0.20). The MCI-AD group differed significantly from the MCI-O (127.8 ± 46.2, p < 0.05) group. There was no difference between the control and the MCI-O groups (p > 0.99). We observed highly significant correlation of the two sAβPP forms. Age and the CSF-serum albumin ratio were significant albeit weak predictors of the sAβPPα and sAβPPβ concentrations, while carrying the APOEε4 allele did not influenced the levels of the sAβPP forms. Taken together, the results strongly suggest that CSF sAβPP concentrations may be considered as an extension of already available NDD tools.
BACKGROUND: Until recently, neurosurgeons eagerly removed cerebellar lesions without consideration of future cognitive impairment that might be caused by the resection. In children, transient cerebellar mutism after resection has lead to a diminished use of midline approaches and vermis transection, as well as reduced retraction of the cerebellar hemispheres. The role of the cerebellum in higher cognitive functions beyond coordination and motor control has recently attracted significant interest in the scientific community, and might change the neurosurgical approach to these lesions. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific effects of cerebellar lesions on memory, and to assess a possible lateralisation effect. METHODS: We studied 16 patients diagnosed with a cerebellar lesion, from January 1997 to April 2005, in the "Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)", Lausanne, Switzerland. Different neuropsychological tests assessing short term and anterograde memory, verbal and visuo-spatial modalities were performed pre-operatively. RESULTS: Severe memory deficits in at least one modality were identified in a majority (81%) of patients with cerebellar lesions. Only 1 patient (6%) had no memory deficit. In our series lateralisation of the lesion did not lead to a significant difference in verbal or visuo-spatial memory deficits. FINDINGS: These findings are consistent with findings in the literature concerning memory deficits in isolated cerebellar lesions. These can be explained by anatomical pathways. However, the cross-lateralisation theory cannot be demonstrated in our series. The high percentage of patients with a cerebellar lesion who demonstrate memory deficits should lead us to assess memory in all patients with cerebellar lesions.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) allow establishing theanatomical evolution and neurochemical profiles of ischemic lesions. However onlylimited MRS studies have been reported to-date in mice due to the challenges ofMRS in small organs. The aim of the current work was to study the neurochemicaland imaging sequelae of ischemic stroke in a mouse model in a horizontal bore14.1 Tesla system.ICR-CD1 mice were subjected to 30 minute transient middle cerebral artery occlusion.The extent of the lesion was determined by MRI. The neurochemical profileconsisting of the concentrations of 22 metabolites was measured longitudinallyfollowing the recovery from ischemia at 3, 8 and 24h in the striatum.Our model produced very reproducible striatal lesions which began to appear onT2-weighted images 8h after ischemia. At 24h, they were well established andtheir size correlated with lesions measured by histology. Profound changes couldbe observed in the neurochemical profiles of the core of the striatal lesions as earlyas 3h post-ischemia, in particular, we observed elevated lactate levels, decreases inthe putative neuronal marker N-acetyl-aspartate and in glutamate, and a transienttwo-fold glutamine increase, likely linked to excitotoxic release of glutamate andconversion to glutamine. With further ischemia evolution, other changes appearedat later time-points, mainly decreases of metabolites, consistent with disruption ofcellular function. It is interesting to note that glutamine tended to return to basallevels at 24h.We conclude that early changes in markers of energy metabolism, glutamate excitotoxicityand neuronal viability can be detected with high precision non-invasively inmice following stroke. Such investigations should lead to a better understanding andinsight into the sequential early changes in the brain parenchyma after ischemia,which could be used e.g. for identifying new targets for neuroprotection.
BACKGROUND: Patients with rare diseases such as congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) are dispersed, often challenged to find specialized care and face other health disparities. The internet has the potential to reach a wide audience of rare disease patients and can help connect patients and specialists. Therefore, this study aimed to: (i) determine if web-based platforms could be effectively used to conduct an online needs assessment of dispersed CHH patients; (ii) identify the unmet health and informational needs of CHH patients and (iii) assess patient acceptability regarding patient-centered, web-based interventions to bridge shortfalls in care. METHODS: A sequential mixed-methods design was used: first, an online survey was conducted to evaluate health promoting behavior and identify unmet health and informational needs of CHH men. Subsequently, patient focus groups were held to explore specific patient-identified targets for care and to examine the acceptability of possible online interventions. Descriptive statistics and thematic qualitative analyses were used. RESULTS: 105 male participants completed the online survey (mean age 37 ± 11, range 19-66 years) representing a spectrum of patients across a broad socioeconomic range and all but one subject had adequate healthcare literacy. The survey revealed periods of non-adherence to treatment (34/93, 37%) and gaps in healthcare (36/87, 41%) exceeding one year. Patient focus groups identified lasting psychological effects related to feelings of isolation, shame and body-image concerns. Survey respondents were active internet users, nearly all had sought CHH information online (101/105, 96%), and they rated the internet, healthcare providers, and online community as equally important CHH information sources. Focus group participants were overwhelmingly positive regarding online interventions/support with links to reach expert healthcare providers and for peer-to-peer support. CONCLUSION: The web-based needs assessment was an effective way to reach dispersed CHH patients. These individuals often have long gaps in care and struggle with the psychosocial sequelae of CHH. They are highly motivated internet users seeking information and tapping into online communities and are receptive to novel web-based interventions addressing their unmet needs.
