999 resultados para Nato - jäsenyys - Baltian maat


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La nostra sfida è stata sviluppare un dispositivo che potesse riunire differenti funzionalità, dalla telepresenza alla visione dei dati on demand, e fosse in grado di portare innovazione nel panorama attuale. Abbiamo quindi deciso di creare un device che potesse svolgere attività d’ispezione e monitoraggio, concentrandoci nel corso dell’implementazione su alcuni possibili campi di utilizzo. Il sistema che abbiamo realizzato è open-source, modulare e dinamico, in grado di rispondere a esigenze diverse e facilmente riadattabile. Il prototipo progettato è in grado di comunicare con uno smartphone, grazie al quale viene guidato dall’utente primario, e di trasmettere in rete i dati rilevati dai diversi sensori integrati. Le informazioni generate sono gestibili attraverso una piattaforma online: il device utilizza il Cloud per storicizzare i dati, rendendoli potenzialmente accessibili a chiunque. Per la configurazione hardware abbiamo usato la kit-board Pi2Go e la piattaforma Raspberry Pi, alle quali abbiamo unito una videocamera e alcuni sensori di prossimità, temperatura e umidità e distanza. È nato così il prototipo InspectorPi, un veicolo telecomandato tramite dispositivo mobile in grado di esplorare ambienti ostili in cui vi sono difficoltà fisiche o ambientali alle quali sovvenire.


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Negli ultimi anni i documenti web hanno attratto molta attenzione, poiché vengono visti come un nuovo mezzo che porta quello che sono le esperienze ed opinioni di un individuo da una parte all'altra del mondo, raggiungendo quindi persone che mai si incontreranno. Ed è proprio con la proliferazione del Web 2.0 che l’attenzione è stata incentrata sul contenuto generato dagli utenti della rete, i quali hanno a disposizione diverse piattaforme sulle quali condividere i loro pensieri, opinioni o andare a cercarne di altrui, magari per valutare l’acquisto di uno smartphone piuttosto che un altro o se valutare l’opzione di cambiare operatore telefonico, ponderando quali potrebbero essere gli svantaggi o i vantaggi che otterrebbe modificando la sia situazione attuale. Questa grande disponibilità di informazioni è molto preziosa per i singoli individui e le organizzazioni, che devono però scontrarsi con la grande difficoltà di trovare le fonti di tali opinioni, estrapolarle ed esprimerle in un formato standard. Queste operazioni risulterebbero quasi impossibili da eseguire a mano, per questo è nato il bisogno di automatizzare tali procedimenti, e la Sentiment Analysis è la risposta a questi bisogni. Sentiment analysis (o Opinion Mining, come è chiamata a volte) è uno dei tanti campi di studio computazionali che affronta il tema dell’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale orientato all'estrapolazione delle opinioni. Negli ultimi anni si è rilevato essere uno dei nuovi campi di tendenza nel settore dei social media, con una serie di applicazioni nel campo economico, politico e sociale. Questa tesi ha come obiettivo quello di fornire uno sguardo su quello che è lo stato di questo campo di studio, con presentazione di metodi e tecniche e di applicazioni di esse in alcuni studi eseguiti in questi anni.


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L’interazione spin-orbita (SOI) nel grafene è attualmente oggetto di intensa ricerca grazie alla recente scoperta di una nuova classe di materiali chiamati isolanti topologici. Questi materiali, la cui esistenza è strettamente legata alla presenza di una forte SOI, sono caratterizzati dall’interessante proprietà di avere un bulk isolante ed allo stesso tempo superfici conduttrici. La scoperta teorica degli isolanti topologici la si deve ad un lavoro nato con l’intento di studiare l’influenza dell’interazione spin-orbita sulle proprietà del grafene. Poichè questa interazione nel grafene è però intrinsecamente troppo piccola, non è mai stato possibile effettuare verifiche sperimentali. Per questa ragione, vari lavori di ricerca hanno recentemente proposto tecniche volte ad aumentare questa interazione. Sebbene alcuni di questi studi abbiano mostrato un effettivo aumento dell’interazione spin-orbita rispetto al piccolo valore intrinseco, sfortunatamente hanno anche evidenziato una consistente riduzione della qualità del grafene. L’obbiettivo che ci si pone in questa tesi è di determinare se sia possibile aumentare l’interazione spin-orbita nel grafene preservandone allo stesso tempo le qualità. La soluzione proposta in questo lavoro si basa sull’utilizzo di due materiali semiconduttori, diselenio di tungsteno WSe2 e solfuro di molibdeno MoS2, utilizzati da substrato su cui sopra verrà posizionato il grafene formando così un’eterostruttura -nota anche di “van der Waal” (vdW)-. Il motivo di questa scelta è dovuto al fatto che questi materiali, appartenenti alla famiglia dei metalli di transizione dicalcogenuri (TMDS), mostrano una struttura reticolare simile a quella del grafene, rendendoli ideali per formare eterostrutture e ancora più importante, presentano una SOI estremamente grande. Sostanzialmente l’idea è quindi di sfruttare questa grande interazione spin-orbita del substrato per indurla nel grafene aumentandone così il suo piccolo valore intrinseco.


