938 resultados para Nautical charts--South China Sea.
The consumption of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a major inorganic arsenic exposure pathway in S.E. Asia. A multi-location survey was undertaken in Guangdong Province, South China to assess arsenic accumulation and speciation in 2 rice cultivars, one an Indica and the other a hybrid Indica. The results showed that arsenic concentrations in rice tissue increased in the order grain <husk <straw <root. Rice grain arsenic content of 2 rice cultivars was significant different and correlated with phosphorus concentration and molar ratio of P/As in shoot, being higher for the Indica cultivar than for the hybrid Indica, which suggests altering shoot phosphorus status as a promising route for breeding rice cultivars with reduced grain arsenic. Speciation of grain arsenic, performed using HPLC-ICP-MS, identified inorganic arsenic as the dominant arsenic species present in the rice grain.
El fenómeno trasnacional de la piratería marítima se ha convertido en una de las principales amenazas para el desarrollo y el crecimiento del comercio marítimo internacional, especialmente en aquellas zonas que presentan altos flujos comerciales,las cuales de igual forma, se convierten en puntos geográficos favorables para las practicas ilegales de los piratas.
El conflicto territorial presente en el Mar del Sur hace que sea uno de los conflictos de mayor atención en los últimos tiempos. Su riqueza energética impide que alguno de los países litigantes piense en ceder sus intereses sobre esta porción marítima. China y los países miembros de la ASEAN son las partes del conflicto, que entre momentos de cooperación y disensión buscan una solución a este problema. Sin embargo, los intentos diplomáticos y normativos para poner fin a este conflicto, no han sido suficientes, puesto que las agresiones y violaciones en este mar se convierten en una constante que pone en riesgo una de las regiones con mayor influencia en la economía mundial.
El artículo presenta la génesis, proceso e implicaciones de la expansión estratégica de la República Popular China hacia el Sudeste asiático. En ese sentido, la hipótesis que se presenta es que Beijing aspira a un renacer pacífico en el Sur con objetivos en el campo económico, estratégico y político. En el plano de la economía lo que se pretende es la estabilidad en el vecindario, condición fundamental para el éxito de su modelo económico, financiero y comercial. En el ámbito estratégico se busca un acceso a fuentes de energía alternativas al carbón, y en lo político, China ha buscado reducir la influencia americana y disminuir el margen de maniobra de Taiwán. En una primera parte se presenta un análisis histórico para introducir al lector en las variables históricas más relevantes para la comprensión del tema en cuestión. En la segunda se estudia el litigio del Mar del Sur de China y la importancia que éste posee política y geoestratégicamente. Finalmente, se examina la influencia china en el Sudeste asiático en tres campos: el cultural, el económico del cual hace parte el financiero y comercial y por último en el geoestratégico.-----L’article illustre la genèse, le processus et les implications de l’expansion stratégique de la République Populaire Chine dans le Sud-est Asiatique. De ce fait, l’hypothèse qui nous présenterons demeure Sur l’idée que Pékin cherche une renaissance pacifique vers le Sud en vue des objectifs économiques, stratégiques et politiques. En ce qui concerne l’économie, la Chine veux la stabilité dans la région, car ceci est une condition essentielle pour la réussite du modèle économique, financer et commercial. Quant à la question stratégique, elle cherche l’accès aux sources alternatives d’énergie. Dans le domaine politique, Pékin aspire à réduire l’influence américaine et à isoler le Taiwan. Dans une première partie, nous introduirons les variables historiques les plus essentielles afin d’expliquer les racines de la problématique en question. Dans la deuxième, le contentieux pour la Mer du Sud de Chine sera analysé ainsi que son importance politique et geoestratégique. Finalement, nous étudierons le processus de l’influence chinoise dans le Sud-est Asiatique. Cela sera divisé en trois domaines, le culturel, l’économique dont le commercial et financière, et le geostratégique.-----This article illustrates the genesis, the process and the implications of the strategic expansion of the People’s Republic of China towards South East Asia. Therefore, the hypothesis that we present is that Beijing is pursuing a Pacific rise in the South aiming for economic, strategic and political goals. Regarding the subject of economy, China seeks stability in the region, due to the fact that it has become essential in the success of its economic, financial and commercial model. Regarding the strategic field China is looking for a way to access alternative energy sources. Politically speaking, Beijing has sought to reduce American influence in the region as well as the isolation of Taiwan. In the first part of the article the reader will find a historical introduction for a better understanding of the subject here treated. In the second part, the litigation of the South China Sea is analyzed due to its political and geostrategical importance. Finally, Chinese influence on South East Asia is examined in three fields: cultural, economic, including financial and commercial aspects as well as the geostrategic field.