Background: HAART has contributed to decrease the HIV-related mortality and morbidity. However, the prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) seems to have increased. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cognitive complaint and of HAND in a cohort of aviremic HIV_patients in the South-western part of Switzerland. Design/Methods: Two hundred HIV_ patients who had (1) undetectable HIV RNA concentrations in the plasma for_3 months, (2) no history of major opportunistic infection of the CNS in the past three years, (3) no current use of IV drugs and (4) no signs of major depression according to the DSM-IV criteria, answered a questionnaire designed to elicit cognitive complaints. Cognitive functions of a subset of HIV_ patients with or without cognitive complaints were assessed using the HIV Dementia scale (HDS) and a battery of neuropsychological tests evaluating the sub-cortical functions. Cognitive impairment was defined according to the revised diagnostic criteria for HAND. Non-parametric tests were used for statistics and a Bonferroni corrected standard p level of pB0.002 was applied for multiple comparisons. Results: The prevalence of cognitive complaints was 27% (54 patients) among the 200 questioned patients. At the time of writing this abstract, cognitive functions of 50 complaining and 28 noncomplaining aviremic patients had been assessed with the HDS and the full neuropsychological battery. The prevalence of HAND producing at least mild interference in daily functioning (mild neurocognitive disorders [MND] or HIV-associated dementia [HAD]) was 44% (34/78 patients) in the group who underwent neuropsychological testing. Objective evidences of HAND were more frequent in complaining than in non-complaining patients (pB0.001). Using a ROC curve, a cut-off of 13 on the HDS was found to have a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 71% (p_0.001) for the diagnosis of HAND. A trend for lower CNS Penetrating-Effectiveness scores for HAART in patients with MND or HAD as compared to the others was present (1.59 0.6 vs. 1.990.6; p_0.006 [Bonferroni correction]). Conclusions/Relevance: So far, our results suggest that (1) the prevalence of HAND is high in HIV_ patients with a long-term suppression of viremia, and (2) cognitive complaints expressed by aviremic HIV_ patients should be carefully investigated as they correlate with objective evidences of cognitive decline in a neuropsychological testing. HAART with a high CNS penetrating-effectiveness may contribute to prevent HAND. Funding: Swiss HIV Cohort Study.
PURPOSE: Evidence has accumulated in recent years suggestive of a genetic basis for a susceptibility to the development of radiation injury after cancer radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to assess whether patients with severe radiation-induced sequelae (RIS; i.e., National Cancer Institute/CTCv3.0 grade, > or =3) display both a low capacity of radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis (RILA) in vitro and possess certain single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located in candidate genes associated with the response of cells to radiation. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: DNA was isolated from blood samples obtained from patients (n = 399) included in the Swiss prospective study evaluating the predictive effect of in vitro RILA and RIS. SNPs in the ATM, SOD2, XRCC1, XRCC3, TGFB1, and RAD21 genes were screened in patients who experienced severe RIS (group A, n = 16) and control subjects who did not manifest any evidence of RIS (group B, n = 18). RESULTS: Overall, 13 and 21 patients were found to possess a total of <4 and > or =4 SNPs in the candidate genes. The median (range) RILA in group A was 9.4% (5.3-16.5) and 94% (95% confidence interval, 70-100) of the patients (15 of 16) had > or =4 SNPs. In group B, median (range) RILA was 25.7% (20.2-43.2) and 33% (95% confidence interval, 13-59) of patients (6 of 18) had > or =4 SNPs (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that patients with severe RIS possess 4 or more SNPs in candidate genes and low radiation-induced CD8 lymphocyte apoptosis in vitro.
Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) is characterized by memory deficits alone (single-domain, sd-aMCI) or associated with other cognitive disabilities (multi-domain, md-aMCI). The present study assessed the patterns of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during the encoding and retrieval phases of short-term memory in these two aMCI subtypes, to identify potential functional differences according to the neuropsychological profile. Continuous EEG was recorded in 43 aMCI patients, whose 16 sd-aMCI and 27 md-aMCI, and 36 age-matched controls (EC) during delayed match-to-sample tasks for face and letter stimuli. At encoding, attended stimuli elicited parietal alpha (8-12 Hz) power decrease (desynchronization), whereas distracting stimuli were associated with alpha power increase (synchronization) over right central sites. No difference was observed in parietal alpha desynchronization among the three groups. For attended faces, the alpha synchronization underlying suppression of distracting letters was reduced in both aMCI subgroups, but more severely in md-aMCI cases that differed significantly from EC. At retrieval, the early N250r recognition effect was significantly reduced for faces in md-aMCI as compared to both sd-aMCI and EC. The results suggest a differential alteration of working memory cerebral processes for faces in the two aMCI subtypes, face covert recognition processes being specifically altered in md-aMCI.