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With the end of the Cold War, which for central and eastern Europe in many respects meant the real political end to the Second World War, Germany regained its central position in the region. The Federal Republic quickly established itself as a major political and economic partner for both the Czech Republic and Poland. More importantly, due to its support for the idea of EU and NATO enlargement. Germany also became the most active western advocate of the Czech and Polish 'return to Europe'. The question remains, however, of whether Germany's relations with Poland and the Czech Republic can mature into a close axis like that enjoyed between Paris and Bonn/Berlin, or whether they will continue to develop along the lines of 'strategic congruence' but 'emotional mistrust and reserve'. The research here looked at three aspects of this question. First it considered the idea of a link between perceptions of Germany and broader considerations of European integration in Poland and the Czech Republic and outlined the ways in which Germany has motivated Czech and Polish activities and policies on EU membership. The team then focused upon on-going Czech and Polish EU integration strategies and sought to identify the actual ways in which Germany's advocacy of EU enlargement in manifest in cooperation 'on the ground'. The group concluded by considering prospects for Czech/German and Polish/German cooperation in the context of the enlarged European Union.


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A novel proxy for continental mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and soil pH, the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer, is based on the temperature (T) and pH-dependent distribution of specific bacterial membrane lipids (branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers – GDGTs) in soil organic matter. Here, we tested the applicability of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer to sediments from Lake Cadagno, a high Alpine lake in southern Switzerland with a small catchment of 2.4 km2. We analysed the distribution of bacterial GDGTs in catchment soils and in a radiocarbon-dated sediment core from the centre of the lake, covering the past 11 000 yr. The distribution of bacterial GDGTs in the catchment soils is very similar to that in the lake's surface sediments, indicating a common origin of the lipids. Consequently, their transfer from the soils into the sediment record seems undisturbed, probably without any significant alteration of their distribution through in situ production in the lake itself or early diagenesis of branched GDGTs. The MBT/CBT-inferred MAAT estimates from soils and surface sediments are in good agreement with instrumental values for the Lake Cadagno region (~0.5 °C). Moreover, downcore MBT/CBT-derived MAAT estimates match in timing and magnitude other proxy-based T reconstructions from nearby locations for the last two millennia. Major climate anomalies recorded by the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer are, for instance, the Little Ice Age (~14th to 19th century) and the Medieval Warm Period (MWP, ~9th to 14th century). Together, our observations indicate the quantitative applicability of the MBT/CBT-paleothermometer to Lake Cadagno sediments. In addition to the MWP, our lacustrine paleo T record indicates Holocene warm phases at about 3, 5, 7 and 11 kyr before present, which agrees in timing with other records from both the Alps and the sub-polar North-East Atlantic Ocean. The good temporal match of the warm periods determined for the central Alpine region with north-west European winter precipitation strength implies a strong and far-reaching influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation on continental European T variations during the Holocene.


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Ideally the social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their well-being (IFSW 2004). The social work practice, however, often proves to be different. Social workers are always in the danger to make decisions for their clients or define problems according to their own interpretation and world view. In quite a number of cases, the consequence of such a social work practice is that the clients feel disempowered rather than empowered. This dilemma is multiplying when western social workers get involved in developing countries. The potential that intervention, with the intention to empower and liberate the people, turns into disempowerment is tremendously higher because of the differences in tradition, culture and society, on the one side and the power imbalance between the ‘West’ and the ‘Rest’ on the other side. Especially in developing countries, where the vast majority of people live in poverty, many Western social workers come with a lot of sympathy and the idea to help the poor and to change the world. An example is Romania. After the collapse of communism in 1989, Romania was an economically, politically and socially devastated country. The pictures of the orphanages shocked the western world. As a result many Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), churches and individuals were bringing humanitarian goods to Romania in order to alleviate the misery of the Romanian people and especially the children. Since then, important changes in all areas of life have occurred, mostly with foreign financial aid and support. At the political level, democratic institutions were established, a liberal market economy was launched and laws were adapted to western standards regarding the accession into the European Union and the NATO. The western world has left its marks also at the grassroots level in form of NGOs or social service agencies established through western grants and individuals. Above and beyond, the presence of western goods and investment in Romania is omnipresent. This reflects a newly-gained freedom and prosperity - Romania profits certainly from these changes. But this is only one side of the medal, as the effect of westernisation contradicts with the Romanian reality and overruns many deep-rooted traditions, thus the majority of people. Moreover, only a small percentage of the population has access to this western world. Western concepts, procedures or interpretations are often highly differing from the Romanian tradition, history and culture. Nevertheless, western ideas seem to dominate the transition in many areas of daily life in Romania. A closer look reveals that many changes take place due to pressure of western governments and are conditioned to financial support. The dialectic relationship between the need for foreign aid and the implementation becomes very obvious in Romania and often leads, despite the substantial benefits, to unpredictable and rather negative side-effects, at a political, social, cultural, ecological and/or economic level. This reality is a huge dilemma for all those involved, as there is a fine line between empowering and disempowering action. It is beyond the scope of this journal to discuss the dilemma posed by Western involvement at all levels; therefore this article focuses on the impact of Western social workers in Romania. The first part consists of a short introduction to social work in Romania, followed by the discussion about the dilemma posed by the structure of project of international social work and the organisation of private social service agencies. Thirdly the experiences of Romanian staff with Western social workers are presented and then discussed with regard to turning disempowering tendencies of Western social workers into empowerment.


