979 resultados para Mysteries and miracle-plays, French
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
A história social do cinema é marcada pelo hábito de frequentação. Para além do filme, elementos como infraestrutura e propaganda desempenham papel fundamental para que se crie um clima de sedução e envolvimento com as imagens visualizadas. A trajetória do cinema, entre outros caminhos, vincula-se ao espectador, ao espaço físico das salas de projeção e as sociabilidades nele elaboradas. Esta dissertação discute o cinema na cidade de Belém (Pará) nos anos de 1920. Para tanto investiga a forma como as salas de cinema interagiam com o espaço urbano daquele período. Do mesmo modo, discutem-se elementos da infraestrutura das salas tais como: acomodações, ventilação e música. Procurou-se demonstrar que o ato de assistir a um filme na capital paraense daqueles anos era apenas uma parte do ―ritual de frequentação dos cinemas, daí a preocupação em se compreender as formas de sociabilidade processadas no interior daquelas salas. Ao lado disso, faz-se uma análise do cinema atuando como mediador das representações sociais de gênero e infância.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Frequency of acute myeloid leukemia in children attended in Belém, Pará from August 2005 to May 2009
Introdução: A leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA) tem incidência variável nas diferentes regiões do Brasil. Objetivos: Determinar a frequência dos subtipos de LMA em crianças entre 0-17 anos, atendidas em Belém, Pará, no período de agosto de 2005 a maio de 2009. Casuística e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo com 278 pacientes com diagnóstico de leucemias agudas ou crônicas com base nos critérios clínicos, morfológicos (classificação franco-americana-britânica [FAB]/Organização Mundial da Saúde [OMS]) e de perfil imunofenotípico por citometria de fluxo para determinação da frequência de subtipos de LMA. Resultados: Foram encontrados 70 (25,18%) casos de LMA; destes, 37 (52,9%) eram crianças entre 0-17 anos (idade mediana de 7 anos e 8 meses). Não houve diferença estatística em relação ao gênero. Observou-se maior frequência de LMA dos subtipos M2 (18/37 - 48,6%) e M0/M1 (10/37 - 27%), principalmente na primeira década de vida (16/28 [57,1%] LMA M2 e 9/28 [32,1%] LMA M0/M1). Conclusão: Na população pediátrica, os tipos de LMA M2, M0/M1 e M3 foram, respectivamente, as mais frequentes.
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Many types of food contain ingredients or bioactive compounds that provide health benefits. The collagen is a fibrous protein found in the connective tissue of the body, and it plays a part in the tissues resistance and elasticity. Due to their functional characteristics, this protein has been added into foods in order to achieve therapeutic effects. This paper aimed at showing how the collagen formation occurs, and the beneficial effects of this compound in the organism as well as its characteristics, properties and applications in food.
Different environmental disasters registered around the world and their consequences to nature and to the biodiversity, including the human beings, lead us to deal with nature’s mysteries and with our limits In controlling technological apparatus that make us proud enough to think that we can control nature’s processes. These kinds of experiences, considered as a real “being-event”, make us experiment processes of disillusion related to the possibilities of science and technology. Considering this frame and the historical human experiences, one fundamental question is related to our position, our professional and ethical commitments and our responsibilities facing this reality. How can we deal with these facts that are continuously announcing the limits of nature, of science, technologies and our self-limits? As researchers involved with environmental education, it seems plausible for us to ask about the ethical commitments related to our “acts” of investigation. So, considering different and stimulating possibilities opened by intellectual and philosophers who are adding significant contributions to these debates, my proposal for this essay is to invite environmental education researchers to carry on a dialog involving these questions with some perspectives proposed specially by Bakhtin (1895 – 1975) and some other authors affiliated or not to his approach. This seems to be an opportunity which allows us to realize that our commitments as environmental education researchers would be identified with our commitments with life
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, we investigate the Brownian motion of DNA rod-like fragments in two distinct anisotropic phases with a local nematic symmetry. The height of the measurement volume ensures the averaging of the anisotropy of the in-plane diffusive motion parallel or perpendicular to the local nematic director in aligned domains. Still, as shown in using a model specifically designed to handle such a situation and predicting a non-Gaussian shape for the bleached spot as fluorescence recovery proceeds, the two distinct diffusion coefficients of the DNA particles can be retrieved from data analysis. In the first system investigated (a ternary DNA-lipid lamellar complex), the magnitude and anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient of the DNA fragments confined by the lipid bilayers are obtained for the first time. In the second, binary DNA-solvent system, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is found to decrease markedly as DNA concentration is increased from isotropic to cholesteric phase. In addition, the diffusion coefficient anisotropy measured within cholesteric domains in the phase coexistence region increases with concentration, and eventually reaches a high value in the cholesteric phase.
The uplift capacity of helical anchors normally increases with the number of helical plates. The rate of capacity gain is variable, considering that the disturbance caused by the anchor installation is generally more pronounced in the soil mass above the upper plates than above the lower plates, because the upper soil layers are penetrated more times. The present investigation examines the effect of the number of helices on the performance of helical anchors in sand, based on the results of centrifuge model tests. Uplift loading tests were performed on 12 different types of piles installed in two containers of dry sand prepared with different densities. The measured fractions of the uplift capacity related to each individual helical plate of multi-helix anchors were compared with the fractions predicted by the individual bearing method. The results of this investigation indicate that in double- and triple-helix anchors, the contributions of the second and third plate to the total anchor uplift capacity decreased with the increase of sand relative density and plate diameter. In addition, these experiments demonstrated that the variation of the anchor load-displacement behavior with the number of helices also depends on these parameters.