Objectives. A study is made of the dental implications of oral cancer, with a view to avoiding the complications that appear once oncological treatment is started. Patients and Methods. The study comprised a total of 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer according to clinical and histological criteria in the Service of Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain) during the period 1996-2005, and posteriorly treated in different hospital centers in Barcelona. Results. Of the 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer in our Service, the present study finally analyzed the 12 subjects who reported for the dental controls. As regards the remaining 10 patients, 5 had died and 5 could not be located; these subjects were thus excluded from the analysis. All of the smokers had abandoned the habit. The most common tumor location was the lateral margin of the tongue. None of the patients visited the dentist regularly before the diagnosis of oral cancer. T1N0M0 was the most common tumor stage. Surgery was carried out in 50% of the cases, while 8.4% of the patients received radiotherapy and 41.6% underwent surgery with postoperative radiotherapy. In turn, 66.6% of the patients reported treatment sequelae such as dysgeusia, xerostomia or speech difficulties, and one patient suffered osteoradionecrosis. Forty-one percent of the patients did not undergo regular dental controls after cancer treatment. As regards oral and dental health, 16.6% presented caries, and 50% had active periodontal disease. Conclusions. Protocols are available for preventing the complications of oral cancer treatment, and thus for improving patient quality of life. However, important shortcomings in the application of such protocols on the part of the public health authorities make it difficult to reach these objectives
Objectives. A study is made of the dental implications of oral cancer, with a view to avoiding the complications that appear once oncological treatment is started. Patients and Methods. The study comprised a total of 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer according to clinical and histological criteria in the Service of Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Clinic of the University of Barcelona, Spain) during the period 1996-2005, and posteriorly treated in different hospital centers in Barcelona. Results. Of the 22 patients diagnosed with oral cancer in our Service, the present study finally analyzed the 12 subjects who reported for the dental controls. As regards the remaining 10 patients, 5 had died and 5 could not be located; these subjects were thus excluded from the analysis. All of the smokers had abandoned the habit. The most common tumor location was the lateral margin of the tongue. None of the patients visited the dentist regularly before the diagnosis of oral cancer. T1N0M0 was the most common tumor stage. Surgery was carried out in 50% of the cases, while 8.4% of the patients received radiotherapy and 41.6% underwent surgery with postoperative radiotherapy. In turn, 66.6% of the patients reported treatment sequelae such as dysgeusia, xerostomia or speech difficulties, and one patient suffered osteoradionecrosis. Forty-one percent of the patients did not undergo regular dental controls after cancer treatment. As regards oral and dental health, 16.6% presented caries, and 50% had active periodontal disease. Conclusions. Protocols are available for preventing the complications of oral cancer treatment, and thus for improving patient quality of life. However, important shortcomings in the application of such protocols on the part of the public health authorities make it difficult to reach these objectives
Background: Recent research based on comparisons between bilinguals and monolinguals postulates that bilingualism enhances cognitive control functions, because the parallel activation of languages necessitates control of interference. In a novel approach we investigated two groups of bilinguals, distinguished by their susceptibility to cross-language interference, asking whether bilinguals with strong language control abilities ('non-switchers") have an advantage in executive functions (inhibition of irrelevant information, problem solving, planning efficiency, generative fluency and self-monitoring) compared to those bilinguals showing weaker language control abilities ('switchers"). Methods: 29 late bilinguals (21 women) were evaluated using various cognitive control neuropsychological tests [e.g., Tower of Hanoi, Ruff Figural Fluency Task, Divided Attention, Go/noGo] tapping executive functions as well as four subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. The analysis involved t-tests (two independent samples). Non-switchers (n = 16) were distinguished from switchers (n = 13) by their performance observed in a bilingual picture-naming task. Results: The non-switcher group demonstrated a better performance on the Tower of Hanoi and Ruff Figural Fluency task, faster reaction time in a Go/noGo and Divided Attention task, and produced significantly fewer errors in the Tower of Hanoi, Go/noGo, and Divided Attention tasks when compared to the switchers. Non-switchers performed significantly better on two verbal subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Information and Similarity), but not on the Performance subtests (Picture Completion, Block Design). Conclusions: The present results suggest that bilinguals with stronger language control have indeed a cognitive advantage in the administered tests involving executive functions, in particular inhibition, self-monitoring, problem solving, and generative fluency, and in two of the intelligence tests. What remains unclear is the direction of the relationship between executive functions and language control abilities.