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The decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is temperature dependent, but its response to a future warmer climate remains equivocal. Enhanced rates of decomposition of SOM under increased global temperatures might cause higher CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and could therefore constitute a strong positive feedback. The magnitude of this feedback however remains poorly understood, primarily because of the difficulty in quantifying the temperature sensitivity of stored, recalcitrant carbon that comprises the bulk (>90%) of SOM in most soils. In this study we investigated the effects of climatic conditions on soil carbon dynamics using the attenuation of the 14C ‘bomb’ pulse as recorded in selected modern European speleothems. These new data were combined with published results to further examine soil carbon dynamics, and to explore the sensitivity of labile and recalcitrant organic matter decomposition to different climatic conditions. Temporal changes in 14C activity inferred from each speleothem was modelled using a three pool soil carbon inverse model (applying a Monte Carlo method) to constrain soil carbon turnover rates at each site. Speleothems from sites that are characterised by semi-arid conditions, sparse vegetation, thin soil cover and high mean annual air temperatures (MAATs), exhibit weak attenuation of atmospheric 14C ‘bomb’ peak (a low damping effect, D in the range: 55–77%) and low modelled mean respired carbon ages (MRCA), indicating that decomposition is dominated by young, recently fixed soil carbon. By contrast, humid and high MAAT sites that are characterised by a thick soil cover and dense, well developed vegetation, display the highest damping effect (D = c. 90%), and the highest MRCA values (in the range from 350 ± 126 years to 571 ± 128 years). This suggests that carbon incorporated into these stalagmites originates predominantly from decomposition of old, recalcitrant organic matter. SOM turnover rates cannot be ascribed to a single climate variable, e.g. (MAAT) but instead reflect a complex interplay of climate (e.g. MAAT and moisture budget) and vegetation development.


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Tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndrome (TRPS) is characterized by craniofacial and skeletal abnormalities, and subdivided in TRPS I, caused by mutations in TRPS1, and TRPS II, caused by a contiguous gene deletion affecting (amongst others) TRPS1 and EXT1. We performed a collaborative international study to delineate phenotype, natural history, variability, and genotype-phenotype correlations in more detail. We gathered information on 103 cytogenetically or molecularly confirmed affected individuals. TRPS I was present in 85 individuals (22 missense mutations, 62 other mutations), TRPS II in 14, and in 5 it remained uncertain whether TRPS1 was partially or completely deleted. Main features defining the facial phenotype include fine and sparse hair, thick and broad eyebrows, especially the medial portion, a broad nasal ridge and tip, underdeveloped nasal alae, and a broad columella. The facial manifestations in patients with TRPS I and TRPS II do not show a significant difference. In the limbs the main findings are short hands and feet, hypermobility, and a tendency for isolated metacarpals and metatarsals to be shortened. Nails of fingers and toes are typically thin and dystrophic. The radiological hallmark are the cone-shaped epiphyses and in TRPS II multiple exostoses. Osteopenia is common in both, as is reduced linear growth, both prenatally and postnatally. Variability for all findings, also within a single family, can be marked. Morbidity mostly concerns joint problems, manifesting in increased or decreased mobility, pain and in a minority an increased fracture rate. The hips can be markedly affected at a (very) young age. Intellectual disability is uncommon in TRPS I and, if present, usually mild. In TRPS II intellectual disability is present in most but not all, and again typically mild to moderate in severity. Missense mutations are located exclusively in exon 6 and 7 of TRPS1. Other mutations are located anywhere in exons 4-7. Whole gene deletions are common but have variable breakpoints. Most of the phenotype in patients with TRPS II is explained by the deletion of TRPS1 and EXT1, but haploinsufficiency of RAD21 is also likely to contribute. Genotype-phenotype studies showed that mutations located in exon 6 may have somewhat more pronounced facial characteristics and more marked shortening of hands and feet compared to mutations located elsewhere in TRPS1, but numbers are too small to allow firm conclusions.