1000 resultados para Naturhistorisches Museum (Austria)


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1865, vier Jahre vor seinem Tod, schenkt der Bieler Sammler Friedrich Schwab seine archäologischen Objekte der Stadt. Er möchte damit den Bewohnern Biels, vor allem der Jugend, einen reichen Fundus zur Verfügung stellen, der einen Einblick in den Alltag der prähistorischen Bewohner der Region bietet. Bis heute ist die Sammlung Schwab ein Studienobjekt für Archäologen geblieben und inspiriert Öffentlichkeit und Schulklassen: So sieht Friedrich Schwab seinen Willen auch nach bald 150 Jahren noch immer erfüllt. Die vorliegende Publikation erläutert die wechselvolle Geschichte des Museums Schwab und bietet gleichzeitig einen Überblick über die archäologische Erforschung der Drei-Seen-Region: von der Entdeckung der ersten Pfahlbausiedlungen bis zu ihrer Aufnahme in das UNESCO Welterbe. Sie folgt den Sammlungen eines Universalmuseums auf ihrer Odyssee, weist auf Details einer einmaligen Architektur hin und zeigt die Zusammenhänge zwischen Kulturpolitik und der aktuellen Bieler Museumslandschaft auf.


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Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is one of the main causes of maternal deaths even in industrialized countries. It represents an emergency situation which necessitates a rapid decision and in particular an exact diagnosis and root cause analysis in order to initiate the correct therapeutic measures in an interdisciplinary cooperation. In addition to established guidelines, the benefits of standardized therapy algorithms have been demonstrated. A therapy algorithm for the obstetric emergency of postpartum hemorrhage in the German language is not yet available. The establishment of an international (Germany, Austria and Switzerland D-A-CH) "treatment algorithm for postpartum hemorrhage" was an interdisciplinary project based on the guidelines of the corresponding specialist societies (anesthesia and intensive care medicine and obstetrics) in the three countries as well as comparable international algorithms for therapy of PPH.The obstetrics and anesthesiology personnel must possess sufficient expertise for emergency situations despite lower case numbers. The rarity of occurrence for individual patients and the life-threatening situation necessitate a structured approach according to predetermined treatment algorithms. This can then be carried out according to the established algorithm. Furthermore, this algorithm presents the opportunity to train for emergency situations in an interdisciplinary team.


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Smithsonian Institution ... By Cyrus Adler and I. M. Casanowicz


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S. H. Lieben


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This paper will first deal with the legal and social situation of Islam and Muslims in Austria and then turn to particular “troublesome issues” at the intersection of gender equality and ethnic/religious diversity. The public debate on Muslims particularly focuses on the notion “not willing to integrate” and in the assumption of “parallel societies”. Hierarchical gender relations and “harmful traditions” such as veiling, female genital cutting, forced marriage and honour based violence recently became the centre of attention. We will show that the Austrian debate on these issues is shaped by the idea of “dangerous cultural difference” as something coming from outside and being concentrated in segregated Muslim enclaves. Despite the public authorities’ rejection of the idea that Islam was responsible for “harmful traditions”, legal as well as political measures in Austria not only combat violence against women but also fuel “cultural anxieties” between different ethnic and religious groups.