El interés de este trabajo es el de analizar la Política Exterior de la Republica Popular China, más específicamente la conocida como Desarrollo Pacífico, y su incidencia en las disputas territoriales del Sudeste Asiático. El trabajo se dividirá en 3 partes, donde cada una tratara distintos aspectos del Desarrollo Pacífico, y través del mismo se explicará como por medio de distintos conceptos se pueden entender las múltiples posiciones chinas, así como las preocupaciones de los países que conforman el bloque ASEAN. El propósito de este documento será demostrar que a pesar de que dicha política ha ayudado de forma sustancial a mejorar las relaciones entre ambos bandos y ha traído bastantes beneficios políticos, no ha sido suficiente para eliminar la tensión en la zona y dar una solución a las disputas que se viven.
It is generally agreed that changing climate variability, and the associated change in climate extremes, may have a greater impact on environmentally vulnerable regions than a changing mean. This research investigates rainfall variability, rainfall extremes, and their associations with atmospheric and oceanic circulations over southern Africa, a region that is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme events because of numerous environmental, social, and economic pressures. Because rainfall variability is a function of scale, high-resolution data are needed to identify extreme events. Thus, this research uses remotely sensed rainfall data and climate model experiments at high spatial and temporal resolution, with the overall aim being to investigate the ways in which sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies influence rainfall extremes over southern Africa. Extreme rainfall identification is achieved by the high-resolution microwave/infrared rainfall algorithm dataset. This comprises satellite-derived daily rainfall from 1993 to 2002 and covers southern Africa at a spatial resolution of 0.1° latitude–longitude. Extremes are extracted and used with reanalysis data to study possible circulation anomalies associated with extreme rainfall. Anomalously cold SSTs in the central South Atlantic and warm SSTs off the coast of southwestern Africa seem to be statistically related to rainfall extremes. Further, through a number of idealized climate model experiments, it would appear that both decreasing SSTs in the central South Atlantic and increasing SSTs off the coast of southwestern Africa lead to a demonstrable increase in daily rainfall and rainfall extremes over southern Africa, via local effects such as increased convection and remote effects such as an adjustment of the Walker-type circulation.
The long-term changes in the main tidal constituents (O1, K1, M2, N2, and S2) along the coasts of China and in adjacent seas are investigated based on 17 tide-gauge records covering the period 1954–2012. The observed 18.61 year nodal modulations of the diurnal constituents O1 and K1 are in agreement with the equilibrium tidal theory, except in the South China Sea. The observed modulations of the M2 and N2 amplitudes are smaller than theoretically predicted at the northern stations and larger at the southern stations. The discrepancies between the theoretically predicted nodal variations and the observations are discussed. The 8.85 year perigean cycle is identifiable in the N2 parameters at most stations, except those in the South China Sea. The radiational component of S2 contributes on average 16% of the observed S2 except in the Gulf of Tonkin, on the south coast, where it accounts for up to 65%. We confirmed the existence of nodal modulation in S2, which is stronger on the north coast. The semidiurnal tidal parameters show significant secular trends in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, on the north coast, and in the Taiwan Strait. The largest increase is found for M2 for which the amplitude increases by 4–7 mm/yr in the Yellow Sea. The potential causes for the linear trends in tidal constants are discussed.
The East China Sea is a hot area for typhoon waves to occur. A wave spectra assimilation model has been developed to predict the typhoon wave more accurately and operationally. This is the first time where wave data from Taiwan have been used to predict typhoon wave along the mainland China coast. The two-dimensional spectra observed in Taiwan northeast coast modify the wave field output by SWAN model through the technology of optimal interpolation (OI) scheme. The wind field correction is not involved as it contributes less than a quarter of the correction achieved by assimilation of waves. The initialization issue for assimilation is discussed. A linear evolution law for noise in the wave field is derived from the SWAN governing equations. A two-dimensional digital low-pass filter is used to obtain the initialized wave fields. The data assimilation model is optimized during the typhoon Sinlaku. During typhoons Krosa and Morakot, data assimilation significantly improves the low frequency wave energy and wave propagation direction in Taiwan coast. For the far-field region, the assimilation model shows an expected ability of improving typhoon wave forecast as well, as data assimilation enhances the low frequency wave energy. The proportion of positive assimilation indexes is over 81% for all the periods of comparison. The paper also finds that the impact of data assimilation on the far-field region depends on the state of the typhoon developing and the swell propagation direction.